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The national question
The national question
The national question
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The national question

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Before the rise of republics, relations between communities were religious and military power based on the rights of the gods and spiritual warfare. The Sublime Powers Granted to the Elect of the Deities
With the appearance of the Republics and the Free Man, International Relations as we know them today began: the interaction between the National States with equal culture or legal society, independence, and sovereignty. The right to war disappears; no Republic establishes the law of war to destroy another nation,
The world of nations originated and consolidated in the American continent during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. For the other continents, the process began in Europe's First World War and extended to Asia and Africa during the Second World War and the Cold War.
But even today, religious empires defend themselves by creating wars within republics and supported by monarchies and spiritual states.
Freedom of worship is established in the Republics to end servitude; no more servants of religion who persecute, condemn, and subjugate peoples in the name of the gods. Faith ceases to be an obligation and becomes an option. In the Republic, you can be an atheist during work hours, a worshipper of Venus at lunch, a priest of Bacchus and Morpheus at night, and a worshipper of Huītzilōpōchtli during a sporting event, and no civil authority can judge you for changing religion or, prioritizing science over mythologies.
In contrast to natural rights, republics establish citizen and social rights with Constitutions. Nature does not grant any rights. The creation of the Free Man in the American continent gave good results that inspired European intelligence to create great cosmogonies such as Marxism and liberalism.
But religious empires remain a factor of control and domination; they have no legal personality, do not pay taxes, have their own rules, and demand tribute from their faithful.
Release dateNov 29, 2023
The national question

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    The national question - Ramón Pineda Gómez


    © Derechos de edición reservados.

    Letrame Editorial.

    © Ramón Pineda Gómez

    Diseño de edición: Letrame Editorial.

    Maquetación: Juan Muñoz Céspedes

    Diseño de portada: Rubén García

    Supervisión de corrección: Ana Castañeda

    ISBN: 978-84-1181-787-5

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    As an Internationalist, the national question is the central axle of any International Relations theory; this sounds obvious, but the main actors in the global human interaction have been the Empires and their alliances and specific treaties of dominance under the Art of War.

    At the end of World War I (WWI), President Wilson proposed that the first international organization include national states as equals to support international cooperation and prevent new wars. That implied there was no right to start a war, and Geneva established only rules of war. The new organization was the League of Nations. However, its creations did not accept equal treatment between states; most of its members were Empires, and the primary function was the administration of the profits from WWI, and their new Colonies called protectorates, which was not President Wilson’s idea, so the United States stepped aside.

    The second problem was the absence of independent states in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania; the only republic on those continents was the French Republic, and three republican projects, the German Republic, the Spanish Republic, and the Soviet Union Republic, and almost all the communities were colonies. In contrast, the American Continent had more than 15 Republics since 1821.

    The third problem was the power and influence of religions eager to regain their hegemonies, lost with the creation of Italy and the reduction of papal territory to the Vatican City, and the Muslims weakened by the disappearance of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

    The fourth: the expansion of the Japanese Empire took advantage of the economic, European, and American crises.

    And fifth, the profound contempt of the powers towards the Latin American republican experience due to internal difficulties such as the Mexican Revolution had a weakness for international presence and, like the United States, was not interested in bleeding for the sake of royalty, despotism, and religious fanaticism.

    In the Americas, all independent nations were republics with freedom of religion, but the vast majority recognized the Catholic Empire as the uncontested religious guide.

    In conclusion, inside the League of Nations, the representation and weight were not equivalent; without legal equality of states, Europe was the entire exercise of sovereignty and the center of attention among equals.

    For Europeans, the rest of the world was colonies or former colonies.

    Today that 1918 panorama remains the center of the conflict, the four great empires of the faith, the Catholic, the Muslim, the Hindu-Buddhist, and the Zionist; these dictatorial organizations are based on the absolute truth and infallibility of their Gods. Under divine laws, religions do not obey civil law. They follow doctrine by their Ministers of worship who follow and actualize the Dictates of the faith, hence their nature of dictatorships against the republican process.

    They are empires because they impose rules and norms beyond borders and local legislation. They receive taxes from individuals and states for the execution of their tasks. Its ministers do not pay taxes and have free movement from one country to another to exercise their functions. Religious ministers recognize divinity as the only authority. They aim to spread, establish and defend their faith and support a holy war as a legitimate right.

