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The Bristolon Chronicles: Saving Sophera
The Bristolon Chronicles: Saving Sophera
The Bristolon Chronicles: Saving Sophera
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The Bristolon Chronicles: Saving Sophera

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About this ebook

Temler, with the help of his Bristolon and human friends, defeated a band of ruthless scientists. Now he's in a race against time to save his closest Bristolon friend, Sophera. Sophera's injury at the hands of rogue scientists, has convinced the Bristolon Elder Council Sophera should be rooted. Temler vows he will face any peril to save her. Tem

Release dateSep 18, 2023
The Bristolon Chronicles: Saving Sophera


Kelly Kast is an author, born and raised in a small town in Idaho. Her writing career began as a staff writer and then editor, of a local newspaper. Kelly has also published numerous magazine articles on travel, Idaho history, and ranch life. In 2013 she published her first book: "Without Compromise: 75 years of The Idaho State Police." She has a life-long love of children's books and often draws inspiration from her nine grandchildren. Kelly and her husband, Dalen, own and operate a cattle ranch in South-Central Idaho.

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    Book preview

    The Bristolon Chronicles - KELLY KAST

    The Bristolon Chronicles:

    Saving Sophera

    By Kelly Kast

    Copyright © 2023

    Kelly Kast


    All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is strictly prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

    All reasonable attempts have been made to verify the accuracy of the information provided in this publication. Nevertheless, the author assumes no responsibility for any errors and/or omissions.

    To my precious grandson Alan Michael Kast

    March 30, 2022 - June 10, 2023

    My love for you is eternal, Baby Dragon

    Rest easy in the love of our Savior

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17



    "All will be well, Temler. This is the only way," she said.

    Temler wanted to argue with his mother. How could all be well? His parents were about to be rooted, and he had no say in the matter. All he knew was he would never hear their voices, or feel their limbs around him again. He wanted to rage at them and at the Elder Council that all was not well, not well at all.

    Couldn’t they see his fear, his pain? He questioned himself in silent agony.

    Son. Your mother is right. His father reassured him.

    Temler loved the deep, gravelly sound of his father’s voice, it had always brought him a sense of comfort and safety.

    We are Bristolon. We do what we must to help each other, and to keep each other safe. You know this. He added.

    Temler did know it. From his earliest memory, he could recall, how his parents had taught him the importance of taking care of his fellow Bristolon. They had instilled in him the importance of the environment in which their ancestors, the Bristlecone Pines, lived.

    Yes, Papa, he said, trying to be stoic.

    Yet Temler hated that his voice sounded so stiff and formal.

    I just… he tried to continue.

    We love you, his mother gently interrupted.

    "We always will, Temler. I know you are afraid, but White Pine blister rust is a terrible disease. If your father and I do not root, we could spread it to the entire Grove. Including you.

    That is not a bearable thought. The Bristlecone Pine is the oldest living tree on Earth, because we Bristolon understand this." She told him.

    Temler knew he couldn’t change his parent’s mind. They were right. If they refused to root, they would be banished from the Grove and likely die far away from the land they loved. By rooting, they would continue living. For how long, no one knew.

    Be strong, son, his father encouraged.

    Your mother has picked a beautiful spot, high up where the wind blows and the view is lovely. He added.

    Can…Can I stay and watch? He asked. Temler knew the answer before his mother shook her head, but he had to ask anyway.

    No, love. You can come back in two years’ time, but you must promise to stay away until then. The Bristlecone Pine is very hardy and will resist the disease easily. It will take two years for us to become fully trees. Bristolon is far more susceptible and must be very careful. Do you understand? His mother said.

    Yes, Mom.

    Temler did as he was told. It was a privilege to be a Bristolon. He didn’t want to bring shame to his mother and father by not obeying. After all, they had given up their existence as Bristolons to save the Grove.

    Chapter 1

    Temler didn’t bother wiping away the tears streaming down his face as his thoughts returned to that fateful day. It was rare he allowed emotions to overwhelm him, and today was just such an occasion. It had been exactly two years since he’d said goodbye to his parents. He missed them dreadfully and wished he could talk to them about all the new things going on in his life. Especially these past few months, which had been full of terror and horror, but also wonder and delight.

    An odd combination of events, to be sure, Temler whispered to the two beautifully entwined Bristlecone Pine in front of him.

    You would have loved my story, Mom. Papa, I think you would have given me quite a lecture, but in the end, you too would have loved my story. You see, I made a terrible mistake, and led my friends into danger, he continued as though they were there.

    I was so afraid, Mom. Afraid they would die; afraid we would be separated forever. But I met three young humans. Their names are Henry, Charlie, and Lillia, by the way; and they helped me. I know you would have been quite stern with me about that Papa, I certainly deserve it. Still, I am so grateful they too are now my friends. He said, his vines caressing the bark of both trees.

    Temler took a deep, sobbing breath, and gently touched the base of both trees. He didn’t know if his parents could hear him or not, they were rooted after all, but needles shrouded them, and he noticed his mother had several tiny pinecones on her branches.

    So, here’s the story, Temler sniffed, and finally swiped at his tears.

    "I got myself, Sophera, Cedrus, and Juba captured by humans. I managed to escape, but I couldn’t free them. It was at that moment, Papa, I decided I would never free them without human help. Henry, Lillia, and Charlie agreed to help me, and I learned so many wonderful things! That’s a story for another day, but suffice it to say, we survived our ordeal and I am so happy we did. Sophera was injured, but I think she will be okay. I ended up in a good bit of trouble. The Elder Council are very angry with me, and I haven’t been allowed to visit Sophera.

    I suppose I must start at the beginning, or none of this…"

    Hey, Temler!

    Startled at the sound of Juba and Cedrus shouting at him, Temler spun around to see his two friends marching up the hill toward him. Temler quickly wiped away his remaining tears, and squared his shoulders. It would not do for his friends to see him this way. They would undoubtedly have many questions he was in no mood to answer.

    Hello Juba. Hello Cedrus, Temler said, trying his best to smile.

    What are you two doing up here?

    We have news, Juba answered.

    We’ve been looking all over for you. What are you doing up here with two old trees?

    Before Temler could answer, Cedrus spoke, his voice quiet but firm. Juba, these aren’t two old trees.

    What? Yes, they are….

    No, Juba. Cedrus cut in. His voice a slight bit louder and even more firm.

    These are Temler’s parents.

    Um… Oh, Juba looked sheepishly at Temler.

    I am sorry, friend. I didn’t know.

    It’s okay, Juba. Few, outside of the Elder Council, know about my parents, Temler said, stiffly.

    I see, Juba said, again avoiding eye contact with Temler.

    So? Temler asked,

    What is your news? He quickly added.

    We were allowed to visit Sophera! Juba said, his voice dripping with excitement.

    She is doing very well, for the most part anyway, And, we got to celebrate Charlie and Lillia’s fourteenth birthday while we were there. It was splendid. Henry’s birthday is next month.

    Oh. Temler wanted to say more, but at the mention of Sophera’s name a huge lump formed in his throat.

    Juba, Cedrus said,

    I think we should go back to the Grove and let Temler finish his visit with his parents. We can catch him up on all the news later.

    Temler wasn’t surprised by Cedrus’s suggestion. Of all the Bristolon Temler knew, Cedrus was the most sensitive and compassionate.

    It’s okay, Cedrus. Truly it is. I was just telling Mom and Papa about our summer. I don’t even know if they can hear me, so it doesn’t really matter.

    I understand, Cedrus smiled sadly.

    "But I personally

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