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Why does every generation believe they are immune to the mistakes of the past, while invariably repeating them? Why do we begin our children's lives teaching them lies (Santa Claus, Easter Bunny eggs, Tooth Fairy, etc) and then tell them lying is bad while expecting them to still trust us?

Why does it seem our leaders (Western) are destroy

PublisherDoug Huffman
Release dateFeb 16, 2024

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    ISBN 979-8-9897112-3-9 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-9897112-2-2 (eBook)

    Copyright © 2024 by Doug Huffman

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Printed in the United States of America


    There’s a strange, but fairly familiar axiom that states simply; "The truth is stranger than fiction"! This statement prompts the intriguing question: what does this "strange" (pun intended) adage really mean?

    On its face, it acknowledges "fiction" is strange (which most will agree) but that "truth" is even stranger? That thought prompts a question; what is "truth that is real truth"?

    Real truth being strange is actually very explicable when we understand the definition of real versus "traditional" truth. Traditional, generic, truth is whatever a person has been taught (like Santa Claus or the Easter bunny) or has chosen to believe regardless of actual literal truth.

    A classic example of real truth versus traditional generic truth, is Galileo’s discovery the Earth orbits the sun in lieu of the other. After all, the generic (popular) truth, that the sun orbits the Earth, seemed absurdly obvious to the average person.

    You see, all, one need do is observe the sun’s motion to prove it circled the Earth, right? After all, isn’t "seeing believing"? We’ve been repeatedly admonished by science that "observation" is one of the chief criteria for establishing scientific fact, have we not?

    But, we’ve come a long way since Galileo. Unfortunately, he had to deal with a religion that controlled the science world and prevented scientific knowledge from advancing beyond the boundaries of established truth.

    Today, with those religious restraints removed, scientists are able to dig much deeper into the micro-world (particle (quantum) physics) as well as into the macro-world (space and the universe).

    It seems the problem is, the deeper science delves for answers, the more unanswerable questions are brought to light. It also seems questions once strictly confined to the realm of religion are more and more falling into the realm of science and vise-versa, as we see the barrier between science and religion being irrevocably breached.

    This breach ironically reveals a most interesting "real" truth; that science and religion are merely two sides of the same reality, only viewed from opposite ends. Again, speaking of truth being stranger than fiction!

    If such a trend continues, can we even begin to imagine the new and bizarre "truths" yet to be uncovered? What sorts of new worlds and/or dimensions, will this breaching of the religion-science barrier divulge for us? On the other hand, will the breaching of that barricade open instead, a modern Pandora’s Box?

    Undoubtedly, something unique in modern history is unfolding, right before our eyes! That in mind, it’s said; to understand the present as well as the future, we must first understand the past. And, if understanding the past (religiously and politically) is so important, how can we know exactly how much of what we’ve been taught is actually true? After all, hidden right in the middle of the word believe is a lie!

    Ironically, most of us believe we have a good grasp of history, but considering history is mostly written by the victors attempting to justify their actions and egos, how much of that history can we actually believe?

    Again, that’s the essence of the axiom "truth" can be stranger than fiction. That adage lends to the genre and theme of this rather bizarre compilation.

    It’s for this reason this book could be labeled "fictional-non-fiction"! Much of it reads like fiction yet is based upon historical "non-fiction" works.

    Unfortunately, most of the ancient non-fiction writings referenced, have come to be classified as "fiction" by the powers that be, both religious and scientific`. Consequently, this may well be the strangest and most bizarre "non-fiction" book you will ever read!


    Chapter 1: Stranger Than Fiction

    Chapter 2: Are We Alone in the Universe (Really)?

    Chapter 3: Trans-dimensional Life?

    Chapter 4: God or Gods?

    Chapter 5: Trans-dimensional Connection

    Chapter 6: Extra-dimensional Interventions

    Chapter 7: Trans-dimensional Salvation

    Chapter 8: Prison Religion

    Chapter 9: Shocking Bible Codes

    Chapter 10: There be Dragons?

    Chapter 11: Walking Talking Trees

    Chapter 12: Tree of Life

    Chapter 13: Tree of Death

    Chapter 14: Animal Evilution

    Chapter 15: Governing Insanity

    Chapter 16: Guaranteed (Lost) Freedoms

    Chapter 17: Sanity Has Indeed Left the Building

    Chapter 18: Proud to be Insane

    Chapter 19: Evil Source

    Chapter 1

    Stranger Than Fiction

    For the record, this book is not written to be a documentary, as that would turn it into a library. Most of my references are common knowledge and only skim the surface in an effort to establish a "big picture".

    To get bogged down in examining the leaves of every tree, would be to become lost in the proverbial forest.

    This compilation is simply the result of assembling the bits and pieces of what I have experienced, seen, and heard into a very unique perspective, quite different from anything most (if even any) have heard or read.

    That said, have you, as have many others, wondered exactly where our ancient ancestors derived their seemingly strange belief systems; belief systems forming the incredible array of myths, fables, and gods to which they adhered and worshiped?

    Personally, growing up, I was led to believe, as most, those myths, legends, and gods were simply stories peeled out of the ether (nothing) and just products of vivid imaginations.

    Doubtless, most people (like myself) have also concluded these so- called myths were nothing but silly stories; fables invented to give the ancients and their families’ some sense of purpose and security.

    But, is that actually the case, or is there much more untold background to those alleged fables and myths? After all, just how much "truth" has been lost through time and the retelling?

    We, in our modern era have been taught we are so much more enlightened than our ancient forefathers; whether accepting evolution or believing in "God". For the most part, we believe humanity has evolved to a level of intelligence and sophistication as to see those ancient beliefs as silly pagan superstitions with no actual foundation in reality.

