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Kings, Asteroids, Masks & More
Kings, Asteroids, Masks & More
Kings, Asteroids, Masks & More
Ebook467 pages4 hours

Kings, Asteroids, Masks & More

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About the Book
Kings, Asteroids, Masks & More is an inspiring anthology full of originality and natural thinking. Each poem within is unique and provides a new dimension to the readers. The stories capture the audience by the tightness and rigor of the content, taking readers by surprise.

About the Author
Sailohit holds a bachelor’s degree in History and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. During the global pandemic, Sailohit took comfort in writing poems and short stories as a better way to spend time at home.

PublisherRoseDog Books
Release dateAug 14, 2023
Kings, Asteroids, Masks & More

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    Kings, Asteroids, Masks & More - Sailohit


    There was once a group of kings in a room.

    Many of the kings sing the rule of the

    Days to come for the future of all.

    The youngsters are full of moisture

    From the sun beating down a ton of

    Heat on the scorching Earth.

    The kingdom is full of wisdom

    And pride for someone to choose

    A side for the fighting

    The sight loss of the kings in game

    Which is the same as the year of the

    Fear as time goes by.

    God came to tame the beasts

    Within the soul of man.

    The people of village go on a pilgrimage

    To end their suffering of buffering sun beating

    And treating the greenhouse gas escaping into the

    Scraping atmosphere into the skies and

    Kites of life in the world above world.


    Round and round the Earth will go

    with some fun with asteroids coming and going

    as years go by.

    Somedays it is hump days with little thumbs asking for help

    with getting through the week seeking freedom.

    Proctors helping doctors determine the best future

    of the nature’s best survival guide to life.

    Space is the final frontier for Earth inhabitants

    to find room on broom sweeping planet

    of countries fighting for sight in the future.

    Planet being ripped apart by slippery ice

    and rising tides of waters around the world.

    The comets raining down to the core of Earth

    destroying every type of life in the known world.


    Players in the ground listening for the sound of the ball

    Coming towards them in the hot sun.

    Running a marathon is ton of fun

    Compared to the waiting time in the crowd

    Beneath the ground lays the faith of the Umpires

    Who are like giant emperors making decisions

    In the game of winners and losers.

    Making time for dime of sports drinks and proteins

    Families meet and greet for that is the only time

    To say what is on the mind

    Rain suddenly calling and falling eventually

    After the game of shadows

    During the breaks of the sorrows

    The home of the tigers is in command

    Of the Eagles flying in the sky

    Looking for place to land.

    Tigers attacking the ground

    Both feet running like crazy.

    Tigers jumping in the air

    Attacking the claw of Eagles

    Dismember the catch and hope.

    Victory in the game of many

    In the weekend sun

    With the day coming to an end

    With a trophy in hand.

    Beautiful Angel

    A warm-hearted, beautiful angel came to Earth

    Bringing joy and happiness

    To the humans below.

    Spices were made with great pain

    Angel set things right

    Won hearts of many

    In the land of the free

    Lonely person sat quietly

    Thinking of days without

    Loved ones by their side.

    The angel confirmed love

    Was every where

    People did not know

    How to show happiness

    And Justice to the ones

    Who passed from one world to another?

    Angel stating not staying

    Here on Earth

    Leaving for heavens above

    Greeting people who are new to heaven

    With the Angel waiting for them

    Staying and helping the next generation

    Come to do their living in peace and harmony.

    Lonely person looks up at the sky

    Wondering when it is time

    For them to join the ones above

    Once and for all

    Until the time comes

    For the person to come back

    To help another

    Like them who are suffering

    To prevent damage that is going

    On in the world as they know it.

    Destroying the world

    Is one option of Angels above?

    Creating new type of life

    To rule world all together

    And bring peace

    Equality for all.


    A good-hearted girl came to college town

    Looking to get her education with some students

    Of the local university.

    There were juniors ready to help

    With the permission of the seniors ruling the body.

    Professors taught lessons while students learned

    To survive in the world-eat-world mannerism.

    Smartest and toughest can survive in the outside world

    Known to man to show more land to take from the animals

    That once ruled these lands.

