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The Messenger
The Messenger
The Messenger
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The Messenger

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A woman trapped in a toxic relationship and then abandoned befriends

a powerful billionaire who takes her under his wing and negotiates a

bittersweet acquisition of a historical Plantation from her captor.

Will she and her best friend find solace and true love within his private

inner circle of high powered successful bus

Release dateJan 27, 2024

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    The Messenger - Kristin Osborne

    The Messenger

    Let There be Light

    Kristin Osborne

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    All global publishing rights are held by

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    Published in 2023

    Content Copyright © Kristin Osborne

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    To the omnipotence (all mighty, infinite in power), omnipresence (present everywhere) and omniscience (knows everything at all times), everlasting Creator of the Universe.

    His Messenger, Archangel Saint Michael who is 'Unto like God'.

    And to all life forms and civilizations in the celestial wonders of the Universe.



    'The Arcturians'

    'Friendship In The Making'

    'New Beginings'

    'Space Odessey'

    'The Bait And Switch'

    'A Cosmic Universe'

    'Divine Intervention'

    'Ask And Receive'

    'Inspiration And Hope'


    'Embracing Change'

    'Kindred Spirits'

    'The Enchantment'



    'The Universe'

    'Covered By His Grace'



    'The Pure In Heart'

    'Victory In The Light'

    Soul Mates


    'The Fabulous Five'



    About the author



    eering out of her office window on the third floor of the Plantation under the attic which faces down a mile long driveway lined with hundreds of ancient Magnolia, Ash and Pecan trees that were planted in the 1600's with thousands of acres of crop and timber land. Kristin, the lady of the house notices a brand new Rolls Royce limousine driving towards the mansion.

    Wearing a navy blue eyelet floor length sundress with her long blonde hair flowing down below her shoulders, she walks down the three flights of stairs to the first floor. Heads down the hallway to the servants entrance and steps out onto the kitchen landing staring at the limosuine emblazoned with a logo that says 'Criss Cross Properties LLC'.

    Kristin walks up to the limosuine with curiosity. The back cabin window rolls down. A man  wearing a custom tailored navy blue suit with a twinkle in his blue eyes, who reminds Kristin of George Clooney smiles at her affectionately.

    The man says My name is William Poindexter. We were just driving through town admiring the history of Gloucester and visiting old Plantations in the area. I have always wanted to see Eagle Point Plantation. The setting here is absolutely stunning. And so is the mansion as he admires the waterfront view.

    Kristin with a keen interest smiles and replies Thank you Mr. Poindexter. It is a pleasure to meet you. The waterfront view is one of the reasons I fell in love with Eagle Point. Here is my business card should you like to schedule a tour of the mansion. That happens to be one of my specialties. I love showing her off with all of her grandeur and the glory that she once was.

    Mr. Poindexter replies fondly admiring her sophistication, class and sensuality Kristin-it is all my pleasure. Thank you for your kindness. I can only imagine what a show place that she was at one time. I will definately take you up on your offer Kristin. Have a blessed day as he rolls up the window. Kristin waves goodbye smiling. The limousine drives by the barn then out through the main entrance. 

    Not recognizing his name or his business emblem, Kristin thinks nothing of it. She is ambushed with unwanted visitors here constantly. Mostly from decedents from the previous owners and distant relatives from the servants that once lived here. The Plantation is notorious for many reasons.

    If she only knew that the few brief minutes with a man named William Poindexter would bring the most thrilling, life changing, everlasting sequence of events to her world, she might just not beleive it. And the story of Eagle Point Plantation carries on.

    'Angels bring humans the power to transcend the limitations of space and time'. The setting is Eagle Point Plantation. A space odessey in itself where the human mind seeks the great unknown. A pre civil war Plantation built circa 1680 situated directly under the planet Mars which is 176.14 million miles away from Earth.

    The Plantation, measuring a massive 12,000 sq. ft. filled with twelve bedrooms, nine bathrooms and fourteen fireplaces abandoned after the civil war. Surrounded by three miles of water frontage. Two island graveyards, has it's own airplane runway, and was established before Virginia was colonized.

