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C++ Mastery: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Crafting, Building, and Executing a Sturdy Program Methodically
C++ Mastery: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Crafting, Building, and Executing a Sturdy Program Methodically
C++ Mastery: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Crafting, Building, and Executing a Sturdy Program Methodically
Ebook348 pages1 hour

C++ Mastery: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Crafting, Building, and Executing a Sturdy Program Methodically

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About this ebook

Embark on a journey to C++ mastery with our comprehensive guide, 'C++ Mastery: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Crafting, Building, and Executing a Sturdy Program Methodically.' Whether you're a novice looking to design and implement your first program or seeking professional assistance, this book is your ideal starting point.

Discover the power of C++ through practical techniques that empower you to create robust programs with a focus on methodical crafting and execution. Inside, you'll find valuable insights, enabling you to quickly grasp C++ concepts and commence the development of your own programs tailored to your specific needs.

Key Features:

- Establish a strong foundation for success by starting your programming journey from the fundamentals.
- Gain a deep understanding of essential C++ programming concepts.
- Develop programs that are not only robust but also crafted and executed methodically.
- Explore the efficiency of a versatile general-purpose language.
- Join a thriving community of C++ users for continuous support.
- Ensure compatibility with other C languages and enhance your programming capabilities.
- And much more...

C++ Mastery is designed as a comprehensive guide for beginners, providing clear and concise instructions to pave the way for a lifetime of proficient use. Whether you are a beginner or seeking to enhance your skills, this book is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of C++.

PublisherChloe Annable
Release dateJan 8, 2024
C++ Mastery: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Crafting, Building, and Executing a Sturdy Program Methodically

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    Book preview

    C++ Mastery - Chloe Annable

    C++ Mastery

    C++ Mastery

    A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Crafting, Building, and Executing a Sturdy Program Methodically

    Chloe Annable

    Published by Chloe Annable, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024, Chloe Annable

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    For permissions requests, contact the publisher at [Chloe].

    Published by Chloe Annable


    Chapter One:  Getting Started With C++ Programming

    Chapter Two:   Basic Concepts in Object Oriented Programming

    Chapter Three:   Working with Classes nd Objects

    Chapter Four:  Extending Classes via Inheritance

    Chapter Six   Constructors and Destructors

    Chapter Eight   C++ Input and Output Streams

    Chapter Nine:  Exception Handling

    Introduction AA

    AA AA

    This AAobject AAoriented AAprogramming AAcourse AAin AAC++ AAlanguage AApresents AAlearners AAwith AAthe AAconcepts AAand AAtechniques AAnecessary AAto AAeffectively AAdesign, AAdevelop AAand AAimplement AAa AArobust AAprogram AAmodel. AAAs AAa AAlearner, AAyou AAwill AAbe AAable AAto AAgrasp AApractical AAknowledge AAon AAhow AAto AAapply AAthe AAfundamental AAconcepts AAof AAobject AAoriented AAanalysis AAand AAdesign AAand AAsolve AAvarious AAproblems AAin AAyour AAday AAto AAday AAactivities. AA

    You AAwill AAlearn AAhow AAto AAapply AAthe AAconcept AAof AAdata AAabstraction, AAencapsulation, AAinheritance AAand AApolymorphism AAwhen AAcreating AAobjects. AAYou AAwill AAbe AAin AAa AAposition AAto AAcreate AAclasses AAthat AAdefine AAan AAobject AAand AAits AAbehaviour, AAcreate AAobjects AAfrom AAa AAclass AAdefinition AAand AAalso AAbe AAable AAto AAestablish AAcommunication AAbetween AAthe AAobjects. AAYou AAwill AAalso AAlearn AAhow AAto AAapply AAthe AAobject AAoriented AAconcepts AAin AAperforming AAvarious AAtasks AAand AAthe AAbenefits AAof AAdoing AAdo. AA

    This AAbook AAwill AAhelp AAyou AAto AAunderstand AAfunction AAdefinition AAand AAdeclaration, AAhow AAto AApass AAarguments AAto AAthe AAfunction AAand AAhow AAto AAcall AAboth AAinline AAfunctions AAand AAmember AAfunctions. AAClass AAand AAobjects AAare AAan AAimportant AAfeature AAin AAC++ AAprogramming AAand AAknowing AAhow AAto AAcreate AAclass AAdefinitions AAand AAdeclaring AAobjects AAas AAinstance AAof AAa AAclass AAwill AAmake AAyour AAprogram AAdevelopment AAprocess AAeasier. AA

