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Sissy Susan's Salacious Short Stories
Sissy Susan's Salacious Short Stories
Sissy Susan's Salacious Short Stories
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Sissy Susan's Salacious Short Stories

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"....Everthing about his sexuality was thrown up in the air by her and he knew nothing would ever be the same again...."

Strictly for adults only. This is a collection of fiction, semi-fiction and true lif

Release dateNov 24, 2023
Sissy Susan's Salacious Short Stories

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    Sissy Susan's Salacious Short Stories - Susan Lovecock-Brown


    Heart Of The Succubus

    This story is dedicated to Helena, a very special lady I met years ago in Florence who will always be my ‘Eternal’.


    She had finally found a way through, the portal between Her world and ours but it was rapidly closing and She couldn’t miss Her chance of freedom. She dashed towards the time rip as it diminished and leaped through the blinding white crack of light. Moments, or was it years later, Her naked skin smouldered in the damp woodland where She had landed. Fresh earthly air filled Her nostrils for the first time. Also there was a new pheromone smell in the atmosphere that drew Her first smile. She opened Her eyes and looked around. The first thing She had to do was hide…..

    Florence - hundreds of years later.

    She had just arrived in Florence from Paris. She had to leave ‘La Ville Lumiere’ behind because of the crime scenes and unexplained disappearances She left in Her wake wherever She went. For centuries it had been the same behavioural pattern - loving and feeding on human males and then covering Her tracks. She had never felt any remorse at what was past and only looked forward again to the feeding and sexual frenzy that would sate Her lust and hunger. She thought about how Florentine men would taste compared to Parisians or all the other places She had been which were countless by now. Somehow they tasted different everywhere She went and Her senses were tingling once again at new prospects. Unlike men, female prey were usually out of the question simply because they were not so easily drawn and didn’t have the 'equipment' to satisfy Her though the occasional Sapphic conquest over them did taste just as good.

    She disguised Herself as a shapely, if slightly voluptuous, ample breasted female that would have no problem alluring men with Her charms and looks. Through the ages She had acquired infinite knowledge of all and everything about humanity so Her astute, beguiling intelligence could draw out even the most reclusive or repressed male mind. She always maintained a small number of casual friends to keep up the appearance of social normality. She used an acquaintance in Florence to find Her an apartment to stay. It was just a formality She would take whatever was offered Her but She liked the buzz of being shown around new places. This new apartment was situated just south of the Arno near Santo Spirito.

    She stood in the foyer of the apartment being informed what facilities were where and how much it would cost etc. Very tedious indeed. She looked around and saw one of the current tenants sitting in the TV room watching some sport or something with Italian language blaring out. Of course She could speak and understand all languages perfectly, even the most ancient ones no longer spoken, so easily understood someone trivially chirruping excitedly about cycling. He casually looked Her way and caught Her gaze. He smiled politely and then went back to his TV. She looked away and frowned for some reason.

    That same evening She moved into the apartment and was relieved to get behind the locked door of Her room to relax. She shed Her clothes and returned to Her natural form. Sometimes it was a real bind to maintain the human facade especially in the full heat of summer. What was particularly useful about this room was that it had a sturdy looking water pipe running across just below the ceiling. She had no use of a normal bed for sleeping so with a gymnastic leg flick upwards, Her foot, with its long talons clasped the pipe and Her other foot swung up and did the same. Now inverted with Her arms in a self embrace she would hang there to sleep and wait until dark.

    On awakening later She felt intense hunger, not just for food but also for sexual pleasure. In Her own world She consumed souls but they were tasteless and bland. In this world the nourishment was physical and full of flavour with the added bonus of sex. Now in a physical form in this world it was necessary to feed regularly in order to live eternally. There was never a shortage of lustful males willing or unwilling to sacrifice themselves to Her so Her longevity was all but guaranteed. Tonight was a night to feed so She got Herself ready as usual with Her ritual of transformation. On the way out the young male tenant She saw earlier was now eating in the kitchen. He said hello and offered his hand as a greeting. On shaking Her hand he asked if She would like to join him eating some of the food he had made but She made Her excuses and left the apartment. As She walked down the street She noticed a fleeting burning sensation in Her hand but She shrugged it off and headed for the bars and bistros where there would be a proliferation of single men.