    A second series of Empires are those derived from the religious schism promoted by Luther and Calvin and which have their conspicuous representatives in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, The Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the European Union, where the surviving crowned heads of World War II converged as a common front to rebuild and expand their influence and restoration of their dynasties all over the disappeared Socialist Bloc.

    The United States became the first republican empire founded on capitalist economic capacity, extending through its transnational companies and military efficiency. Its new competitors without religious or despotic factors are China and Russia.

    In this analysis, we have suppressed the concepts of economic dependence, economic underdevelopment, developing, or third world. These classifications have been elaborated as theoretical-ideological mechanisms and pseudoscientific explanations to justify the domination of the Empires and establish patterns of molding social subordination.

    By 1930, Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Uruguay had better economic conditions than European countries. In 1960, Latin American nations such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela were fulfilling half a century of total growth in conditions of peace until the new financial system, led by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), established development models, derived in financial crisis, expensive international credits, justify popular revolts, and coups d’état all over Latin America, and the consequent problem in investments and economic development.

    The IMF’s promised growth never came, but that strategy helped rebuild Europe after WWI and will restore colonialism and imperialism under new modalities.

    Assuming the American continent as no man’s land must accept all immigration from Europe, they discover America, so all Americans must welcome the white men to expand the European framework. The rest of humanity should admire the European way of life and development, which has never existed beyond its tourist areas, and third generations of European immigrants in the American continent must step aside and honor the new post-WWII European recolonization.

    And this is colonialism, protected, sponsored, and promoted by international organizations.

    Something very similar happened in the United States in motion picture and television industries in the 1950s, showing us a picture of the United States that had never existed, with only Caucasian actors, Indians being the bad guys, black characters performed by Caucasians, and African-American song hits when were sung by the so-called ‘whites.’ European Christian royalty refused to set royalty outside Europe but instead created white supremacy over indigenous and aborigines; each white man is Tarzan.

    Another case that evidences this trend is the State of Israel and the rise of the Zionist empire, which is neither economically nor militarily profitable and, as a religion, does not increase its membership.

    The State of Israel was created under religious and racist myths (talk about God’s elected people, it is racism) cloaked under a cloak of freedom, a newly invented medieval historical right for the Crusades Jews, long before WWII, and endorsed by the United Nations in 1948, in flagrant violation of human and civilian ownership of the inhabitants of Palestine under the mandate and protectorate of the United Kingdom. The United Nations had an obligation to create the State of Palestine and end the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland’s (UK) mandate; that was the right thing to do.

    Political analysts have considered religions as pressure groups when they are supranational powers without responsibility for their actions since they are not subject to state jurisprudence. Some of its ministers are under trial for civil crimes but never for using religion as inspiration or ideological or fanaticism to perpetuate and justify those crimes.

    Religions do not have legal or criminal personality. Still, they exist and demand the expansion of their principles and beliefs, whether those ancient rules are against civil law or Human Rights. Fanaticism is a more powerful force than many nations and international organizations.

    Neither the Vatican State, Islam, nor Judaism assume that any of its ministers have committed crimes against humanity following religious norms; neither the Dalai Lama nor any national state has been able to suppress or cancel religions by manipulation, alienation, and mass murder such as the ‘suicides’ of Texas and Guyana, or the white slave trade, or slavery, or white supremacy.

    However, the empires of faith and their dictators or sectarian leaders have organized and directed the fiercest wars and acts of terrorism in human history. They must be considered central actors in any theory of International Relations.

    Throughout this work, we will make linear and transversal cuts to show these constants in history, science evolution, and social development.


    The National Question,

    the unfinished signature

    It is easy to take a life but who can give it back again?

    Frederick, ‘the elector.’

