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About this ebook

The journey begins here as realms collide...

Greed and betrayal divided the Realms, leaving the power to restore them inside a young child who is sent away for protection. As she grows up, her world is normal, safe; that is until she turns eighteen, and Silas, a mysterious stranger, arrives, claiming to be from

Release dateAug 1, 2020

C.R. Rice

C.R. Rice is a fantasy/sci-fi writer, currently immersing you in the Realm Series. As someone who grew up in a small town, she has always loved escaping into the world of fantasy, paranormal and legend. C.R. has dedicated herself to creating that same opportunity to anyone who wants to escape the boring reality of real life. Through the years, she has traveled to dozens of different states and countries, has lived in North Carolina, Pennsylvania and now Florida! While they all have their own unique treasures, she admits to favoring the sunny southern states over the chilly northern ones, though there is nothing like curling up with a wonderful book by the fire as the snow falls outside the window.Some of her favorite reads are Terry Pratchett's Disc World series, The Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld, and The Hallow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle. When she is not reading or writing, she enjoys spending time with her husband.

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    Book preview

    Denial - C.R. Rice


    To Correy, for believing in me and your loving, yet forceful shove into the abyss of the unknown.

    Thank you.


    A hooded figure appeared on a moonless night, in a small sleepy town. Its citizens slumbered peacefully, oblivious to the heavy foreboding that billowed in like fog. The soft wind rustled the autumn leaves, across the stranger’s path, as it ambled down the streets in a heav y silence.

    Step after silent step, the figure wandered the town, stopping on occasion to peer into a darkened shop window before it pressed on.

    The streets were lined with carefully painted and restored buildings, remnants of a town gasping its last breath, but fighting for its survival. An old ice cream shop, adorned with pink and white striped awnings, placed purposefully after a quaint cafe. A hint of fresh rose permeated from the blooming flower shop, nestled beside it. Logos were elegantly scrawled against the wide storefront windows with splashes of vibrant colors in hopes of bringing wanderers close.

    The figure was seemingly indifferent to these attempted drawls, passed by unabated.

    A small light at the edge of town drew the figure closer. Something about the warm glow, intrigued it enough to cause pause in its mission. The old red brick building’s small circular window flickered by candlelight, illuminating a bartender, dutifully wiping down the worn, chipped counters, while a waitress flitted around the room, collecting empty bottles and glasses that had been left from a devout crowd who has long since called it a night. A lone patron sat at the end of the bar, nursing the darkened liquid sitting before him.

    For a few moments, the dark figure watched in thoughtful silence before continuing on its path.

    As is the standard in most small towns, the end of the main road signaled the end of the town itself. The hooded one gently stepped off the edge of the sidewalk and onto a small gravel path that wound into a dimly lit park. Though it made no sound that humans could hear, the energy pouring off the figure was not so kind to the animals within the park. A rabbit family, once happily asleep, crept from its burrow for a closer look. Birds peaked from their nests, the ruffling of their feathers echoing into the night. Predators and prey alike momentarily set aside their differences, in the spirit of neighborhood protection. An owl hooted into the night, eyeing the gracefully silent being with skepticism.

    It was a strange figure, neither resembling man nor woman, human nor animal. There were no limbs or unusual movements revealed, no flash of hair or hint of face to give the possible distinction between one or the other. If someone had seen it pass, which no one had, they would only remember the distinct blood red cloak that seemed abnormally immune to the darkness of night.

    Reaching the end of the manicured cul-de-sac, the figure slowed, tilting it’s hooded head to admire the two-story colonial home. The pristine white coloring shined, even on this moonless night, leading one to believe it had been painted recently. It’s windows were framed with hunter green shutters, while a large covered porch held three different colored chairs and a dainty, white and glass wicker table. Flowers hung between the wooden beams, pushing their fresh fragrance into the cool night, while vibrant green ivy grew lazily over the railings.

    The figure righted itself, drifting forward to follow the siding around the silent house, before coming to a stop and peering up to a curved window. The figure looked around, once, then twice somewhat cautiously, leapt into the nearby tree and evaporated into a fine red mist. Slipping through the cracked window, the mist pooled onto the floor and began slinking across the thick, soft, brown carpeting, before finally rematerializing into the cloaked figure once more.

    The room was painted a simple white, holding a long distressed white dresser, mirror, and matching nightstands on each side of the queen bed. One of which held a small clock with glowing red numbers and a book, while the other held a collection of picture frames. The walls were covered in a collage of a combination of photos and posters while a closet sat partially open beside the bathroom door. The bed sat in the middle of the room, holding a multitude of pillows, the center of which held a disheveled and sleeping figure.

