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Fantasy of Dreams: Volume 2
Fantasy of Dreams: Volume 2
Fantasy of Dreams: Volume 2
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Fantasy of Dreams: Volume 2

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About the Book
This book is volume 2 of Fantasy of Dreams and continuation of fantasy of dreams volume 1, in this volume the world is divided into four main territories are Americatica, Europcatica , Asiacatica and Africatica , these four main territories were ruled and protected by great ruler named Gothdoris, the God of All the Technologies (GAT) or the Universal God and his Army of Freedom that consisted from Human, Humobotics (half human and half robots) and Robots from Xakarov, the God of Black Digits (GBD) or the Skeleton Demon and his Skeletons Robotics Army were trying to conquer Gothdoris’s four territories and because of that, a fierce and extensive constant battles sparked between Gothdoris (GAT) and Xakarov (GBD) and their armies that extend all over the world.

About the Author
Ali Jawad, born and raised in Iraq, gained a Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry from the University of Baghdad in Iraq at a young age. He was granted his special immigrant visa to travel to America for supporting the United States Army as a local translator in Iraq. Ali Jawad moved down to Florida and worked three different jobs at the same time with plans to work on his dental degree. Later on, he joined the United States Army, and served for a period of years with multiple combat tours, and got out honorably.
The life path was not that easy for him in the USA. He worked hard and continued to do so to establish a good living condition for his family from the ground; however his limitless dream, ambition, dedication, and love to help people, had him to continue to seek a Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies at Keiser University to further his medical and dental career.
His passion about writing fictional stories started in early childhood, however it grew when he joined the USA army. He has so far written 35 fictional books that are part of this second book and the number continues to grow, hoping one day all these books will be published so the readers will enjoy it.

PublisherRoseDog Books
Release dateMay 31, 2023
Fantasy of Dreams: Volume 2

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    Fantasy of Dreams - Ali Jawad


    This book is volume 2 of fantasy of dreams and continuation of fantasy of dreams volume 1, in this volume the world is divided into four main territories are Americatica, Europcatica, Asiacatica and Africatica, these four main territories were ruled and protected by great ruler named Gothdoris, the God of All the Technologies (GAT) or the Universal God and his Army of Freedom that consisted from Human, Humobotics (half human and half robots) and Robots from Xakarov, the God of Black Digits (GBD) or the Skeleton Demon and his Skeletons Robotics Army were trying to conquer Gothdoris’s four territories and because of that, a fierce and extensive constant battles sparked between Gothdoris (GAT) and Xakarov (GBD) and their armies that extend all over the world.

    Ali Jawad, born and raised in Iraq, gained a bachelor’s degree in Dentistry from University of Baghdad in Iraq in young age, he granted his special immigrant visa to travel to America for supporting the United States Army as local translator in Iraq. Ali Jawad moved down to Florida, worked three different jobs at the same time with plan to work on his dental degree, later on, he joined the United States Army, and served for period of years with multiple combat tours, and get out honorably.

    The life path was not that easy for him in USA, he worked hard and continue to do. So to establish a good living condition for his family from the ground, However, his limitless dream, ambition, dedication and loving to help people, had him to continues to seek further medical degree in Bachelor of interdisciplinary studies at Keiser University for further medical and dental career.

    His passion about writing fictional stories started in early childhood, However, it grew when he joined the USA army, he had written. So far 35 fictional books that are part of this first book and the number continue to grow, hoping one day all these books to publish. So that the readers will enjoy it.


    To my lovely and remarkable readers:

    I am wishing you a great journey in reading Volume 2 of the Fantasy of Dreams. This 2nd volume of this book is a series of fictional books, all the characters, the events and everything written or mentioned in the book are from the author’s imagination only and it does not reflect nor represent any type of entity or organization or any point of view.

    Some of the manuscripts in the book might contain. Some words that might be distracting or inappropriate to my amazing readers. With that being said, these words have been mentioned in the manuscript for the purpose of events in the stories only and do not reflect nor represent any type of entity or organization or any point of view. Once you read this sentence, you are agreeing to read the content in this book and are beginning the start of this journey. In conclusion, I offer my highest gratitude and respect to all humanity, to all the countries, and to all the aspects of life. Enjoy reading Fantasy of Dreams Volume 2.


    This book and the following series are dedicated to my great father and my lovely mother, who have been behind my success and the non-stop inspiration to me from the moment I came into this life until the moment I am away from it. My great father and lovely mother, the words thank you are not enough for what you have done for me and our lovely family. I will love you forever and always you will have special place in my mind and my heart. To all of my amazing brothers, particularly my dearest brother, aka Haidori, and my kind sisters, their entire lovely families, to all the friends and the people who supported me in this journey, and to all my incredible readers, I thank you.

    To America, the land of opportunity and the land of freedom, the country who gives me the freedom of speech and the ability to express my feelings without any limit and continues to give me more than I deserve and more, to the heroic men and women in uniform who served and are still serving and risking their life day and night for the sake of this country. In conclusion, God Bless the people of United States of America and God Bless America.

    Later, John stands up and started digging the dumpster that was sitting next to him for a piece of food for himself and his dog. The time was 10 A.M, a beautiful sunny morning in the. Southern part of Florida and John finished eating his breakfast from pieces of food that were in the dumpster of the gas station where he was hanging out most of the time there with his dog Chance. Suddenly a police vehicle pulled in the gas station and police officer dismounted the vehicle and walked up to the dumpster to speak with John that being said, John didn’t like to see the cop walking towards him, and right away John believed there was. Something not good coming from the police officer.