    AAWe AAwill AAteach AAyou AAto AAunderstand AAthe AAconcept AAof AAinheritance AAand AApolymorphism. AAYou AAwill AAbe AAable AAto AAunderstand AAthe AAimportance AAof AAcode AAreusability AAand AAhow AAit AAmakes AAyour AAwork AAmore AAefficient. AAIn AAthe AArelated AAchapter, AAyou AAwill AAlearn AAvarious AAways AAthat AAinheritance AAis AAachieved AAand AAhow AAto AAdeclare AAprivate, AApublic AAand AAprotected AAmembers AAin AAa AAclass. AAThrough AAthe AAinheritance AAfeature, AAyou AAwill AAbe AAable AAto AAimplement AAthe AAconcept AAof AApolymorphism. AA

    Constructors AAand AAdestructors AAis AAalso AAanother AAimportant AAconcept AAin AAthe AAC++ AAdevelopment AAframework. AAThis AAtutorial AAwill AAenable AAyou AAto AAunderstand AAhow AAto AAdeclare AAconstructors AAand AAdestructors. AAyou AAwill AAalso AAbe AAable AAto AAwork AAwith AAfunction AAuploads AAand AAmanaging AAdynamic AAdata AAusing AAthe AAconcept AAof AAconstructors AAand AAdestructors. AA

    All AAprograms AAcreated AAare AAstored AAin AAthe AAdisk AAdrive AAand AAknowing AAhow AAto AAmanage AAfile AAoperations AAand AAhandling AAthe AAinput/output AAsystem AAwill AAmake AAyour AAwork AAmore AAeffective. AAIn AAthis AAcourse, AAyou AAwill AAlearn AAhow AAto AAuse AAvarious AAC++ AAstreams, AAclass AAstreams, AAand AAhow AAto AAuse AAmanipulators AAin AAmanaging AAinput AAand AAoutput AAdata. AAYou AAwill AAalso AAbe AAin AAa AAposition AAto AAopen AAan AAexisting AAfile, AAwrite AAinto AAthe AAfile, AAand AAread AAfrom AAthe AAfile. AA

    You AAwill AAalso AAbe AAable AAto AAdetect AAfile AAerrors AAusing AAvarious AAerror AAhandling AAfunctions. AAAt AAthe AAend AAof AAthe AAcourse, AAyou AAwill AAlearn AAabout AAexception AAhandling AAmechanisms AAand AAhow AAto AAuse AAthrow AAand AAcatch AAerrors AAtechniques.

    Chapter One:

    Getting Started With C++ Programming

    AA AA

    C++ AAis AAone AAof AAthe AAmost AAcompetitive AAgeneral-purpose AAprogramming AAlanguages AAon AAthe AAmarket. AAIt AAhas AAfeatures AAof AAimperative AAprogramming AAparadigm AAand AAcan AAoperate AAin AAany AAplatform. AA

    Object AAOriented AAFundamentals AA

    Object AAoriented AAprogramming AA(OOP) AAin AAC++ AAlanguage AArevolves AAaround AAdata AAcreated AAusing AAobjects. AAObjects AAare AAreal-time AAentities AAthat AArepresent AAdata AAand AAmethods AAor AAfunctions AAused AAin AAthe AAmanipulation AAof AAthe AAdata. AA

    C++ AAlanguage AAuses AAobjects AAto AAexecute AAprograms. AAAs AAthe AAprogram AAis AAexecuted, AAobjects AAcommunicate AAwith AAeach AAother AAthrough AApassing AAmessages. AAEach AAobject AAdoesn’t AAhave AAto AAknow AAthe AAimplementation AAdetails AAof AAanother AAobject. AA

    C++ AAutilizes AAfeatures AAof AAOOP AAto AAexecute AAa AAprogram. AAThe AAmain AAkey AAfeatures AAinclude: AA

    ● AAObjects. AA

    ● AAClasses. AA

    ● AAData AAabstraction AAand AAencapsulation. AA

    ● AAInheritance. AA

    ● AAPolymorphism. AA

    A AAtrue AAOOP AAlanguage AAuses AAobjects AAto AArepresent AAdata AAin AAany AAprogram. AAAlthough AAC++ AAsupports AAall AAthe AAOOP AAfeatures, AAit AAis AAsaid AAto AAbe AAa AApartial AAOOP AAlanguage AAfor AAthe AAfollowing AAthree AAreasons: AA

    AAUses AAglobal AAvariables AA

    C++ AAsupports AAthe AAconcept AAof AAglobal AAvariables. AAYou AAcan AAdeclare AAglobal AAvariables AAoutside AAof AAa AAclass AAso AAthat AAother AAentities AAof AAthe AAprogram AAcan AAaccess AAthe AAvariables. AAThough AAdeclaring AAglobal AAvariables AAviolates AAencapsulation AAconcept, AAC++ AAcan AAsupport AAencapsulation AAthrough AAthe AAuse AAof AAclasses AAand AAobjects. AA