    When the Renaissance’s mirror reflected European existence, humanity, horrified, saw its hopeless existence under Catholic authority. After the fairy puts everyone to sleep, Prince Charming comes to the rescue with the Religious Reform. Science’s clean approach seduced the seven arts. Outside Europe, in singular happiness, the non-Catholic humanity kept going. Universal reality had been ignoring the European authoritarian monotheism. Inside Europe, the religious war ignored all girls’ prayers for freedom from intransigent desires to that Jewish-Mesopotamian God and his several avocations.¹

    European opposition taught with fables, avoiding mentions of Gods and Goddesses, using fairies instead, in Spanish ‘fuegos fatuos,’ which appear as self-combustion everywhere, very common until the 18th century. Fairies are going out to dance in circles.

    Fables criticize life, offering hope for a good marriage, the punishing tower, the stupid naked King, or the princess taking the poor fellow and his cat in boots into Royalty. The witch in the forest, the dire wolf, does not mention the church. Science and philosophy were moving away from official theology.

    Medieval women and men built tales, houses, orchards, and cattle. They improve genetics, transforming wild pork into jersey pigs.

    Europeans’ pageants expect peace, justice, and the triumph of reason. Efforts in the scientific field found encouragement in each discovery. In contrast, the church’s triumph was measured by miracles defeating nature’s rules. Human spirits and mythological Gods became characters in fairy tales to avoid religious prosecutions.

    In the American continent, the communities² were transformed into societies, forming new nations under the Constitution, and the new free and equal men tried to overcome religious myths.

    Despite the new republic being born with discriminating rules against women, poor people, enslaved people, and colonies, the fathers of the new republics were not considered prophets. On the contrary,³ in the absence of Divine inspiration, The Constitutional Congress included the option of reforming the Constitution. The Constitution as a human product is imperfect. And they were looking for human liberation. That’s why the Constitution included amendments. That is why the separation between State and religion is the freedom of religion.

    Religion should not be used against the People anymore; religion becomes a social option, not an obligation.

    The first laws were born on the American continent. Still, the philosophical process began in Europe,⁵ particularly in the non-imperial communities, such as the Italian peninsula, the Prussian Empire, and Navarra region. Those areas were where the scientific revolution began⁶ enlightening human existence during the Renaissance using beauty and arts.

    Rafael was confronted with Michelangelo’s anatomy lectures at the Sistine Chapel, providing clothes to naked muscles.

    Lorenzo the Magnificent and Leonardo da Vinci built Florence, defying the scholastics with beauty. Searching, teaching, joy, and pastime were the artist’s duties in the absence of scientific disciplines. In those days, the arts were also a way to question and experiment.⁷ Each device and sculpture, every building reached comfort. Traveling needed better tools for navigation, and the army required improvement; everything connected with the arts.

    Everyone must have artistic abilities without science, the finest, the smartest, the writers, the drawers. The way of performance makes the artist in the same way that writers use fictional secret agents to inspire modern designers to create cell phones, self-drive cars, and the remote control airplanes and drones.

    The art must be innovative, helping the artisan production, showing something new and exciting, and connecting with new knowledge. How can someone create new colors without chemistry? Or new buildings without analytic geometry or calculus? How can it be possible to breed the perfect horse without genetics?

    Innovation led the European army over the Arab world. The gunpowder transformed the primitive Merlin and Royal structure into Empires, and the once humble Catholic showed his despotic behavior.

    The church became an ideological tyrant on each conquest during the European expansion, taking over the flat Earth into the new spherical territories.

    The confrontation with overseas cultures, even after the destructions, contributed to knowledge and essential questions.

    Can the Darwin⁹ evolution theory succeed before tripping America? Indeed, he had the idea, but the trip gave him the final confrontation with the non-humanized reality. It was the opposite with Columbus; he never got an accurate conclusion.

    The Genovese refused to see his real achievement and stopped his learning process, trying to cash in as soon as possible because he assumed his failure. Founding some islands far away does not demonstrate the spherical nature of the Earth. He did not arrive in India, Cipango, or China as promised by the Spanish Crown. Columbus’ failure precipitates him to a fast conclusion.

    Americus Vespucci dared to speak out about the new reality, denouncing the whole new Continent was a revolutionary idea, a blasphemy bigger than Joan of Arc’s hallucinations, and that’s a huge difference.

    Reality is always there, but human prejudices and conveniences do not let us recognize the simple facts. Kant and Marx agreed with that; Emmanuel called it a priori,¹⁰ and Carl named it ideology¹¹.

