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Children of Globalization
Children of Globalization
Children of Globalization
Ebook615 pages9 hours

Children of Globalization

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"In the heartwarming and adventurous saga of 'Children of Globalization,' journey alongside Vansh and his beloved as they embark on a transformative odyssey from the bustling streets of India to the boundless possibilities of the United States. 


Their story begins with a dream - one shared by millions worldwide - of a life enriched by the American dream. From their initial steps onto American soil as students, to becoming high-skilled tech engineers, they strive tirelessly to build a future filled with promise and prosperity. 


But the path to the American dream is not without its challenges. The immigration system, with its convoluted processes and never-ending visa struggles, threatens to derail their aspirations. In the face of adversity, they discover an unexpected ally: the power of the written word. Vansh, astride his faithful motorcycle, embarks on an epic journey through the heartland of America, capturing the essence of their adventures, romances, and struggles in a book that could change their destiny forever.


 'Children of Globalization' is a sweeping and emotionally charged tale that delves into the immigrant experience in 21st-century America. Together, this couple fights for their family's freedom, daring to challenge the confines of an unforgiving bureaucracy. Will Vansh's book be the beacon of hope they need to secure their place in the land of opportunities, or will the odds prove insurmountable? 


Join Vansh and his family on a remarkable journey filled with love, courage, and the unyielding spirit that defines those who dare to dream. Can they achieve their American dream while riding on the back of a motorcycle through the challenges of the modern world? Find out in this captivating story of resilience, unity, and the pursuit of freedom."

Release dateSep 6, 2023
Children of Globalization

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    Book preview

    Children of Globalization - Twakkar

    Children of Globaliझेtion


    Author: T. Wakkar

    Children of Globaliझेtion

    Chapter 1: Just Another Cog in the Machine

    Chapter  2: Khalbali Hai Khalbali

    Chapter 3: In Pursuit of Happiness

    Chapter 4 : We’ll be Counting Stars

    Chapter 5 : Time To Pretend

    Chapter 6: You are the One

    Chapter 7: Little Dark Age

    Chapter 8: Coming back to Life

    Chapter 9: Riders on the Storm

    Chapter 10: Divine Moments of Truth

    Chapter 11: Aarambh Hai Prachand

    Chapter 12: Thoughts & Prayers

    Chapter 13: To Kill a Mockingbird

    Chapter 1: Just Another Cog in the Machine

    Jan 2013, US Consulate, Chennai, India

    Vansh nervously stood in line outside the United States consulate building, carrying a folder containing his meticulously filed documents. As he passed through the security checkpoint, a mix of anticipation, hope, and apprehension filled the air. Anxious students, workers, and families waited their turn for the visa interview, creating a palpable tension.

    Once inside, Vansh followed the instructions of a visa official who called out the applicants, leading them to the main waiting area. He glanced ahead and saw several glass windows, each with a few applicants anxiously awaiting their turn to speak to the US visa officer. His heart raced as he clutched his folder tightly, feeling the weight of his dreams resting on this crucial moment.

    The security personnel guided the applicants to their respective lines in the waiting room, and Vansh heard his window number being called. He stepped behind a neatly dressed young man who was also waiting his turn. As the man reached the desk, Vansh moved forward, taking his place at the window.

    A pleasant voice responded to his Good morning, Ma'am greeting. Vansh watched as the eager applicant before him pushed their documents through the small opening separating them, engaging in a conversation that Vansh quickly tuned out. His mind drifted, consumed by thoughts of his previous failed attempt to secure a visa just a few weeks ago in home city.

    The weight of that disappointment still lingered within him, casting a shadow over his future plans. He couldn't help but feel uncertain about his chances of success. Yet, he had summoned the determination to learn from his mistakes and make the necessary adjustments. This second attempt was his last chance to secure a visa in time to attend the semester at his dream university.

    Vansh had convinced his father to accompany him on this journey, traveling from Mumbai to Chennai for the visa appointment. The stakes were high, and failure would mean postponing his master's program and shattering his dreams of studying abroad. Sacrificing months of preparation for the exams, along with completing college applications instead of searching for a job after graduation, had left him feeling vulnerable and burdened with thoughts of failure.

    Suddenly, his thoughts were jolted by the disheartening words, I am sorry, I cannot approve your visa. The applicant in front of Vansh received the bad news, gathered their documents, and walked away, leaving Vansh facing the visa officer behind the glass wall.

    With his anxiety palpable, Vansh approached the counter, he saw a Lady Officer. The formal suit she wore accentuated her authoritative presence. He couldn't help but notice her long, flowing black hair, reminiscent of Princess Jasmine from Aladdin. The officer, silently typing behind the glass, carried an air of authority but also a sense of empathy that gave Vansh a glimmer of hope.

    Behind the glass partition, the American and consulate flags proudly stood, symbolizing the connection between the two countries.

    Good morning. How are you doing today? Could you please provide me with your acceptance letter, financial documents, and your SEVIS fee receipt? Officer’s voice carried an air of formality.

    Good morning, Officer. I am doing fine. Sure, Vansh responded, trying to maintain a calm demeanor as he opened his folder and searched for the requested documents. He handed them over to Officer Johnson, hoping that each detail met her expectations.

