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Django Building Dynamic Website With Django : A Complete Step By Step Guide To Learn to Build Modern Web Application with a Python
Django Building Dynamic Website With Django : A Complete Step By Step Guide To Learn to Build Modern Web Application with a Python
Django Building Dynamic Website With Django : A Complete Step By Step Guide To Learn to Build Modern Web Application with a Python
Ebook538 pages2 hours

Django Building Dynamic Website With Django : A Complete Step By Step Guide To Learn to Build Modern Web Application with a Python

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About this ebook

Are you interested in learning web development using Python and Django? Do you want to build dynamic, responsive, and scalable web applications that can handle a high volume of traffic? If so, then "Django for Beginners" is the book for you.

In "Django ", you'll learn how to create your first Django project, how to work with Django models and views, and how to use Django's built-in template system to create dynamic web pages. You'll also learn how to work with forms and user input, how to integrate your application with a database, and how to use Django's powerful admin interface to manage your application's data.


apart from other Django books is its practical, hands-on approach. Each chapter includes detailed explanations, code examples, and exercises that allow you to practice what you've learned. You'll build a real-world web application as you progress through the book, so you'll be able to see the results of your work in action.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Python developer, "Django Building dynamic website with django" is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to learn how to build web applications using Django. With its clear and concise explanations, practical examples, and real-world projects, this book will teach you everything you need to know to become a successful Django developer.

Release dateNov 11, 2023
Django Building Dynamic Website With Django : A Complete Step By Step Guide To Learn to Build Modern Web Application with a Python

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    Django Building Dynamic Website With Django - Andrew Page


    Building dynamic website with django

    A Complete Step By Step Guide to learn to build modern web application with a python


    Andrew page

    Table of Contents

    About Author

    © Copyrıght 2023 by ORCHID PUBLISHING- All rıghts reserved.

    About this book


    Why Study Django?

