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The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century
The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century
The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century
Ebook257 pages5 hours

The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century

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About this ebook

The greatest wealth building opportunity of this generation is here. When you compare the ‘70s gold bull market to today, the magnitude of the potential gains become obvious. In the 1970s gold rose 25 times its original price, and silver 41 times.

Today there is twice as much investable gold, but there are also:

- 18 times more people that can access, and legally buy, precious metals.

- 55 times more currency.

- 56 times more millionaires.

- 200 times more billionaires.

- 220 times more available consumer credit.

- 49 times greater global stock market cap.

- And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Bestselling author Michael Maloney makes the case that while stocks, real estate, crypto, bonds, and nearly every major asset class have boomed, gold and silver have been largely ignored, and are now among the world’s last, and most, undervalued assets. But a shift is underway. The coming flight to safety will be staggering… and gold and silver will be the big winners

After accurately predicting the crisis of 2008, Mike now presents unassailable data that an even greater crisis is coming. As you turn the pages, you’ll understand the enormity of it, that we have passed an economic point of no return, and that there is no avoiding it. The old “normal” is just not coming back.

The Great Gold and Silver Rush of the 21st-Century provides a roadmap for navigating the coming economic storm. The knowledge it contains will help you protect yourself, your family, and your assets through the turbulent times ahead. Most will be devastated, many will be totally ruined, but those few who are prepared can massively increase their wealth.

Release dateMay 11, 2023
The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century

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    The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century - Mike Maloney

    I’d like to thank:

    Robert Kiyosaki: For launching my career.

    Cameron Hamza: Who introduced me to gold and silver.

    Daniel Rubock: My friend, producer, director, writer, and business partner, who has given so much of his life to our mission: To enlighten the world that maximum prosperity can only be achieved through individual freedom, free markets, and sound money.

    Aden Mackness And Lincoln Jude: For their amazing creativity.

    Nikola Spassov: For making it easier for me to prepare.

    Jeff Clark: Mining, stock analyst and the nicest guy on earth:

    Alan Hibbard: Spreadsheet guru extraordinaire and writer.

    Timothy Burris: Tenacious researcher.

    Doug Hornig: Writer/Editor who works seven days a week.

    Alex Daley: President of, for making my life easier.

    Steven Feldman: CEO of, for his infinite patience.

    Thank you, all.

    Is There an Afterlife?

    This book has been a labor of love and has taken many, many years of research and writing. But it’s not the first time I’ve undertaken such a journey. My first book, Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver was published in 2008. It entailed 6-years of research, 2 ½ years of writing and editing, and arrived with almost perfect timing just before the Global Financial Crisis. In it, I presented data that warned of the impending implosion of the real estate and stock bubbles, and just like a movie script the drama unfolded over the subsequent 18-24 months.

    But there was one thing I underestimated in my first book… The sheer scale of the unprecedented actions taken by the world’s central banks and governments in reaction to the crisis of 2008. I had previously read Ben Bernanke’s 2002 speech, Deflation: Making Sure It Doesn’t Happen Here, written long before he was Federal Reserve chairman, in which he outlined all the unusual, never-before-tried steps that central banks could take in the next financial crisis. What I could never have imagined was the enormity of their actions. They fired everything they had at it, slapped every Band-Aid they could find on it, papered over every crack, and gaslit the public on a scale that had never been seen in human history. With trillions of dollars of currency creation, bailouts, and market manipulation… they managed to pause the crisis. Yes, pause. In fact, the actions taken have actually made our situation even worse. To me, the central banks are reminiscent of the acts I used to see on TV variety shows, performers who would balance spinning plates, running from oscillation to oscillation, arriving just in time to spin a little more and prevent the plates from crashing to the floor. Fast forward to today. Remarkably, the plates are still spinning, but there are now twice as many…and boy, are they wobbling. I believe we are not far from this all ending in tears again.

    While the fundamental reasons for owning gold and silver have not evolved for thousands of years… my experience with Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver tells me that some of the data in this book will change very rapidly.

