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God Rides Shotgun
God Rides Shotgun
God Rides Shotgun
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God Rides Shotgun

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A semi-documentary novel of "Warrior" spirit in self-reliant communitys, familys and individuals faced with defeating foreign & domestic enemies of the USA Constitutional Republic. Historic battles of a 2nd Revolutionary War coming to your State soon depending on informational warfare and personal faith to prevail using unlikely kinetic means and tactics.

Sun Tzu teaches: "Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate." (Historic 6th Generation warfare).


"Seguin and the militias are knowledgeable of the terrorism engulfing the country and the widespread effects of an imminent New Madrid Earthquake (EQ). They would rather be part of triggering it to save their country than try to live and fight in the middle of the aftermath. Their intel suggests an invasion fleet is preparing to invade up the Mississippi River to isolate east from west, particularly Texas, since 60% of the U.S. population lies east of the Mississippi. An unpredictable EQ could make all the difference for a bogged-down invasion."


"As Kwora approaches the guard with a demure smile, he responds by slowly moving backwards. Kwora senses his caution, slows while swaying her hips slightly, and pouts her lips enough to suggest his dominance. Her approach is tantalizingly slow to avoid spooking him, but she needs to smell his breath for a quick-knee and folded-knuckle strike. The windpipe is made of soft cartilage, so it can be damaged even by knuckles in a focused blow. Her patience works. He buckles with her knee strike and gasps as her knuckles crush his windpipe. She unleashes a woman's and mother's fury all at once."


"Appalachian ham radio operators meet for DXpeditions on a rotating frequency algorithm that 'vibrates' randomly every afternoon to pass and disseminate information that helps the patriotic cause and advance the newest ways to communicate. Their most recent joint improvement fuses those old movie theater NewsFlashes with video that interrupts on most mobile devices so that they can rely on RF PICO-verse comms including video. All you need is a USB port and screen with a Sat-phone. The screen can be on a PC, tablet or non-working cell phone (no chip) that still turns on."


"They will literally sh*t themselves," Thomas gloats gleefully as the VOLs team chuckles. "Knowing the football game would have to be interrupted before getting all the visitors, students, and themselves out of the flooded city. Not to mention their worldwide Formula 1 racing event will be called off while their international, big-money fans will be stranded in the midst of a bunch of pissed-off, patriotic 'deplorables' looking for payback or just some good ole' country sport. Their supportive, traitorous elite fans will be the ones who can't retrieve their sewer-soaked luggage from their downtown hotel suites nor book a flight out for weeks or months."


"Tank explains the small business plan he is considering; People who scavenge and recycle materials and equipment for a living, 'carroneros' (scrappers) are commonly seen in Texas and Mexico rural areas. Especially in our own flyover oil patches due to their technical skills and high-value results when new equipment or parts are not available. I am exploring this sort of approach as a small business with several others who have the skills I don't. In this line of work, a phrase often heard is 'I've done so much with so little, that now I can do anything, with nothing."

Release dateSep 11, 2023
God Rides Shotgun

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    Book preview

    God Rides Shotgun - C. Xegnima Lewis

    God Rides Shotgun

    A Semi-Documentary

    Episode 1 Disciplined Conflict

    January 2025

    A fast break by Thomas up the court as he dribbles low and hard, cutting a two-step to the right, aligns him with the basket. His opponent jumps high between him and his perfect shot at the basket as Fred sets up a low-body screen. Thomas reverse-turns at Fred to the front of the rim. A perfect shot. Fred and Thomas high-five.

    That was Musik! says Fred.

    Thomas rolls his eyes. Fred had been playing off his last name forever, so long that on the warehouse wall next to their team’s stats that show who made the most passes, single scores, and go-ahead three-pointers is a glossy pic of Fred Musik gloating. Of course, the vintage plaque next to their basketball paraphernalia that had been on the warehouse wall for some twenty years held import to the team, but for the moment, their community is focused down to leading in basketball.

    Thomas Sozo looks at Lyan Lott, Tank Irish, and his twenty-three-year-old son, Derek—his teammates and closest friends who erase their well-practiced grins. He turns the ball over to the opposing team. Both Thomas and Fred break toward the quick transition, bringing a sense of urgency as Derek catapults himself on the fly to block their opponent’s basket. Forced error.