    And the walls in the house speak as if it is alive, filled with ancient history. The Plantation is the home of Kristin, a divorced mother of two and her son Ryan who is almost 23 years old and is on the spectrum. The setting at Eagle Point is spectactular, with unwarrented supernatural events that ever occured on planet Earth. Which have become Kristin's families reality in the midst of unchartered waters, situated not too far away from the Bermuda Triangle.

    And Ryan, Kristin's son keeps prophesying that the year 2039 will be the greatest 'Coming of the Eternal Light' in the history of the Universe, all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars galaxies, and all ofther forms of matter and energy.

    Ruled by God the omnipotent, all-powerful, all-knowing present everywhere at at all times. The Creator of the divine Universe. Underneath the glorius star Arcturus, the planet Sirius and the ancient civilization from the planet Pleades lies the consetallation Bootes and Virgo and a direct portal to realms above the twelfth dimension to all of the civilizations in other galaxies.

    A literal space conference room where the highest powers protected by anjelic hosts and Archangel Metatron (Enoch after he ascended into the celestial realm and his heavenly metamorphosis near the Throne of Glory) who governs over the entire vast Universe with the Merkabah of sound.

    The coordinates would be Latitute 37 the UFO and paranormal highway where extraterrestrial craft enter and exit the Earth's atmosphere. A parallel dimension in time which runs from California, through Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and across Virginia and up through Greece and in between the waters of North and South Korea. Protected by the infinate beauty of the choir of the spirits of light and sound of the Universe, a spiritual zone undefined as a nucleus of reality, not just divine conciousness but 'the I that is We'.

    While listening to Guns and Roses singing out loud to 'Knockin on Heavens Door' watching dozens of  fleets of spaceships descend from the sky at warp speed above the river in his backyard, Ryan-a young man stumbles into a sacred one hundred foot tall divine crystalline  portal made of Universal plasma which appears like the inside of a kaliadascope appearing other wordly with gold and diamond shaped Merkahbah's of sound that allows you to see and travel into other dimensions of time including the future. Receive messages from the Divine Creator, Ascended Masters and the Divine Avatars who are an incarnation or representation of God.

    Ryan has been given a supernatural key from the Spirit to time travel. Sit in front of the Throne with the lumanaries. Form friendships with civilizations from other galaxies who cruise along Latitude 37 and park their fleets of spaceships above the 'Veil' at Eagle Point and go for rides in their spaceships, give Martians and the Viking Seals from Mars tours of the Plantation and show them the animals on Earth, dechipher dark energy, discuss quantum physics and talk about future events of the human race and life on Earth years before it happens.

    Ryan keeps prophesing that the year is 2039 is when the extraterriestials will come to Earth and save the planet and cohabitate in peace with the few humans that will still exist on planet Earth after saving the Universe from a 'space espionage war'.

    A literal Mt. Sinai itself in a tiny little remote town on Earth on the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia lies Eagle Point Plantation. 'An electrifying supernatural celestial realm' overseen by the magnificent power and glory of Archangel Saint Michael, a spiritual warrior in the battle of good versus evil, the leader of all angels and the army of God.

    In faster than a split second you can travel back in time to the ancient Lost City of Atlantis-one of the oldest and greatest mysteries of the world discovered by Plato more than 2,300 years ago and as he says the utopian island existed 9,000 years before his time and mysteriously dissapeared one day. The Garden of Eden 'the Terrestrial Paradise' the bibilical paradise described in Genesis 2-3 in the BC Era or fast forward in an instant breaking the sound barrier faster than the speed of light through the atmosphere through the Milky Way and Orion's Belt to a distant galaxy ten million light years away floating through extensive spans of nothingness kown as 'the intergalactic medium' where the moons above represents cosmic events, divine epiphanies and the ephemeral nature of human life and history and civilizations from other solar systems and perhaps the 'Neverending Story' of Eagle Point and the state of humanity may actually end in the year 2039.