    When you see these police officers. Somewhere around that means there is. Something bad happening, right now this police officer is walking toward me, John said this to his dog Chance. John believed that because he stayed by the dumpster of the gas station most of the time and the owner of the gas station didn’t like that, the owner of the gas station informed the police about John to keep him from getting back and staying by the gas station. Hey buddy. How are you? the police officer greeted John.

    I am hanging in there. What’s up officer? John replied to the police officer and asked him about what he needs from him. So the police officer informed John that he needs to leave the premises of this area. Soon otherwise he would get a trespass ticket if he refused to leave and right away John acknowledged the police officer’s warning; However, he told the police officer that he knew that the gas station’s owner is behind this. The police officer apologized to John for that action, However, the police officer requested John leave the premises of the gas station under his supervision and right away John walked out of the gas station toward the bus stop followed by Chance while the police officer was gone.

    John sat in the bus stop with Chance and shortly after that, a couple of a man and woman walked to the bus stop as passengers and waited for the bus arrival, while John kept looking at them, then he greeted the passengers,. So the woman told her partner to wait outside the bus stop because there is a homeless man there with a dog and both of them smell very bad and the homeless man seems to be on drugs.

    John heard what the women told her man, as a result of that John laughed loudly and spoke out in the bus stop to himself. People always underestimate people who look less than them and this is really bad, and those kinds of people have no life experience, However, they don’t know the reality is that one day everything is amazing then suddenly everything is terrible. Happiness or sadness are not guaranteed in our life.

    John had to get off the seat in the bus stop and stepped outside of it with Chance, shortly after the bus arrived at the bus stop, the couple had to get in the bus, However, when John tried to get on the bus, the bus driver told him that he can’t be inside with a dog as a result of that John had to turn back on the bus and decided to stay with his Chance in the middle of the street.

    I guess nobody wants us buddy, John said that to his dog Chance. So Chance barked to John couple of times, acknowledging his words. I started feeling hungry. Don’t you Chance? John spoke to himself then he asked Chance as well as and again Chance barked to John acknowledging his words.

    John looked around and saw across the street there is a fancy restaurant serving western food, and the restaurant consists of outdoor tables and indoor tables and because the weather was. So nice and sunny in. Southern Florida. Therefore, the indoor tables were busy, However, the outdoor tables were busier where all the outdoor tables were completely taken by customers and even. Some of the customers were waiting in line to get seated outside. In the meantime, John was hoping that if he and Chance got to there, Chance will gain the customers’ attention at the restaurant and then the customers will feed Chance and once Chance gets the food then John will share the food with him.

    John walked closely to the curbside of the restaurant with Chance and kept looking from his location at the food and meals that the customers have on their tables, However that didn’t last long. As a matter of fact, a couple of waiters and receptionists of the restaurant noticed John with his funky clothes and smell with Chance walking closely to customers’ tables, as a result of that one of the restaurant’s waiters walked to John and informed him to leave the place with his dog. In the meantime, one of the customers called for Chance as a nice dog and because of that John let Chance go to that customer while he was trying to distracting the restaurant’s waiter by speaking with him and this will allow Chance more time to be with the customer and to get. Some food from their meal if things go well.

    It was almost evening time; Chance was lucky to get one piece of meal enough for himself and not for John.. Some customers were having dinner there and. Somehow John’s funky smell was bothering them. Therefore, the customers complained to the waiters, and because of that one of the restaurant’s waiters walked to the waiter that was speaking to John and intervened the conversation between them and told John that he needs to leave the place right away because of the customers complaining about his smell and the dog too. Otherwise, the waiter would inform the cops about him.

    John realized for a second that his goal was to come to the restaurant and get. Some food for himself and Chance was not successulf due to the employee of the restaurant didn’t want him to be around the vicinity of the restaurant. In addition to that the customers complained about his funky smell as well as Chance. However, the outcomes were unlike of what he planned. So John was forced under a threat to call the cops for him if he doesn’t leave the premises of the restaurant.

    Later that evening, John had to leave the restaurant area with Chance and walk out of it, and before John started walking out of the restaurant, suddenly he saw a beautiful blonde lady with blue eyes in her late 30s and she was very attractive. The lady came out of the restaurant and brought to John a small bag and gave it to him. John opened the bag and saw there was food in it then a huge smile came on his face. In the meantime, all the waitresses who were speaking with John had to say, Hi Karen to the beautiful blonde lady, then Karen told the waitresses to return back to work and she is going to take care of the situation with John.

    Karen introduced herself to John as she is the owner of the restaurant, then Karen had to apologize to John for the inconvenience caused to him by the waitress, surprisingly Karen told John that she knew for the fact why he is here and that was the reason behind herself bringing John the food, However, Karen demanded John to take the food and leave the premises of the restaurant with his dog as. Soon as possible for the sake of the business. John didn’t like the way that Karen spoke with him. So John felt that he was disrespected by Karen as a result of that John had to give the bag of food back to Karen and decided to leave.

    John’s response was shocking and emotional at the same time to Karen. The customer is always right that’s what everyone knows that in the USA and since you are an entrepreneur woman and you run a business like that, you should treat everyone that comes to your restaurant as a customer regardless their looks. Unfortunately, nowadays people are more materialistic than ever. If I was coming to your restaurant to dine as any other customers, but I was wearing suit or dressing up like a rich people, you or your workers would welcoming me in your restaurant with respect and you would show me hospitality but because of my looks that’s what I get, bottom line, you judged the book by its cover."

    As a result of that, Karen told John that he seems like a person full of knowledge and experience However, the life was not that easy on him, then Karen paused speaking to John and stared at him for a second, then suddenly her tears started coming down on her face, and the reason is because John’s speech had reminded her of her passed away father’s speech when he used to speak with her.