    Since I want your learning experience to be as up-to-date and relevant as possible, I am going to do my best to help this book live far beyond the publishing date. So, I have decided to make certain chapters and other sections of the book available at, where many of the charts, and some of the text, will be periodically updated to reflect the rapid economic and geopolitical changes that we are living through. Also, whenever I come up with new material that pertains to this book, it will be published there. I am hoping you look at the price you paid for this book as an investment that will continue to pay dividends far into the future. Because, for the readers of this book, this ongoing service is free at:


    Today, the entire world seems to be out of balance. Politics, the environment, even daily life. Every day it feels like a crazier, faster, scarier, more upside-down and out of balance place than it was yesterday.

    This book will help you identify those imbalances and turn them into your opportunity. If you can figure out what the imbalances are, and their likely outcomes, then you can position yourself to take advantage of them instead of becoming a victim. In preparing early for the eventual rebalancing you will not only protect yourself, your family, and your finances… but you can make great gains as well.

    Most of the blame for the imbalances started with actions that were taken in response to the financial crisis of 2008. That crisis was caused by multiple economic bubbles bursting simultaneously. Then the response to the pandemic just made things worse, and pushed almost everything into hyper-bubbles… but just what is a bubble?

    Economic bubbles are the symptom of an economy that is out of balance. They occur when central bankers manipulate the economy by deciding what interest rates will be and how much currency there should be. This then skews and warps the economy, causing some sectors to run ahead of others, so that they become bloated, overvalued, overpriced, and unstable. When one sector of the economy grows out of proportion to the rest of the economy it is out of balance… and that’s a bubble.

    Many years ago, I dubbed the current economic situation the Everything Bubble. I now call it the Almost Everything Bubble because finding the few assets that are NOT in a bubble is the only way I can see to both protect yourself, and benefit.

    For the first time in history, almost every asset class is facing the potential of sudden collapse—and it’s not just investments like stocks, bonds, and real estate. The economic and monetary systems as a whole… the foundations of the economy itself… are equally divorced from solid and sustainable fundamentals.

    I‘m absolutely certain that the biggest financial crisis in history lies dead ahead, and that it will end in a collapse so big it will make the global financial crisis of 2008 seem like nothing but a speed bump on the way to the main event.

    But don’t worry too much because, if you get prepared early, it might just be the best thing that ever happened to you financially. As I have said many times before, "There are brief moments in history where the safe-haven assets, gold and silver, simultaneously offer the greatest potential gains in purchasing power." By investing in this book, you’ve positioned yourself to gain from what I’ve repeatedly called "the greatest wealth transfer in history", while at the same time protecting yourself and your family.

    As you’ll see, the number of investors and their astronomical amount of wealth have increased at a staggering rate, while the global production of gold and silver is shrinking fast. Combine this with the Almost Everything Bubble, plus the inflationary reaction central bankers will inevitably take when it bursts, and I’m convinced the result will be an all-time, unrivaled bull market in gold and silver.

    This book is about the sheer enormity of what’s coming, its absolute inevitability, and how to both protect yourself and profit from it. Because the forces that threaten the world monetary system are also the same forces that will propel gold and silver to unimaginable heights.

    The journey to more wealth, security and balance begins here.


    Paying For Passion

    Who Am I?

    I am a researcher, analyst, commentator, and educator, who is head over heels in love with, and passionate about, economics, monetary history, and trying to figure out how to achieve maximum prosperity for all of humanity.

    In 2002 I started investing in gold, in early 2003 I found out how undervalued silver was compared to gold and started buying it as well. In 2005 Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling financial book in history, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, gave me my start by encouraging me to write my first book, Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver. Since then, my team and I have spent nearly 100,000 man hours and millions of dollars creating two video series, Hidden Secrets of Money, and the forthcoming Formula for Prosperity, as well as weekly videos, our free newsletter, and all of the other educational information we provide.

    Question: How do I pay for all this?

    Answer: I am a precious metals dealer… but as I said… I was an educator and investor first. In other words, I practice what I preach. In late 2005 I incorporated, one of the world’s first fully automated online dealerships. Since then, the company has grown to become one of the largest and most trusted in the world, and for that I thank you. I fully realize that many of you holding this book have been loyal clients for a long time. It is the razor-thin profit margins of precious metals that have funded all of our free public education on economics, monetary history, gold, and silver throughout the years. Again, thank you.