    Are Nostradameus prophacies coming true? WWIII between Russia and Ukraine and North and South Korea, let alone Iran and Israel? Global warming to be the demise of humanity before a nuclear war? Political unrest, violence, hate crimes are the new norm in society.  Drought, pestilence, disease, famine, locust invasions and pollution. Solar flares from the Central Sun. Uncontrollable wild fires, earthquakes, volcanoes disrupting and destructive natural disasters are a daily occurance all over the planet.

    And Al Chatbox computer programs that people prefer to socialize with as 'their new best friend to manipulate mass data banks for fraudulous ponzi schemes' who will wipe out millions of jobs and control the stock market and breach national security among other things. Instead of having animals as pets humans will have 'pet' robots who will take over the planet. What will happen to the animal kingdom and the marine life whose eco system has been irripairably disturbed with bactaria and global warming which has provided humans sustainability on planet Earth?

    Gods starseeds 'Indigo children" connecting with far superior intellectualy, scientifically and electronicaly advanced civilizations in the Universe to whom a quantum equation is as simple as 1+1. In divine collective consciousness, galactic races who are far intelligently superior and in higher realms than earthlings?

    'The Arcturians'


    nd the mystery continues. Kristin,  Ryan's mother is watching out of her kitchen glass storm door as the spaceships take formation around the property recognizing the massive size and glowing red 'disco' lights of the Pleadians ships, with their multidimensional pure light frequency who activate sacred timing. Their titanium sleek ships are propelled by electromagnetic fields made out of oxygen from the atmosphere and their high tech form with floor to ceiling windows shaped like a polygonal prism and operate at the speed of 'quantum entanglement'. And the Arcturian ships spinning faster than the speed of light shaped identically as the Pleadians ships, with their cobalt blue flashing lights, the same color as Archangel Saint Michael 'the Messenger' as they are keepers of the Veil.

    Kristin notices some new types of spacecraft she hasn't seen before which appeared in bronze color in the shape of an Octagon with what appeared to be laser beams on each side and some type of glass 'teleport' on the bottom. Grabbing her camera she takes pictures of the ships in awe glimpsing at the occupants in the bronze ships which have a gargantian size and tendrals of long hair wearing high tech armor appearing as protective suits on, guessing they must be from some far out Galaxy.

    She waves at the Pleadians and Arcturians and says welcome peace to you laughing at all of light codes and signs from the Holy Trinity that she had chalked on the solid oak cross doors of the Plantation enjoying the whishing sound of the spacecrafts feeling a vibration lifting her to another worldy realm.

    Wondering what was up in 'the divine world'  Kristin asks Ryan What are our visitors up to and did you speak with them? Is there another space war going on or are the Arcturians and Pleadians waiting here for the Sirians to change the history of the future? I am sure that they didn't fly all the way here just to hang out with the Martians or visit just you. Well maybe they would. You hang out and channel with them everyday along with the Martians and everything else in the Universe and all paranormal activity.  All of scientists on earth says the planet and humanity are in demise.

    Ryan replied blushing in an erethal state of mind smiling replies It was the Spirit and he was telling me all the works of heaven, earth and sea, and all the elements, their passages and going and changes of the stars, the seasons, years and days and hours, the rising of the wind, the numbers of the angels and the formation of their songs, and all human things, the toungue of every human song and life, the commandments, instructions and sweet-voiced singings and all things fit to learn and he annointed me with a sweet smelling oil looking at his mother as if she was one of the lowest life forms on the planet and then felt sorry for her with the present state of things at their home and with Stewart and with all of the divine intervention taking place and his own personal manifestation demands which are so fucking irritating to her.

    Smiling to herself she asks Are you going on a spaceship ride tonight? Take some pictures for me. Is there a space war in the entire galaxy or just one evil race, or is it the crystalline grid of the Earth? Lightcodes or the imbalance of the electromagnetic field of the North and South Pole? You lucky kid have fun you are probably the only human being on Earth that gets to experience this you know. I am so proud to be your mother thinking why don't you just write a fucking book and take videos you would make millions or be taken into custody by NASA and interrogated for your knowledge.

