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Nikola Tesla: worlds creator
Nikola Tesla: worlds creator
Nikola Tesla: worlds creator
Ebook176 pages2 hours

Nikola Tesla: worlds creator

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Nikola Tesla was the greatest dream creator of the 20th century but, at the same time, he remained a genius forgotten by history. In his multifaceted career he has silently revolutionized our era by giving us one-of-a-kind inventions and discoveries. Mauro Paoletti's text not only retraces its history and chimerical discoveries but sheds new light on certain aspects that until today were almost completely unknown to the general public. Few know that Tesla gave birth to his most ingenious creations after meeting a master Indian who totally changed his life as he witnessed a unique event when he picked up intelligent signals, not of human origin, coming from space. He was the inventor of the radio, even if the first signal was sent by Marconi using his patents ( seventeen, writes Tesla himself). could be transferred wirelessly. The scope of this genius can never be fully understood but, undoubtedly, his creativity and imagination gave shape and substance to the dreams and expectations of the 20th century.
Release dateJan 12, 2024
Nikola Tesla: worlds creator

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    Book preview

    Nikola Tesla - Anthony Vaglis

    cover-image, Nikola Tesla, worlds creator

    Nikola Tesla

    worlds creator

    Anthony Vaglis

    Table of Contents

    Chapter I – The Light

    Chapter II – Electricity

    Chapter III – Nikola Tesla

    Chapter IV – The War of the Currents

    Chapter V – Lightning in Colorado

    Chapter VI – Wireless Energy

    Chapter VII – The Resonance of the Earth.

    Chapter VIII – HAARP – The Alteration of the Atmosphere

    Chapter IX – HAARP and Sisters

    Chapter X – Woodpecker

    Chapter XI – Teleforce

    Chapter XII – Tunguska Mystery

    Chapter XIII – Stone Ionizers

    Chapter XIV – The Prana and the Akasha

    Chapter XV – Compromising Friendships

    Chapter XVI – A Ship in the Fog

    Chapter XVII – The First Electric Car

    Chapter XVIII – Signals from Space

    Chapter XIX – The Man Tesla

    Chapter XX – From My Inventions

    Chapter XXI – War Honors

    The wise man is not intimidated by knowledge; he uses it to make progress.


    Chapter I – The Light

    One of the flaws of today's man is taking everything for granted. He walks into a room wrapped in darkness, flips a switch, and the room lights up. As if it had always been that way. But having light after the Sun has set below the horizon and darkness shrouds the world in absolute gloom has been an ancient problem of man.

    In the beginning, the world was immersed in darkness and, according to sacred scripture, it was only when God said, Let there be light that light was!

    The lotus flower opened and light flooded the entire universe. The deity had awakened. In reality, however, darkness returned to enshroud the world and humans every time the Sun set.

    The pale moonlight was not satisfactory. Fire was difficult to carry and short-lived. It had to be kept burning at all times.

    A single bonfire, or a single torch, did not provide enough light. Later, the use of a bowl filled with oil or grease was adopted, whereby a wick dipped in the liquid provided a more effective, portable and long-lasting light once lit. In time came the tallow or wax candle, which was more convenient and had a lower cost. A system in use since 3000 B.C.

    The major breakthrough came in 1892 when William Murdock discovered that by burning coal, a gas was produced that generated light when subjected to heat.

    Gas streetlights thus brightened some cities. They were turned on in the evening and turned off at dawn. However, gas was very dangerous because of frequent leaks due to the wear and tear of the pipes used to transport it. In addition, not all homes were equipped with pipes for gas supply, and for many years oil lamp were still used, especially outside the city.

    By 1875, many buildings were lit with combustible gas. Grilles, devised by Welsbach, were placed in the lamps and served to intensify the light.

    /Photo 1/:

    Thomas Alva Edison (Milan, Ohio, February 11, 1847 – West Orange, New Jersey, Oct. 18, 1931)

    Thomas Alva Edison searching for a better and safer system, making use of Swan's invention, consisting of airless bulbs in which a strip of paper was lit when the electric current was passed through, devised other types of bulbs. He obtained better results by using different types of gas and other threadlike materials instead of the paper strip. Darkness, in practice, was eliminated with the flick of a switch when Edison opened the first power plant that distributed direct current. The new lighting system had many limitations, but from that moment man could say Let there be light and immediately get it. But the light bulb alone is not enough; there must be electric current, electricity.

    What is electricity, how is it made, and where does it come from?

    Distracted and deeply embedded in the system, we don't ask; it's part of the technical world. It is easier to ask why it suddenly comes to be present. It can be available, but it doesn't have to be. How do we do without electricity? Everything stops. No work can be done. The computer shuts down. We remain without television. It becomes difficult to even prepare food. We become prisoners in our elevators. Communications become complicated. In the city streets, chaos. A real nightmare. What's more, again plunged into darkness.

    To shape one part of the nightmare, we think of the refrigerator. A recent invention that runs on electricity. What would happen to our groceries? Until a few decades ago, salt, spices and ice were used to preserve food.

    We are electro-dependent, conditioned by electricity, which was already known to our ancestors in the remote past.

    This is shown by the Serpent Stones in Egypt, in the temple of Hator at Dendera. Bas-reliefs showing huge transparent bulbs, with sinuous serpents inside connected through braided cables to the Djed which, in this case, would take on the function of a generator. The bas-reliefs are reminiscent of luminescent lamps and bulbs in a rarefied atmosphere created by the Englishman William Crookes in 1879. Lights that enabled Roentgen to perfect X-rays in 1895. Among the bas-reliefs in the temple, we also see the process of electrolysis depicted.