    That said, just how do we explain the extremely popular (even modern) concept of "beings" called "angels" both good and bad? After all, just who or what are (were) these mysterious beings millions still believe exist?

    And, if by chance these exotic (or ethereal) beings really do exist, and were so fortunate (or maybe that would be unfortunate) to actually witness one; in what form would they appear? Would it be that of pudgy, winged babies? Or, maybe they more closely resemble white clad adults sporting huge feathered wings?

    Should we conclude these angelic beings actually "exist" just where is this proverbial "Heaven" (or hell) where they supposedly live; that ethereal place to which most religions teach we ascend versus descend upon death?

    If there is such a place, would it be in our own galaxy or would it be somewhere else in the universe? Or maybe it’s somewhere, or something as bizarre as a parallel dimension?

    Not to change the subject, and in keeping with that "bizarre" motif a bit, just what do we honestly make of such strange and mythical creatures as satyrs, centaurs, minotaurs, dragons, gargoyles, or griffins (the list goes on) many of which were half human and half animal? Again, are all those strange creatures simply the vine ripened fruit of very fertile imaginations and supposedly were the ancient gods?

    If one concludes these mythical and apparently "trans-dimensional" beings (gods-angels-aliens) are simply human inventions, how do we honestly account for such amazing wonders of the ancient world such as the great pyramids of Giza, of which many Egyptologists have concluded were constructed in only a few short years? In fact, only recently have we had the technology to duplicate those and other such astounding structures! (Ancient Aliens)

    Adding to this strange dilemma is another giant and equally amazing pyramid in Teotihuacan Mexico. How can this enormous temple pyramid, with the same base dimensions and slope design as Giza be possible; that is if the Giza pyramids were actually built by the Egyptians? The technology appears to have come from the same source, yet on opposite sides of the planet!

    Adding further mystery, that temple complex in central Mexico is concentric and perfectly mirrors our solar system. But then, that should not be so strange, considering the three great pyramids of Egypt also perfectly mirror the constellation Orion.

    Getting even stranger and more unbelievable though, are the massive stone structures (now destroyed) in Puma Punku Bolivia. These structures were built using perfectly "machined" (not hand carved) interlocking stones weighing as much as 800 tons!

    These "diorite" (and granite) stones are not native to the area and had to be brought in from great distance. In fact, modern archeologists and scientists have been unable to determine where these massive stone building blocks were quarried, let alone how they were shaped.

    The only material known (even today) to cut stone as hard as diorite and granite would be diamond. Considering such a quandary, just where did our ancient ancestors possibly obtain something akin to diamond cutting machines?

    The engineers having examined Puma Punku have concluded that even today, the ability to duplicate such astonishingly machined, interlocking stone structures is found wanting!

    Just as important a question; how were 800 ton stones transported some 10,000 feet up that mountain in those ancient times? These questions are much more thoroughly addressed in an excellent History Channel documentary called "Ancient Aliens".

    Just how do we explain the oxymoron of so much "advanced" ancient technology found abundantly across the planet and still being unearthed by archeologists?

    In fact, how could unintelligent, superstitious, and unenlightened people have developed something as sophisticated as the ancient astronomical computer (Antikythera Mechanism) discovered off the Aegean coast, dating hundreds of years BCE?

    It was said by the engineers who examined the device, it’s tantamount to finding a modern airplane in King Tut’s tomb! In fact, an ancient machine, much like the Antikythera Mechanism, was also found fossilized in solid rock in Kamchatka Russia. This fossilized machine is estimated to be over a million years old!

    Finding those ancient fossilized mechanical devices shouldn’t be so shocking though considering ancient carved models and casting of airplanes from before that era have also been found. Not only did some of these scale models appear airworthy, but when replicated and tested, indeed proved to be flightworthy!

    Noting the Antikythera device (akin to an ancient computer) brings to mind the thirteen or so crystal skulls found around the world. The method of crafting these skulls was so advanced; experts are still scratching their heads as to how!

    In addition to the mystery of their craftsmanship, the purpose of the skulls is also unknown. But considering they’re made of the same silica computer chips are currently made, some scientists have speculated, if properly configured, may be something as sophisticated as an enormous computing and/or memory device.

    In connection to the mystery of the crystal skulls, there are the dozen or so ancient "Bagdad batteries" discovered by archeologists in southern Iraq. But how can such a thing as ancient batteries be, considering the battery is supposedly a modern invention?

    Obviously, they were constructed anciently, but what’s the point of a battery unless it powers an electrical device? Did they really have electrical devices back then? If so, just what sort of electrical appliance do you suppose they operated?

    Could they have been for the "Dendara" light bulbs found depicted in reliefs on the walls in the Temple of Dendara in Egypt? After all, how else do you explain the complete absence of soot that should have been found on the ceilings of the temple, if torches had been used? (Ancient Aliens)

    Moving on, we find more great ancient mystery in the Nazca lines in Peru that cover some 37 square miles but can only be seen for what they are from high altitudes.

    Who designed them and for what purpose? They obviously were meant for someone flying high overhead, which is the only way they can be seen for what they are.

    Also, in the same area of Peru, are found the inexplicable "band of holes". There seems to be no logical rhyme or reason for such a tremendous undertaking! Also in the same region, the tops of a series of mountains have been removed, leveled and marked with lines that appear very much like airport lines, as if this were a sky high airport!

    The really bizarre thing is that the millions of tons of rock and soil from those mountain tops are simply missing! The rock and earth wasn’t just pushed off to the side as would be assumed, but was apparently transported elsewhere.

    For just whom

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