    She returned to the apartment about 5am with a spring in Her step, swinging hips, glazed eyes and a look of intense satisfaction. A good night’s work getting everything She craved. She could relax again as She locked Her room door and assumed Her natural form once again. Now being fed She could resume Her daily existence and fit in with human society as She had always eloquently done. She liked to use Her hands and learn new things and art was a favourite of Hers so She’d arranged to attend an art restoration class while staying in Florence. Even in Her case She was never too old to learn something new. Her daytime was kept busy but Her non hunting evenings needed to be filled with some pleasant pastime. This was where that young male flatmate came in. After having a chat with him in the TV room he seemed quite friendly and charming and he’d asked Her if She wanted to get some exercise with an evening walk. With Her constitution She hardly needed exercise but She would amuse his request and have some fun with him. During the walk they practiced Italian and he said he was English and was in Italy to travel and maybe find work. The fact that he probably wouldn’t be missed by anyone for a while was an advantageous prospect to Her. For the ensuing few nights She went out with him and found him more and more appealing as a person. In Her strategic mind She decided She would bequeath him the honour of being Her third and last meal in Florence despite not being a Florentine. Her rule of thumb was to feast three times in one place before moving on. Any more would only arouse the authorities suspicions there might be some kind of abductor or serial killer but that would be only if there was any evidence left behind. She always made sure there wasn’t.

    As the days passed into weeks Her hunger was beginning to gnaw again. She decided She would leave the flatmate for later so now it was time to find her second Florentine male. The charming flatmate seemed a little disappointed when She said She was busy that evening. She was also sort of wishing She didn’t have to interrupt a kind of growing momentum She had with him but needs must of course. So again She got Herself ready for a night out. She stood in front of the mirror and vainly admired the human form She had conjured for herself but as She turned sideways to appreciate Her truly marvellous breasts and delicious derrière She noticed four fingers marks on Her skin on the upper left arm. On closer inspection She saw that the marks were actually her grey natural skin showing through Her façade. Somehow it had temporarily burned away. This confounded Her but then She remembered that the male flatmate had touched Her arm as She parted from him. What was it about him that was making Her feel so uneasy? Surely he was just an open book that She was going to slam closed in Her own good time. She used Her supernatural power to cover over the marks and dolled Herself up again. Ready to love and ready to feed.

    Tonight She would frequent a disco bar just beyond the Cascine Park that was known for its abundance of single males. On arrival She entered the bar (always free entry for females) and scanned the surroundings. As expected lots of men...yum! After ordering a drink a first male made courage to speak to Her. She humoured him for a few minutes but decided he wasn’t handsome enough and more importantly knew he didn’t have a large enough cock. Though She didn’t have X-ray vision She had an extra sensory perception that picked up a man’s outline and knew if he was sexually athletic and endowed or not. She also liked a man of at least reasonable intelligence to pass the time conversationally and one soon came along. A very decent looking Florentine. Black hair, dark eyes and meeting all her physical requirements for a pleasurable night. He was very single too, certainly a player She ascertained so his usual treatment of human females would soon be reciprocated. He offered to take Her home for a nightcap. After coaxing from him that they would be alone at his house She hooked his arm and accompanied him to his car. 

    He had a nice villa which would certainly magnetise any tipsy female to want to stay the night. To Her though it was more importantly detached and out of hearing and viewing range from the neighbouring properties. Perfect! Once inside, he poured them both a drink as they talked about the arts but She wanted to get things moving and stood right in front of him and looked up into his eyes. She could feel his heat rising and sensed the ripple in his trousers without looking. Her nipples and clitoris were tingling and burning with lust simultaneously and She needed this man’s body to feed those urges. She closed Her lips to his and as soon as they touched Her tongue protruded and danced hungrily around his mouth. This had just the effect required as his cock was eagerly trying to free itself of its cotton confinement. She then kneeled down to unzip him and in moments his exposed cock was jutting intently towards Her face. She licked the fluid that was oozing from its tip as Her hand reached in the fly and brought his balls out into open. She then sucked both of them into Her mouth and luxuriated in the heaviness of his meaty prick resting on Her forehead. He was gasping and didn’t want things to finish too soon so he encouraged Her to stand up again and led Her to his bedroom. There they rapidly removed all their clothes while looking at each other and giggling conspiratorially. As soon as they were both naked She jumped up onto him and made him fall back on the bed where his cock instantly found its target resting momentarily at Her entrance before invading the delicious wetness of Her avaricious cunt. From there they clinched tightly and passionately. Kissing, licking, stroking and fucking until in a sweaty heap they climaxed within moments of each other. She always loved the feeling of sperm ejaculating inside of Her despite having no ovulate target because of what She really was.