    2.      AAOptional AAcreation AAof AAclasses AAor AAobjects AA

    The AAmain AAfunction AAis AAa AAmandatory AAfeature AAin AAany AAC++ AAprogram AAand AAit AAshould AAbe AAcreated AAoutside AAof AAthe AAclass. AATherefore, AAit’s AAnot AAnecessary AAto AAcreate AAclasses AAor AAobjects AAas AAlong AAas AAyou AAhave AAthe AAmain AA(). AA

    Omitting AAclasses AAor AAobjects AAviolates AAOOP AAlanguage AAconcept AAin AAthat AAdata AAis AArepresented AAin AAthe AAform AAof AAobjects. AA AA

    3.      AASupports AAfriend AAfunction AA

    C++ AAallows AAyou AAto AAcreate AAa AAfriend AAclass AAor AAfunction AAthat AAenables AAyou AAto AAaccess AAthe AAprotected AAmembers AAor AAprivate AAmembers AAof AAa AAcertain AAclass. AAThis AAviolates AAthe AAfeatures AAof AAOOP AAlanguage. AA

    Even AAthough AAC++ AAsupports AAthe AAabove AAfeatures, AAit AAis AAreferred AAas AAa AApartial AAobject AAoriented AAprogramming AAlanguage AAbecause AAit AAsometimes AAworks AAagainst AAthe AAfeatures. AA

    Programming AAParadigms AA

    A AAprogramming AAparadigm AAis AAa AAprogramming AAmodel AAthat AAuses AAdistinct AAconcepts AAto AAshape AAhow AAprogrammers AAdesign, AAorganize AAand AAwrite AAa AAprogram. AAProgramming AAparadigms AAare AAaimed AAat AAsolving AAcertain AAproblems AAusing AAvarious AAprogramming AAlanguages. AA

    There AAare AAdifferent AAtypes AAof AAparadigms AAand AAeach AAfulfils AAa AAspecific AAfunction AAbased AAon AAthe AAprogramming AAlanguage. AAThese AAparadigms AAare AAdivided AAinto AAtwo: AAdeclarative AAprogramming A


    Aparadigm; AAand AAimperative AAprogramming AAparadigm. AA


    Declarative AAProgramming AAParadigm AA

    A AAdeclarative AAprogramming AAparadigm AAis AAdivided AAinto AAthree AAcomponents: AAlogic; AAfunctional; AAand AAdatabase AAor AAdata AAdriven. AADeclarative AAprogramming AAexpresses AAprogram AAlogic AAwithout AAfocusing AAon AAthe AAcontrol AAflow AAof AAthe AAprogram. AAThe AAprograms AAdeveloped AAfocus AAon AAwhat AAto AAdo AArather AAthan AAhow AAto AAdo AAit. AAThese AAparadigms AAemphasize AAwhat AAaction AAneeds AAto AAbe AAdone AAand AAdeclares AAthe AAresults AAto AAbe AAachieved. AAFor AAexample, AAexpressing AAcomputations AAinclude: AA

    Logic AAprogramming AAparadigm AA

    This AAprogramming AAparadigm AAfocuses AAon AAsolving AAlogical AAcomputation AAproblems AAlike AAa AAprogram AAto AAsolve AAa AApuzzle AAor AAseries AAof AAdata. AALogic AAprogramming AAparadigm AArelies AAon AAthe AAknowledge AAbase AAwhich AAis AAalready AAknown AAand AApasses AAit AAto AAa AAmachine AAlearning AAtool AAto AAproduce AAresults. AAThe AAlogic AAparadigm AArelies AAon AAartificial AAintelligence AAand AAmachine AAlearning AAto AAsolve AAproblems. AA

    Functional AAprogramming AAparadigm AA

    This AAis AAa AAlanguage AAindependent AAprogram AAand AAhas AAits AAroots AAin AAmathematical AAfunctions. AAThe AAmain AAprinciple AAin AAthis AAparadigm AAis AAexecution AAof AAmathematical AAfunctions. AAData AAis AAcoupled AAinto AAfunctions AAwhich AAhides AAthe AAimplementation AAdetails. AAThe AAfunctions AAcan AAbe AAreplaced AAwith AAvalues AAand AAthis AAdoesn’t AAchange AAthe AAmeaning AAof AAthe AAprogram. AA