    John apologized to Karen for the tears on her face, also John paid his respect to Karen for the loss of her father, then after that John called Chance and excused Karen to leave on his own, However, Karen didn’t let John to leave despite the fact Karen invited John to eat a full dinner meal on the restaurant, but John’s dignity and modesty was beyond what Karen asked him to do. So John apologized to Karen for not accepting the invitation and decided to leave.

    Karen walked up to John and grabbed him from his hand to bring him in the restaurant to eat, but John didn’t like it and pulled his hand from Karen’s fist, then John told her that he needs to leave, then Karen pulled her customers’ order notebook and wrote. Something on it, then she ripped the paper off the note book and folded into small pieces then she gave to John and told him to open it once He is out of this place, John took the piece of paper and tossed in his pocket.

    Then Karen looked at John in his eyes seductively and told him that she would love to see him again, and John responded to her that he will need to take a bath for the next time that he is going to see her. So Karen told him back that she will wait for that moment to see him again, then Karen walked closely to John and grabbed his right hand and rubbed it very quickly then she pulled her hands from John’s right hand then she told him that she needs to get back to work because. Some of the customers and her workers started paying attention to what is happening between herself and John and. Some of the workers might snitch about her to her husband

    Oh, really, I don’t like that. You should have these waitresses getting fired once they snitch on you because you are the boss here, John commented on Karen’s comments. Then Karen told John back that she has the power over these waitresses However, her husband has the final decision to make on these concerns.

    After that, John realized from the way that Karen was speaking to him about her relationship with her husband, it is not going well despite the fact John didn’t make any comments on Karen’s words and he ended up shaking his head expressing his sympathy with Karen’s marriage relationship with her husband Following that, Karen hugged John and told him to open the piece of the paper that she gave it to him once he is by himself, then Karen went back to work, while John didn’t expect the hug from Karen, then his dog barked and right away John told Chance, I know you don’t like her too buddy, then John and Chance walked on their way. Meanwhile John was thinking in his mind about Karen then he paused walking and right away John pulled out of his pocket pants the piece of paper that Karen gave it to him.

    John had to unfold the paper and read what Karen written on it. It was unexpected surprise for John, when he saw Karen’s apartment address was written on that piece of paper and the apartment was only 5 minutes walking distance. However, Karen was asking him in the note to meet him around 10 P.M. in that address according to the paper note. John was confused about it and didn’t know what to do about it, However, John asked his dog Chance his opinion whether he likes to go and meet Karen or ignore her notes and move on, as a result of that Chance didn’t react to John’s words. Therefore, John realized from Chance’s response that he has the option either to meet or not to meet Karen.

    Thanks, buddy, for the respons eand that’s why you are my buddy. John thanked Chance for providing the response whether to meet or not to meet Karen, regardless of Chance’s response, John decided to go and meet Karen with Chance. Then, John looked to the front of him in short distance and saw a huge supermarket and it has a huge parking lot in front of it. So John walked to there with Chance and sat underneath one of the trees that are in the parking lot, and it was almost 9 P.M.

    Despite John’s decision to meet Karen, John was terribly confused and thinking in his mind about the reason that Karen want edto meet him in person at the home address in her paper notes from the first time they meet, then John looked at his smelly and dirty clothes that he has on it, also he smells Chance and both of them were smelling bad, and it was really bad. Therefore, John determined to go the supermarket and purchase. Some good clothes for himself and his dog. In order to do that, he will need money to do the purchase as a result of that John walked with Chance in short distance from the supermarket entry and started asking the shoppers who werecoming in and out the supermarket for money for himself and Chance and it was useless, but John continued doing it until one shopper walked out of the supermarket and saw John standing across the street from the supermarket asking for money. So the shopper walked up to John and gave him couple of dollars, then he left.

    Following that, another shopper came to John and gave him more money that would allow him to purchase new clothes and personal hygiene for himself and Chance. After that, John wrapped up what he was doing and walked to entry of the supermarket then he remembered that he cannot get Chance with him in the supermarket. Therefore, John looked around and saw a piece of dirty cloth was sitting in the street, he grabbed it and had to wrapped it around Chance’s neck then he tied him around the stop sign pole next to the supermarket entry door.

    Hey buddy, hang there, I’ll be back shortly. John had to say that to Chance while he is going inside the supermarket to purchase clothes for himself and Chance. John went inside the supermarket straight to the men’s clothing section and picked up nice affordable clothes for himself then he walked up to the men’s cosmetics section and picked up whatever he would need for his personnel hygiene then he went to dog section and picked up a cleaning supply for Chance, then after that John walked up to the cashier and had to use all the money that he made for himself and Chance.

    Prior to his departure at the supermarket, John went to the men’s bathroom and had to change his old clothes with new ones and cleaned himself to look good for Karen, shortly after John appeared as a gentleman after he cleaned himself then he looked at the mirror in the men’s bathroom and he was amazed in how to see himself completely different from when he was prior to cleaning himself.

    Wow, I look different, its true about what they say that money is not everything in life but can make things different in life. John had to comment about the power of the money and their impact in life, then John had to leave the supermarket straight to Chance.

    Hey buddy, look what I got for you, John had to say that to Chance, then John untied Chance off the stop sign pole and walked with Chance to the parking lot of the supermarket, and picked a good area underneath one of the trees and started wiping Chance with cleaning wipes that he purchased for him in the supermarket, then shortly after John was done cleaning Chance.

