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Japanese Hospitality: Where a Real Estate Mogul Submits to a Powerful Japanese Woman
Japanese Hospitality: Where a Real Estate Mogul Submits to a Powerful Japanese Woman
Japanese Hospitality: Where a Real Estate Mogul Submits to a Powerful Japanese Woman
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Japanese Hospitality: Where a Real Estate Mogul Submits to a Powerful Japanese Woman

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Jack Carver, a successful real estate heir, finds himself captivated by Yumi Takahashi, a dominant Japanese woman. As they navigate a complex and unconventional relationship, Jack must confront his own desires and confront the power dynamics between them.

Release dateOct 5, 2023
Japanese Hospitality: Where a Real Estate Mogul Submits to a Powerful Japanese Woman

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    Book preview

    Japanese Hospitality - Jessica Cockburn

    Japanese Hospitality

    Where a real estate mogul submits to a powerful Japanese woman

    Copyright 2023 Jessica Cockburn

    Published by Jessica Cockburn at Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    About the Author

    Connect with Jessica Cockburn


    Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    The air was filled with the delicate sight of cherry blossoms gently falling to the ground as a convoy of delivery trucks traveled through the busy streets of Queens. Some of them paused to drop off goods at the countless mom and pop stores and vegetable stands that lined the bustling thoroughfare. The neighborhood had just wrapped up its annual festival, celebrating the arrival of spring after a harsh New York City winter. As the remnants of snow from weeks prior lingered on the grassy boulevard, now a dull shade of gray, couples walked their leashed dogs and children made their way to school, passing each other on the sidewalks. Shop owners lifted their metal doors, signaling the start of another busy day.

    Inside a sunlit room adorned with thin vertical blinds, a petite Japanese woman dressed in an elegant silk kimono carefully poured steaming hot water over fragrant tea leaves. She sat gracefully with her legs folded beneath her at a low sandalwood table, beckoning her elderly mother to join her in their morning tea ceremony. The conversation between the two women was hushed, a result of the recent passing of Yumi's father and Chisato's husband of forty-five years, Masahito Takahashi. Masahito had been a beloved figure in the local Japanese-American community, and his absence was deeply felt. As they sipped the traditional tea, tears streamed down their faces, mourning the loss of their family's patriarch and discussing the responsibility of carrying on his legacy.

    At the forefront of their thoughts was Masahito's role at the Japanese-American Community Center. Every Friday, he would oversee the food service for the elderly members of their closely-knit group, starting early in the morning by shopping at the local grocery stores and then spending the rest of the day preparing and serving lunch in the large common room, which transformed into a dining area on Fridays. Chisato had always accompanied her husband, but now, at seventy years old, she had to navigate this task alone. With Masahito's illness, the Friday tradition had been put on hold, and this week would mark the first time in twenty-seven years that Masahito wouldn't be managing the process.

    Masahito's passing had been a lengthy and painful journey. His battle with pancreatic cancer had lasted a year and a half, ultimately claiming the life of the resilient first-generation Japanese-American whose parents had immigrated to the United States shortly after World War II. Chisato had entrusted the household finances to her daughter, as her husband's prolonged illness had significantly depleted their savings. Yumi, despite her financial savvy, struggled to keep up with the mounting medical bills while still managing the rent and other daily expenses.

    Both women knelt in silence at the table, performing the tea ritual with the familiarity of a cherished dance. The aroma of the tea, accompanied by the solemnity of the ancient ceremony, offered a moment of respite from their anxious thoughts as they pondered the uncertain path that lay ahead.


    Jack Carver began his day in his customary fashion, seated at a small square table adorned with a pristine white tablecloth. The table was positioned against a picture window that offered a sweeping view of the East River. The penthouse apartment he occupied was one of his earliest real estate acquisitions in New York. At precisely 7:30 a.m., his dedicated housekeeper and chef, Madeline, placed a gleaming white ceramic bowl containing half a grapefruit and a square plate holding delicately scrambled eggs and a slightly charred slice of toast in front of him. Jack nodded in silent approval, appreciating the perfect touch of char on the toast. Moments later, the red-haired chef returned with a small clay pot of orange marmalade, a steaming cup of Kona coffee, and a neatly folded Wall Street Journal.

    The young heir to a real estate empire skimmed through the headlines, then proceeded to eat his breakfast. With a glance out the window, he observed planes descending towards LaGuardia as he finished his meal. Life had been kind to Jack Carver. Despite the hardships endured during his divorce from his second wife, Jack had managed to regain a sense of normalcy, finding solace in his daily routine.

    Dropping his napkin onto his empty plate, Jack made his way

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