    When I wrote Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver, I didn’t refer to my own business until the final chapters. I had presented so many compelling reasons for owning gold and silver that many readers burst straight out of the gate before finishing the book, and purchased precious metals without further thought or investigation. Many of my competitors did very well from my years of hard work, which is totally fine as there is room for everyone. But I would be doing myself and my team at a disservice by not learning from that lesson.

    If you haven’t yet invested in gold and silver, I hope you will consider my company, Whether you’re looking to invest one hundred dollars, or one hundred-million dollars, we can handle it. If you don’t choose us, that’s fine too. There are several great precious metals dealers out there. But unlike our competitors who place such high value on advertising, we try to give back by funding our educational efforts instead.


    My friends and colleagues have advised me not to use the words slave, slavery, or enslavement. However, if one person is forced to work for the benefit of another person, with no compensation whatsoever, that is a form of enslavement.

    Today the terms slave and slavery have become intertwined with racism. This is unfortunate because they are two very distinct problems, which each need to be addressed through thoughtful discussion, but that also sometimes overlap. As a writer I give very serious consideration to my words, and how best to communicate thoughts and concepts to my readers. I am not unaware of the current climate regarding racism, and I do not wish to offend anyone whose ancestors suffered the evils of slavery.

    Also, I’m not trying to draw some kind of equivalency between the human bondage of the past and the financial abuses inflicted upon us today. Both are evil. The former we could all see. We could point at the whips and chains and say This is immoral… This must stop. But economic slavery is evil too. It’s just that it exists in the shadows—the whips and chains are hidden away, intentionally disguised, and invisible to most, but through the use of correct language I believe I can shine a light on them and reveal economic slavery as something very, very real.

    My decision to use these words was not taken lightly, but I think it’s the correct one, simply because we have no other words that adequately portray the financial crimes that are being committed against all of humanity.

    Chapter 1

    Where’d My Money Go?

    It’s a Wonderful Life

    That was the title of a 1946 film, directed by Frank Capra, starring Jimmy Stewart. The lead character, George Bailey, is the proprietor of a small-town financial institution, Bailey Building and Loan. He’s a good man, with a good life. When an economic crisis arrives, George is able to avert a run on his bank, but shortly thereafter he suffers a personal financial crisis so devastating that it makes him question whether he even wants to continue living. When he says that it would have been better if he had never been born, he is given the gift of seeing what life would have been like without him. In the end he emerges from this dark portion of his life only to discover that he is actually the richest man in town—rich in friends… rich in family… rich in people who love him.

    The film depicts an age of innocence, when everyone just automatically assumed that the banks were there to serve us. Now those days are gone. Every year more and more people are beginning to see the dark side of the financial system, how it can warp and distort an economy, and the crises and hardships it can cause. You can feel it right now… can’t you? Deep down inside you know that something just isn’t right.

    This book warns of a devastating economic crisis. But also offers you the hope of being personally protected through the dark times and emerging wondrously prosperous. Its promise of opportunity is built on mistakes made long ago, and follies that continue to this day.

    Before we learn about the financial system, I need to let you in on a little secret. Actually, it’s more of an open secret—something that stares us in the face every day of our lives. But this secret is so open that we’ve been blinded by it, collectively fooled by the ultimate magician’s trick. The great news is… once you’ve seen this trick and how it operates… you can’t unsee it.

    Beyond researching and writing on this subject for two decades now, I have personally toured the national monetary museums of: the New York Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, Deutsche Bundesbank in Germany, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Bank of Japan, and the China Money Museum in Beijing. I’ve seen pretty much every kind of medium of exchange mankind has ever used, and here is just a little of what I’ve learned…the biggest open secret:

    That Stuff in Your Wallet Isn’t Money

    Nor is the stuff in your checking account, your money market, your brokerage account, your credit card balance, or any of the other things we conventionally call money. By the time you finish this chapter, I’m pretty sure you will come to believe, as I do, that this is one of the most important things you have ever learned.

    From now on I will make a clear distinction between money and currency. The reason is out of respect… respect for money. Because there is one important virtue of money that currency does not share.

    Currency is a medium of exchange, a unit of account, portable, durable, divisible, and fungible. (Fungible means interchangeable. For instance, if I loan you a $20 bill you can pay me back with

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