    Database AAor AAdata AAdriven AAprogramming AAparadigm AA

    This AAprogramming AAparadigm AAfocuses AAon AAthe AAuse AAof AAdata AAand AAmovement. AAAll AAthe AAprogram AAstatements AAare AAdefined AAusing AAdata. AAIt AAis AAevent AAdriven AAand AAprovides AAdata AAoperation AAmechanisms AAlike AAfile AAcreation, AAwriting AAinto AAfiles, AAupdating AAfiles AAand AAdatabases, AAproducing AAqueries AAand AAreporting. AAThere AAare AAa AAvariety AAof AAprograms AAdeveloped AAfor AAdatabase AAapplications, AAlike AAthe AAStructured AAQuery AALanguage AA(SQL), AAamong AAothers. AA

    Imperative AAProgramming AAParadigm AA

    Imperative AAprogramming AAparadigm AAuses AAa AAstep AAby AAstep AAprocess AAto AAachieve AAa AAspecific AAgoal. AAIt AAemphasizes AAhow AAto AAdo AAa AAparticular AAtask AAlike AAhow AAto AAexecute AAseveral AAstatements AAand AAstore AAthe AAresults. AAThe AAparadigm AAworks AAthrough AAchange AAof AAprogram AAstate AAby AAassigning AAstatements. AA AA

    Advantages: AA

    ● AASimple AAto AAimplement AA

    ● AAUses AAloops, AAvariables, AAfunctions, AAand AAstructures AAto AAexecute AAprogram AAstatements AA

    Disadvantages: AA

    ● AAComplex AAprograms AAincrease AAthe AAcomplexity AAof AAthis AAparadigm AA

    ● AAParallel AAprogramming AAis AAnot AApossible AAin AAthis AAparadigm AA

    ● AALess AAefficient AAand AAproductive AA

    The AAimperative AAparadigm AAhas AAthree AAbroad AAcategories: AAprocedural; AAparallel AAprocessing; AAand AAOOP. AA

    Procedural AAparadigm AA

    Just AAas AAthe AAname AAsuggests, AAthis AAparadigm AAfocuses AAon AAstep AAby AAstep AAprocesses AAfor AAperforming AAspecific AAfunctions. AAIt AAallows AAcode AAreusability AAand AAit AAis AAvery AAeasy AAto AAimplement. AAIt AAis AAused AAto AAsolve AAsimple AAproblems. AA

    Parallel AAprocessing AAparadigm AA

    In AAthis AAtype AAof AAparadigm, AAprogram AAinstructions AAare AAprocessed AAusing AAmultiple AAprocessors. AAA AAparallel AAprocessing AAparadigm AAhas AAseveral AAprocessors AAaimed AAat AArunning AAa AAprogram AAin AAthe AAshortest AAtime AApossible. AASome AAC++ AAlibrary AAfunctions AAsupport AAthis AAtechnique. AA

    Object AAoriented AAprogramming AA(OOP) AA

    This AAuses AAa AAcollection AAof AAclasses AAand AAobjects AAto AAwrite AAa AAprogram. AAAn AAobject AAis AAthe AAsmallest AAentity AAwhere AAall AAcomputations AAtakes AAplace. AAThe AAparadigm AAfocuses AAon AAthe AAuse AAof AAdata AArather AAthan AAprocedures AAto AAsolve AAreal AAworld AAproblems. AAOOP AAslips AAthe AAproblem AAinto AAa AAnumber AAof AAentities AArepresented AAby AAobjects AAand AAthen AAbuilds AAdata AAand AAfunctions AAbased AAon AAthese AAobjects. AAIt AAcan AAsolve AAcomplex AAproblems AAabout AAreal AAlife AAscenarios. AAC++ AAis AAa AAgood AAexample AAof AAOOP AAthat AAattempts AAto AAeliminate AAsome AAof AAthe AAdisadvantages AAof AAconventional AAprogramming A


    Alanguages. AA


    Each AAof AAthe AAobjects AAwork AAindependently AAand AAthey’re AAencapsulated AAwithin AAmodules. AAObjects AAcommunicate AAwith AAeach AAother AAthrough AA‘message AApassing AAtechnique’. AAThese AAobjects AAare AAorganized AAinto AAseveral AAclasses AAin AAwhich AAthey AAcan AAinherit AAmethods AAand AAvariables AAneeded AAto AAperform AAcertain AAfunctions AAsuch AAas: AA

    ● AAAdvantages. AA

    ● AAImproved AAdata AAsecurity. AA AA

    ● AACode AAreusability. AA

    ● AAAbility AAto AAuse AAinheritance. AA

    ● AAData AAabstraction. AA

    Object AAOriented AADevelopment AAFramework AA

    Object AAOriented AAParadigm AA

    An AAobject AAoriented AAparadigm AArelies AAheavily AAon AAsystem AAtheory AAas AApart AAof AAits AAconceptual AAbackground. AAA AAsystem AArepresents AAa AAcollection AAof AAentities AAthat AAinteract AAtogether AAto AAachieve AAa AAcommon AAobjective. AAThese

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