    The Visa officer meticulously examined each document, verifying the necessary information. As she worked through the paperwork, Vansh felt a mixture of anticipation and nerves, his eyes occasionally flickering to the clock ticking away on the wall.

    So, Vansh, can you tell me a little more about the university you've been accepted to and the program you will be pursuing? Officer inquired, attempting to engage Vansh in conversation.

    With a hint of excitement in his voice, Vansh began describing the university and his chosen course of study. He spoke passionately about the renowned department head, Professor Rogers, who would be guiding him through his academic journey. He shared his research interests and the ways in which this opportunity would shape his future.

    Officer listened attentively, occasionally nodding and taking notes. She asked a few more questions, delving into Vansh's academic background, his plans upon returning to his home country, and his financial support during his stay in the United States.

    Vansh answered each question confidently, emphasizing his commitment to completing his studies and his determination to contribute to his home country's development upon his return. The Visa Officer then inquired about his plans after finishing his master's program, curious about his aspirations in the ever-expanding telecommunications industry.

    Vansh eloquently expressed his eagerness to acquire knowledge about upcoming technologies and how it would enhance his prospects in the job market. The passion in his voice resonated, and Officer took note of his determination.

    Vansh anxiously awaited the Officer's verdict on his visa, feeling that his fate was hanging in the balance. The atmosphere in the room seemed to hold its breath as the officer reviewed his engineering mark sheets.

    After a brief pause, she spoke in a low voice, Your academic performance is not quite up to par. However, I'm inclined to give you a chance and approve your F-1 Visa. You can collect it from the office in two or three days.

    Vansh's heart skipped a beat as relief washed over him. A broad smile spread across his face, and he thanked the officer profusely for her consideration. He couldn't contain his joy, knowing that his dream of studying in the United States was now within reach. Princess Jasmine had set this Aladdin on his way to America.

    He swiftly gathered the rest of his documents, cautious not to look back in case he was called inside for any reason. Passing through the last gate, Vansh kept walking until he spotted his father in the crowd. His heart leaped with excitement as his father gave him a warm smile, and Vansh rushed to hug him, exclaiming that his visa had been approved.

    His father's usually reserved voice was now filled with emotion and warmth. If your grandparents were here today, Vansh, they would be so proud of you. Opportunities like this don't come to people like us very often, so make the most of it; you won't get a second chance, he said.

    Vansh could almost see his father's emotions playing out before him. The mention of his parents and their struggles to raise him brought forth a flood of feelings. Vansh walked away, still gazing at his phone, but interrupted by a call from his mother.

    My visa is approved! cried Vansh. Yay, congratulations! When are you coming back? his mother asked with elation in her voice. This evening, Vansh responded, unable to contain his excitement.

    Vansh swiftly texted his girlfriend Jenny, requesting her to call him back later, as he sat beside his father in a taxi on their way to a temple. Vansh's father had a tradition of visiting one of the numerous temples scattered throughout Chennai during his visits. As Vansh lowered his head in prayer to Lord Ganesha, an overwhelming sense of gratitude washed over him. Curiosity sparked within him, and he turned to his father, asking, Why do we express gratitude to God after something good happens? In response, his father explained, We don't merely ask for favorable outcomes; instead, we seek opportunities. When God grants us a chance, we express gratitude and promise to make the most of it.

    Vansh's eyes widened with awe as an impressive luxury car pulled up. His profound passion for cars became evident as he turned to his father, confidently proclaiming that one day he would own a BMW like the one before them. His father smiled, though a hint of uncertainty lingered, wondering if Vansh would maintain the necessary focus to achieve his aspirations. He knew his son's ambitious dreams well but had doubts about Vansh's ability to make the right decisions for himself and his future.

    At the hotel, Vansh finally had the chance to call Jenny. He recounted his experience at the consulate in vivid detail while Jenny prepared for her own GRE and TOEFL exams, eagerly looking forward to joining him in the US. Though they shared the common goal of being together, their career paths were vastly different.

    While Vansh's engineering degree was accepted by US universities, Jenny would have to start over with her medical degree, putting hers on hold indefinitely. The cultural and religious differences that lay ahead seemed like insurmountable obstacles. However, their young relationship had already withstood numerous challenges so far, and perhaps he hoped it would be strong enough to weather this one as well.

    On the return trip home, Vansh's mind raced with the multitude of tasks he needed to accomplish before his departure. His father's voice echoed in his head, reminding him to apply for a student loan, reserve flight tickets, pack his luggage, and bid farewells to friends and family—all within a mere seven days. Vansh quickly jotted down the tasks and began formulating a plan, assigning specific days and times to each item on the list. Amidst the whirlwind of preparations, he knew he had to find time to spend with Jenny before he left.

    Interrupting his father, who was engrossed in poring over a work document, Vansh inquired, When did you first leave India?

    His father looked up from the paper, his eyes filled with memories. It was in 1973, he began, his voice tinged with nostalgia. Life was exceptionally challenging back then. The Mills had shut down, Grandpa was out of work, and Grandma had to shoulder the responsibility of caring for her children. It was during those difficult times that I decided to leave my job as a mechanic in the  Mazgaon Docks and embark on a journey on a ship bound for the Gulf Region.