    The reality and the truth are only valid under one’s desires, like the teenager in love or the mother’s perception of her children’s beauty. But that behavior is the instinctual aspect in humans, the reproduction process. Why does the blonde and blue eyes girl fall in love with the dark-skinned guy from the next town? Why does the tribe steal women from the rival tribe, brunette or not? The Master’s son falls in love, against his will, with the enslaved Indian. The opposite reason for keeping sexual traffic inside the royal families is to prevent deprivation and avoid old blood.¹² The instinct of preservation reaches the mixture; genes are smarter than race, which is the only way to refresh blood. England’s Parliament got power because the wicked kings died young. The daughters took the crown and tried to survive against the Church or their cousins.

    Republics are about freedom and equality, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, transit, and freedom to get married or get divorced. The goal of the nations is in opposition to the Dark Age; society’s goal is to provide for the population. The protection against any fanatic or despotic mythology or religion is the essential function of the Constitution. Everybody is free to believe or not, but no one has the right to take the power of the State in the name of any religion, mythology, or personal war.

    Today in the 21st Century, the more critical Battle is between the National States and the Religious Communities, between creationism and evolutionists. The migrations¹³, the democracy, the Dictators, the Despotic, the Aristocratic, and the Royalties are still fighting and searching for different ways to reinstall their flags and beliefs. Meanwhile, science is still reaching for more and better ways to keep humankind alive.

    Chapter one

    Human history is a long walk¹⁴, reaching for good lands, nice weather, healthy and peaceful life, and overall knowledge. More than physiological starvation, human nature is eager to understand reality. That is why, from the beginning until today, myths and legends explain the human avatar.

    The first God was maybe the sun, then Goddess, like the moon, and then another one, then others more and more sophisticated to building explanations for creation, existence, death, and eternity to create a culture to overcome death¹⁵. First appeared the cults followed by religions, establishing the way of life and then the rules. The more sophisticated and multitasked deities have to give some knowledge to humans.

    The famous one is Prometheus¹⁶the Titan giving humans the fire to cook. And as civilization began, the first big difference between humanity and beast was:

    The kitchen¹⁷.

    Knowledge is a gift from the Gods, acquired in dreams or with fortune on the road. Human efforts get rewarded; not a single lazy guy had been the recipient of the gift of knowledge, that old fable:

    Hercules and the Waggoner

    A Waggoner was once driving a heavy load along a very muddy way. At last, he came to a part of the road where the wheels sank half-way into the mire, and the more the horses pulled, the deeper sank the wheels. So the Waggoner threw down his whip, and knelt down and prayed to Hercules the Strong.O Hercules, help me in this my hour of distress, quote he. But Hercules appeared to him, and said:

    Tut, man, don’t sprawl there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.

    After the man started to push, the God helped in silence.

    The gods help them that help themselves.¹⁸

    Prometheus stole the fire from Olympus and gave it to the humans; when Zeus noticed how humans were burning the forest and overcooking birds and wild pork, the punishment was severe. Prometheus¹⁹, the good Titan, was tied to the cliff; as an immortal, he had been feeding the eagles with his liver, which happens to regenerate every day.

    The only human organ able to regenerate is the liver. The point is, how did the Greeks know that?²⁰

    Knowledge and imagination grew in conflict; we have to test our hypothesis three times²¹, the same as God did, punishing humanity three times. The wizards, monks, and priestesses were elected to count and decide, not the kings or warriors. Schools and philosophers should, as they have no pretenses of immortality.²²

    Ashurbanipal was the first Mesopotamian to claim his divine origin; the Syrian Empire had an Emperor able to write and read and was the first to organize a library; when the inhabitants lost the perception between good and evil, Nineveh was destroyed.

    Too much knowledge and less respect for God is no good;²³ The Epic of Gilgamesh’s search for immortality proved that. The Jewish people made their version with Noah elected for God to preserve humanity. The other humans with plenty of pride and knowledge should die because they tried to become Gods.

    The point is, why did God need Noah? Why not erase humanity without pain and create a perfect Adam and Eve with no serpent? What is the problem with God? Is he jealous of human frivolity and stupidity?²⁴ What is the sense of horrendous massive death by flooding and drowning creatures? Who will know that? God and Satan will be talking in the aftermath with the victims.

