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Santa's Secret
Santa's Secret
Santa's Secret
Ebook236 pages3 hours

Santa's Secret

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Mistletoe, merriment, and a mysterious disappearance.


Amidst the enchanting backdrop of Pine Bend, where winter magic is tangible and elk tracks crisscross the snow, Elise, a tenacious private investigator from Seattle, stumbles upon a cold case that ensnares her heart.


With each carol that floats through the crisp air and every twinkling light that illuminates the town, Elise finds herself not only drawn into the web of the town's enigmas but also to Nicholas—a captivating local with eyes that mirror the mysteries of the winter skies.


Yet as the two join forces to unravel the haunting riddle of Clara Evergreen's vanishing, they unexpectedly entangle their fates. Pine Bend, it seems, conceals more than festive merrymaking beneath its wintry cloak. Racing against the clock and their burgeoning feelings for one another, Elise and Nicholas delve deep into the town's hushed whispers, confronting the shadows of its history.


As the festive crescendo approaches, a revelation awaits—one that promises to alter the course of Elise's life and the very fabric of Pine Bend. In a town where each snowflake carries an untold tale, Elise is on the cusp of unearthing a story that chills to the bone.

Release dateOct 31, 2023
Santa's Secret

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    Santa's Secret - Michelle Cornish


    Copyright © 2023 by Michelle Cornish

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Published in Canada by SolVin Creative.

    Santa’s Secret is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or people (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.

    Discover other titles by Michelle Cornish at

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-990221-31-6

    E-Book ISBN: 978-1-990221-32-3

    Thank you to The Author Buddy for the helpful beta reading services and for the fabulous cover design that inspired this story. Thank you to Kay Cornish for proofreading. Remaining mistakes are all mine!


    Five Years Ago

    Clara Evergreen sat alone in the Evergreen Suite of Pine Haven, the flickering candlelight casting shadows that danced across the room like spectral figures in a haunting ballet. The scent of aged wood and dust filled the air, mingling with the traces of pine that always seemed to follow her, no matter where she went.

    Before her lay her great-great-grandmother Isabella's diary, its worn leather cover cracked with the wisdom of time. Clara had spent countless hours deciphering its faded ink, spellbound by the family lore and legends it contained. But today, it wasn't mere curiosity that guided her hand. Something unexplainable caused a palpable sense of urgency, a fear that tightened around her heart like a vice.

    She glanced over the last lines she'd read.

    If the solstice gem ever falls into the wrong hands, Pine Bend shall endure an eternal winter, both of spirit and substance. We Evergreens must be its vigilant guardians, for our town’s sake, and for generations yet unborn.

    What did she mean by that? Clara touched the pendant that hung around her neck. The solstice gem had been passed down to the women in the Evergreen family when they’d turned twenty-one, but nobody had mentioned anything about what would happen if the gem fell into the wrong hands. After reading Isabella’s words the first time, she had asked her family, but they’d only laughed at her, waving it off as a myth.

    Clara took a deep breath, her hands trembling as she closed the diary. She knew that her clandestine quest to learn more about the gem was leading her down a dangerous path. Someone had been following her. She sensed it, but she couldn’t prove it.

    Her soul was restless. She couldn't stand by idly, not when the safety of her beloved Pine Bend might be compromised. There was a reason she'd found this diary, and she couldn't ignore what might be her family’s, and her town’s, destiny.

    She stood, placing the diary back into the old chest where it had long been hidden. She closed the chest, her fingers lingering on the cold metal latch as if trying to draw strength from it. The diary would have to wait.

    Her eyes darted to the window, where the first hints of twilight painted the sky. Nicholas would be waiting for her. They had planned to meet under the canopy of evergreens, as they often did. She wanted to tell him everything she’d read in Isabella’s diary, to share this immense burden. Yet, something stopped her—a vague yet potent sense of foreboding. That and he would probably think she’d lost her mind.

    As she stepped into the gathering dusk, an eerie stillness enveloped the air. Clara couldn't shake the feeling that she was not alone, again—that her steps were being shadowed by eyes fueled by greed, and perhaps, by a darker intent she could neither see nor yet comprehend.

    Nicholas wasn’t waiting at the trailhead when she arrived, but she was a few minutes late. He must have gone into the forest without her.

    As she moved deeper into the Evergreen Forest, named after her family, determined to find Nicholas, her eyes filled with a resolute fire. She made a silent vow to protect Pine Bend and its secrets, whatever the cost.

    And so, she ventured further into the night, guided by the whispering winds and the stars that had watched over Pine Bend for centuries. Her heart was aflutter, caught in the tension between dread and hope, but her path was clear. In seeking to preserve her town's legacy, Clara Evergreen knew she might become a part of it, a lingering spirit in a tale that was far from over.

    If that was the case, then under the watchful gaze of the towering Pacific Silver Fir she always referred to as the heart of the forest, the final chapter of her life would begin, setting the stage for a new story—one of love, loss, and the undying power of a secret she refused to keep.

    She had to tell Nicholas. He could help. She knew he would do anything for her and Pine Bend.