    Following that, it was 9: 30 P.M. John grabbed Karen’s paper note and looked at the address again and realized that the address is in one of nicest and luxurious intercoastal apartment complexes in. South Florida not far away from his current address, However, he tossed his hand in his pants pocket and saw that he had only 75 cents only left from the money that he made it earlier, which is not enough for him to get him on time to Karen’s place, However, the fortune was on John’s end this time, once he looked at the street and saw $10 sitting in the street, and right away John ran into it and grabbed it.

    John was very impressed and happy to see for the first time, since his life went upside down to find that piece of money, However, John related that good luck that happened to himself all of sudden due to the meeting with Karen. Right away, John waved to the first taxi that was driving by to stop for him and right away the taxi stopped and then John told him to take him to Karen’s address as a result of that the taxi driver told John, Wow, you are very lucky my friend to live in this luxurious apartment. However, John couldn’t tell the taxi driver that he doesn’t live there instead of telling him the truth and because of that John ended up waving only his head as a response to the taxi driver’s words.

    I guess, he thinks that I live there, and I am a rich However, he doesn’t know that I am a homeless man and I live in the dirtiest dumpster in the gas station. John had to say this to himself to response to the taxi driver comments.

    So the taxi driver believed that John is rich. Therefore, he told John that he will charge him extra fare for bringing Chance with him in the backseat of the vehicle as a result of that John agreed to pay the taxi driver all the $10 that he found to keep Chance with him and without any negotiation with the taxi driver, then the taxi driver drove on his way to drop off John and Chance at Karen’s place. In the meantime, John believed that after what happened to him with the taxi driver made him believe that most of the people judge the others externally and not internally regardless of their actual circumstances and that’s why the taxi driver charged extra fare for bringing in his dog with him in the vehicle.

    A few minutes passed by, and it was 15 minutes to 10 P.M and the taxi arrived at the security post at the entry of the apartment complex that consist of high rise building of 55 floors, then the security guard asked the taxi driver about his destination to get him through the gate because of that John passed Karen’s paper note to the taxi driver to give it to the security guard.

    Later, the security guard let the taxi driver with John get through the gate to the apartment complex. John looked at the apartment complex from inside the taxi and was amazed to see how incredible and fancy this apartment complex was from the outside and the vicinity around it. Then the taxi driver had to drive John with Chance all the way up to the lobby of the apartment complex to drop off John and Chance right there . Immediately, John exited the vehicle with Chance and then the taxi driver took off on his way out without saying any words to John, However, John didn’t care about it and right away John walked in the apartment building lobby with Chance and then the receptionist asked John about his destination and right away John told the receptionist that he is heading to floor number 25 and apartment number 10 and right away the receptionist showed John the direction to the elevator then he wished John a good night with Chance.

    John walked in the elevator with Chance. In the meantime, he was thinking about what is going to happen to him once ge reached to Karen’s apartment and met her there, shortly after the elevator reached Karen’s apartment and right away the elevator’s door opened straight to Karen’s apartment and Karen was waiting right there to meet him.

    Karen was standing right in front the elevator door, with her Lingerie lace babydoll sexy clothes with the G-string sexy underwear that she had on. Karen appeared very attractive and very seductive to John with these sexy attires as a result of that John was frozen in his place and couldn’t believe what his eyes are looking at, despite the fact Karen called him a couple of times with his name However, John was not listening to Karen, then Karen grabbed him from his hand and pulled him out of the elevator into her apartment followed by Chance, meanwhile John was still out of Karen’s attention. Therefore, Karen had to call him by his name for the second time and right away John opened his eyes widely and told Karen, I can’t believe myself I am here in this beautiful place with most beautiful sexy woman that any man dream to be with.

    Without any further introduction , Karen hugged John and kissed him deep in the mouth, However, John was confused and not knowing what to do to response to Karen’s reaction and because of that Karen squeezed John from his back and at the same time, Karen told John to exchange kisses with her and to make love to her like his last day in the life, However, John was still confused and didn’t believe what Karen said. So Karen had to undress herself from the sexy outfit that she had on and then Karen told John to look at the sexy body that has never been banged for 10 year. As result of that John looked surprisingly to Karen’s vulgar words and right away John asked Karen about the reason why she had to say that.

    So Karen apologized to John for her vulgar words then she told him that her husband had made love with her only for one time and that time was when they got married and since then, Karen has never been touched by her husband, furthermore her husband has been cheating on her with. So many women and. Some of these women are the waitresses that work in her restaurant. So John was terribly shocked to hear Karen telling him about the mistreatment that she was received from her husband. So John told Karen in response to her words. I am. Sorry to hear that you had to go through all of this.

    Despite this fact, Karen pulled John close to her and hugged him very deeply then Karen told John that he doesn’t need to worry about what she told him, and all they need is to enjoy their moment then Karen looked at John’s dog and told him, How cute is your dog and what is his name ?. So John responded back to Karen and told her, He is my life’s buddy and I had him since he was 1 week old, and he goes by Chance.

    Wow that’s amazing sweetie . Karen responded back to John, and she spoke to Chance while she was caressing his body and told him, Welcome Chance. As a result of that Chance barked to Karen in response to her expressing his welcoming back to her.

    Then after that, Karen looked in the eye of John seductively and moved closely to him and hugged him then she started caressing John’s body seductively and told him that she likes him from the moment that he started speaking to her about the life experience that he had in his life. In addition to that he reminded her with her passed away father. So Karen continued speaking with John until she told him that he needs to relax with her and enjoy his moment and because of that Karen walked John to her couch and seated him there, then Karen leaned on John’s chest and started undressing him slowly and seductively until John was completely naked, meanwhile Chance was relaxing on Karen’s floor.