    She made Her way to the bathroom to clean up and relax as She closed the door behind Her. As She looked into the mirror and closed Her eyes, thoughts of the hot sex She’d just had ran through Her mind. She momentarily thought of the guy at the apartment but he was for later and She was readying Herself for another round with this guy. Unexpectedly though he was suddenly standing behind Her. She hadn’t locked the bathroom door and it caught Her totally off guard and She was still partially in Her natural form. When Her lover saw the grey, veiny hands with black curling talons resting on the edge of sink his eyes suddenly widened in terror and he turned in panic to run for the door.

    Too late!

    With a huge tiger-like lunge She was on him and in the next movement there was the most sickening snap of bone as he slumped on the floor. His body lay chest down, lifeless with his head turned upwards in a final, fatal, owl like pose. As She crouched on top of him and looked down She felt a hint of pity but more the disappointment of not having him fill Her needy pussy just one more time. She eased back into Her natural form now it was safe and prepared Herself for the feast having not eaten for over six weeks. She lifted his naked body and placed him into the bathtub where it would be easy to wash away his blood. Starting with a leg, She then proceeded to gorge Herself on his still warm flesh. Her pointed fangs were now bared shredding chunks of delicious meat and She swallowed hungrily like the most ravenous wolf. In minutes all that was left in the tub were bones, entrails and bloodstains. Quite where her stomach was able to store 60 kg of flesh was a mystery. Deja-vu of Her previous soul eating existence always crowded Her mind as She consumed the heart and brain.

    She then washed all the bodily fluids down and left the tap running being careful then to ensure every blood spatter was flushed away in case of any ensuing police investigation. It didn’t matter if suspicious circumstances were deduced as long as She’d bought enough time to be long gone. After all She had no human DNA of Her own to leave behind.

    Following the pleasure and feeding it was now time to tidy up loose ends so She started on the skeleton. She’d licked each bone clean with Her nine inch tongue and then with Her incinerating hot breath passed the bones across Her mouth where they burned and crumbled to ashes. After doing the same with the entrails and sweeping them up She scattered them outside on the lawn where they would eventually disperse in the wind.

    Next was to tidy the bed replacing the sex soiled sheets and making it look like it hadn’t been slept in. Then She washed the wine glasses to deter the idea he had been entertaining guests. She made sure there was no CCTV set-up before grabbing a few of Her victim’s personal items and clothing for travel and car keys then left the house in his car. She drove to the airport, bought a long stay ticket and left the vehicle in the car park. It would be a while before anyone noticed it had been abandoned and, after picking a piece of gristle out of Her teeth and nibbling it, She made Her way back to the apartment in a happy satisfied mood.

    The next few days were spent studying hard at Her art classes and enjoying the city of Florence. She also enjoyed getting to know the young man at the apartment. She didn’t know what it was about him but it certainly made Her feel good about Herself which was odd because emotions were contradictory to Her nature. He somehow put Her at ease and took Her mind off the fraught, violent and bloodthirsty life She was compelled to lead.

    On one evening a few weeks later, the stifling summer heat soared during their walk along the Arno. They came across a stall selling fruits and they bought some frozen water melon pieces. Up to that point they enjoyed friendly fun but then he fed a piece of melon to Her in a most casual familiar manner. It seemed innocent yet She felt the subtle warmth flush through Her body and down to Her pussy. Something had changed. As they walked back home She felt a trickle of wetness down the inside of Her leg so while he wasn’t looking She surreptitiously wiped Her finger back along where it ran. On rubbing it between thumb and forefinger She saw it was sticky arousal but had never had this happen before without a direct sexual act. Hunger was beginning to surface again and this man-boy-male was certainly going to satisfy it. While he walked ahead for a few moments She studied his slim, fit, muscular body and would regret having to tear such a pleasing specimen apart.

    She had had some real fun with this guy. There was such a build up of sexual tension with him that She liked and it made everything much more exciting compared to the one night hunts. Her hunger was becoming ravenous and he was all She could think about now. It was time to love and feed again. She knew though that his burning touch caused a problem by exposing Her nature so She had an idea to seduce him.