    Soft snores filled the room as the hood drifted to the edge of the bed. For a long time, the being just looked down at the sleeping woman, watching her sleep with her lips slightly parted and her chest rising and falling with deep even breaths. One of her smooth hands lay carelessly against her chest while the other was tucked deep into the pillows behind her head. It continued to watch until the lightning flickered across her red tinted hair, giving birth to fire within the darkness of the night. Her skin held a slight tan from the time she spent in the fresh air and sunshine. She was close enough to reach out and touch and yet still so far. She knew nothing of the true world, of the people that desperately needed her. Or the ones that were waiting for her to fail.

    It was time to speed things up. The limbo this world had found itself currently trapped in, had gone on for far too long. The people of this world were ignoring that they were dying at a higher rate than ever before. In this plane and in the next. Suffering had taken its hold in ways the worlds had never before seen. It was time for it to end.

    Filled with a new resolve, the hooded one leaned down, a hand appearing from beneath the wispy material, clasped gently as it clutched a silver like powder. Moving ever closer to the sleeping woman until it was mere inches away. A slight inhale of breath and the figure blew across its hand until the powder was pushed forward, covering the woman’s face in a fine mist. The figure watched as the powder took on a shimmering light before finally sinking into the woman’s flesh. Her response was instant as she scrunched her face, the hand from her chest coming to rub her nose before she turned on her side and settled in once more.

    Satisfied, the figure righted itself, taking one last look at the sleeping woman and the room she dwelled in before it dissolved once more, settling lightly against the floor, it fluttered to the window before exiting and dropping neatly onto the ground below.

    Without sparing a glance, the figure quickly crossed the expanse of the grass covered backyard. It’s steps silent once more as it slid through the gate navigating the trees beyond with practiced ease. Squirrels peaked out from their homes within the trees as the intruder slid passed them. As curiosity got the best of the small creatures, they quickly crawled from the comfort of their home and bounced from tree to tree in pursuit. The sun was beginning to break the darkness with its splashes of pink and yellow when the hooded figure came to a stop before a small cave.

    You shouldn’t have done that, Red. The words came on the sickly warm wind to whisper into the figure’s ear as it stopped before the small opening. The curious little squirrels halted before darting away at the sharp voice.

    Bowing its head, the figure stepped forward, disappearing into the depths. You started it.

    Chapter One

    Averie Hale lay upon the fresh spring grass, a peaceful smile decorating her face as she soaked in the afternoon sun. Stretching her arms high above her head, she lifted her face further into the warm sun, her smile widening as a soft wind tickled her nose with a rich wildflower aroma that sent her auburn hair to spread wildly around her. This is where she belonged, surrounded by earth and freshness and peace. The happy sounds of chirping birds and the trickle of the nearby stream permeated a sense of peace that had surrounded the area, until a loud clapping of thunder ripped through the air. Birds scattered into the air, taking flight and soaring in the opposite direction of the intrus ive sound.

    Shocked, Averie bolted upright, searching her surroundings. Though she saw nothing, another loud boom echoed, bringing her to her feet.

    A rolling grey was filling the horizon, drawing her closer while pushing her from the center of the field. The sun’s warmth against her exposed flesh fought to keep the growing chill at bay, as she brushed her fingertips along the swaying flowers. The rich blues, purples, and greens decorating the golden stalks faded as their rich fragrance soured with every step.

    Slowly, the sun began to fade, swallowed by the impending darkness. A gasp slipped from her lips as the flowers disintegrated beneath her fingers. No matter which direction she turned the results were the same. The air was filled with the ashy remnants of the once blossoming flowers with the stems and blades of grass melted away beneath her feet.

    Confusion filled her as her eyes swept across the dying landscape. Quivering, she stumbled back, a scream ripping from her throat as she landed heavily on the dry and cracked ground. Her eyes burned and she gasped for breath, as the world shifted once more. Her stomach rolled as the colors melted and twisted over and over again before they settled on a sickening grey scale. Forcing herself to her knees her eyes locked on a distant form. Pushing to her feet she inched closer until the form morphed into a dark figure. He was tall, dressed in black, his hair disheveled, blood smeared across his serious face and his eyes a piercing teal.

    Deep inside her, Averie knew she recognized him. For years, he was the same man drifting to and from her dreams, becoming a constant companion. Whether he was standing in the background watching or sitting on a bench she could never quite reach, he was always there but also not, showing her she was dreaming. Another step forward and she was nearly brought to her knees as the chaos of another time, another place began to conquer her dreams. Fighting for control, she watched as his lips moved in a familiar pattern.

    What? I can’t hear you. She stepped towards him but he stepped back. Who are you? What do you want from me?

    He remained motionless, just continued to stand there, his lips constantly moving, repeating his eyes pleading, begging for her to understand. She sighed, growing desperate to understand.