    Curiosity burning in his eyes, Vansh asked, So, what did you do there Dad ? I worked as an Oilman, loading Crude oil onto the Ships his father replied. So when did you eventually become an engineer? asked Vansh again, looking to fill gaps in his father’s long and eventful life story.

    His father's expression turned stern, tinged with a hint of caution. Not until much later, son, he chided gently. Focus on your studies now, especially as you pursue your master's degree. I don't want you to repeat the same mistakes you made during your engineering school days. We're investing a big amount of our savings  to send you abroad, and you need to pay it back and save some for your sister's marriage expenses. Don't squander it all away.

    Time seemed to slip through Vansh's fingers as he arrived back home. With a seat already reserved on a flight to New York City from Mumbai, he realized the urgency to attend his university orientation and settle his housing situation. However, due to the ongoing winter vacation, he hadn't been able to contact the university office yet, adding another layer of complexity to his already packed schedule.

    Though darkness was beginning to descend, Vansh knew he had a precious sliver of time to spend with Jenny. Hastily descending the stairs, he reached his motorcycle, a familiar companion that would soon be left behind. The engine roared to life as he embarked on the well-known route, a bittersweet reminder that these moments of cruising across town to pick up Jenny at their cherished Westside spot and whisk her away to the Reclamation for their long, romantic evenings would soon become distant memories.

    Bandra Reclamation, Mumbai

    The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Vansh and Jenny as they settled into their usual spot overlooking the majestic Sea-link bridge. The rhythmic crashing of the waves provided a momentary respite, momentarily clearing Vansh's mind before Jenny, her heart heavy with anxiety, voiced the question that had been haunting her: Seven days and you'll be gone—what's going to happen between us?

    Vansh looked into her eyes, seeing the confusion and uncertainty that clouded her features. He had long known the depth of her affection for him, and in that moment, he realized that he, too, wanted nothing more than to be by her side, even if it meant sacrificing his own career aspirations. Grasping her hand tightly in his, he whispered softly, We will always be together, no matter what happens. We have the chance for new beginnings, a fresh start. Let's leave everything behind and forge our lives somewhere else.

    Jenny's voice trembled as she questioned, But how will I get there? My medical degree won't be accepted. I'll need to retake entrance exams and redo all my courses.

    Jenny, you're a brilliant student, Vansh reassured her, his voice filled with conviction. I believe in you. You have the ability to excel in the entrance exams and clear them with flying colors.

    Her voice barely above a whisper, Jenny murmured, But our families are here in Mumbai, our home. Why do you want to leave?

    It was your idea, Vansh replied, his tone tinged with anguish. You spoke of going abroad due to the challenges posed by our different religions. Besides, our families do not approve of our relationship, and society will always question and undermine our love. I cannot bear this constant struggle any longer.

    Why America ? Jenny asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. Why not Australia, the UK, or even Canada? At Least My degree will accepted in those countries

    Because the USA is a global superpower, Vansh explained passionately. It boasts the largest economy and ample opportunities in every field, the Tech and IT sector is booming. Moreover, it accepts people from different religions, cultures and backgrounds. The citizens are strong-willed and courageous, evident in their military's actions. Look at what they did to the Middle-east  after 9/11 compared to our leaders who sought assistance from the US to fight against the cowardly terrorists after 26/11. Instead of relying on others, why not carve our own path and live peacefully there?

    But, you always loved India, Vansh, what changed now? asked Jenny.

    I will always love India, Jenny, I can rise above poverty, navigate through corruption, Vansh continued, his voice rising with frustration. But terrorism is the breaking point. Remember, we were at the station on the  day of the attack, and we narrowly escaped harm. Those despicable terrorists wreaked havoc on innocent lives and shattered our city. I refuse to live among people who perpetuate such cowardice and thrive on creating conflicts.

    Jenny's voice softened as she spoke, her words laden with concern, It's easy for you to suggest leaving our families behind, but how will we support ourselves? You don't have any money.

    Vansh's response was swift, Once I complete my degree and secure a job, I will find part-time work to cover our expenses in the interim.

    Our expenses? Jenny's surprise was palpable. You haven't even given me anything of value in our five years together, except for cheap gifts.

    Sheepishly, Vansh replied, But baby, that was all my father's money. You know how I despise asking them for money. But once I earn my own salary, he continued, a spark of enthusiasm lighting up his eyes, we will get engaged and have the most spectacular wedding. A long honeymoon awaits us. We'll buy two cars, find a beautiful home, and start a family. And when we grow old, we'll settle close to a warm, sunny beach—just as we have always dreamt of.

    You are only talking big Vansh, you always keep dreaming instead of working hard responded Jenny, trying to check his usual rhetoric.

    I refuse to spend my life commuting on a bike and returning home to my parents every night, Vansh declared passionately, his grip on Jenny's hand growing tighter. I yearn for freedom and the chance to prove my worth. I want us to travel the world together—exploring new destinations, savoring diverse cuisines in restaurants across the globe, meeting people from different walks of life, and expanding our horizons.

    As they sat together on the sea wall, the final rays of the setting sun bathing them in a golden glow, an unfamiliar yet promising world beckoned from afar.

