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The Climate Lies Exposed: The True Causes of Climate Change
The Climate Lies Exposed: The True Causes of Climate Change
The Climate Lies Exposed: The True Causes of Climate Change
Ebook583 pages5 hours

The Climate Lies Exposed: The True Causes of Climate Change

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If AI Gore deliberately chose every aspect of natural climate change that could be confused, and weaved all the wrong understandings of these confusions together into a single hypothesis on climate change, - he would have produced the very same bundle of lies he and his supporters have been teaching

Release dateSep 12, 2023
The Climate Lies Exposed: The True Causes of Climate Change

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    The Climate Lies Exposed - Glen A. McKerron

    Copyright © 2023 Glen A. McKerron.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author and publisher, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review.

    ISBN: 978-1-958091-62-3 (Paperback Edition)

    ISBN: 978-1-958091-61-6 (Hardcover Edition)

    ISBN: 978-1-958091-60-9 (E-book Edition)

    First Edition Published December 1,

    2009 byLuff Associates,

    273 Manchester Drive,

    Newmarket,ON, L3Y 614,


    +1 (905) 830-0573

    Second Edition Published June 15, 2012

    byLuff Associates,

    273 Manchester Drive,

    Newmarket,ON, L3Y 614,


    +1 (905) 830-0573

    Book Ordering Information

    The Media Reviews

    99 Wall Street #2870

    New York, NY, 10005 USA

    +1 (315) 215-6677

    Printed in the United States of America

    For Lisa

    Who starred in what movie when? – Ask Lisa.

    Classical, Jazz, and Big Band.

    Familiar with the works of Penrose, Heisenburg,

    Hawkings, Schroedinger, Feynman, and Barbour.

    Of Ellery Queen and Clive Custler as well

    Friend to furry creatures that meow and purr.

    Photographer, hiker, good cook, and friend.


    The Cabal Within the UN

    I was born on the 27th day of March 1941, the year Japan entered WWII by attacking Pearl Harbor, and I do have memories of that war. The League of Nations had failed to keep world peace, but that was well beyond me then. I remember the air-raid sirens, and as I grew older, the squadrons of Harvard Trainers flying over the city in formations that dwindled in size and frequency as the years went by.

    The Postman did his rounds twice a day, and I remember my mother anxiously awaiting my father’s daily letters from the far away city of Halifax N.S. where my father was a Navy Warrant Officer arranging the trafficking of troop trains. He was the naval base’s Ship’s Writer, a job that gave him more authority than many commissioned officers much higher in rank. However, he was still required to perform duties on Shore Patrol.

    My dad was on Shore Patrol when the Halifax Fire of 1945 broke out, and his quick action and organizational skills helped prevent 50,000 depth charges from exploding.

    I was in grade five when the United Nations sponsored the then much publicized International Geophysical Year. At that time there were many households that could not afford a television set, but radio was well established, and Patty Page’s song: That dogie in the Window was frequently broadcast. This particularly important scientific year occurred much earlier than our historians date it. They do not date it by the year it was announced, and its data collected. Instead, they date it by the year its data had been collated and analyzed, which was many years later due to the very primitive mainframe computers and lack of scientifically trained programmers in the many scientific disciplines involved.

    The United Nations organization was created specifically to replace the failed League of Nations as a means to prevent any further World Wars. It was given what the League of Nations lacked, namely a military force made up from equipment and personnel from its member nations. Its founding nations included those nations that had sacrificed much in making significant contributions in defeating the Axis Powers. Canada, Great Brittan, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and the USSR were all high up on this list. Canada had earned its permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

    Enter the cabal. It is made up from powerful people in the UN administration who are not content with the UN’s role to merely police the military actions of the world’s nations through the consent obtained by the Democratic votes of the nations within the Security Council to take military action against rogue nations. These cabal members seek a One World Government with themselves at the helm. They want to dictate every aspect of your life as they see fit, regardless of your wishes. I can only speculate on their reason for singling out Canada to lose its supposedly permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Perhaps it is because we Canadians see no need for a one world government.

    As powerful as it is, the cabal cannot attain world domination without the tacit approval of the world’s population. Getting such approval requires them to be perceived as the world’s heroes. To achieve this, they invented the world’s Climate Crisis which can only be alleviated if we follow their lead.

    This book uses basic High School Math, Physics, and Chemistry to debunk all the deliberate lies and scientific misrepresentations put out by this cabal to further their aims. Hopefully, it will inspire those in authority to seek out the members of this cabal and have them expelled from the UN, restoring the UN to its honorable beginnings.

    It is vital to note the consortium of real scientists with no ax to grind who performed the International Geophysical Year arrived at different conclusions than those of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change who’s cabal serving ax is the subject of this book. The consortium’s climate history goes back a full 2.5 million years using a method with far more accurate temperature data, as the Foraminifera Seabed Record contains intrinsic temperature data the Ice Core method used by the IPCC totally lacks. Due to the nature of the world’s Hadley Cell Structure, the Ice Core method is limited to the last 640 thousand years.