    For Greeks and Romans, knowledge was a gift and a way to honor the Gods, but for the Jews, knowledge has been the origin of human tragedy since Adam and Eve.

    Defying the Gods was not a good thing to do. The Greeks recognized prudence.²⁵ This interpretation was elevated for the Catholic Church to the highest level during the ‘Middle Ages,’ where stupidity, ignorance, and virtue were the same. Pain, misery, and submission were the best ingredients for paving the road to heaven. Religion fulfilled the human obsession with death and punished the terrene life as a temple of death as a portal and door to everlasting life.²⁶

    In dreams appeared the mix between God and Humans; in Greek-Roman mythology, it was called imagination. For King David, it was the revelation. This illumination of flesh infected Jewish-catholic-Islamic Monotheism with too many prophets, messengers, and saints. The Holy Scriptures confused the languages with designs to make us fight.²⁷

    God gives birth to his only natural son Jesus Christ. A human child, God made Mary a sexless adulterer. This first fleshy version of God in Jesus Christ needed the tangible and more terrestrial opposition—The Demon. The Jewish sophistication began with a more fleshy mixture; Zeus, the lover of pretty ladies and creator of half-gods, found his competitors. Humans became saints or half-gods. Some humans could do miracles, improving particular human and natural behavior aspects. Human knowledge was not an option in the Catholic Roman Empire. Submission and innocence became the way to get a position in the New Pantheon in the New Champ Elise, or the Celestial Court, and creating Royal blood was more convenient for Constantine.²⁸

    Pagan religions considered monotheist miracles to result from human knowledge or effort. Scientifics say opportunities are for the prepared ones.

    When Religion guided the communities into war and internal conflicts, the warriors were superb, but nobody could age because death became the essence for young people eager to survive. Religion took wherever it could to glorify victories and sanctify losses, whether as part of the war game with a solid army, strong comrades, and good generals.

    Humans must define a new organization to survive, so the first clear division between the city and the campaign was made.

    The city, or polis, was the center and brain of public affairs, and the campaign was the place for training and preparing the army for battles.²⁹ City and campaign became a description of urban and wilderness. Today we have the ‘political campaign’ in Italian campigna, in English camping. The warriors and the armies did not live in the cities.

    The city was a place for civilians, divided between patrons and clients. There were the elected and selected people in charge of public affairs—the community business. The civilians were the ordinary people making and ruling the cultural fields. The non-bellicose life was making trade and alliances. Today, the Military Court and the Civilian Court keep the separation between them. The happy celebrations were a way for the civilians to recognize the sacrifices of the people in uniform.³⁰

    The city and its government did not care about the victory or defeat of one particular general or hero. The city was in charge of public affairs and the ease and comfortable way of life for the pageants. The Legions received the soldiers and money to hire mercenaries and the honor of the victory. In return, the warriors gave back peace and profits. Males possessed the land, but the entire farm was bustling with female activity.³¹ Even today, there is no good farming without a woman’s touch.

    The farmers have to leave the land in wartime. The sons should be quick and ready to face unexpected attacks. Women must be smart enough to process food and hide ready the cattle, store necessities for the winter, make clothes, be a nurse, and become a widow. And sometimes become a mother of the enemy’s child.

    The fight between the new catholic Empire and the witches was not the holy caw, the recently invented ‘holy grail,’ or the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church had to start the prosecution because the actual owner of the land, the legitimate protector and head of the family, was a woman. Penelope³² cannot expulse the pretenders; she has to take a husband. Her house and land should fit the prospect, which was on pat with Homeric’s imagination—that was the way of life, the city life was public, not private at all.

    The warriors used to live outside the city; communities had fewer regular families; the polis members were the older men unable to fight, surrendering for many women fitting and teaching many children and teenagers.