    When Things Are Hard,

    The purpose of this book is to Django 3.x and Python 3.8

    Chapter 1 : The Ideal Django Configuration

    1.1 Goal: A Setting for Professional-Grade Development

    1.2 Core Concepts

    1.3 Step 1: Install Conda

    1.4 Step 2: Set up Visual Studio Code

    1.5 Step 3: Setting up Git

    1.6 Summary

    Chapter 2: HTML and CSS

    2.1: First Off to HTML and DOM

    2.2: Overview to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

    2.2.1: Internal CSS

    Chapter 3: Overview to Javascript

    3.1: Javascript variable

    3.2: Javascript Data Types

    3.3: Javascript Function

    3.4: Javascript Events

    Chapter 4: Methods for Optimizing Mobile a website

    4.1: Three rules to Mobile Optimize a website

    Chapter 5: first setup

    5.1 The Command Line

    5.2 Set up Python 3 on Mac OS X (click here for Windows or Linux)

    5.3 Set up Python 3 on Windows

    5.4 Set up Python 3 on Linux

    5.5 Digital Environments

    5.6 Set up Django

    5.7 Set up Git

    5.8 Text Editors


    Chapter 6: Hello World app

    6.1 first setup

    6.2 Make an application

    6.3 Views and URLConfs

    6.4 Hello, world!

    6.5 Git

    6.6 Bitbucket


    Chapter 7: Pages app

    7.1 first setup

    7.2 Templates

    7.3 Class-Based Views

    7.4 URLs

    7.5 Include a About Page

    7.6 Reaching Out Templates

    7.7 Tests

    7.8 Git and Bitbucket

    7.9 Local vs Production

    7.10 Heroku

    7.11 Extra Files

    7.12 Deploy


    Chapter 8 : Message Board app

    8.1 first setup

    8.2 Create a database model

    8.3 Turning On models

    8.4 Django Admin

    8.5 Views/Templates/URLs

    8.6 Updating the posts

    8.7 Tests

    8.8 Bitbucket

    8.9 Heroku setup

    8.1 Heroku implementation

    Chapter 9 : Blog app

    9.1 first setup

    9.2 Database Models

    9.3 Admin

    9.4 URLs


    9.6 Templates

    9.7 Static files

    9.8 specific blog pages

    9.9 Tests

    9.10 Git


    Chapter 10: Forms

    10.1 Forms

    10.2 Update Form

    10.3 Delete View

    10.4 Tests


    Chapter 11 : User Accounts

    11.1 Log in

    11.2 Updated homepage

    11.3 Log out link

    11.4 Sign up

    11.5 Bitbucket

    11.6 Heroku config

    11.7 Heroku deployment


    Chapter 12 : Particular User Model

    12.1 Set Up

    12.2 Custom User Model

    12.3 Forms

    12.4 Superuser


    Chapter 13 : User Verification

    13.1 Templates

    13.2 URLs

    13.3 Admin


    Chapter 14: Bootstrap

    14.1 Pages app

    14.2 Tests

    14.3 Bootstrap

    14.4 Sign Up Form

    14.5 Next Steps

    Chapter 15 : Password Modify and Restart

    15.1 Password Change

    15.2 Customizing password change

    15.3 Password reset

    15.4 Custom Templates


    Chapter 16 : Email

    16.1 SendGrid

    16.2 Custom emails


    Chapter 17 : Newspaper app

    17.1 Articles app

    17.2 URLs and Views

    17.3 Edit/Delete

    17.4 Make a page


    Chapter 18 : Authenticity and Permissions

    18.1 upgraded CreateView

    18.2 Authorizations

    18.3 Mixins

    18.4 LoginRequiredMixin

    18.5 UpdateView and DeleteView


    Chapter 19 : Comments

    19.1 Model

    19.2 Admin

    19.3 Template


    About Author

    Dr.  Andrew page holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering, an ScD in instrumentation, and an MBA. He has worked in aca- demia, technology, and business. Andrew currently works with companies where artificial intelligence or machine learning are integral to success. He serves var- iously as part of the management team, a consultant, or advisor.

    He also teaches machine learning courses at UC Berkeley and Hacker Dojo, a co-working space and startup incubator in Mountain View, CA.

    Andrew  was born in California and took his bachelor’s and master’s degrees there, then after a stint in Southeast Asia went to Cambridge for ScD and C. Stark Draper Chair at MIT after graduation. Andrew  left Boston to work on com- munications satellites at Hughes Aircraft Company in Southern California, and then after completing an MBA at UCLA moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to take roles as founder and CEO of two successful venture-backed startups.

    Andrew  remains actively involved in technical and startup-related work. Recent projects include the use of machine learning in industrial inspection and auto- mation, financial prediction, predicting biological outcomes on the basis of molecular graph structures, and financial risk estimation. He has participated in due diligence work on companies in the artificial intelligence and machine learning arenas.

    © Copyrıght 2023 by ORCHID PUBLISHING- All rıghts reserved.

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    About this book

    This book is designed to be used both digital and printed. Therefore, I have made plenty of screenshots for people who like to read the book (ebook and printed) without immediately implementing the code. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free reading experience.

    If, on the other hand, you want to learn the contents as quickly as possible, you can clone the official GitHub repository and save time. I highly recommend you not to use the GitHub repository at the beginning of this journey, especially if you are new to Django.

    This ensures that you fail quickly in the beginning and learn about the common pitfalls (like forgetting to execute the migrations, not updating the Entity, etc.). You deprive yourself of this learning opportunity when simply clone the code.

    The structure of the content is somewhat different from other programming books. It’s a mix of theory and practice – where practice comes first, and the theory bits are injected into the sub-steps. This ensures that you learn the practical and real-world workflow of building a Django Website. And while you are practicing it, you are learning the theory in tiny-sized bits just at the right time. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed by the dry theory. I genuinely believe that this format will have the best impact on your learning journey.

    Scientific literature has shown that the best way to learn is by doing, so always try to solve the problems at the end of the chapter. If you are having difficulty solving some of them, do not worry – nobody said programming was easy, remember to take a break when you are feeling tired and be sure to go through the example problems and their solutions.