    National Bank Branch Office, Mumbai

    Vansh loathed the very idea of stepping foot inside a bank. The cold, impersonal atmosphere always left him feeling small and vulnerable, like a cog in a machine. The public banks seemed to care little about customer satisfaction, as they were always bustling with a never-ending stream of clients. He despised being treated as a young and inexperienced individual, forced to occupy a seat usually reserved for those older and more mature. Across from him sat a bank employee, whose weary expression and apathetic demeanor suggested he had mentally checked out long ago, well before he ever took on his job.

    Glancing at his bank passbook, Vansh couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration as he saw the meager ₹20,000 balance. Amidst a sea of documents, including his university admit card and grade sheet, he tried to make sense of it all.

    This college you're attending in America isn't particularly renowned, is it? And your grades aren't exactly impressive either. Most students who come here have at least 80% in their class 12th exams, the loan officer remarked, his tone dripping with condescension.

    Sir, I will be pursuing my master's degree. I have achieved satisfactory GRE and TOEFL scores, and my university is highly regarded for this specific program, Vansh responded calmly, determined not to let the officer's dismissive attitude rattle him.

    I'm afraid we cannot provide such a large loan amount. It's simply too risky for us. You might want to try your luck with some private banks, the loan officer concluded, his words laced with indifference.

    With a heavy heart, Vansh rose from his seat, gathering his documents and walked out of the bank. He dialed his father's number and patiently waited for around 30 minutes until his father arrived at the branch. Together, they walked back into the loan department, his father carrying the weight of determination in his eyes as he handed over the file to the officer.

    My son needs this loan. I have three savings accounts and other fixed deposit accounts. I will close them today if you do not reconsider his application, his father spoke firmly, his words leaving no room for negotiation.

    The loan officer, visibly taken aback by his father's unwavering determination, took the file and began to review the papers. How much money do you require to start your college? his father inquired, turning his attention to Vansh.

    It's $12,000 per semester, and the total comes to $46,000, Vansh replied, grateful for his father's intervention.

    His father then proposed a loan of $10,000, promising to cover the rest and discuss the remaining amount later. The officer expressed some reservations, suggesting they secure the loan against his father's fixed deposit. Agreeing to this, his father instructed the officer to proceed with the loan disbursement, emphasizing that his son had only six days before he had to leave.

    As the paperwork was being finalized, the loan officer couldn't resist making a snide comment about Vansh's perceived lack of intellect and warned his father about the risks of sending him abroad for his studies. Undeterred, his father brushed off the officer's concerns, urging him to complete the necessary procedures and sign the loan agreement.

    Once they left the bank, Vansh couldn't help but reflect on the immense support his father had provided him with throughout his life. He realized that now, more than ever, he needed to become self-sufficient and responsible as he prepared to embark on his journey overseas. While a tinge of sadness lingered within him, there was also a sense of eagerness to embrace this new phase of his life and apply the valuable lessons his father had instilled in him.

    In the remaining days before his departure, Vansh busied himself with packing his bags and cherishing the final moments spent with Jenny, visiting their favorite spots one last time. They made a special visit to Poptates for a drink with his friends, and he couldn't resist indulging a bit too much, leaving him feeling a bit sick the day before his flight.

    Despite his father's continuous efforts to instill a sense of responsibility, Vansh came home drunk to bed and  managed to wake up early and meet his football buddies at the park before returning home to enjoy his mother's delicious chicken curry rice with a side of fried chicken.

    Mumbai International Airport

    The week passed in a hurry for Vansh, it was day of his departure to US and spent the day preparing himself for the journey, packing his bags, weighing them on a scale and reviewing all his necessary documents, after submitting his Power of Attorney application to his father, he visited the bank one more time to finalize his loan application. Then came back home to meet his friends who had gathered below his building taking them up to the terrace of his high rise building and smoking up a joint together on last time, Vansh was going to miss his friends, but was sure he would see them in US soon, although some of his friends had already left for the US, a vast majority had found work in the city. Jenny joined them soon before he came down to spend time with his family, leaving together to the International Airport. He had been to the airport countless times in his life to receive his father and bid him farewell on his travels abroad, but this time it was his turn to travel abroad.

    The departure area of the airport buzzed with a frenetic energy as travelers hurried out from their cars to check-in, dragging their suitcases behind them. Among the bustling crowd stood Vansh, his heart heavy with a mix of anticipation and sorrow. His parents, Jenny, and friends standing behind to bid him farewell, their eyes filled with a combination of pride, love, and a tinge of sadness.

    Vansh's mother clutched his hand tightly, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Take care of yourself, my son, she whispered, her voice choking with emotion. Study hard, make us proud, but remember to always stay grounded and we have spent a lot of money on your education.

    His father stood tall beside him, a stoic expression masking the emotions brewing within him. He placed a hand on Vansh's shoulder, offering both support and encouragement. This is your chance, son, he said, his voice carrying a mixture of pride and conviction. Seize every opportunity that comes your way to grow stronger and wiser.

    Jenny, his girlfriend, held back tears as she hugged Vansh tightly, her embrace conveying a whirlwind of emotions. I believe in you, she whispered in his ear, her voice trembling. Long Distance sucks, but don’t forget to call me. We are in this storm together and build a future filled with endless possibilities.