    Senior most commanded follow the leader to the peace

    That came with experience to handle wild games.

    Soft junior showed courage and approached girl

    To show her around only to be bested by the senior

    Who already knew the secrets of the hidden souls of

    Juniors who did not know themselves.

    Seniors took credit for juniors’ work

    Innocent girl who was a senior but was now won the hearts

    Of senior showing to get her attention.

    Sweet girl stating junior was too young to understand

    World as she knew and what she overcome to get there.

    Junior being heart broken left to never to seen again

    In the face of injustice done to them by cupid

    Showing them the false colors

    And be distant with everyone until time comes

    To show who really is the good person

    To be with in time of crisis.

    Hiding the fact of problems faced by sweet girl

    In the past to haunt her future.

    Seniors fighting death only to show

    The might of bravery in the face of adversity.

    Junior thinking more of the problems ready

    For the upcoming future of students in the college.

    Juniors getting together with the help of love failure

    Leader to get rid of the problems facing their love

    In the present without them coming face to face

    With reality that they might not be able to forget

    Girl from University who is good at helping

    Making friends who will get in trouble

    If they are caught in the game they are playing

    For false safety that would not last long.

    Troublemaker coming to confront seniors in college

    But no one is around to fight the trouble

    Except the lonely junior who knew this was coming

    Professors came with police to stop the troublemaker

    Only to find them with explosives ready to blow

    Junior ran towards the bomb and fought the maker.

    Crowd came running out to surround the campus.

    The sweet girl shocked to see junior standing alone.

    Seniors backed away for safety.

    One of seniors came to back up junior.

    Bomb started counting down

    Junior told senior to clear campus

    Of students ready to run with second to spare.

    Seniors and Juniors joined the fellow classmates

    To stop the bombers from blowing campus.

    Police shot bomb and students are safe.

    Sweet girl thought juniors and seniors

    Should be friends to stop people

    From doing bad things.

    Sweet girl was gone with a degree in her hand

    Along with many peaceful friends by her side

    To protect her from bad in world that might

    Come to face her in the future.

    Sweet girl moving on with life with peaceful world

    All with the help of fellow classmates

    Changed by her being in their life forever.

    Active Mind

    A boy with active mind

    Running away from problems

    And hiding in the soul

    Which is no safer than the outside world.

    Mind control by people inside the soul

    With intent to harm and kill

    The innocence of the boy to make a man

    From boy to overcome the memories

    Of past coming to take life as he knows it.

    Demons controlling mind to destroying

    Hopes and dreams of ones dear to the boy.

    Friends not helping heal, but siding with the demons

    To get rid of the family once and for all.

    Family getting help and trying best to clear mind

    To make sense of problems coming to them

    From the outside knocking at the front door

    Asking to come in and blend into the home.

    Taking hostage the situation at hand.

    Weakening the body and soul of the household

    Making the weakest mind person to suffer

    On the inside not able to tell what is on his mind.

    Doctors looking for cure to beat death at its own game

    Of hide and seek to decide who is going to fall next

    In the end of the game called life.

    Death laughing with the demons looking for weak

    To suffer in this end of the world disease containing

    Generations of people fighting to stay alive with

    The loved ones they have come to like in span of their lifetime.

    To learn from the older figures

    How to fight in the world

    The younger ones would inherit

    One day as they become old.

    The boy losing control of the mind

    Giving into the demands of the demons.

    Universe helping the boy with someone

    To talk to and help fight with medication

    Before it was too late to bring back time.

    Demons already hurt boy in many ways

    After the beating done by extended

    Family and friends of the past

    Who were jealous of the boy becoming

    Successful in life surpassing the age limit

    Of everyone in the family including his own.

    Friends putting ideas down for they could

    Not understand the mind which was

    Advanced in active at the time.

    No one could be trusted by the young

    Boy for he was one of many to suffer

    Because he could not tell anyone

    What was happening because no one

    Was by his side.

    Looking for help did nothing but make worse

    For the situation got out of hand.

    Moving out of town helped because no followed.