    Once upon a time, we traveled the world doing Django train- ing for companies. These private training sessions were custom- designed for companies needing to get engineers up and running fast with Django. Engineers who’ve been through this training describe them as compressing months of learning Django on your own into the span of one intense, exhausting week.

    Django Crash Course is the foundation portion of our corporate training sessions. It’s the first and sometimes the second day of our corporate training, for which we charge $3000 an attendee.

    When people pay that much for a workshop, they make sure they’re getting their money’s worth. They take detailed notes, study every code sample as if it were gold, and appreciate every minute of it. They also complete every single part of the course, including the difficult or tedious parts.

    If you do follow that same pattern with this book you will learn. Trust us.

    Once you’ve gone through this book, you’ll be ready for the forthcoming Django Crash Course extension series. Like this book, these are patterned after our corporate training, specifically intermediate-to-advanced material  from  days  3, 4, and 5. They build directly off the foundations laid in this book, readying you for the serious work of professional Django development.

    Why Study Django?

    In today’s world, one might ask what’s the point of learning a 17-year old application framework. Here are three reasons why:

    Reason #1 - Django is Mature

    Started in 2003, Django isn’t some new framework that hasn’t accounted yet for all common edge cases. Rather Django’s main- tainers have handled those edge cases at least once. Instead, the maintainers are worried that Django is now old enough to be interested in dating and has a US driving learner’s permit.

    We like to think of Django like a delicious aged cheese like Boerenkaas Gouda, with a sweet, intense flavor that only comes with maturity.

    Reason #2 - Django is Python

    Python is an immensely popular programming language and is by far #1 in the field of data science. Python is easy to learn yet powerful in execution. It has a gigantic global community of users and hundreds of thousands of libraries to draw on, includ- ing Pandas, Numpy, Keras, and of course, Django.

    We like to think of Python like Mozzarella, arguably one of the most popular cheeses in the world. Its use in pizza as the base cheese makes mozzarella such a universal cheese much in the same way that Django’s use of Python makes it such a universal platform.

    Reason #3 - Django is Proven

    No tool remains popular for as long as Django unless it proves itself. Because it is so proven, Django is relied on by startups building dreams, science and fintech efforts presenting their data, and of course, tech giants like Instagram.

    We like to think of Django as the cheese on pie-sliced pizza, a dish proven around the world. No matter where one goes on the planet, a slice of cheese pizza is always available. That’s because

    pizza is proven, much like Django is proven as an application framework.

    Now that we know why to learn Django, let’s get started!

    When Things Are Hard,

    We’ve tried to minimize the tedious parts, but sometimes it takes getting past that sort of material to break through to the fun stuff.  We’ve also tried to keep the difficulty level manageable, but sometimes you’ll find things you don’t understand, and you’ll have to experiment and research concepts.

    We’ve put so much love over the years into these materials, it- erating and hand-crafting them with the utmost care. Yet you may find errors or omissions. This is not the final version of the book, so remember, you can help us make it even better.

    We hope you have fun with this book. We’ve had fun putting it together for you.

    The purpose of this book is to Django 3.x and Python 3.8

    This book should work well with the Django 3.x series, less so with Django 2.x and so on. As for the Python version, this book is tested on Python 3.8. Most code examples should work on Python 3.7.x and 3.6.x, but some exceptions may have to be worked through.

    Chapter 1 : The Ideal Django Configuration

    This is how we like to set things up on our computers, as of 2020. Daniel uses a MacBook Air, and Audrey uses a MacBook Pro. We also share a Microsoft Surface Pro for Windows development and testing.

    We’ve worked through Django setup countless times, both for ourselves and for students. Over the years our preferences have evolved. This is the latest iteration of how we like to set up our computers (and those of our students and readers) for Django development.


    1.1  Goal: A Setting for Professional-Grade Development

    The goal of this chapter is to get our computer fully set up for optimal Django development on Mac or Windows. This isn’t just a toy set up for educational purposes; it’s the real setup used by professional web developers and data scientists, and one which we can use to develop real-world Django projects.

    Make sure we:

    •  Are comfortable using the command line.

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