    Surrounded by his extended family, Vansh felt a sense of unity and support. His friends, aunts, uncles, and cousins showered him with heartfelt wishes, their voices blending into a chorus of encouragement and love. Each one imparted their own words of wisdom, reminding him of his roots, the values instilled within him, and the strength of familial bonds.

    As the time to board his flight drew near, Vansh took a deep breath, fighting back the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He looked into the eyes of his loved ones, etching their faces into his memory. Thank you, he said, his voice filled with gratitude and determination.

    As Vansh disappeared from their sight, his loved ones stood there, their gazes fixed on the spot where he had vanished. Hearts filled with a bittersweet mix of pride and longing, they clung to the memories they shared and the hope for his bright future. The air was heavy with unspoken words and emotions, as if the weight of their farewell hung in the air.

    Meanwhile, Vansh navigated through the bustling airport, passing through security checkpoints and exit immigration with a sense of purpose. He boarded the airplane, finding his seat and settling in. With a hint of nervousness, he reached for his phone, dialing his parents' number. Their voices on the other end provided a comforting reassurance, and he shared the news of his safe boarding, his words brimming with excitement and a touch of homesickness.

    After ending the call with his parents, he took a deep breath and dialed Jenny's number. As her voice echoed through the phone, he couldn't help but smile. He spoke softly, pouring his emotions into each word as he said his final goodbyes and whispered those three magical words: Love you. It was a moment suspended in time, a thread connecting their hearts across the distance.

    As the airplane taxied on the runway, gradually gaining speed, Vansh's eyes fixated on the window, capturing the fading silhouette of the city he called home. Mumbai, with its towering buildings and vibrant streets, receded into the distance, veiled by a blanket of clouds. It was a sight that stirred a whirlwind of emotions within him.

    As the airplane soared higher into the vast expanse of the sky, Vansh's heart swelled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.In the solitude of his seat, Vansh's mind wandered, reflecting on the struggles and sacrifices that had shaped his family's trajectory, tracing their footsteps through the annals of time. The story of his journey mirrored the journey of his nation itself, intertwined with the birth and growth of a new era. It wasn't just about leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown. It was a culmination of experiences, a story woven from the fabric of his life, stretching beyond his childhood and reaching back to the very roots of his nation's history.

    India - 1947 onwards

    Amidst the jubilant celebrations marking the birth of a new nation called India, its people rejoiced at finally breaking free from the shackles of British colonial rule. However, as the dust settled, the horrifying reality of partition unveiled itself, exacting a heavy toll on the land's newfound independence. In this tumultuous era, a young married couple found themselves caught in the crossfire, residing in a remote town along the enchanting Western coast of India, under the jurisdiction of Bombay Province.

    The couple had recently welcomed their third child, born on a modest plot of land inherited from their maternal uncle. Yet, in the waning days of British rule, their ancestral land was forcibly seized and bestowed upon new landowners. Suddenly, the couple and their children became refugees within their own country, stripped of their precious land, with no means to cultivate sustenance or secure employment in their tropical fishing village. In search of hope, they, like countless others, embarked on a journey towards the city of dreams—Bombay—a place that would come to be known by that very name.

    Days turned into an agonizing wait as they sailed across the vast seas, yearning for a glimpse of the illustrious shores of Bombay. Finally, the Gateway of India memorial emerged, extending its welcoming embrace to these weary, destitute immigrants aboard their overcrowded vessel. As they disembarked and set foot on the streets of Bombay, their hearts brimmed with uncertainty, for they had no specific destination in mind.

    Initially, the couple sought refuge in the overcrowded home of a distant relative, their presence further straining an already burdened abode. Eventually, they were kindly asked to find their own dwelling to accommodate their growing brood of five children. Their quest for shelter led them to a ramshackle abode, covered with tin and lacking basic amenities. It was here, beneath this humble roof and with a handful of utensils to cook over an open fire pit, that their children would come of age. Witnessing their parents' relentless struggles to secure employment and put food on the table, these young souls grew up in the face of adversity.

    The nascent nation grappled with feeding its burgeoning population, as enemies seized the opportunity to wage wars while famine and disease ran rampant throughout the country. Survival seemed elusive, yet somehow, this family managed to defy the odds and preserve the lives of all their children through infancy—an act akin to a miracle in those desperate times. Determined not to squander this precious gift of life, the parents toiled ceaselessly to instill unwavering values and morals in their offspring, even as they resided in the squalor of the slums. These forgotten corners of society, marred by neglect and teeming with crime, failed to sway their children towards a life of vice and thievery, despite days of hunger gnawing at their insides. Instead, the pangs of hunger only served to remind them of the hardships they had endured, fueling their inner strength.

    Within the brood of six children, one stood out—an individual who bore the weight of his circumstances with an unbearable agony. The apathy shown toward the destitute and impoverished gnawed at his soul, compelling him to rise above their shared plight. Determined to bring some semblance of decent shelter and nourishing sustenance to his family, he embarked on a grueling journey.

    This young man had witnessed firsthand the depths of poverty and knew that there were lands beyond his humble abode where he could earn a livelihood and provide for his loved ones. He set his sights on any means available, toiling tirelessly and accepting any work that came his way in foreign lands where black gold, oil, had been discovered in copious amounts. However, destiny had other plans in store for him.