    The damage has already been done before time got out.

    The boy lost many chances to be true to himself.

    Universe came to give him a chance at life to win and thrive.

    The people now fighting in the present is helping boy thrive

    Because the mind is wondering about what is going on

    In the world as he knows it to tell to somebody

    Who completes him in the future still to come after the storms

    Raging on in the outside world unknown when the rainbow

    Would come to let the sunshine on the storm ravaged town.

    The people of the world each fighting the storm

    And trying to fight the waters rising and ending the world as life

    They know would end on Earth if they did not do something about it.

    The angels of heaven coming to the earth signaling the end of the world

    For everyone make last minute plans on where they want to go because

    Of their life choices that made them this way.

    The boy coming to say goodbye to the cruel world that made him this way

    Regretting the choice he had made affected the ones around him without

    The boy knowing what has happened.

    Present friends coming to aid the boy from committing a mistake

    That would cost him the life of everyone around him.

    Present is given to learn from the past mistakes

    Friends are there to help lead the way into the light.

    Concrete Jungle

    The Lion who was the king of the jungle

    Has come to town in hopes of starting

    New life in the city.

    Leaving all the animals of the kingdom

    To find the true meaning of his birth.

    Elephant friend guiding the way

    To the city and survive in the

    Concrete jungle known as New City.

    Lions going around city

    Looking for different ways to hunt

    In the modern age.

    Tiger coming to meet the lion

    To show them around New City.

    Lion remembering old elephant

    Said to encourage him on the basis

    Of the taking care of the animals in the jungle

    Against predators.

    Lion training to fight in the tree less jungle

    With mental and physically fit animals.

    Elephant getting ways to find a job

    In the successful company in the city.

    Tiger who is working in the successful

    Company getting Lion and elephant

    Jobs and securing life with freedom.

    Lion returning to jungle

    With more courage than ever before.

    Jungle changed with time unknown

    To the outside animals used

    To working while hunting each other.

    Elephant running with the animals

    To work equally among themselves.

    Tiger becoming the leader

    Of the company with help from

    Monkey who is owner of the company.

    Monkey laughing and honoring

    The animals working in the company.

    Company becoming number one

    In the city and becoming brave.

    Lion returning to city to work

    Centaur following Lion to

    The city to start business

    To give other animals jobs

    Who have been looking for work

    In every type of work.

    Monkey making deal with Centaur

    To be part of his company.

    Creating more jobs for the city.

    Animals all living in peace and harmony.

    Mother Nature

    Mother Nature creating a forest

    For the animals to live

    Through the winds of storms.

    Rain falling down to help plants

    Grow and succeed.

    Trees growing beyond the space

    Of one another in attempt

    To get the water and cover land.

    Mother Nature coming to

    Calm the trees with sunlight

    One by one.

    The rain wetting the trees

    To make the days better

    For everything in the forest.

    Rivers forming by the trees and plants.

    Running through the forest and forming

    Waterfalls and whirlpools

    Along the way.

    Some hiding in plain sight

    With some pointing some way out.

    Trees growing to cover the sky

    Making dark creepy forest.

    Plants fighting for sunlight

    Eventually giving up.

    Different animals forming on the Earth

    Predator and prey climbing and jumping

    From tree to tree.

    Some eating plants.

    Some eating other animals.

    Preys running for their lives

    As fast as they can.

    Quicksand swallowing

    Everything that comes

    Into its path.

    Forest becoming thick

    Trees becoming tall and prosperous

    Man coming with heavy machines

    To tear it down.

    Building houses is first priority.

    Trees cut down for houses.

    Roads being made for cars

    To run on from one place to another

    Tree standing alone after

    Destruction of forest.

    Animals running rampage

    In the streets after losing

    Land to the humans ruling

    The unknown world.

    People looking for ways

    To save animals and plants

    From extinction.

    People planting trees

    To surround trees in background.

    Mother Nature coming to celebrate

    The Earth being saved from extinction.

    Years pass and land became pure.

    People living in harmony with the planet.

