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Contemporary Foreign Policy Strategy
Contemporary Foreign Policy Strategy
Contemporary Foreign Policy Strategy
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Contemporary Foreign Policy Strategy

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Contemporary foreign policy refers to the strategies, principles and actions that a country's government uses to interact with other nations in the present day. It encompasses a wide range of diplomatic, economic, security and cultural initiatives aimed at advancing a nation's interests, maintaining peaceful relations and addressing global challenges. In today's interconnected world, contemporary foreign policy often focuses on issues such as international trade, climate change, cyber security, human rights, regional conflicts and cooperation on global governance. It is shaped by the complex interplay of geo-political dynamics, technical advancements and the pursuit of national objectives within a constantly evolving international landscape.

Release dateSep 28, 2023
Contemporary Foreign Policy Strategy

durga mani sanba limbu

Mr. Durga Mani Sanba Limbu his obtained Bachelor Level in Economics and History in 2017 and Master Degree in Political Science from Tribhuvan University in 2023. He is, presently the Finance Officer at Alliance for Transformation of Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal, Executive Editor at Xenial News P. Ltd. cum and review analysis in International Law and global political issues at at individual site portal.  

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    Contemporary Foreign Policy Strategy - durga mani sanba limbu


    Contemporary foreign policy is the strategic approach that a nation adopts to navigate the complex challenges and stands at the intersection of a rapidly changing global landscape and strategic interests of nations. In the present period, characterized by unprecedented connectivity, technological advancements and the formulation and execution of foreign policy have taken on a new level of significance. This preface provides a brief overview of the key themes and considerations that define contemporary foreign policy strategy.

    The 21th century has entered in a world marked by interdependence and interconnectedness. Nations are no longer isolated entities but are deeply entwined in a global network where events in one corner of the world can have far reaching repercussions across continents. This interconnectedness has amplified the importance of diplomacy as a primary tool for advancing a nation’s interests. Dialogue, negotiation and the art of building alliances have become essential in navigating the intricate web of international relations.

    Security remains paramount in contemporary foreign policy. In an era where traditional and non-traditional threats coexists, nation must balance military preparedness with the pursuit of peaceful resolutions to conflicts. Terrorism, cyber-attacks and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction require innovative security strategies that transcend traditional military approaches.

    The world faces an excessive of global challenges that demand international cooperation. Climate change, pandemics, refugee crises and other transnational issues transcend borders, necessitating collaborative efforts among nations. Addressing these challenges requires not only policy coordination but also a commitment to multilateralism and shared responsibility.

    Contemporary foreign policy also combat with questions of values and ethics. The promotion and protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law are integral components of many nation’s foreign policy agendas. Balancing these values with pragmatic geopolitical considerations can be a complex and delicate endeavor.

    The use of soft power such as cultural, education and informational influence has gained prominence in contemporary foreign policy. Nations recognize the power of ideas and narrates in shaping international perceptions and agendas and they employ a variety of tools to enhance their soft power from cultural diplomacy to media outreach.

    In the world characterized by evolving power dynamics and emerging actors, foreign policy must be adaptable and forward thinking. Nations must anticipate and respond to geopolitical shifts, technological disruptions and changes in the global balance of power.

    Contemporary foreign policy strategy is a multifaceted and dynamic discipline that encompasses diplomacy, economics, security, global challenges, values and soft power. It is shaped by the unique demands and opportunities of the 21th century where the choices made on the international stage have far reaching consequences for nations and the global community as a whole. As the world continues to evolve, the formulation and execution of foreign policy remain vital for navigating the complex and interconnectedness web of international relations.

    -Durga Mani Sanba Limbu




    Liberalism, Marxism, Constructivism and Realism and Realism Global foreign Policy Perspectives.  


    Core Value and Interests, Middle Range Objectives and Universal Long Range Objectives


    INTERNAL FACTORS          20-26

    Culture and History, Geography, Size and Population, Economic Development and Natural Resources, Personality ad Character of Leader, Diplomatic Factor, Military Capabilities, Press and Public Opinion, Political System, Scientific Inventions and Political Parties and Interest Groups.

    EXTERNAL FACTORS          27-33

    Geo-political Factors, International System or Power Structure, International Law, Alliances, Military Strategy and International Organizations.


    GLOBAL POLITICAL ORDER         39-49

    CONCLUSION           50-52

    REFERENCE            53-54


    ASEAN   : Association of South East Asian Nation

    UN    : United Nations

    EU    : European Union

    MOFA    : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    FM    : Foreign Minister 

    IR    : International Relation

    AUKUS   Australia-United Kingdom-United States

    QUAD    Quadrilateral Dialogue

    FP    Foreign Policy

    NATO    North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    FOIPS    Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy

    OBOR    One Belt-One Road

    RBI    Road and Belt Initiative

    PRC    People’s Republic of China

    BRICS  Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

    ECOWAS   Economic Community of West African States

    DOD      Department of Defence 

    CTBT     Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    CCP     Chinese Communist Party

    COC    Consultation on Code of Conduct

    BCE    Before Common Era

    US    United States

    UNCLOS    United Nations Conventions on the Law of Seas

    Keywords: Foreign Policy, NATO, BRICS, BRI, ECOWAS & FOIPS. 



    In general word, the foreign policy of a country often referred to as the foreign relations policy, comprises self-interest strategies adopted by the state to protect its national interests and achieve its goals in the international milieu. These approaches are strategically used to interact with other countries. We are not merely a handful of individual states any more. We rely on each other for economic as wells as military support. Due to the increasing level of globalization and transnational activities, states may also have to interact with non-state actors in order to maximize benefits of multilateral international cooperation. Since national interest is most important, foreign policies are designed by the government of various countries using high level decision making process.

    Thus, foreign policy is nothing but a policy that governs international relations. Foreign policy is an important for understanding the behavior of other states. A foreign policy involves various objectives in which are also certain goals to achieve through foreign policy.

    The meaning of foreign policy has debated among scholars but in literal meaning, it is relation among countries concerning all issues of international relevance like disarmament, peace, climate change, decolonization, justice, human rights and anti-terrorism. In other specific world, foreign policy is the policy of a country in pursuing its national interest in global affairs, for example, the country’s refusal or acceptance of international agreement like the Non-proliferation Treaty and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty or seeking a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council. So, its foreign policy a state tries to control the behavior of the other states. In this process, a state and its statesman are generally guided by national interest. Originally, it was believed that the foreign policy of a country grew out of national interest only and no other matters of interest were involved in dealing with other countries.

    In the word of Bojang (2018):

    "After the treaty of Westphalia and the end of the first and second world war, the international system has witnessed an increasingly growth in the development of nation states and the creation of an interaction between these nation states. In addition, the establishment of United Nations and the process of decolonization that has liberated many states into sovereign entities have further provided the impetus to interrelationships among states. Such has resulted into the formation of foreign policy. With the aim of determining and identifying the decisions, strategies and ends of interaction of a state with another and the modern world of globalization the widening, deepening and speeding up of global interconnectedness has increased interrelationships among states. So,

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