    Karen looked in the eye of John and started making out with him, while John was still not believing what is happening for him. So he seems very distracted to Karen. Therefore, Karen told him, to enjoy the moment with her and forget everything else, However, John told Karen that he is little bit concerned that her husband might find out about this moment with her and Karen told him that neither her husband nor husband’s workers will find out about this moment then Karen said to John that she would like to see him once a week around the same place at the same time, also Karen informed John to disclose this relationship between herself and him as result of that John told Karen, Wow. Sounds that we have plan here. John acknowledged Karen’s words to him. Yes sweetie, No need to worry anymore and let’s enjoy our moment for now, Karen responded to John’s words, ensuring him to enjoy their moments together.

    After that, Karen leaned down on John’s sexual male organ and started sucking it. So badly then she told him,Wow, I love that baby, yours is getting hard. Meanwhile John was laying down on his back on the couch, shortly after Karen told John to start penetrating her from the front and right away John had to repositione himself and entered his male sexual organ into Karen’s sexual female organ from the front in missionary position and started penetrating her. So badly back and forth meanwhile Karen started moaning and yelling very loudly to John to continue banging her and at the same time Karen started squeezing John’s body by her hand very aggressively expressing her sexual excitement and comfort to John then Karen had to get off the couch and walked up to the mirror that was sitting in her living room and had to reposition herself in standing position right in front the mirror and told John to penetrate her in this position, as a result of that, John penetrated Karen in this position.

    Meanwhile Karen told John to caressing her sexual female organ while she is getting banged by him from the back to the front,, then shortly after, Karen turned around and sat on her knees and started sucking John’s sexual male organ including his entire sexual packet until he was about fto ejaculate his sexual sperm in Karen’s mouth then Karen looked in the eye of John seductively and told John to pause a little bit and start making out with her.

    As a result of that John pulled his sexual male organ out of Karen’s mouth and started making out with Karen in standing position then in aAfter a few seconds Karen grabbed John’s sexual male organ and started jerking his sexual male organ forAfter a few seconds to get John sexually erected then after that Karen that she will sexually reached her peak and ejaculated once John banged her in the mouth and right away Karen sat down again on her knees and had John start banging her in the mouth and aAfter a few seconds passed by and Karen started moaning loudly in the living room expressing her sexual excitement while she is getting banged in the mouth then Karen told John that she is about to ejaculate... However, John will need to continue banging until she ejaculated. In the meantime, John was about to ejaculate as well. Therefore, Karen told him to ejaculate in her mouth at the same time she is going to ejaculate. So few minutes John shot his ejaculation liquid in Karen’s mouth and she had to swallow it However, Karen had a small mouth Therefore,. Some of John’s ejaculation liquid was coming out of her mouth while she was swallowing it. In addition, to that Karen had to ejaculate at the same time John was. Then after that, the two were excited and relaxed from this sexual session and John was. So excited. Therefore, Karen looked in the eye of John and told him to relax for a little bit until the second round if he willing to go for another round.

    Wow sweetie, you are amazing, I didn’t expect all of that from you. Karen was extremely pleased with John after this long sexual session. Baby, you are. So beautiful and sexy and that’s why both of us enjoyed this together. John responded to Karen’s words, following that Karen grabbed John from his hand and walked him to her room and laid down on the bed with John, leaving Chance alone in the living room.

    Baby, I am. So thirsty, let me go to kitchen and grab water to drink for me and you, Karen had to say that to John as. Soon as he rested on her bed. So, Karen walked to kitchen and left John resting in the bed then shortly after John fell asleep and started dreaming…

    Dream Six: Part OnE

    It was 2100 years, and the entire world was going through a revolution of technology and the impact of this revolution was very obvious in all aspects of life, also the time of the speed and the robotic involvement such as the robots or the steel humans (Machines) was the most significant factor in this revolution and it was part of life where these steel humans or the machines used to live alongside with humans in this. Sophisticated world and the revolution of the incredible technology was very obvious in all aspects of life.

    For example the living organisms were human and robots, the transportation was done through certain ways such as the flying vehicles (in form of black colored metal eagles), drones and the communication was done through certain ways too such as smart applications, limitless media, the high-speed internet was the vital component of this technology and. So on. Basically the technology was getting involved in every aspect of life until life become dominated by four various fields of technology and each of these four various fields of these technology were run by four different Gods of technologies and these four of Gods of Technologies were spread around the universe and they were dominant four territories in the universe and these territories were named after the technology that these four gods have and these Four Gods of technologies were the absolute power over their own territories.

    Despite the fact there was one a universal God, who was considered the absolute power over these four Gods and their territories, and. Some of these four Gods of technology didn’t get along with each other and they ended up fighting each other and the reason is to control and dominate the entire universe and capture all the natural resources in the universe for the advantage of the strong over the weak.

    The residents of these four gods and everything over their territory was dominated by the type of technology that they are characterizes with, furthermore in order to live in the universe and to be part of this incredible technology, most of the humans have been mandated by the universal God of these technologies to convert themselves into half robots and half human with few exceptions to. Some of these four territories and that conversion was obvious over the lands of Americatica, Europcatica, Asiacatica, and Africatica where the vast majority of the human are called Humobotics or Half human and Half robots, and all of these Humobotics were dominant and supervised by chips implanted in the head of Gothdoris or the God of All the Technologies whose was considered the universal God of these four Gods and their territories. These four territories were as follows:


    It was considered the main territory and the most influential one out of the four territories in the universe and the most. Sophisticated and dominant one over the rest of the territories and because of that Americatica is considered the capital of the four territories in the universe and it was led by Gothdoris or the God of All the Technologies, and the residents of this territory were privileged than the rest of the residents in other territories where they have the options to travel from and to any of the other three territories while the last ones can’t travel to the main territory or within the other territories.