    Animals doing jobs in the forest reclaiming

    What is theirs since beginning of time where

    There were dinosaurs roaming the planet.

    Humans becoming like animals because

    Social order is out of control.

    Earth becoming forest all over again

    Making man think of where they went wrong.

    Animals taking control of the Earth leaving

    Humans to fight each other for land

    Of living in homes once fit for families.

    Humans living in groups in fight for each other

    Against the invaders of the forest.

    Trees becoming big to make the sky invisible

    For the humans depending on the sun for light.

    Electricity being taken down by the people in peace

    With the invading animals that want to stay in the forest.

    Away from the once dominating humans.

    The rulers of countries getting together

    To make a decision on taking back

    The planet that was once theirs.

    People rallying behind the leaders to send

    Animals back to the pure forest.

    Waters flooding the beaches

    Making aquatic animals roam new land.

    Once unreachable because

    Of the waterless land.

    Humans creating a virus to handle

    The ongoing battle for land.

    Big machines being handled

    By the humans following

    The footsteps of their ancestors.

    Plants attacking machines

    As humans come into the forest.

    Trees being chopped down

    Leaving animals homeless

    Waging war between man and nature.

    Virus taking down animals one by one

    Making humans dominant in the fight

    For dominance in planet Earth.

    Trees coming alive to put the fight

    To a stop to survive.

    Earthquakes happening in the middle

    Of ocean leading to big waves washing

    Out everything in the path of dangerous.

    Trees being targeted to clear path to the animals.

    Humans being the reason for the virus

    Spreading throughout the world.

    Leaders fighting and blaming each other.

    Making animals and plants to get

    Together to conquer the world

    Once and for all

    Humans using trees to make medicine

    Affecting the oxygen in the air.

    Humans producing chemicals

    In factories creating

    Greenhouse gases releasing

    Carbon Dioxide in the air.

    The sunlight is hiding behind the smoke

    Making everyone and everything

    Lose their everyday light in the world.

    Trees attacking humans and factories

    Of the greenhouse gases killing

    Many people in the process.

    Humans fighting back

    Against the nature coming to destroy them.

    Animals climbing up the trees

    To take advantage of the height.

    Humans bombing the forest

    To end dangerous forest animals

    Along with plants that are helping them.

    There were many causalities on both sides

    Of the fight among man facing off

    With plants and animals.

    Half of trees gone in the fight leaving

    Earth into an empty space of dirt.

    Mother Nature coming out

    Of the sky to stop the fight

    From destroying the world.

    Warning the ocean is going

    To clean remaining humans

    And mammals along with plants

    That wanted to decide once for

    All who is supreme.

    Mother Nature stopping the fight

    And taking out the people who

    Made the virus and found cure

    For the world to survive in peace.

    Animals listening to Mother Nature

    To stop the ocean coming

    To destroy the life they

    Hold dear to their hearts.

    Humans following directions

    To stop greenhouse gases.

    Humans and Animals along Plants

    To live in peace among themselves.

    Mother Nature appearing from

    Time to time to keep everything

    In check so nothing gets out of hand

    Between humans and nature.

    Humans planted trees to cover the

    Land lost to the fight.

    Humans living in peace with the animals

    And plants in the world they call ‘home.’

    Animal Evolution

    At the beginning of time

    Life began in the ocean.

    Sunlight shining the way

    To the ocean floor in

    Pacific Reef for small fishes

    All lived in peace.

    Small fishes staying away

    From the predators that

    Hunt them for food.

    The surface is empty for

    There is nothing to eat

    For the things on land.

    Earthquakes in the middle

    Of the Pacific leading

    To water coming onto

    New lands for the aquatic

    Animals to explore.

    Waters receding back to

    Original place exposing

    Land hiding in the waters.

    Animals waking onto land

    And exposing themselves

    To the birds circling the sky.

    Evolution process took process

    Leading fishes to land making

    Them mammals.

    Millions of years passed

    Animals leading life in

    The jungle of the modern Earth.

    Animals working hard in life

    Making for different type of survival.

    Predators and prey leading

    Peaceful life with each other.