    This limitation hides the fact the greenhouse gas barrier extends the periods between glaciations rather than allowing the interglacial temperatures to climb to unacceptable values. A fact clearly visible using the seabed method’s accurate temperature data. Its lack of intrinsic temperature data also allows the cabal to place the ice core’s zero temperature anywhere they want,- including at the very top of the resulting climate curve which properly analyzed includes both the hottest and coldest climate changes encountered over the last 640,000 years.

    Setting their zero temperature at the hottest peaks of the resulting climate curve’s peaks that were truly hot, is their first and most unforgivable lie. The cabal then undertook a campaign to eliminate the seabed method of collecting climate data using the excuse the seabed method’s resolution was to low to be of any use.

    This book examines the strengths and weaknesses of both methods in great detail revealing why the cabal chose to use the ice core method to further their lies.

    Moreover, this book presents the real causes of climate change which have been validated by NASA’s space probes measuring the very real changes in the Milankovitch Cycle tilts of both the planets of Mercury and Venus. As every school child has been taught for generations, the Earth’s tilt is responsible for the changes of our seasons. Well, Milankovitch Cycles affect the tilt of every inner planet, moon, and asteroid in our solar system. Thus, the changes in our tilt change all our seasons bringing about our present climate change that the cabal wishes to blame us for, so they can rule us with their one world government.

    The Milankovitch tilt is due to the gravitational pull on the inner planets by the alignment of the outer planets. The Galactic tilt comes from the bar shaped core of the Milky Way Galaxy as the entire Solar System orbits the Milky Way Galaxy. It pulls all the planets out from the Sun and its tilt is larger and lasts longer than the change in tilt due to Milankovitch cycles, making it responsible for all our great geological epochs such as the Carbonaceous, Jurassic, and our current Pleistocene.


    This book has its basis in a term paper I wrote for an Anthropology course I took while I was still an undergraduate at the University of Saskatchewan Regina Campus in 1971. The course name was Culture Contact in North America given by Dr. D’Arcy McNickle.

    I was particularly interested in the part about possible migrations of people crossing the Bering Land Bridge formed at the end of the Illinoisan Glaciation during the Sangamon Interglacial. This predates the Clovis people who crossed the Bering land bridge that formed at the end of the Wisconsin Glaciation at the beginning of our current Holocene Interglacial. That is what led me into a prolonged study of the Pleistocene Ice Age; not Pleistocene Ice Ages as you will see in this book.

    As I was an Electronics technician and technologist prior to attending university, I was well familiar with radio’s various AM, AM Sideband, and FM modulation techniques. Thus, when I encountered Milutin Milankovitch’s work I realized there was another set of cycles involved. That was the subject of my term paper.

    Later, over the course of several years I expanded that paper into a full-blown theory with ways to both prove it and to disprove it. So far, all the ways to prove it have been validated and none of the things that would disprove it have happened.

    I published the theory on the Internet on a website I created in 1990 with an ISP that no longer exists. In 1993 I published it again with my current ISP where it can be found on my website in the Astronomy section under the title: My Combined Orbital Stretch Theory the actual title of my paper there is:

    Combined Orbital Stretch Theory of Ice Ages

    This book is based on that theory and subsequent research in defense of that theory against the errors of the environmentalists who’s version of global warming will not stand up to any serious scientific scrutiny.

    Here I will point out the errors and false assumptions made by Al Gore and his environmentalist supporters. At the same time, I will present you with the better understanding of climate change I gained during my research throughout the years.


    My first acknowledgment goes to my parents: Jean and Sandy McKerron,– thank you for bringing me up right.

    Then I would like to thank my grade eleven Physics teacher, Mr. Walter Boldt, for not discouraging me from placing my faith in the parabolic curve as determined by the quadratic equation instead of following the instructions; on how to grind a small hemisphere into the bottom of a larger hemisphere, to approximate a parabolic curve with a paraboloid, when I was making my 10" telescope. That led to my better understanding of telescope mirrors which is an important part of this book.

    It is likely that I may never have gone to university but for the influence of Ms. B. Diane Reader who was working on her PhD degree in Mathematics at the University of Alberta when I met her. Thank you, Diane, for encouraging me to follow my dream towards getting a higher education.

    Next, I would like to thank my friend, Professor Richard K. Pope, a very sensitive and brilliant Anthropologist who as acting Chairman of the University of Saskatchewan’s Anthropology Department, allowed me to assign reading material, conduct seminars, organize field trips, approve of and grade term papers for my own introductory credit course in Anthropology. This turned me into a real teacher.

    I would also like to acknowledge my late friend Dr. D’Arcy McNickle who was the real Chairman of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan for ratifying my teaching position. It is his fault this book was written because it was he who first introduced me to glaciations and interglacials.

    For their encouragement and support I would like to thank Ms. Lisa Laliberte, Mrs. Barbara Gentles, Mr. Darwyne Hourie, and Mr. Bart Gaspard, all of whom have made helpful comments on my manuscript. I would also like to thank my late friend Mr. Desmond W. Miller who passed away shortly before I started this book. He was always telling me to put my knowledge into a book.