    The sky darkened, black clouds consuming the last remaining wisps of white, the gentle wind now a furious and slashing force. Lightening ripped through the dark, sending a foreboding crack that shattered the last shred of silence. Fear gripped her as the ground began to shake and decay. The once vibrant and fragrant flowers wilted, unable to hold their bloom on a blackened stem. Breathless Averie tried to regain her footing, but the sheer force around her shoved her back to her knees.

    Her breath came in quick succession, but the dense air around her, so heavy she couldn’t fill her lungs. Her eyes darted back to the man. What’s going on?

    He stood in silent resolution; his eyes fixed on her. The ground, unable to keep up with the constant motion, began to crack. She once again tried to stand and once again was forced back down. Still the man did nothing but stand and stare, miming the unheard words.

    Please! Help me! she begged, gripping the dying grass, as the landscape continued to self-destruct.

    The dark figure tilted his head, a sadness entering his downcast eyes. Following his gaze, she watched as a deep crimson fluid oozed from the cracks beneath his feet. It pooled around him, rising up his ankles and engulfing his entire lower body. The man flailed, trying to pull away from the thick, blood color liquid. In soundless horror the ooze exploded up around his entire body before pulling him down below the cracked surface.

    No! Averie screamed, lunging for the man. She tore at the cracked earth, her flesh tearing from her fingers as she screamed out in pain.

    Averie woke with a sweat-covered brow and panic gripping her pounding heart. Gasping for breath, she searched her shaking hands for any evidence of her endured pain. She frantically looked around and instead of the horrorscape she was just in, she was laying safe in her plain, cream colored bedroom. It was just a dream. She sighed. Just a dream.

    She put her sweat soaked head back onto her pillow.

    This time he was so close; he had felt so real.

    Her door swung open and a half-asleep, older woman entered the room. Averie watched in amusement as the woman fought back her sleep tangled, slightly grey, hair in the darkened room. The older woman fumbled around before finally finding the light switch. The sudden burst of light forced Averie to blink in pain. She pulled her old cream colored blanket over her head in efforts to fight off the invading brightness.

    Averie, are you okay? I thought I heard a scream, the older woman asked, striding towards her bed. Her mother had kind, worried filled, brown eyes which were fixed on the covered Averie. She was desperately trying to finish tying the light pink robe into a bow at her waist, as she sat beside Averie. Her mother pulled the covers off Averie’s head and placed a hand against her forehead for a moment before rubbing the backs of her hands down her cheeks.

    Taking a deep breath, Averie forced a reassuring smile. Yeah, mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. Just a bad dream.

    Are you alright? her mother repeated, taking Averie’s hand into her own. You don’t seem to have a fever but you are drenched, and this room is freezing!

    Nodding, Averie held her smile. Just a dream. I shouldn’t have watched a scary movie before bed.

    Her mother frowned at the lie; she knew they had watched a comedy together before Averie had fallen asleep. Knowing there was no point in discussing it right now, she glanced at the clock, 4:13. It’s still early, you should try to get some more sleep before everyone shows up later.

    Averie knew full well she wasn’t getting anymore sleep tonight but smiled at her mother in agreement. Satisfied, her mother stood and closed the open window before stopping at the door, she turned and smiled down at the girl. Happy Birthday, Averie. She then paused for an extended moment and when met with nothing but silence she closed the door.

    Settling herself back into the bed, Averie listened to the retreating footsteps end at a distant clicking of a door. She sighed deeply, staring up at the ceiling, her mind racing with images of those green eyes. How was it she had never seen him before but she had also seen him so often. How could a dream feel so real? She could still feel her body frozen in terror. She could still feel her body shake. She could still feel herself falling.

    Averie recalled reading a story about dreams and how everything in a dream represented something. What did this all mean? Maybe it was showing just how much she dreaded her birthday. Her birthday had always been marked by dark omens. None of them ever had a purpose, but something bad always happened. But what about those eyes?

    Averie took a deep breath and groaned. 4:43 AM. She threw her arm over her head. There’s no point lying in bed and dwelling on dreams, she thought as she threw the blanket aside and heaved herself out of bed. She had a long day ahead and though it was ridiculously early, she may as well get ready and face it.

    Happy Birthday, Fox! bellowed a big, burly man, ambushing Averie as she entered the small kitchen.

    Smiling widely, she shoved him off and adjusted her carefully braided hair. Thanks, Thane. You got any of that wonderful, lifesaving coffee left for me?

    His huge smile covered all the parts of his face that weren’t concealed by his neatly trimmed beard. He grabbed her normal large black and gold striped mug and filled it, adding a small amount of cream and sugar before sliding it down the long counter to her. She barely had time to grab the mug before a plate of giant pancakes, smothered in syrup and whip cream, came sliding down the counter behind it. Averie held the mug to her lips for a brief moment before drawing that first magical sip. She took a moment of contemplation, savoring the simple brilliance of her favorite hot beverage and let out a sigh. Regarding Thane in appreciation, she smiled and danced a little jig of happiness. Feeling she had shown enough appreciation for the drink, she sat down on the bar stool before her, then took a giant bite of blueberry pancake.