    The peace is everlasting.

    The leaders of different continents

    Coming to unite under one leader.

    War coming ahead

    To the leaders who want peace.

    Jealous animals want war

    To take control of the world.

    Different animals working together

    To stop bad animals from

    Conquering world.

    Lions controlling the jungle.

    Tigers making rules for animals

    For everyone to follow.

    Giraffes becoming medical doctors.

    Elephants becoming the defenders

    Of the world against invaders.

    Monkeys running business and building

    Businesses for animals to work hard in.

    Tigers working for their lives

    To increase profits and bring news

    For the people of the country to know.

    Centaurs running hospitals that have

    Been over run for couple of days

    Due to the virus making everyone

    Feel sick to their stomachs.

    Lions keeping everyone calm

    In the place where anything

    Can happen at any time.

    Pandas finding cure.

    Wolves coming to rescue the animals

    Stuck in the containment zone.

    Zebras running out of control

    Because of the virus being out of control.

    Pandas making eagles to stay down

    To be the most powerful continent of animals.

    Eagles fighting back against the virus with

    The help of the wolves bring back the cure

    From the pandas without them knowing.

    Pandas warning Eagles of the consequences

    Of the deed they have done.

    Royals backing eagles

    To avoid conflict with the countries on

    The continents that have

    Many powerful countries.

    Polar bears coming to the aid

    Of the Pandas staying to the eagles

    To back off the fight.

    Nations of animals preparing to fight

    The endless war between the first worlds

    And second worlds. The third worlds are

    Deciding what to do to avoid the conflict

    That the world is going through.

    Tigers coming together to resolve the fight.

    Monkeys making weapons for animals

    To defend themselves.

    Elephants in the first world countries

    Preparing to defend the countries along

    With many other animals by their side.

    Many of the animals in the countries

    Looking for peace because of the

    Damage that could done by the fight.

    Virus wiping out animals one by one.

    Virus has world in its hands only

    To be defeated by the cure

    That is only known

    By the animals who started it.

    Pandas curing from the virus.

    Animals getting together

    Their homes in this

    Time of crisis to be

    Better mammals.

    Animals working together

    To get through the crisis.

    Eagles getting the cure

    And ending the mass

    Causalities in the

    Home of the eagles’ leaders.

    Business reopening after

    Long time of the country

    Shutting down so suddenly.

    Continents being normal

    After long time in the dark.

    Business and employment

    Being created everyday

    Since the cure for the virus.

    Leaders of the countries

    Making peace with each other.

    Earth getting rid of the virus

    With the help of countries

    Putting their differences

    Aside and working together

    To end the virus once and for all.

    There once was a scientist

    Who wondered what a car

    Is feeling on the inside

    When it left alone

    In the outside when there

    Was no one to take a

    Ride in it.

    One day lightning struck

    In the middle of the night

    Making all the cars

    Horn out of control.

    When the people came out

    To stop the horns

    The cars started talking on their own.

    Scientist were bewildered to

    Find out the truth about the cars.

    The cars talked to their owners

    About the things they did wrong.

    The cars had a magical engine

    That made them talk the way

    They did for long time.

    There was device inside the cars

    Made them talk to the people

    To let them know how to spot

    A leak underneath the car

    And also the front of the car.

    There were many cars

    In the country talking

    Which made the scientists baffled.

    The owners made trips in the cars

    To help them enjoy themselves.

    Years went by and cars could fly

    In the air along with planes

    By their side.

    Lightning struck twice and made

    Planes talk too.

    Now the planes and cars all were

    Made to be with each other.

    The scientist wanted to live

    In peace with the world progressing.

    The people wanted to hear what

    Others are saying about them with

    The help of their cars.

    Planes have worked in the defense

    Flying in the air with disguised

    Food delivery to help people

    Stop fights from happening.

    Planes all got together

    Wanted to stop the people

    From destroying each other

    With the help from the cars.

    The scientist went to their cars

    And told it to help end the war

    That was currently happening

    Between the humans.

    The cars agreed to help with

    Some risk involved in the process.

    The authorities have been


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