    The question was: How can the Constantine Empire take all that land from female hands and give it to empower the new Royalty? How do they change the female power into poor, subordinated souls able to be used and abused for the New Religion?³³

    In the VI century, under Charlemagne’s authority, the people had to choose between being non-Catholic and dying or getting baptized and fitting for God’s new army. The army supported the cross. The first ten centuries of European Catholicism did not offer any easy transition; the royalty abused these dynamic people who could perform the best domestic activities. The terror of war shaped feudalism; the Lord’s protection is better known today as the Mafia. The proud Polis was called Ville, with plenty of unarmed villains instead of citizens. The servants used to escape searching for refugees in the Ville working as an artisan; from here, the villains got a negative connotation.

    Burgos and villages became industrialization’s nest and trade centers, and they needed temples to adore Jesus; Jews became Catholics. Polytheisms tend to disappear under religious prosecution. Traders were the enemies of Catholicism, they paid Judas, and they demanded the crucifixion. What happened 500 thousand years ago still haunts today’s children, this exquisite schizophrenic logic of religion and racism. The Barbarians were not a solid community. They were ethnic groups called ‘savages,’ as the Arabs are labeled today. We cannot put Vikings with the Germans, the Cossacks with the Serves, or the Gaelic with the Hindu in the same room.³⁴

    Under Roman prosecution, the Catholics did not offer mundane rewards to enslaved people. A labor union or freedom was not in Catholic strategy. Only hope for eternal life in Heaven was suitable for the Roman Empire. Catholicism was born as an instrument of social control. Once in power, evangelization demanded baptism, and it was rewarded in cash or spices, so pagans got the sacrament many times.³⁵

    The baptism was just a boring shower. And Romans have the friendliest and most tolerant; they survive and fight back. Getting rewarded during the war was critical; how to stay alive didn’t matter, killing or taking a shower, who cares?

    Differences appeared in body sizes; the French used to be as short as the Italians; the Scandinavians were the tallest. The Muslims had short lengths in Jerusalem but were massive in Ethiopia or Egypt. The cultural structure was different, too; the Corinthians and the Trojans were not the same, and Delphos, with Samos, had other schools of philosophy.

    The ethnicity implied blondes and pale skin at the North Sea, unable to live under the Mediterranean sun. In contrast, the dark hair firm white skin for central Europe and the less paled tone for the people in the Adriatic ports.

    For Jesus Christ’s followers, all polytheist religions fit in the pagan box. The monk’s notes and books tell us the fanatic and magic behavior, oracles, zodiacs, destinies, and human and animal sacrifices.

    The pagans, those non-Catholic communities, were there to terrorize the face of the Earth!³⁶

    But Charlemagne and his sword will sanctify European humankind.

    In the X century Holy War, the sanctification was for each small community in the Catholic peacemaker’s army. Pagans could not get food, clothes, land, houses, or jobs, and the winter’s refuges were closed. Roads were safe only for priests and nuns. The poorest must pay the tolls in each forest, river, and valley.³⁷ Every inch of land belongs to the church, and the lords must protect territories and servants from pagan influences. In exchange, the new lords built a fortress around the cities providing safe refuge and storage for the harvest, cattle, and horses. The wards will protect the land from permanent war, and human sacrifices shall become horror tales from the past.

    The population grew without reading or writing, and lords and servants needed nothing more than God’s protection. Life expectancy during the middle ages moved around the 30s. God kept his eyes wide open and cared about the people. Today under atheist science, life expectancy is 79.³⁸

    The Birth survival rate is essential for the statistics, including mother and child survival. The perception of childhood in early humans was³⁹ different. Children joined the workforce instead of school and never played.⁴⁰

    At an early age, maybe at five,⁴¹ middle-aged children should help and grow; at ten, they have to perform as mature teenagers, caring for the farm or orphans taking care of themselves. Reading and writing were considered a divine inspiration, not allowed education for ordinary people. That policy killed the Latin and the homogeneous expansion of the Italian. Lack of written language and education created a multitude of dialects. And that was not exclusive to Catholicism; despotic powers, ‘secret formulas,’ and dictators in ‘military power, the Pope and lords were people of their time.

    If sending a letter from Europe to Japan needed two weeks in 1980, well, how primitive we were when today texting and e-mailing do the job in seconds. The practical life had been more critical than a partial and wrong explanation of reality. The Great Mogul never required Protagoras or Homeric stories and theories. The Great Mogul may need good horses and better warriors with no guilty thoughts. The Pope needed religious expansion, not great literature. The lords needed reasonable rent for their land and an excellent way to heaven.

