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GREEN WITCHCRAFT: Embracing Nature's Wisdom for Magick, Healing, and Spiritual Growth (2024 Guide for Beginners)
GREEN WITCHCRAFT: Embracing Nature's Wisdom for Magick, Healing, and Spiritual Growth (2024 Guide for Beginners)
GREEN WITCHCRAFT: Embracing Nature's Wisdom for Magick, Healing, and Spiritual Growth (2024 Guide for Beginners)
Ebook203 pages2 hours

GREEN WITCHCRAFT: Embracing Nature's Wisdom for Magick, Healing, and Spiritual Growth (2024 Guide for Beginners)

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"Green Witchcraft" invites you to rediscover the ancient wisdom of nature-based spirituality, providing a comprehensive guide to the practice of green witchcraft for modern seekers. Delve into the magical world of herbs, plants, and the natural elements, as this book takes you on a transformative journey, blending the mystical with the practical

Release dateDec 2, 2023
GREEN WITCHCRAFT: Embracing Nature's Wisdom for Magick, Healing, and Spiritual Growth (2024 Guide for Beginners)


Brigham Sutton, residing in the historic city of Boston, is a seasoned practitioner of green witchcraft, herbalism, and spiritual healing. With a profound connection to nature, Sutton shares his wisdom through this comprehensive guide, providing readers with a transformative journey into the world of magick and natural wisdom.


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    And into the forest, I go—to lose my mind and find my soul. -John Muir

    The world is now different. Man has erected steel-and-asphalt concrete jungles where once there were huge expanses of flora and the locals coexisted peacefully with nature. The outcome is a terrible depletion of the earth’s natural resources because we have lost our roots in favor of a desire for what seems like infinite development.

    You’ve probably experienced a sense of peace and order while taking a solo walk in the woods. When we are alone in nature, it is amazing how loudly the sound of silence speaks to us. Like you, the trees, flowers, and birds are all connected by an energetic network of magical beings. It is impossible to produce or destroy energy.

    Modern paganism known as green witchcraft evolved from old folk magic. Our forefathers had to come up with novel ways to survive in their settings before modern technology. They gained knowledge of the enchanted qualities of commonplace natural objects, such as stones, flowers, and herbs. They developed customs and practices for healing, divination, and integrating their lives in harmony with the natural world’s framework.

    Even while some men also participated in magical activities, these rituals were considered to be part of what was historically referred to as women’s work. Most families lost touch with their magical heritage with the advent of industrialization. However, the memories of our ancestors are encoded in our DNA, and the call to revert to the old ways has persisted down the centuries.

    We will examine the historical and contemporary roots of green witchcraft in this book, from early paganism to the current movement, as well as how to ethically practice green witchcraft by adhering to the green witch Rule of Conduct and how to determine whether the green witch path is appropriate for you.

    We’ll go over how to develop a garden that can be used both inside and outside the home as a source of magic. Additionally, readers will learn about spells, circle casting, connecting with nature, and seasonal days of observation in the Green Witchcraft tradition, how to use herbs, drinks, flowers, and oils for healing, divination, and other purposes.

    The main goal of green witchcraft is to find your core in nature. Working with your surroundings and letting the world around you act as a source of magic, medicine, wonder, and wisdom are key components of the art. The Maiden, Mother, and Crone, the all-encompassing Triple Goddess figure that many green witches regard as a representation of a higher power, are examples of celestial entities that green witches adore. The land and all the plants and creatures that live on it are cared for by green witches.

    You’ve come to the perfect place if you’re ready to start that adventure; get a glass of herbal tea now and enjoy!

    Chapter 1: Understanding Green Witchcraft

    Green Witchcraft isn’t formal or initiatory like many other types of witchcraft, such as the Dianic Wiccan tradition. The majority of green witches are lone practitioners rather than members of a coven. In general, there aren’t any dogmatic ideas passed down to practitioners of the Green Witchcraft tradition from a higher power. Instead, Green Witchcraft is a collection of slackly enforced laws and customs that are particular to each witch’s path.