    Of course, I received encouragement and help from other members of my family: I thank my kid sister Mrs. Sandra McCulloch for her insights into the Women’s Holocaust. Many thanks go to my son Kevin R. McKerron who had to put up with many inconveniences while I wrote this book, and for his often helpful criticisms that no one else would dare make. Also thanks to my brother Robert C. McKerron with whom I spent my early childhood, thanks Bob for your sound financial advice and our interesting conversations as we age together.

    I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Ray Luff of Luff Associates for the many hours he spent with me preparing the first two editions of this book for publication.

    Miss Rebecca Schuehlein has earned my heart felt gratitude for posing with a plumb bob for my gravity demonstration, her artistic skills in the design of a previous cover, and for representing me at the 2022 Frankfurt Book Fair when I came down with Covid-19 and couldn’t make the flight.

    For her patience with so many changes in my interior design many thanks to Amber Smith of The Media Reviews and to Teddy Wilson for his formatting skills. I also wish to thank the rest of my publishing team: Christine Young, Chris Chen, Dallas Hunter, Erin Cliffe, Kurt Morris, and Terry King.

    I never aspired to become an author of any kind, but I just had to write this book out of love for what I know to be true. Fortunately I am well read, and had plenty of examples of how to approach such a task. This brings me to thank all those great, too many to list, giant authors who taught me by example how to say what needed to be said.

    Finally, I wish to thank the person of the Holy Spirit who guided me to see the hidden with clarity. He showed me the whole picture of climate change, not just the isolated little pieces most others concentrate on.

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents (Continued)

    Table of Illustrations

    Table of Illustrations Continuation 1

    Table of Illustrations Continuation 2

    Table of Illustrations Continuation 3

    Separators & Full-Page Plates


    The false hope of the extreme environmentalists - a Wind Turbine I photographed with my Canon 60 D digital SLR camera. They not only are limited to intermittent power production, but also produce noise pollution proven to harm livestock and some people.


    The most efficient lie is at least 90% true. The purpose behind most lies is to mislead, and this one has already harmed millions of people in many nations around the globe. Why? Simply because it has already cost many nations many billions of dollars each in calling for the wrong action.

    Global Warming is not going to stop if and when men stop adding Greenhouse Gases to the atmosphere. It is not the Greenhouse Heating Effect that is warming up our globe. The globe is being warmed up by the cyclic increase of undersea volcanic activity in the 85 million seamounts in the Mid Atlantic Ridge and eight other oceanic ridges around the globe, as well as the volcanoes in the Pacific Rim (Ring of Fire). The direct heat and out-gassing of greenhouse gases from our heating oceans is responsible for the correlation between the observed increase in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere and our rising temperatures.

    Al Gore is a politician who dabbles in science, while I am a scientist who dabbles in politics; climate change is a scientific matter with serious political ramifications upon which we both agree.

    Al Gore says we can arrest climate change. I say climate change is inevitable. We both say we need to do something about it. His method will not work because he does not understand the complete climate change mechanism. However, I applaud his desire to clean up our atmosphere for other reasons. I do not want to breathe Toxic Chemicals any more than he does. My solution is simply to relocate our agricultural endeavors to those regions that will become more lush as those regions open up to us through climate change. His solution is to cut down on mankind’s Carbon Dioxide production in a mistaken attempt to arrest climate change. His solution is both futile and very expensive,- already having placed an unnecessary financial burden on many nations including my own.

    In his video presentation, Al gore tells us that he has a climate record going back a whole 1,000 years. Later he wows us with the fact that with Oxygen Isotope measurements taken from ice core samples in the Antarctic, he can extend our climate record back a full 650,000 years. He leaves us there thinking he has the most complete climate record ever. Well, long before Oxygen Isotope climate data was being recovered from polar ice, Oxygen Isotope climate data had already been obtained from the seabed. The Oxygen Isotope climate record from the seabed goes much further back in time, a full 2.5 million years to be exact.

    Perhaps the most significant thing revealed by the seabed record is that 1.25 million years ago, the relationship between Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and temperature changed.

    Prior to 1.25 million years ago CO2 concentrations are seen to have produced extended interglacials which grew shorter and shorter as more CO2 went from our atmosphere into our oceans, changing from a temperature regulating mode to a temperature tracking mode of operation, as will be revealed in my chapters on capacitors.

    Since Al Gore’s entire climate record falls within CO2’s temperature tracking period, Al Gore’s science advisors were easily misled into thinking they had a handle on the whole relationship.

    They were either unaware of the seabed record, or too anxious to prove themselves with their own new method. Unfortunately for all of us, the early ice core samples were too coarse to reveal anything more than a strong correlation between CO2 concentrations and temperature. When one went up so did the other. Likewise, when one went down, so did the other.

    Unable to determine which came first from the early ice core data, Al Gore and his science advisors decided that it was the temperature that tracked the changes in the CO2 concentrations rather than the other way around. This became the basis upon which the Greenhouse Gas Theory of Climate Change was built. Later, more refined Oxygen Isotope measurements were made from the same ice cores. These measurements clearly showed that it was the CO2concentrations that tracked the temperature changes. However, the die was cast, and despite the revelation they had their relationship backwards, Al Gore and his environmental buddies continued to press their notion that increased CO2 concentrations in our

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