    Also the residents of this territory have the option whether to stay as human or converted into Humobotics, basically Americatica was providing better privileges and benefits to their residents than the rest of the other three territories because it was the main territory in the universe and the territory of the Gothdoris, furthermore the human language was the most common spoken language that the residents of Americatica whether human, Humobotics and Robotics, and the entire universe have to speak it regardless of if the other spoken languages and the reason is because the human language is the mother language of all the other languages over the universe, and Gothdoris mandated any territory that fall under his command that their residents will have to speak the human language and this applied for all his gods and their own Humobotics or they will consider X-Gods or X-Humans or X-Humobotics and X refer to outlaws and this basically will put these X-Gods or X-Humobotics to death and these legal actions have been authorized by Gothdoris to his gods to use it when needed over any one whose violating these rules.

    Lastly the residents of Americatica were not only a Humobotics However, they were consisting of mix of different type of residents between humans, robots, and Humobotics (half human and half robots ) and the reason is because Americatica is the only territory in the universe that allow to have different type of residents to live in its territory than the rest of the territories that are under Gothdoris ruling, whose their residents are Humobotics only and the residents of Americatica are characterized being very tall in height around 20ft in comparison to the other three territories whose height are lesser than Americatica whose their residents comes in form of humans, robots and Humobotics and they wears different types of uniforms and it marked by letter (A) in white and only on upper right top uniform. And A referred to Americatica.

    In addition to that, Americatica contains two small territories that are part of it and these territories are basically similar to each other in. Some points However, there are. Some differences in. Some other points and one of these territories are located in the north of Americatica and the other one is located to. South of Americatica and these territories are the Northern Coldicatica of Americatica (NCA) that characterized being cold and the residents over there are white colored Humobotics and their heights around 10 ft-15 ft in heights and it ruled by Garthiso or The robot with human head while the other one is the. Southern Hoticatica of Americatica (SHA) that characterized being hot and the resident over there are brown colored Humobotics their heights around 10 ft-15 ft in heights and it is ruled by Garuk or the robot with the head attached on the chest that being said, the two rulers are overcome by Gothdoris and the residents of these two territories have the options to travel only to Americatica unlike the residents of Americatica whose have all the freedom of travel.


    It was considered the closest allies to Americatica and it is ruled by Rukusis or the God of Information and he was fully robotic, and he was commanded and supervised by Gothdoris where the residents are Humobotics and their spoken language is the human language. In addition, to that these Humobotics have the abilities to store everything in their electronic memories whatever they see and retrieved it very quickly upon their needs and their heights around 10ft – 15 ft.


    It was considered the biggest territory in the universe and even bigger than Americatica and it was run by the Knife or Xakarov. Xakarov was a fully robotic machine body that believe he is not from the planet universe, and he was descended from a falling meteor on the planet universe from unknown planet in the space. Xakarov body’s feature was consisted of the demon skeleton head with red colored eyes, and robotic grey colored body made out of Limestone with the hands that are in form of sharp knife and because of that Xakarov is called the Knife.

     Xakarov was the main ruler of Asiacatica and was very well known being a psychotic killing machine that he would kill anyone without any hesitation if there is a disagreement with whatever he thinks regardless, furthermore Xakarov was a brutal ruler and very obsessive about dominating and enslaving the others for his own sake particularly over his own Humobotics. Therefore, Xakarov created his own robotic army that is called the Skeletons Robotics Army (SRA) to have full control over the entire Asiacatica and its Humobotics.

    Xakarov’s Skeleton Robotic ArmY

    Consists of hundreds of thousands of Skeletons Robotics Army that made entirely of black colored metal head and body with red color eyes and these skeletons are similar to each other and their height is around 15 ft and these skeletons’ robotic army are armed with the most destroyers and. Sophisticated weapons mostly are. Sophisticated Rifle carried by these robotics skeletons. These. Sophisticated rifles are able to shoot thermo red colored laser that are capable of generating a high frequency of heat that will destroy and melt anything on its way, also these rifles are able to fire a red colored laser net, and this red colored laser net is used for the purpose of detention on the spot, and also to deactivate most of the robotics weapons that Xakarov’s army has, including. Some of his leaders as well. In addition to that Rifles the skeletons robotics army consists of a mix of heavily. Sophisticated armed weapons, robotic military machines, robotic military fighter jets and. So on.

    Due to the non stoppable savage treatment of Xakarov to his own Humobotics, his Humobotics started rioting and revolutionized against him particularly in most part of Asiacatica except a few parts that would be considered the most loyalists to Xakarov and this type of action that led Xakarov to declare the emergency status over entire Asiacatica and commanded his robotic skeleton army to capture and kill all the rioters to death as a result of that, the. Some of the rioters fled to Americatica and requested the assistance from Gothdoris and within few weeks Gothdoris gathered entire his army that is called the Army of Freedom (AF) and the Army of Freedom was at the west part of Asiacatica.

    . So the war started between the two However, Gothdoris’s army was making progress over Xakarov’s army as a result of that Gothdoris continued defeating Xakarov with his skeletons’ robotic army away from the most part of Asiacatica to the north and East part of it and that is called Sinarovatica. Sinarovatica was characterized by having a nighttime around the entire year and this nighttime was accompanied with severe cold snowy weather where the temperatures are minus degrees and the terrains are mountainous and for that reason where. Some of its infrastructures were built on these mountains and. Some others were built within these mountains unlike the city of Americatica, and the severe weather in the city of Sinarovatica required the Humobotics who live there to wear special type of uniform to keep their human parts in their robotic body warm.