    Ryan replies Thanks mom. See you later and walks out to the backyard and dissapears through the portal. Kristin thinking to herself 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' in the 23rd century and hears a group of Arcturians surrounding her in the kitchen speaking in light language looking at her with curiousity at her humanly inepthitude so far inferior to their sophistication and intelligence

    Even after the Pleadians took her one night into their spaceship and placed her in a 'med bed pod' her chakras are still out of balance most likely from partying too much in Beverly Hills and Hollywood in her 20's when she worked at Universal Pictures in Feature Business Affairs and had her own golf cart and used to lunch on 'Jaws' lake and had full access to their wardrobe department; deep seeded trauma from her parents and her own divorce and being stuck raising and supporting two kids by herself. Most likely Ryan is so psychicly advanced and doesn't share his secretive relationships with his friends from other galaxies with anyone and being on 'the spectrum'  is a consorted state of being in itself.

    Kristin has been keeping track of the cycles from visits from the extraterrestials in a special journal, which normaly occur on a full moon cycle and during cosmic solar flares from the Central Sun. Laughing out loud reminding herself she could probably sell a video of a Martian spaceship next to her house that crash landed right next to the master bedroom in the east wing  in 2019, which appeared a glowing neon green. A radioactive propelled ship in the shape of a cylindar. A small craft that was used transport small groups to explore the planet with the capability of cloaking itself with a Martian appearing outside the craft looking like a radioactive C3PO from Star Wars for a billion dollars to Elon Musk but the money would not satisfy her undying thirst for knowledge or the guilt for NASA destroying them.

    And a deep dense fog always appear after they arrive and let themselves be known and their underground 'Martian space camp' beneath the river is very well hidden and appears like a planet in itself with an orange and gray glowing and craters underneath the neon green glowing 'Latitude 37  beacon'. A small slice of the Universe and a whole other world in itself. And Ryan communicates with them constantly.

    Kristin says out loud Welcome friends, peace to you and glory to God. Arcturians have an almost turqoise blue skin with an erethal glow, are about 10 feet tall and seem to be non binary not noticing any differential from feminine or masculine. They have extremely advanced medicinal technology based on the fungiculture from their planet Arcturus 'the divine keeper of the Veil' and inter-abide with the divine and have great compassion and love.  Their eyes are triple the size of humans and they have an oval shape and when you stare into them they are almost like a computer system but they feel your pain and demise of the sins of humanity and have great appreciation for planet Earth and love of animals.

    They wear some type of oval shaped crystal embedded in the middle of their forehead which is some type of divine connection and they have telekinisis powers and transport to there spaceships like shapeshifting, wear no clothes or shoes and use mental telepathy to communicate with you and they have always been curious about Kristin ever since she moved to Eagle Point and lived through the 'house haunting' which actually was just a distraction to bring her back to Christ and after she discovered that she had 'a Martian Colony' next to her house and learned about Latitude 37 and to her seeing a spaceship is as common as a constellation. Most likely the Arcturians are fascinated about the inferiority of the human mind.

    In linear space and time there is no fear, illusion or separation.  Ryan adores Arcturians and he tells me they always offer him some type of elixer water from their planet that tastes like Mr. Pibb and a type of glow in the dark wine and that they have banquets of fresh fruit, crudite and platters of desserts on their ships that magically multiply on their own and silver platters overflowing with fish and some type of chicken nugget just like the banquet hall at Hogwarts in Harry Potter, along with vaults filled with thousands of gold bars and crystals mined from planets in far out galaxies to trade goods with other planets occupants and have laboratories of special minerals and rocks collected from their journey through the cosmos and each one of their ships has a med bed pod which is the biggest trend in New Zealand at the moment with people paying thousands of dollars to physic mediums to channel them to the Arcturian spaceships that instantly diagnosis and cures any ailment.