    Motherhood was also achieved early, maybe 12 to 15;⁴² older people were in their 40s or the ancient 50s. And the quality of life was not friendly for the general population. Religious people were different and healthier in the high-ranked position; a similar situation occurred with royalty.

    Quite slowly, ordinary people lost practical knowledge and encrypted into religious circles. Each one was able to do some artisan job; each one intended to find new ways to produce something that became suspicious to the Church. Knowledge was soon absorbed or condemned. The tree of science and knowledge tempted Eve, and the serpent denounced that to God; that cannot happen again. The monastery became the place to reach innovation where wisdom was for the elected: the church’s trusted and intelligent people, all those infected with evil spirits, do not deserve it.

    Ecclesiastic personnel were in charge of food processing, wine creation, medical services, and everything above shepherding; that was the real power. Control over food and drinks means to control of everything.

    Women knew that, too, and they controlled the kitchen. That formula keeps religious activities alive; in the United States, the biggest economy depends on donations and religious organizations to provide what other societies consider the State’s responsibilities as health, education, scientific research, and justice.⁴³

    Ignorance is one form of education, too;⁴⁴ faith as a substitution for knowledge is a form of education, and religious institutions will never quit in their effort to educate human communities against human societies. That is called evangelization or conversion or doctrinarian.

    Civil law is the essence of society. The culture of coexistence explains the creation of human laws and the human State to provide safety and progress. And the Middle Ages were far from modern society.⁴⁵

    Constantine noticed blind obedience among Catholics; that was the first reason, but when the no-land warrior saw the lack of interest in mundane richness or social justice, the new religion had his full attention. Catholics were searching for eternal life in the kingdom of God, in Paradise, not on Earth. That was the best army and political alliance. The same formula, with alarming results, guided Camilo Torres and Che Guevara fifteen centuries later. The Catholic soldiers submerged in the fresh memory of the living disciples of Jesus Christ were strong enough to defeat Maximilian.

    The catholic expansion has never been universal, not even general in Europe, affecting the central part of the continent under the Western Roman Empire. On the west, the Arabs settled in 711 A.D. in Al Andalus, the south of Italy, the west coast of the Adriatic, and the Peloponnesus. The Muslims had the Mediterranean dominion; all around to the east up to Zagreb, near Venice, the Balkans were under Genghis Khan’s influence, the Cossacks, to the north the Vikings, and in between were the Jews’ Diaspora.

    A person with open mains, oriented to knowledge and arts, was prosecuted. For centuries, the Germans were called barbarians as long as they had some independence from Rome and the Vatican. Austria and Prussia were powerful, protected, and divided for the Alps. Today, we can’t imagine how far in time and effort was the German cities. Maybe it was easier to reach London in the winter than Vienna or Stuttgart; it was just a matter of the weather.

    The interaction between the Muslims and Eastern Europe was more commercial and frequent than the relationship between the Pope and the Tsars. Those contacts had no relevance for Moscow; the Pope only wanted submission; Muslims instead only exchanged goods and services; that economic activity helped Jewish’s survival. Talk about business, the weather, and fashion to avoid religious conversation. Was it the first religious tolerance?

    Architecture is another example; the same happened with the Mongol and Chinese Empires; India and the north of Africa kept strong links.

    The Vatican failed in the Crusades partly due to the solid Muslim army. It was also the economic power. The silk route kept the Muslim and Mesopotamian world; in contrast, the Catholic expansions brought poverty and submission to Europe.

    The black death punished the new Catholic Europe, coming from China, flowing the silk route and hitting the Mediterranean several times with the plague. Many communities barely survived. The Catholic castle as the center of control was just insane. The old Roman and Greek architecture was the rule, but it only existed in its expression in Italy; not even Paris had a hydraulic system and all; instead, they adopted the leper.

    Andalusia had hydraulic knowledge and gave the service to the Germans and Paris. Iberia was never the victim of plagues as other Catholic dominions were.

    All the writers or readers were discouraged; only the monks needed those abilities. Women learned to read by knitting the alphabet in fabric because paper and ink were rare and expensive. Plastic arts were male activities and handwriting books made by Monks. Nuns were allowed to read only to teach the evangel, learned by heart, and spread by repetition.