    It was very hard for Xakarov to provide these uniforms to his army. In addition, to that the living condition was very severe and very impossible for the Humobotics of Asiacatica to live there and Gothdoris was very known about the severe terrain and weather in that area, Therefore, Gothdoris believed that to push Xakarov with his skeletons robotics army to that area, it will become very impossible for Xakarov and his army to make it through these severe environment and it will be the end for Xakarov and his legacy for that reason and once Xakarov was completely pushed away to the north and east part of Asiacatica, as a result of that Gothdoris decided to stop the war and declared victory over Xakarov and his skeleton robotic army.

    In the meantime, the Humobotics of Asiacatica were very happy from getting liberated from Xakarov and his tyranny army by Gothdoris and his army of freedom as a result of that the Humobotics of Asiacatica gave their loyalty to Gothdoris. Later on, their liberated territories become one of the most and closest ally to Gothdoris and because of that Gothdoris picked Akaros as one of the best robotic leaders in his Army of Freedom and very well-known leader among the rioters in the liberated territories and made him the God of White Digits (GWD) and the ruler of the of the friendly territory of Asiacatica to Americatica and It was considered the best ally to Americatica and then Gothdoris call that friendly territory Antaraka, then after that Antaraka become an independent territory and Akaros become the absolute God and ruler over there since Gothdoris endorsed him.

    After the war was over, there was a huge destruction over Antaraka and it was impossible for their Humobotics to live there and since Antaraka becomes one of the closest ally to Americatica Therefore, Gothdoris decided to reconstruct and developed everything that was destroyed in Antaraka because of the war and within few years Antaraka was fully developed and it was considered one of the most. Sophisticated territory of Asiacatica and since the Humobotics of Antaraka were speaking the language of the numbers and after the liberation from Xakarov and his skeletons army it become the closest ally to Americatica. So Akaros decided to change the name of Antaraka to become the territory of the White Digits for being friendly to Americatica, and the abilities of his Humobotics to speak the language of numbers despit Antaraka name was s changed to the territory of White Digits, it stayed being called as Antaraka, and Akaros become the God of the White Digits (GWD) or the Friendly Digits that was on one part of Asiacatica and his humobotics become residents of the white digits.

    So, the physical characteristics of Humobotics of Antaraka were in form of head of human with robotic wooden body and they called them the resident of the White Digits and the most important characteristics of the residents of this territory are their ability to speak the language of numbers with their ruler and with each other too and it was called the Digits or the (language of the numbers) where they speaks numbers and each number represent a certain number that being said, they can’t speak this language of number unless has to be authorized by Gothdoris under special circumstances,. However, the common spoken language is the human language, and the most important characteristic about these Humobotics, are their ability to catch everything they see and converted into a digits and stored in their electronic memories and retrieved it upon request.

    While on other part of Asiacatica where the severe weather and impossible terrain to live there, Xakarov and his defeated army were pushed there by Gothdoris and his army as a result of that Xakarov assigned himself as the God and the ruler over the separated territory from Asiacatica and his territory become the anti-Americatica and it was called Sinarovatica and most of the Humobotics in his territory were speaking the language of the numbers and Xakarov were able to speak that language as well. Therefore, he becomes the God of the Black Digits (GBD) and the ruler of Sinarovatica and the reason behind why Xakarov was called to be the God of the Black Digits (GBD) because he hated to be ally with Americatica and he was against any belief and ideas that will come from Americatica. Xakarov’s main intention was to conquer the entire universe instead of Gothdoris and to declare himself as the absolute authority. However, Gothdoris defeated him with his savage skeletons robotics army.

    After all of that, Xakarov didn’t stop from his dream about conquering the entire universe, Therefore, Xakarov took advantage of the quiet years that he had with Antaraka for redeveloping, reprogramming and empowering the features of his Humobotics and skeletons robotics army to make them able to, fight, live and survive in the any type of severe weather and terrain without the need to Gothdoris’ survivability chips and to any type of uniform that usually need it to be wear under severe environment. In addition to that, Xakarov empowered and partnership his strength with powerful mysterious creatures from mysterious planet and the reason is to strengthen his Humobotics and the most important his skeletons robotics army and to prepared it too for new war to overcome the universe after defeating Gothdoris and finishing his legacy from the entire universe.

    So, the physical characteristics of Humobotics of Sinarovatica are in form of head of normal human with robotics bodies that made out of grey colored limestone and they called them the residents of the Black Digits because they hated Americatica and became their enemies and those Humobotics comes in different genders and the most important characteristics of the residents of this territory are their ability to speak the language of numbers with their ruler and with each other the same as the white digits that is called the Digits or the (language of the numbers) and the reason is because both White Digits territory and Black Digits territory, it used be one territory as part of Asiacatica. However, Xakarov mandated his own Humobotics as well as his skeletons robotics army to continue speaking the human language as the main language and the reason is that the human language is the mother language of all others language and it’s the universal language and this will help him conquering the universe since everyone else living on it, is speaking it regardless of the other spoken languages.

     Furthermore, the Humobotics of Black Digits have the ability to catch everything they see and converted into a digit and stored in their electronic memories and retrieved it upon request, also these Humobotics have been brainwashed against any belief or ideas that would come from Americatica and their allies and for that reason these Humobotics become the most loyalists Humobotics to Xakarov and his skeletons robotics army.