    She gasped. You are a God among men, she said, closing her eyes and relishing the delicious flavor as it melted in her mouth.

    Thane crossed his thick arms and leaned against the counter, arching a brow at her. I don’t know about that but I’ll take the compliment, he said, grabbing a fork and taking a bite for himself off her plate. Averie glared at him and with over exaggerated force took another giant bite.

    So where are Lucas and Sera? Averie asked as she chewed on her oversized bite.

    For an uncomfortable moment, his big, warm blue eyes fixed on hers before he said, Is it really over this time? Or are we continuing this circle?

    She had expected this. The circle of anger and betrayal, lies and screaming throughout the house, had to stop. It’s really over. It has to be. I’m eighteen now, Thane. I can’t do this anymore. I have goals and a life to live that doesn’t involve eternal relationship roller coasters. This year will be different; you just watch. Averie lowered her gaze to her plate and stabbed her fork into the dwindling stack.

    Thane nodded and returned to the stove, removing the last few pancakes. Is it because of your dream man? he asked, his back turned, holding syrup high above his plate.

    Averie slowly lowered her fork to her plate, then took a long sip from her cup. He told you? she finally asked.

    Thane shrugged, glancing over his shoulder. Well, between the nightmares, sleep talking and Lucas’s unbearable jealousy and babbling during workouts, I kind of figured it out.

    Averie rolled her eyes, thinking of Lucas.

    So. Thane sighed, bringing his plate to the counter. Who is he?

    Averie’s thoughts jumbled and scrambled as she tried to formulate an acceptable answer. She bit her lip for a moment, then took the final sip from her mug. Readjusting her braid, she picked up her plate and mug and deposited them into the sink. I don’t know, she said softly.

    Excuse me? Thane asked, shock laced in his voice.

    Averie flinched at his tone, her stomach clenching.

    What do you mean you don’t know? Thane demanded. His fork clamored against the plate as he stood to face her. You mean to say Lucas has been causing hell over an imaginary man?

    Averie frowned. What do you mean ‘he’s causing hell’?

    Thane stopped, mouth gaping as he tried to find the words. Finally he reached down, grabbed the fork and shoved an excessive amount of pancake into it while shaking his head and shrugging. Mumm sunm nom.

    Mmm, did anyone ever tell you what a horrible liar you are?

    Laying the fork down once more, Thane clasped his hands together. "Look, Lucas is my friend, but you are my best friend—my sister. But when it comes to you two, no one wins."

    I know and I’m sorry. Really, I am, it’s just—

    Happy Birthday, darling! Karen announced, strolling in with two armfuls of groceries, she gave both Averie and Thane a kiss on the cheek. Dramatically placing the grocery bags on the floor, she released a heavy sigh before facing them. Is there no one willing to help this poor old lady get the rest of the groceries? she asked sweetly.

    Thane bowed. My apologies, Queen Karen. He let out a boisterous laugh and with exaggerated movements ran out to the door.

    You’re not old, mom. Averie laughed, picking up the bags and placing them on the counter. She hovered over a particular sparkling bag. Anything for me? she asked, trying to peek inside.

    Shoo get out of there! Don’t be nosey. Karen nudged Averie away as she lifted the bag onto the counter. Don’t you have something to do?

    Nope. Averie smiled, jumping to sit on the counter. Classes are out for the day.

    Oh really? Karen asked suspiciously.

    Special delivery, Thane muttered, his arms full of the remaining bags.

    You know you can take more than one trip, young man, Karen scolded, taking several from him.

    Thane and Averie shared a collective eye roll.

    Hello, lovelies, Sera announced, arms wide. Her face perfectly porcelain and rich blue eyes gleaming with delight. Her classically blonde hair and matching attitude filled every possible stereotype. She was perfectly bubbly, flirtatious and spoiled rotten. They had been friends since they were seven, complete opposites and yet somehow, they made it work.

    Averie flinched at the fake English accent, for some unknown reason to everyone but her, was putting on. Sera pulled Averie in tightly and kissed each of her cheeks before releasing her. Watching English TV again, Sera? Averie grinned.

    Oh, pish posh. She laughed. Happy Birthday, Avi. Holding out an outrageously pink bag, she began tapping her fingers together as Averie opened it. Putting aside the excessive amount of pink tissue paper, Averie withdrew a small white box.

    Averie gave Sera a bemused half smile. What is it?

    Open it, silly, Sera said, rolling her bright blue eyes in feigned annoyance.

    Delicately, Averie pulled the box open and gasped. Nestled on a small black pillow was a crystalized silver omega encased in a golden inlay, with an onyx above and diamond below. The intricacy of it was breathtaking.

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