    The green witch feels most at home in the outdoors. The Green Witchcraft tradition is essentially anchored in the earth and the power that dwells within those things that regular people perceive as mundane—plants, herbs, stones, and so on. While many green witches look to the spiritual world for wisdom, guidance, or as a source of magic, the Green Witchcraft tradition also draws inspiration from nature.

    There is only one way that is appropriate for the particular practitioner of becoming a green witch because there are no official traditions to adhere to. You should keep in mind that you are free to choose and select what suits you and your particular spiritual journey best, even though books like these can be an invaluable source of knowledge on how to develop your trade.

    Background on Green Witchcraft

    The fact that the green witchcraft tradition has roots in our ancestors’ ancient folk magic is largely responsible for its diversity. These ancestors frequently resided in small, remote villages, rarely venturing outside of them. Geographical constraints on information transmission throughout history led to these societies’ development of distinctive customs, rituals, and magical practices.

    These people, who were mostly female, had various monikers. Depending on their nation, region, or even town of origin, some people referred to themselves as wise women and others as clever folk. Usually, they were called to serve as healers, treating both physical and spiritual illnesses. Herbs, spells, invocations, hand gestures, and words of power, as well as poultices, were used to provide treatments and preventative measures.

    Using cards (cartomancy), beans (favorably), or tea leaves (tasseography), certain witches engaged in the practice of divination. A love or obsessional spell can even be performed or removed by visiting the neighborhood wise woman. Usually, a mother would pass on her magical prowess to her daughter.

    Although these customs had their origins in ancient paganism, they frequently coexisted peacefully with the local faith.

    Most of the time, these ladies would not have identified as witches. If the local religious institutions did not acknowledge witchcraft, this phrase might carry a great deal of shame and put them in danger of violence. The term witch has been reclaimed by modern magicians.

    Ann Moura, whose trade name is Aoumiel, originally used the term Green Witchcraft. Hereditary witch of Celt-Iberian ancestry, Moura. Her practice is influenced by the folk magic customs of her close relatives and distant ancestors. Moura’s habit replaces the names of saints with the pagan deities that her ancestors worshiped before the coming of Christianity, despite the fact that her family followed the mixed tradition of saint adoration, which includes Christian saints.

    Consider the Green Witchcraft tradition as a resurgence of old religions that have largely disappeared outside of small, rural villages and isolated regions. Your goal as a green witch should be to protect all of the amazing blessings the earth has to offer while also finding joy and magic in simplicity and nature.

    Although there are many diverse ethical views in the Green Witchcraft tradition—some of which we shall discuss later—the fundamental ideas are straightforward. Green witches prioritize achieving a balance between their own selves, their surroundings, and everything that exists inside them, including other people, animals, and the natural world.

    The Green Witch School of Thought

    In order to give your work a solid foundation, you might wish to learn more about your ancestry and incorporate ancestral traditions into your practice. Herbalism is the most profound source of magic for the green witch, just like it was for many of our ancestors. Herbalism is the practice of using herbs, flowers, and other plants for culinary, medical, and magical reasons.

    As a result, it is usual to encounter green witches who live alone in a natural setting surrounded by plants and animals. Many green witches flourish in this setting because they enjoy the peace and quiet of farm life. Many green witches are also expert gardeners who keep their homes and properties surrounded by lush foliage.

    Because of this, you may feel the magic when you visit a green witch’s house, but you don’t have to be a master to utilize it turning a gardener into a green witch. A good place to start is by simply making an effort to include cultivating herbs, flowers, and other plants and finding ways to integrate them into your magical path.

    The oneness of all things in the universe is emphasized by the green witchcraft ideology. One should keep in mind that we are all a part of that source while talking about deities as a symbol for that one source of energy or magic. We are the Divine’s physical manifestation. A never-ending circle encompasses everything.