    It was during this time that an American businessman, weary of the various sizes of containers used in shipping, decided to standardize them. This act of a butterfly effect served to supercharge the phenomenon of globalization, which had roots dating back to ancient civilizations trading goods across vast empires during the Bronze Age, extending through the medieval period. The concept of globalization took on new meaning during Europe's age of exploration, alongside the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century. Advancements in technology, faster communication, and the development of new shipping routes laid the foundation for modern-day globalization. With sophisticated technology and improved communication, large corporations were able to trade and exchange goods across the world, facilitated by vast container ships navigating the oceans.

    These magnificent shipping vessels captivated the imagination of the young Indian, who had started his journey as a lowly oiler. Driven by ambition and a desire for a better future, he left the shores of his homeland in search of work on these ever-expanding behemoths of the sea. Working tirelessly, he climbed the ranks from a mechanic to an engineer, utilizing the precious moments between shifts to study the knowledge left behind by seasoned engineers. He sailed across the countless oceans and seas of the world, skillfully navigating the colossal container vessels to their far-flung destinations.

    His path was not without challenges. He braved the ferocity of natural elements at sea, battling treacherous weather and the looming threat of piracy on the high seas. All of this he endured to sustain his family back home in India, a nation grappling with a stagnant economy, plagued by mismanagement, violence, and labor strikes that hindered growth in an already impoverished land, rapidly expanding in population.

    Yet, even amidst these trying times, this young man held onto hope for his country. With his sprawling family now residing in a chawl building instead of the squalid ground, he decided to marry his beloved. The following year brought the birth of his son, whom his younger aunt named Vansh, a name befitting the changing times and reflecting a sense of legacy and continuity.

    Vansh entered the world just a few short months before the historic fall of the Berlin Wall. Although this momentous event may have seemed inconsequential to his nation at the time, the repercussions would soon reverberate across the globe. As Vansh grew, the effects of the subsequent dissolution of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism would have far-reaching ramifications for his own country, which had been staunchly socialist until then. Under the pressure of external monetary forces and on the brink of economic crisis, the fledgling nation was compelled to open its doors to capitalism, ushering in a new era of growth and prosperity.

    However, the harsh realities of life quickly made their presence known to young Vansh. He still carried vivid memories of witnessing a truck set ablaze by a raging mob during a riot—an image that left an indelible mark on his impressionable mind. Though he felt a sense of security with his uncles by his side, he couldn't help but notice the stark poverty, violence and desperation that had enveloped his working-class neighborhood since the mills had closed down.

    Nevertheless, amidst these trying circumstances, Vansh's early childhood was filled with the love of his doting grandparents and the warmth of his large extended family, all living under the same roof. His parents had gone to great lengths to secure a place for him in a prestigious public school, valuing his education above all else. For young Vansh, the world of his convent school was enchanting. The imposing presence of the grand church in the center, surrounded by meticulously maintained buildings and sprawling sports grounds, evoked a sense of awe and wonder.

    Within the peaceful grounds and bustling classrooms of his all-boys school, Vansh found solace. The absence of girls allowed him more freedom, and his insatiable curiosity often led him into mischievous endeavors that frequently landed him in trouble with his primary school teachers. It was during his fourth grade that a new student, also named Vansh, arrived from abroad. The unexpected coincidence surprised young Vansh, and he soon discovered that his namesake hailed from America and despised his current circumstances.

    Vansh spent his days seated next to young American Vansh, pining for his school back in the US while lamenting the monotony of their current classroom. He regaled Vansh with stories of his home country, painting a vivid picture of a land so different from their own. Though Vansh understood very little of what was shared, he had already developed a fascination for cartoons and movies that introduced him to the concept of diverse nations with their unique people and cultures. He would often turn to his father, inquisitive eyes gleaming, asking about his upcoming voyages and pointing on a world map, eager to explore the vastness of the world that lay beyond his reach.

    Vansh's insatiable curiosity often led him to arrive at school early, eager to explore the vast and scenic grounds that surrounded the institution. He would venture to the far corners of the wooded areas, immersing himself in nature, discovering new plant species and observing insects in their natural habitats. On occasion, his adventures would cause him to lose track of time, resulting in his tardiness for class. The stark contrast between his pristine school campus and the impoverished and squalid neighborhood in which he lived served as a constant reminder of the contradictions that defined his life.

    Though still too young to fully comprehend the complexities of the world, Vansh immersed himself in the numerous extracurricular activities his school had to offer. He excelled in his studies, passing scholarship exams that granted him the opportunity to delve into more advanced literature. His enthusiasm extended to the realm of sports as well, where he participated in football, cricket, and hockey, earning a place on championship-winning teams. In sixth grade, he decided to explore his artistic side and enrolled in arts and drama classes. Despite lacking natural talent in singing, acting, or dancing, Vansh was selected to take part in the annual day events. He devoted weeks to rehearsals and preparations for the school plays, which left a lasting impact on his young life.

    The experience of competing against talented peers only fueled Vansh's desire to prove himself against the best. He relished the opportunity to challenge himself and, on one occasion, came close to victory in a school competition, narrowly missing out to a participant who would later go on to compete in the Tour de France. This moment ignited a fire within him, a burning desire to test his mettle against the finest competitors. Winning was not his sole motivation; he simply yearned to discover where he stood in relation to the best.