    When Gutenberg invented the printer, new forms of paper and ink appeared. Later on, in time, nuns wrote a lot and hid their notes, with plenty of passion and unconfessable feelings, maybe the nuns rescued by Luther were the real deal, and that is why the sweet teeth died heavily married; Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz joined many other women of religion who preceded and follow her feminist steps.⁴⁶

    Priests and monks used to steal and publish the Nun’s thesis as their own. The symbolic languages from the north got lost in time.

    The non-Catholics, the others, were called pagans or Jews, Muslims, artists, and artisans, forced to work in secrecy, developing mathematics as a code language. Numbers instead of letters, or letters rather than numbers. Vocals perform as incognita and consonants as links, the middle point between arithmetic-literature-algebra and bookkeeper. Today is the financial world.

    When they got caught by the Holy Inquisition, the illuminated priest only read demoniac symbols and rites to honor Satan. During the Renaissance, mathematical language became part of the underground culture.

    B 0 µ A 0 µ =∂x /α∂ //x 0 µ∂x 0 /µB α A β = B α A α. = Hell!

    Schools as Aztecs or Mayas used to have in the Americas had been unknown in Europe, formal schools appeared in the 1700s, and education was not a social concern at all.

    Education was a privilege deserved for religious matters; the old temple for medicine was history.⁴⁷

    That’s why the great mathematicians came from the East, and for the architectural and art congregations, evolutions were possible for the geometric analysis all around Italy. The Renaissance was far from a scientific revolution; it mainly was the recovery of old knowledge, so it had two geographical doors: the northern calculus and the geometric south.

    Both were quite important, and the successes gave different directions. Central and oriental Europe must build all of Russia, Poland, Finland, Vikings, Cossacks, and Arabs to migrate. Vikings from the north ran away from the pest and settled in the Balkans. Galileo followed Copernicus’s work. Meanwhile, Columbus made the trips without scientific goals, following old routes.⁴⁸

    Galileo got caught defending Copernicus’ theories and punished, as no one can be today, even the most terrible killer. He looked in a dark, humid, and lonely cell, unable to see the stars; he was trying to give something to the next generation. Copernicus gave humanity the universal news long before Galileo, but they never shared work time as colleagues. Meanwhile, the nuns keep reaching the fresh fruits and vegetables for the Church; in the middle of the plague, Galileo’s confinement finally saved him from the plague, and that kept him healthy enough to finish his Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuove scienze.

    Just the physical distance gave Copernicus a chance; the trip from the south to the north made the Holy Inquisition slow enough to catch him. Galileo was so close and naïf about the Vatican. He forgot how knowledge kicked out Adam and Eve from heaven.

    New ships, new guns, new ways to work the metals, and new colors drove under old perceptions. Renaissance’s pre-science was like the lazy student cheating in the exam with the teacher’s answers book; infected with the ancient catholic sense of expansion, Columbus expanded the destructions and genocide. Many people died in the name of God, the Renaissance’s racism, and evangelic goals.⁴⁹

    Copernicus wrote the fundaments to the destruction of American cultures. It was not the Pope; it was the damn science. Darwin⁵⁰ gave the last push; savages were pre-humans. Science comes in handy, backing up religious purposes and expansion.

    Nobody was able to answer why God created different models of humankind. Well, maybe no one did that question; for the new Catholicism, the only men were white. The Europeans, the others, may have no soul, may not be complete humans, and the others were the savages.

    The Religion of State or Religious Empire

    The disciplined Catholics had what they wanted in the army—the simple death as martyrs. Constantine’s clients and Roman royalty had the power and the precious tool of the religion of the state. Catholics were happy to die before the Pope; they fought and died, as in regular TV shows. Nobody could explain why God had unlimited power if the church became his arms and brain.

    Was God on vacation?

    Nobody was able to explain why God needed a church. Why does God need a prophet?

    He has no visa or passport, or is he only mute or entirely deaf?

    Or maybe God does not exist?

    Ancient communities tried symbols as the first synthetic language; Chinese, Mayas, and Aztecs did the ideograms. Egyptians, Greeks,

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