    Ryan says the main control room is filled with white captain chairs and a computerized map of every interstellar galaxy. They love music and have instruments made from everywhere in the Universe and that every extraterrestial race has an intergalactic treaty displayed on the outside of their spaceship. And that there are space stations just like 7 Eleven's or 'convening' places where they park and teleport into rooms for 'the meeting of the galactic minds' and trade and buy goods from other galaxies.

    Kristin notices her horses with their heads staring up at the sky from the stalls in the barn snorting out of curiousity at the spacecrafts. They are used to them after living here for seven years and horses have sonic hearing. Kristin went and changed into her Dehner english black leather show boots and a pair of tan colored Tailored Sportsman britches and texted her next door neighbor Susan to invite her to go on a trail ride. She hops in her ATV and drives to the barn to saddle up Coconut.

    A nasty severe thunderstorm was on its way which always means 'divine symphony of the Merkabah of sound and light codes'. The tidal flooding this year has caused sink holes, ponds and wetlands popping up all over the farm as well as increased tornadoes which means trail riding time is a very short window due to the weather and insects from the humidity and global warming.

    Excited about the thunderstorm, Kristin loves to watch the 'light language codes' with all the spacecrafts participating and her desire to connect with the bizarre Octogan shaped ships from a far away distant galaxy and learn why they ended up at planet Earth. Was their planet swallowed by a black hole? Another hostile race blow up their planet or is it just another "Intergalactic Council of Light' meeting. Just like everyone else 'the great unknown' is the hook, line and sinker for any over active spiritual mind with an undying thirst for knowledge of the Universe and the future.

    Reflecting on a verse from the Gospel of Judas that reads when he asked Jesus When shall the Great Festival of Light dawn for all imprisoned humanity? Jesus left and returned the next day and Judas asked Where did you go after you left us? and Jesus said I visited a noble, sacred people beyond your world.  Judas amazed and enquired of him, What beings are there higher and holier than us, and not of this world?. Jesus laughed Why are you thinking about them? I tell you nobody on this Earth will ever know them, nor human children ever belong to them. Nor will any angelic force of luminaries reign over them. They don't come from this aeon.  Humanity comes from a lower region.  They come from another power, not from that force which governs you.

    Kristin has always wondered if Jesus is refering to the Sirians. Ryan says that Sirius is the most Holy planet in the Universe and no one is ever allowed to even visit their planet and Kristin is positive that they have cracked the jigsaw peices of Ryan's autism as he shares pieces of imformation about them unknown to humanity.

    In freemasonry, it is taught that the Blazing Star Sirius which is 8.611 light years away from planet Earth and is a symbol of omnipresence (the Creator is present everywhere) and of omniscience (the Creator sees and knows all).  Sirius therefore is the 'sacred place', a source of divine powers and the destination of divine individuals.

    Kristin smiling to herself can't even imagine the brilliance and sophistication of their minds and technology hypothesizing that humans are brainwashed from their parents from the day they were born and thrown into a world full of demons, greed, jealousy, hate and hypocrosy, corrupt politics and caltholic churches and treason is about the new norm let alone 'unidentifiable sexual gender', open marraiges and multiple wives, physical and mental disabilities and diseases.

    'Friendship In The Making'


    usan is a retired litigation attorney who was raised a devout catholic. She and Kristin hit it off immediately after Susan bought the house next door around the cove from Kristin and Stewart stopped coming to Eagle Point as often due to his heart aneurism and low blood platelet count-he can't take Viagra anymore. And of the fifty rental houses he owns thirty of them are empty after the end of the governments Covid rent relief program. He like most landlords doubled their rental prices monopolizing the rental market which Kristin new would eventially bite him in the ass.

    He foolishly just bought an empty Suntrust Bank building on the Gloucester Courthouse for $650,000 which brings in no income and is full of lead paint and asbestos and has seven walk in vaults (hey turn it into apartments so people can lock their drugs and hide dead bodies in the vaults, or better yet an adult bondage club) which is normal for Stewart who is a buyer and not a seller and loves empty old historical buildings, he just doesn't want to spend the money to rehab them, instead of paying off the $800,000 balloon payment due in the summer on Eagle Point and is being played by a group of billionaires who love historical architecture who Kristin had given a tour of Eagle Point to recently, who instantly befriended her.