    Later, She saw that he had just had a shower so She sat high on the sofa chair in the TV room and asked him if he wanted a head massage to dry his hair. He smiled and sat in front with his back to Her. She wrapped a black silk band across his eyes and assured him this was all part of the experience. He relaxed but soon Her gentle hands fondling his hair became too much for him and he turned to kiss Her. He went to take the band off but She ordered him to keep it on. He was just so easy and compliant for Her now. She led him to the spare room by the hand and closed the door behind them. They kissed heavily and needful and She was just as excited as he was at what was about to happen. They both stripped hurriedly and the only covering now was the blindfold over his eyes. His cock was standing up proudly to attention and it was certainly going to get some. She lay him on the bed and She got on top. The skin contact of his body was again making Her true skin show through but as long as his eyes were covered it didn’t matter and She let the wetness ooze from Her irresistible pussy. She mounted his cock and it just felt divine as he entered Her with that familiar delicious hotness when genitalia fuse together in coitus. He was gasping in pleasure and She closed her mouth on his and Her abnormally long inhuman tongue tasted the inside of his mouth. He was just fucking delicious and She writhed rhythmically on his phallus. Her covering had completely dissipated now and She had never felt this sexy and liberated.

    However he got frustrated now with his blindness and whipped off the band. From ecstasy came the switch to eye-widening horror as he saw what was above him. He thought he was dreaming when he saw a dark grey monstrous feminine form with hair like long thin snakes. Understandably he panicked and started to struggle causing Her eyes to only just now open from the rapture She felt. They momentarily stared at each other before he yelled and struggled but She instantly brought a clawed hand to his mouth and the talon on Her extended index finger instantly pricked his carotid artery. His body froze as the paralyzing agent rapidly took effect. Oh why did he have to remove his blindfold? She was in such ecstasy!

    Suddenly, the window glass behind Her smashed and as She looked round a canister emitting thick gas rolled along the floor. Her eyes widened and She begrudgingly leapt off Her subdued lover’s cock and dashed to the window in her natural form. To Her dismay armed police and vehicles were lining up surrounding the building. A loud banging was heard as She could hear them trying to break in the front entrance door. How had they found out about Her? Did She slip up when covering Her tracks? Had a sleuth been investigating Her trail?

    With no time to ponder She ran to the bed and quickly wrapped Her dormant lover in a white sheet. There was no way She could leave him behind to tell anyone what he had seen. Her super strength easily carried him to the window. Then with a swipe of Her forearm She obliterated the glass and frame of the large window to leave a gaping hole. Huge bat like wings unfurled from Her back. Her talon feet grabbed the sheet wrapped body of Her lover and She looked out of the window. Armed police were pointing their guns up at their room so She drew breath and let out the most deafening unworldly scream. Nearby windows and street lamps shattered at the sound and all the personnel below dropped their weapons to cover their ears against the noise. Then She jumped out and upwards and with a few flaps of her wings soared high into the night air carrying Her prey with Her clawed feet. The scream had given Her enough time to escape beyond the reach of the hail of bullets firing after the police snipers had recovered their senses. Soon She was high over the Tuscan countryside into the darkness and She looked around to find a remote place to land with her quarry.


    Dawn was breaking with a cool, soothing mist and She was sat in human form on a grassy hillside with Her face pressed into Her knees deep in thought. This was a close call which had never happened before in the time She had been in this realm but more worrying was the fact She couldn’t bring Herself to kill and devour this most sweetest of males lying still before Her. She no longer felt hungry and She couldn’t fathom a strange feeling that emanated from the middle of Her chest. As She thought, She felt something warm touch Her leg. She looked up and saw the male had woken and in his semi-conscious daze was absently stroking Her leg affectionately. Oh my god this was too much! Was this the feeling that humans called love happening to Her? Her chest was on fire and it replaced the natural iciness that previously compelled Her being. For the first time in Her long earthly existence things at least for the next few decades were going to be different with him. The icy heart of a Succubus had been thawed.   

    Space Station Soundings

    Credit for this story goes to online friends Lee and Ann who inspired me with their spaced themed ‘sounding’ video.

    Ben Wyatt was one day away from completing his six-month mission aboard the International Space Station. He was certainly going to miss everyone he'd got to know here during that time but he couldn't wait to get back to his fiancée Nicky. The only cloud on that clear sky route back to Earth was Yulia.

    Yulia Kalasenko was the ISS doctor and responsible

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