    As Vansh transitioned into secondary school, entering seventh grade, his life underwent significant changes. The most profound of these was the loss of his grandparents within a span of a few years. Subsequently, the family dispersed, with each member moving to different parts of the city.

    Vansh found himself isolated, left alone with his mother and younger sister. His father, working as a seafarer, would spend months away from home, only able to make sporadic calls during his port visits after long journeys. Vansh eagerly tracked his father's ship across the world, waiting anxiously for the next call and learning about the names of new countries his father had traveled to.

    The excitement of welcoming his father at the airport and eagerly unpacking his bags became a cherished ritual, uncovering foreign treasures like toys, clothes, chocolates, and luxury items such as electronics and perfumes. Each arrival was a moment of joy and anticipation, bringing a taste of the wider world to Vansh's doorstep.

    Vansh's world revolved around the simple pleasures that brought him joy: Hot Wheels, remote control cars, Legos, and his most treasured possession, a Nintendo NES with a copy of Super Mario. Months would pass before his father returned from his voyages, bearing new games for Vansh to enjoy. In the meantime, he contented himself with playing the same games repeatedly, relishing the nights spent with his father, listening to tales from far-off lands and accompanying him on journeys throughout the city as he went about his work.

    Those were the moments when Vansh felt closest to his father, cherishing the opportunity to have his questions answered patiently and to explore new places together. However, his father's absence left a void in his life, as he witnessed his classmates being supported by their fathers at school functions, picked up and dropped off with a loving presence.

    Fortunately, Vansh's uncles stepped in to fill the void, instilling in him a sense of adventure and guiding him through unexplored corners of the city, even after nightfall. The early 90s were fraught with challenges in Mumbai, with crime and violence reaching alarming levels. Murders and other heinous crimes were a daily occurrence, both in Vansh's city and, at times, even in his own neighborhood.

    His chawl, a multi-story tenement building, seemed to teeter on the edge of chaos. Fights erupted on the streets, drunken individuals littered the pavements, and it became perilous for families to travel alone. Vansh keenly observed the deep social divisions based on caste, religion, and color, where religious rituals and customs often superseded the rule of law. Poverty, death, and disease were rampant, just as corruption, crime, and lawlessness permeated society.

    The stark disparity between the lives of his wealthy classmates, who arrived in cars and lived in apartments and houses, and his own existence in the cramped confines of a vertical slum, only intensified Vansh's feelings of inadequacy. He felt embarrassed to invite his friends over to his humble abode and sought solace among peers from similar backgrounds, those who were not born into wealth and shared his struggles.

    While attending school among the affluent, he couldn't help but be reminded of the contradiction he faced every day. Their ostentatious displays of wealth only served to belittle him and his friends, subjecting them to ridicule and bullying. Despite the hardships, Vansh refused to be deterred. He found solace in the company of street kids and continued to explore the slums that surrounded his neighborhood.

    Vansh's passion for exploration was further fueled when his father gifted him a bicycle on his birthday. With this newfound freedom, he ventured beyond the confines of his overcrowded streets, seeking out peaceful and scenic spots throughout the city. He memorized the map of Mumbai and carried a booklet of yellow pages, using it to locate bus stops and follow the city buses to new destinations.

    Vansh became an intrepid explorer, discovering hidden corners of his ever-expanding metropolis. Careful not to linger in unsafe areas, he navigated the main roads, always aware of his path back home. Unbeknownst to his parents, Vansh's solo expeditions took him to far-flung suburbs, astonishing even his father's relative who stumbled upon him in a distant part of the city. Vansh remained undeterred by the astonishment of others; his passion for exploration burned brightly within him.

    Seeking solace and a sense of belonging, Vansh found his refuge in the Boy Scouts. After being kicked out from the school cadet corps training due to his indiscipline, he stumbled upon a place that resonated with his fidgety nature. The Boy Scouts embraced him for who he was, understanding the untamed spirit within him that yearned for adventure, Vansh discovered a trove of invaluable survival skills. With each lesson and activity, he grew more adept at navigating the wilderness, honing his instincts, and conquering the unknown. The boundless mountain ranges of his state beckoned him, promising thrilling treks and exhilarating hikes.

    Immersed in the wonders of nature, Vansh revealed the opportunity to establish campsites. With his trusty team by his side, they built fire pits, Vansh skillfully cooked rice, savoring the slightly charred grains that offered a taste of triumph over nature's challenges.

    His spirit of adventure flourished as he joined hiking and trekking clubs through school, accompanying older boys on challenging expeditions in the majestic and enigmatic Sahyadri Ranges during the monsoon season. Scaling famous peaks and visiting forts steeped in the history of his state and the legend of Shivaji Maharaj, Vansh walked in the footsteps of those who had traversed the narrow mountain passes long before the advent of paved roads and railways.

    As the scorching summers arrived, Vansh eagerly embarked on his annual trip to the enchanting native towns of Konkan, his ancestral coastal haven. The journey itself was an adventure, tracing the path of the Konkan Railways that snaked alongside the coastline, traversing treacherous valleys and piercing through the heart of mountains via intricate tunnels.or the thrilling bus rides along the winding and narrow roads that clung to the dangerous ghats of the infamous route NH66.