    It consists of several territories that are friendly and allies with Americatica and Gothdoris is their highest commander and the most important about Africatica was that their Humobotics were very well known by their true loyalty and magnificent trust among the other territories that Gothdoris control and on top of that their Humobotics were considered the most courageous warriors in Africatica and they called them the Zibroses and because of these characteristics that the Zibroses have in them therefor Gothdoris felt comfortable toward them.

     In addition to Gothdoris’s big responsibilities over universe as a result of that Gothdoris decided to share his control over Africatica with Europcatica by assigning Zimbardo or the God of Screen heads as one of his ruler over one part of Africatica and it called. Somotatica that consists of several territories in Africatica and contains most of the natural resources in Africatica while the other part of Africatica it called. Somatica, Gothdoris commanded Rukusis whose the ruler of Europcatica to take over. Somatica and let Raphatico or the God of Coding whose one of the Gods under Rukusis’s ruling to rule. Somatica that is part of Africatica and the reason behind Raphatico to be the God of Coding because he has the ability to spoke codes in form of words However, His spoke common language was the human language.

    And like the rest of the most Humobotics in the universe. In general, the Zibroses or the Humobotics of Africatica are able to store everything in their electronic memories and retrieved it upon request. In addition, to that these Zibroses are run and controlled by their own rulers despite the fact that Gothdoris has the absolute authority over them and the entire universe.

    Gothdoris or the God of All the Technologies (GAT)

    Gothdoris (John) or the God of All the Technologies or (GAT) is a human white skin (John’s facial and body) muscular body in robotic machine underneath it despite the fact Gothdoris’s origin was not considered neither a human or Humobotic and the reason was because his origin was very mysterious to everyone who works for him and whose not working for him, and Gothdoris was a 30 ft height and that’s why he considered the tallest of all the Gods in the four territories. Gothdoris hasbrown colored eyes with special technical features in it, and short black colored hair and Gothdoris has the ability to travel from place to other within blink of eye and as well as the rest of his Gods and leaders.

    Gothdoris was characterized being a very powerful god, who does like to stand for the oppressive ones and defend them from the bad one particularly Xakarov and his tyranny army, Gothdoris was also very well known among his leaders and the entire universe with his remarkable wisdom, professional knowledge, infinite strength, unique justice and the most important one is that his ability to become the universal authority, and the dominant one to keep controlling and conquering the entire four territories, alongside Gothdoris, there was Queenaris, who was the Queen of Americatica and the lovely romantic purely human woman who share her love with Gothdoris who was very obsessed about her and she was Gothdoris’s wife. However, Qeenaris was not powerful and influential same as Gothdodris and Qeenaris was around 25 ft height and it was considered the tallest Queen in the entire universe, Qeenaris was white skin color beautiful body with long blonde hair color with blue colored eyes and she was a human.

     Gothdoris wears a black colored leather uniform with logo of GAT or (God of All the Technology) in red colored that set on the right upper side of the top uniform with black colored cape with GAT logo in red colored too that set in the middle center of the cape and it is attached to the uniform, while Qeenaris wears white colored leather uniform with logo of QA or (Queen of Americatica) in red colored that set on the upper right side of the top uniform and white colored cape with QA in red colored that was set in the middle center of the cape ,and it is attached to her unfirom , and this cape will help Gothdoris and Qeenaris to fly anywhere they want.

    Gothdoris carried a powerful grey colored digitalized spear and usually on his right hand, this digitalized spear is taller that Gothdoris’s height and this spear is considered the heaviest spear in the entire universe that there is no body was able to carried it However, it seem very light weight in Gothdoris’s hand and this spear is digitalized because it has the ability to fires a single red colored laser balls that each ball have the ability to destroy anything on its way at any given distance and target and without any doubts However, Gothdoris won’t use it unless if there is an emergency that required him to do so.

     The most important about that this digitalized spear, it contain three different images of eagles with three different colors and these eagles were drawn around the spear with red color eagle that is sit almost on the top edge of the spear then a white color eagle that is sit on the middle of the spear and lastly a blue color eagle that sit almost on the bottom edge of the spear.

    These three eagles have very unique capabilities that they can be turned alive into blood and flesh as any other living organism However, they are not robotics and that’s consider their weakness in comparison to the robotic machines, However, they have the ability to turn into fully robotics under certain circumstances and this can be done by Gothdoris only. These three eagles they turned alive once Gothdoris give the voice command given individually and right away these three eagles comes alive and Gothdoris have the ability to activated and deactivated these three eagles in group or separately, and the voice command given for the group activation will be Release the Eagles and right away the three eagles will comes alive in group.

    While the voice command given for the group deactivation will be De-release the Eagles. and right away all the three eagles will returned into an images into the spear, furthermore these three eagles have an armed powerful capabilities and these armed capabilities can be activated in group or separately as well as and the voice command given for the group engagement will be Eagles Ready to Engage. and right away the three eagles will be ready to engage any type of threat and danger, while the voice command given for the group disengagement will be Eagles Dis-Engage. and right away the three eagles will stop engaging any type of threat and danger.

    Despite the fact the voice command given for single activation of these three eagles will be for the first eagle whose the red eagle that is sit almost on the top edge of the spear, Therefore, the voice command given will be Release the Red Eaglee. and this red eagle will comes alive out of the spear and he will immediately transform into huge red color eagle that his size is about the size of Boeing 777 and this red eagle characterized being very fast and can be fly and maneuver into high and low altitude. In addition to that this red eagle is entirely red colored with red colored eyes and have the ability to fire red colored laser from his both eyes that would destroy anything on its way from any given direction at any given target and this red eagle with his powerful armed capability will be activated for engagement as well.

    As soon as Gothdoris gives the command "Red Eagle Ready

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