    Nicholas? She waited for an answer that never came. Where was he?

    She stood alone beneath the towering Pacific Silver Fir, its branches heavy with fresh snow. Closing her eyes, she pressed a gloved hand to the trunk of the tree, the keeper of Pine Bend’s spirit and traditions. Tonight, the tree was also her confidant. The moonlight trickled through the gaps in the canopy, casting ethereal beams onto the white ground, making the whole forest seem to dance with magic.

    In her heart, she held the words of Isabella's diary. She’d read its pages so many times she knew its captivating tale by heart—the tale of a mystical relic, the solstice gem, said to hold immeasurable power. A gem that was both a blessing and a curse, safeguarded by the silver fir and the Evergreen lineage. She wasn’t sure a gem could hold such power, but why would Isabella invent such stories?

    Reflexively, she pressed a hand to her coat where the pendant beneath it rested against her skin. The diary had been explicit about the dangers of the gem falling into the wrong hands.

    Let the solstice gem not be touched by those with malice in their hearts, for it shall bring forth an eternal winter upon the lands, freezing not just the earth but also the very soul of Pine Bend.

    What should I do? Was she supposed to bury the pendant beneath the fir tree? If she did, nobody would find it. There was no way it could fall into the wrong hands and Pine Bend would be protected for generations to come.

    Nicholas would know. As soon as he arrived, she could tell him her theory, and he could help her hide the pendant, tuck it away where nobody would find it ever again.

    Footsteps crunched in the snow behind her. Clara tensed, her senses on high alert. Nicholas always made the ‘tut, tut’ sound of the robin, day or night, so she would know he was on his way. Something was wrong. She had made sure to cover her tracks, to tell no one where she was going. Who could it be? An animal, perhaps, disturbed by her presence? Or—

    Beautiful night, isn’t it, Clara? The voice came like a winter's chill, devoid of warmth, making her heart sink.

    She knew that voice, and the hairs on the back of her neck rose. Slowly she turned to face the man, his eyes betraying an unfamiliar, hungry glint.

    What are you doing here? she managed to ask, her voice trembling like the needles on the branches above.

    I think the better question is, what are you doing here? He eyed her hand, still pressed against her coat where her pendant hung from her neck, hidden from view.

    Clara pressed harder, the pendant digging into her skin. Suddenly the weight of her own discoveries, the gravity of the secrets she’d been reading about, came to light. The diary’s warning echoed in her mind—this was exactly the sort of malice it had cautioned against. This man was not to be trusted with the solstice gem.

    He stepped closer, his eyes fixed on her. What’s wrong? Are you okay?

    Clara froze, having nowhere to go. Cornered, both physically and metaphorically. Her gaze flitted to the tree behind her, as if it would spring to life and come to her rescue. Some secrets were too heavy to bear alone. And some quests, too perilous to undertake without consequence.

    Yes, she whispered, summoning the last ounces of her courage. I’m just waiting for Nicholas. She held strong. He’ll be here any minute.

    I took care of Nicholas. His face twisted into a malevolent grin. You could say he’s been delayed.

    No. The air rushed out of her lungs. What had he done to Nicholas?

    As he lunged toward her, Clara forgot about the diary and the gem. She knew that her quest had led her, and perhaps all of Pine Bend, into irreversible peril.

    And so, beneath the solemn gaze of the Pacific Silver Fir, a dark chapter in Pine Bend's history was irrevocably penned, leaving behind a tale of caution, a lingering mystery, and a void that would be felt for years to come.

    As she came to rest on the frozen ground, she heard Nicholas’s distant call.


    Crimson oozed onto the virgin snow and the man picked her up then kicked the snow to cover the blood.

    Clara? Nicholas called for her again.

    She tried to scream, but her mouth disobeyed. She tried to fight, but her body remained paralyzed, only starting in motion when the man began running with her in his arms.


    Nicholas. When everything went cold and dark, she clung to the hope that his love would find her. Nicholas would find her and make this right.



    Elise stepped off the bus from Seattle, her breath catching as she looked around. The town of Pine Bend was even more captivating in person than the way she’d imagined it when Christy had described it to her. Thick blankets of snow covered the ground, turning the entire landscape into a shimmering white wonderland. Pine trees stood tall, their green branches heavy with snow, while colorful Christmas lights twinkled from every corner.

    Her boots crunched on the snow-covered streets as she pulled her smartphone from her coat pocket, snapping a few photos of the town's picturesque views. With its unique blend of rustic charm and modern comforts, the town looked like a scene right out of a contemporary Christmas card.

    She tapped out a quick text to let her best friend know she’d arrived. Christy had known what she was talking about when she’d told Elise to get out of town and head north to Pine Bend. Elise had never spent the holidays away from Seattle, but with her parents gone, the festive season was lonely just the same.

    Friends since childhood, Christy had invited Elise to stay with them, but Elise never liked the idea of imposing. Christy had a husband and two kids who loved her very much. Elise always had her work, proud to be one of Seattle’s most sought-after private investigators.

    A text notification sounded on her phone and Elise checked the screen.