    Arriving at his native town, Vansh felt an immediate connection to the land. The air carried a sweet fragrance, infused with the essence of rich, fertile soils that cradled a tapestry of thriving farms. The lush landscapes boasted a symphony of colors, as vibrant fruits and verdant crops flourished under the nurturing sun. Here, the rivers generously bestowed their precious cargo of minerals, enriching the earth and bestowing bountiful harvests upon the hardworking farmers.

    During the day Vansh joined his family pack on the field, the older boys and men working in unison during the bustling harvest season. Together, they plucked the succulent mangoes, tender cashews, juicy black plums, crisp water apples, luscious bananas, and the majestic jackfruit that hung like treasures from the branches. It was a dance of gratitude, acknowledging the abundance that nature had bestowed upon them.

    After the arduous labor, Vansh sought solace in the coconut tree covered beaches that beckoned him. The pristine blue water, mere footsteps away, welcomed him with open arms. He reveled in the refreshing embrace of the sea, its waves caressing his soul, as he watched the fisherfolk bring forth their catch from the depths. They skillfully gathered shimmering treasures of the ocean, transferring them into ice-filled buckets, destined for the bustling markets.

    In this coastal paradise, Vansh found himself immersed in a world of natives who dedicatedly worshiped their old Gods, their ancestors and celebrated the bountifulness of nature and witnessed the symphony of scents, sights, and sounds painted an idyllic picture of a harmonious existence. Each summer, he imagined one day building an abode, purchasing his own land, in the memory of his grandparents who no longer owned land in their own native place. On his return journey, he carried with him the memories of hard work, family bonds, and the enchantment of the Konkan coast in early monsoon rains, forever etching them in his heart.

    The stark contrast between the tranquil, susegad existence of the village and the chaotic bustle of the city overwhelmed Vansh. The cacophony of roaring train lines and the perpetual congestion of crowded streets obscured any glimpse of open pavement. The dwellings in the city, mere shells of homes, seemed inhospitable for growing families like his own. Vansh found solace in the extended hours spent at school, where the confines of his cramped living space no longer suffocated him.

    Public transport became Vansh's ticket to escape the confines of his home and explore the vastness of the city. With a newfound sense of independence, he embarked on journeys aboard the beloved BEST buses, each route presenting him with a myriad of possibilities and destinations. No longer bound by the rigid schedule of a school bus, Vansh relished the freedom to play, roam, and extend his after school adventures. The city became his playground, and the bustling streets his stage.

    As he grew older, Vansh began to realize the challenges that had beset his family over the years. His mother, a pillar of strength, had shouldered the weight of raising two children single-handedly, sacrificing her own law career to become a devoted housewife and mother. The absence of her husband for extended periods and the burden of making daily decisions alone had taken its toll on her mental well-being.

    Vansh witnessed her transformation from a loving and caring presence into an emotional storm, struggling to cope with the isolation and responsibilities thrust upon her in an unforgiving environment that offered little support for women navigating life's challenges by herself.

    The burden became unbearable at times, and Vansh, with a heavy heart, witnessed his mother's outbursts of anger directed towards him, a young and vulnerable boy caught in the crossfire of her frustrations. The lashes he endured, both physically and emotionally, were not only a result of his mischievous behavior but also a reflection of the mounting pressures his mother faced. Trapped in a cycle of abuse, both at home and in school where his teachers, exasperated by his inattentiveness and hyperactivity, punished him without understanding the underlying struggles he faced, Vansh felt as if the world was closing in on him from all sides.

    But amidst the darkness, Vansh found glimmers of hope. Engaging in sports and participating in extracurricular activities became his refuge, a sanctuary where he could channel his energy and passion. In those moments of athleticism and self-expression, he glimpsed a path toward liberation, an avenue through which he could carve out his own identity and escape the confines that threatened to suffocate him. Sports became his escape, his respite, and his source of empowerment.

    In the bustling hallways of a school filled with talented and privileged children, Vansh remained a hidden gem, his unique abilities unnoticed by most. Surrounded by peers who received the best support and opportunities from their affluent parents, Vansh often faded into the background. However, in the eighth grade, a ray of hope emerged in the form of a teacher named Miss Mary. Like an angel sent to guide him, she recognized Vansh's untapped potential and bestowed upon him the responsibility of class monitor.

    Suddenly, Vansh felt a glimmer of self-worth, grateful for this newfound opportunity. Yet, his struggles both at home and within the confines of the school threatened to shatter his chance at redemption. Unyielding in her determination to support Vansh, Miss Mary devised a clever plan. Instead of subjecting him to detention or punishment, she sent him to the sanctuary of the school library after the lunch break, allowing him to arrive late to class. Alone amidst the company of books, Vansh found solace in the hushed whispers of knowledge.

    The librarian, recognizing his thirst for exploration, handed him a copy of Charles Dickens' timeless classic, Tom Sawyer. As Vansh delved into the enchanting world of literature, he couldn't help but recall his grandmother's tales of Indian epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata. She had always encouraged him to glean the moral lessons from the stories rather than fixating on their factual accuracy. Her words echoed in his mind, reminding him that true history was learned through personal enrichment, not confined to the pages of a textbook.

    Week after week, Vansh devoured the pages of Adventures of Tom Sawyer, immersing himself in the

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