    Susan is also single and inherited a million dollars from her parents and a pension from her ex husband and bought a brand new house on the cove that has a dock with a boat and a swimming pool. She rescued a Palomino mare and she does nothing but garden, read books and watch movies all day. She loves to lecture Kristin about the corrupt churches in the world and the ladies get in heated debates about Christianity, take turns cooking each other dinner and go out to lunch and shopping together and swap fresh veggies from our vegetable gardens. Susan brings Kristin fresh chicken eggs from her hen house and she pays Ryan to help her with manual labor and yard work.

    Miraculously the County hired Ryan who is 23 in the year 2023 as a housekeeper with assisted employment through the NAMI Connection, a non profit group that assists adults with autism and depression at Walter Reed Hospital part time. He rides the Bayside Transit who picks him up right in front of the kitchen door back and forth to work two days a week. His confidence has skyrocketed getting direct deposit and he volunteers one day a week at the Helping the Homeless Thrift Store owned by Pastor Wendy.  Fucking talk about gratitiude Jesus Kristin says out loud. I finally have some much needed time to myself and to do adult things on my own with other women and start dating other men and write books and screenplays and Ryan needs a break from me too.

    Teaching Ryan how to manage money is going to be the hardest. Everytime we go to a convenience store there are kids wasting thirty to fifty dollars on high priced name brand junk food. He is hopelessly addicted to scratchers and buying himself new clothes and yes he does think of himself as invincible, most likely from being a cancer survivor and his 'out of this world' channeling skills and his knowledge about the future that no human being on Earth is privy to.

    Smiling, Kristin puts on a pair of spurs and grabs her bridle, Nelson Passoa jumping saddle, saddle pad and girth from the tack room. She grooms and saddles Coconut in the cross ties feeding him and Zeus peppermints and molassas biscuits. Adding a few sprays of Avon Skin so Soft on him which repels mosquitoes, she puts on a fancy gold crochet bug net with rhinestones on it over his ears. Loving the comfort smell of hay and pine shavings trying to get an up close look at the Octogan shaped spaceships hovering above her horses pasture and what do you know the clouds started rolling in.

    Susan texted she was almost at the mailbox which is a mile down the driveway. Kristin replies I will meet you halfway. She mounts Coconut after kissing his muzzle and grabs a crop out of the brush box taking some selfies of herself and heads off down the driveway watching the hundreds of Canadian Geese and dozens of White and Blue Herons swimming in the pond by the barn with the Mallard ducks.

    Kristin sees Susan, who could be Nicole Kidman's twin sister, on her palomino quarter horse mare with her long flaming red hair and size 40D boobs bouncing as her horse is jigging, wearing jeans, cowboy boots and a Western hat. Giggling to herself, like most other women neither of us wear bras anymore after the Covid pandemic. You actually get better service in public, guys love to look at nipples.  Kristin smiling says Hi Susan, Goldilocks looks happy to have some company. How did your date with John go last night? I know you were excited. Did you have sex with him? Does he have any good looking single friends?.

    Susan replies laughing Hi sweetie thanks for asking me to come over. I have been dying to go on a trail ride with you. I screwed things up. Well actually he did not me. He mistakingly thought my invitation was to spend the entire weekend which I told him was not the case.  He is a nice man but not intellectually stimulating enough for me. I just kind of got the idea that he is playing the field and I have more money than he does.  I made us crab cakes, cole slaw and cornbread muffins for dinner and he drank way too much wine. We went skinny dipping in the pool and he grabbed me from behind. I slapped him and told him that 'I was a nice Catholic woman'. I took his car keys away and made him sleep in the guesthouse. After he woke up the next morning with a hangover we talked over coffee and a bagel and agreed that we should just be friends.

    Kristin cracking up says "Susan you are a complete prude. I am proud of you by the way. Why did you 'lead him into temptation' skinny dipping with those huge tits of yours. I wouldn't sleep with anyone drunk either. Especially in a pool.

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