    Remember, you promised not to work!

    Elise rolled her eyes. How in the world was Christy going to keep tabs on her from Seattle? And what did it matter to her?

    Elise chuckled to herself, appreciating how much her friend cared about her.

    Yes, boss, she typed back, even though she was self-employed. A bossy friend was the closest she’d gotten to an actual boss in the last fifteen years. There were only three weeks left in the year, and she’d promised Christy she would use them to relax, something she’d never been good at.

    The festive spirit of Pine Bend was on full display with its smart streetlamps adorned with Christmas lights that responded to motion sensors, illuminating brighter as Elise walked by. An eco-friendly electric car hummed past, its roof carrying a freshly cut pine tree tied with bright red ribbons.

    As she wandered the main street, she could hear snippets of conversations from the locals as they walked past, with townsfolk discussing the latest binge-worthy series on a popular streaming service. Listening was a skill she’d honed in her years as a private investigator and even before that during her brief stint as a journalist.

    She arrived at Pine Haven, the bed-and-breakfast she'd booked through a top-rated travel app. The place also came highly recommended by Christy who had stayed there with her husband Kevin for an anniversary celebration two years ago. The B&B had effortlessly blended the old with the new. The small lobby, decked in holly and boughs of cedar, also featured a modern digital check-in desk, which Elise assumed was for the times there was nobody available to look after the desk.

    Miss Harlow? a woman asked from behind the check-in desk.

    Elise nodded. Hi. She pulled out a printed copy of her email reservation and turned it so the woman could read it.

    After confirming Elise’s reservation and typing something on her keyboard, the woman said, Ooh, you’re in the Evergreen Suite, one of my faves.

    Sounds wonderful, said Elise.

    Your digital key's been sent to your phone, but if you prefer a key card, I have one of those as well.

    Elise smiled, The digital one is fine, thank you.

    I’m Agnes, the woman said, handing her a plastic key card anyway. You might want to connect to our Wi-Fi, Agnes added. The password's 'MistletoeMagic'. We have a high-speed connection, great for streaming movies if you fancy a cozy night in."

    Elise chuckled, accepting the card. Her trip was somewhat last minute, and she hadn’t thought much about what she would do once she arrived. A movie sounded perfect. I might take you up on that. Thank you.

    Elise made her way up the creaky staircase of the B&B, the polished wooden banister cold beneath her fingers. Since the room was one of Agnes’s favorites, Elise was keen to check it out.

    The door to her room swung open with a soft groan, not unlike that which escaped from the stairs as she ascended. A cozy refuge that seemed to perfectly blend traditional elegance with contemporary amenities welcomed her. The walls were painted a soft cream, complementing the rich, dark wooden beams overhead. A plush, queen-sized bed took center stage, covered in a quilt of deep reds and forest greens, a wonderful nod to the holiday season. Fluffy white pillows promised a restful sleep, and an electric fireplace buzzed softly in the corner, filling the room with warmth.

    Beside the bed, a nightstand held a digital clock and some holiday themed books. Modern wall sconces provided ambient lighting, while a plush armchair by the window beckoned her to sit and unwind, maybe start reading one of those books that had been thoughtfully left out for her.

    Grinning, she tossed her bag onto the bed and rushed to the window. The view was breathtaking. Pine Bend was even more magical from this vantage point, its snow-covered roofs and twinkling Christmas lights painting a picturesque scene. For a moment, she was lost in the beauty of it, feeling a sense of peace she hadn't experienced in a long time. Christy was right. Elise needed this vacation more than she’d realized.

    Gazing out the window, she surveyed the area that would be her home base while she relaxed. A figure standing near the town's central Christmas tree in the square drew her attention. He looked up at the tree, as if having a conversation with it. Even from this distance, there was something undeniably captivating about him. Tall and broad-shouldered, he stood with a kind of stillness, like the eye of a storm. A snowflake-laden gust of wind tousled his hair, and he looked up, his face illuminated briefly by a nearby lamplight.

    Their eyes didn't exactly meet, but for a fleeting moment, Elise's heart skipped a beat. She looked away, her face burning with embarrassment at having been caught gawking at this stranger. There was no way he could have seen her, could he?

    When she glanced back at the tree, he was gone. Just as suddenly as she'd spotted him, he had disappeared into the shadows, leaving only footprints in the snow and an aura of mystery.

    Who was he? And was he really talking to the town’s Christmas tree?

    With the town's scenic beauty outside and the room's inviting warmth inside, a mix of contentment and curiosity bloomed inside Elise. She was never able to entirely let her instincts for inquisition go. She had come to Pine Bend for relaxation, but she just couldn’t turn off her investigative mind.

    Propping the pillows up on the bed so she had a good view of the TV, she wondered what movie awaited her. She pulled her laptop from her bag then searched for the Pine Haven Wi-Fi. After entering the password and connecting, she logged onto her Amazon account to see what movies Prime was featuring. She was in the mood for something festive, yet mysterious, so she chose a Christmas mystery then placed her laptop on top of the TV for optimal viewing.


    Nicholas stood alone in the center of the town

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