    König discovered peculiar earthenware jars in Baghdad that turned out to be rudimentary and ancient batteries.

    An ancient Indian document known as the Agastya Samhita provides a set of instructions for building an electric battery.

    Ancient chronicles of traders tell of a village near Mount Wilhelmina, New Guinea that was illuminated by stone globes placed on very tall poles that began to glow with a strange white light at sunset, similar to that of our own neon lights, thus illuminating the night. Curious fact because they are fairly recent experiments to obtain luminescence from panels and objects run by weak currents without the use of filaments and bulbs.

    Following the historical thread of this discovery of electricity, we find that Thales of Miletus and Pliny the Elder first studied the electrical properties of amber. In time, man forgot how such energy could be obtained and was plunged into darkness for centuries.

    It was William Gilbert, physician to Queen Elizabeth I, who rediscovered electricity by rubbing amber against wool and fur, noticing that it could attract small, lightweight objects, such as paper. He called the strange force electric, after the Greek name for amber Elektron. It was static electricity(¹).

    Electrons move from one insulating material to another, so that the gaps left by the electrons in the amber are replaced by the electrons in the paper. The displacement is called charge, but if this occurs in a conductor, the moving charge generates a current that flows in the conductor and ceases to be static.

    Gilbert studied electricity and magnetism. He understood why the compass needle always points north.

    He discovered that pieces of amber deficient in electrons repelled each other while attracting each other if the electrons were in excess. Benjamin Franklin named the two types of electricity positive, if deficient in electrons, and negative, with excess electrons, explaining that two equal charges repel, whereas they attract each other if different.

    In 1746, two scholars at Leiden University invented a device to collect static electricity, a capacitor called the "Leiden jar."

    It was deduced that the greater the amount of electricity stored, the longer the spark produced by the electrons. The point was the voltage charge.

    In 1785, August De Coulomb invented the torsion balance to measure the electric field by demonstrating that charge is evenly distributed over a spherical surface.

    This was also confirmed by Beccaria with his 'well' and by Faraday with his cage.

    Chapter II – Electricity

    In 1836, Michael Faraday observed that, in a hollow, electrically charged conductor, charges are concentrated on the outer surface and have no influence on what is inside. To demonstrate this, he built a room lined with a metal sheet and applied the high voltage produced by an electrostatic generator from the outside. Using an electroscope, he demonstrated that no electric charge was present inside the room.

    The operation of Faraday's cage can be explained as a function of Gauss's theorem for describing the distribution of electric charge in a conductor.

    Intuitively, since charges of equal sign repel each other, they tend to go to the maximum mutual distance, which corresponds to the situation where they are concentrated at the periphery of the conductor. If the surface can be approximated to an ideal conductor (such as a closed metal surface), then an equipotential surface – that is to say, a surface where the electric power is identical at every point and the electric field inside it is zero – is determined on it.

    The working principle of the spike-type lightning rod is also derived from the same Gauss theorem. The power of the spikes lies in the tendency of electric charges to accumulate where the surface is smaller, with the electric field being more intense there.

    Hans Christian Oersted developed the electromagnetic theory. In 1820, he discovered that the compass needle deviates from the magnetic North Pole if it is brought close to a wire through which electric current is passing. This proved that electricity and magnetism are related phenomena – a concept underlying the theory of electromagnetism. The unit for measuring the magnetic field in the CGS System was named the Oersted in his honor.

    In 1826, André Ampere explained the laws of electromagnetism by inventing an instrument for measuring the flow of electric charges. He succeeded in formulating the fundamental law of electrodynamics on a sound mathematical basis. He also established a link between electric and magnetic effects by showing that a circuit traversed by current is equivalent to a magnetic needle. The unit of measurement of electric current in the International System was named in his honor.

    Georg Simon Alfred Ohm (Erlangen, March 16, 1789 - Munich, July 6, 1854) was a German physicist and mathematician.

    Ohm, the brother of the mathematician Martin Ohm, was a secondary school teacher and began his research with the new electrochemical cell invented by Italian scientist Alessandro Volta. Using equipment of his own creation, Ohm realized that there is a direct proportionality between the potential difference applied across a conductor and the resulting electric current. This relationship is known as Ohm's law.

    George Ohm thus revealed the law of electric resistance. Volta gave form to the first battery, while Faraday did so for the first electric generator, the dynamo, and the alternator.

    In 1859, Antonio Pacinotti transformed mechanical energy into continuous electrical energy by means of his ring; he worked with the measurement of electric currents and dynamic generators of electricity, arriving at the construction of an electric dynamo generator for reversible direct current – that is to say, one that was also capable of functioning as an electric motor.

    That instrument, made in its first specimen at his father's workshop in 1860, is considered by many to be the first dynamo. For others, Pacinotti's would be considered only a prototype of the first dynamo, which would be attributed to Zénobe Gramme, who developed it in 1869.

    In 1866, Heinrich Hertz discovered electromagnetic waves. In one experiment, he demonstrated that electric signals could be sent through the air, as already predicted by James Clerk Maxwell and Michael Faraday, and laid the foundation for the invention of the radio.

    He also discovered the photoelectric effect (whose theoretical explanation was later elaborated by Albert Einstein) by observing that electrically charged objects lost their charge when exposed to ultraviolet light. He first demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves with an apparatus of his own construction, the Hertzian dipole, which was capable of emitting radio waves. In his honor, frequency is measured in hertz in the international system.

    At this point in the story, two characters whose lives were destined to intersect made their appearance.

    The first, Thomas Alva Edison, who was born in Milan, Ohio,

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