    Green Witchcraft Deities

    Many green witches share the belief in a supreme power and forces that control our spiritual equilibrium as do practitioners of most witchcraft traditions. Love begets love, and hate begets hate; you receive what you give. If you want to live and work productively and in harmony, it can be helpful to create positive vibrations.

    Many green witches combine some level of devotion to a deity or, as the case may be, deities, although some green witches have a wholly secular approach to their profession. Green witches have the same belief as Wiccans that the universe is the expression of a single divine being that connects all things. For the majority of green witches, this divine power serves as the foundation for all magic, both within the practitioner and in the tools they employ.

    Many green witches believe that the Divine Feminine, also known as the Goddess, the Divine male, also known as God, and the Divine Androgyne, a combination of male and feminine traits, are the personifications of this energy. The universe’s two sorts of energy are expressed in the duality between the masculine and feminine.

    Many green witches focus their devotion on the Divine Feminine, which is frequently portrayed as the Triple Goddess—a three-form Goddess known as the Maiden, Mother, and Crone—because women predominate in society.

    These types each have a distinctive name that varies depending on the culture. The Maiden was known as Diana, the Mother as Venus, and the Crone as Lara in Roman culture. These individuals were known to the Greeks as Artemis, Aphrodite, and Hecate. They were known to the Celts as Annis, Danu, and Brigid.

    These each signifies a stage in a woman’s life that corresponds to a different phase of the moon. The waxing or maiden phase symbolizes the blossoming of youth. a vibrant and imaginative period. The Mother phase, or full moon, symbolizes fertility as well as a period of stability and wealth.

    The Crone, also known as the waning phase, is the last stage of the cycle and stands for wisdom, knowledge, and rest.

    Although the Green Witchcraft tradition expects the use of pagan deities, it is not unusual to encounter green witches who follow other faiths such as Catholicism, Islam, or Judaism. Especially those that honor a higher power, Green Witchcraft is not fundamentally incompatible with Abrahamic faiths or any other faiths for that matter.

    How to Enjoy Simplicity

    The main principle guiding the green witch’s worldview is an emphasis on simplicity, even though many green witches do incorporate the ornamental features of folktales from other cultures into their practice. With fewer technological conveniences than we possess, our forebears led harsher lives. Nevertheless, despite humankind’s accomplishments, it seems as though our misery increases daily.

    Our forebears relished life’s small pleasures. On their skin, the sun. a gentle summer breeze on a hot day. excellent cuisine. being intimate. The green witch thinks all of the aforementioned things contain magic. The magic of love. The magic of dancing. Kissing is enchanted. These all strike at the very core of who we are. They are simple and straightforward.

    By reducing our list of demands through the practice of Green Witchcraft, we find greater satisfaction in routine tasks that most people take for granted. For a green witch, stopping and smelling the roses is more than just a cliché because flowers have magical properties and have the power to enchant them.

    The ideal behavior

    If there is one ethical principle that the green witch adheres to, it is the proverb known as the Golden Rule, which states, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Green witches are conscious of the unity of all things. Everything has a common ancestor. Being kind to your neighbor is an act of self-love. When you hurt someone else, you also hurt yourself in the process.

    As a result, a lot of green witches are vegetarians or vegans because there is no distinction between animals and humans. Everything is equal in the green witch’s eyes. When you take something from the soil as a green witch, you should be grateful. According to green witches, the world is a circle. It is crucial to preserve and conserve energy and resources; expressing appreciation is merely polite.

    You should always keep in mind that the interests of the planet, animals, and other people are fundamentally intertwined. As much as it is your obligation to safeguard yourself against harm, you also have a duty to safeguard others. A seasoned green witch will decide to live a life that is perfectly in tune with the environment because she is acutely aware of how her actions affect the world around her.

    Anybody can become a witch.


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