    The pickup basketball game reaches a hairpin crescendo, fortissimo max vibrating off the metal building. Lyan pushes down the court, and the ball comes loose as he focuses on his opponent’s feet positioning between him and Thomas a half-second too long.

    Exasperated, Thomas explodes, Just throw it away next time, and we can all go home to Mama. Even a blind squirrel will eventually find a nut, but can you play D-fence to win?

    He’d grown up sleeping on his junior high school gym’s roof across from their house, playing music and sports his entire life but never to lose with either. As a teen, Thomas  watched his family’s house burn while in English class, so he had raised his hand emphatically and had asked if he could be excused because fire trucks were fighting a fire engulfing his house. Thomas was raised as a Catholic acolyte, but the nuns’ rulers left a questioning mark in his heart ever since. They were just on a path he disagreed with, though never straying from finding the good in everyone.

    Thomas, Fred, Lyan, Tank, and Derek take a time-out to regroup in their metal warehouse court that doubles as a community shop and large supplies center. The open concrete slab at CenTex has no bleachers or banners, no cheering fans only mumbling opponents, with overhead LED lights and some large electric cable, wooden spools for tables and cheap folding chairs. Living in Central Texas since helping create their rural subdivision twenty years ago, Thomas continues competitive sports with fierce ball handling, fast breaks, pick-n-rolls, beatdowns, block outs, quick transitions, and disciplined denials, all creating a rich harmony of opportunities on offense and defense.

    They catch their breath, and Thomas reminds them, We enjoy this game. We’ve got work to do, but this is for fun. They nod. As self-reliant neighbors, they have been preparing for the worst case while planning for a better future they believe in with God’s love and good graces.

    Fred concurs. We may be amateurs at this game, but we are always ready as first responders. The CenTex VOLs have laughed at how informal their court is plenty of times, but they share a family focused community for when times demand a warrior response to protect their familys, neighbors, state, and Constitutional republic. Formality rarely wins!


    As the game continues, the ref calls an out-of-bounds on their opponents while Tank inbounds the ball from deep in enemy territory. The score is tightening, and the other team reverts to a high-pressure defense, looking for an easy turnover. When the defender gets in Tank’s face, jumping, yelling, and insulting his Irish mother, he decides a quick shot to the defender’s face will calm both their nerves. The resulting rebound ricochets out of bounds again, and Tank has a second chance. This time, Tank makes a bounce pass to Fred on the fly, down-court for an easy transition layup. Sometimes, an agile offense guarantees the best defense.

    The sounds of imminent victory from the Jo Mamas team reverberate in the CenTex court as Thomas gets a phone call (earbud). A repeat client in El Paso. They own Maquiladoras factories in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico that manufacture truck parts and assemblies. He hates to miss the aggressive banter (trash talk) and action, but Thomas needs the work for their security team. Breathless and peeved, he takes their call. 

    A fine afternoon it is, Jessie ...(Thomas’ core shifts abruptly with a feint right, sidestep then left-hand crossover twisting his wrist and forearm for a snap pass behind the back, down court). How can we help you sell more trucks in North America?

    The Maqui owner says, Mr. Sozo, afternoon ... are you listening? (Obvious dribbling in the background.) Can you drop that ball for a moment to talk business?

    Neevverrr. One shot, and I’ll stop to talk if I make it ... ahhh, sweet swisher, all net. Thomas laughs.

    For a moment, he recalls what his father used to say about his obsession with basketball, Ready to bet the ranch? For twenty years since they’d innovated the idea for CenTex’s community and found some rural property to buy, his dad had been proud of him for doing it.

    The world at large sure isn’t going to stay true to CenTex and this community, he recalls his father saying. Good choice, the words still stuck in his mind.

    "Nice touch, but we have overseas clients from Malaysia coming in for a week of site visits to negotiate contracts. Our concerns are uninvited (cartel) guests. Like your favorite burger, you should be In-N-Out ... turnaround in two weeks (more chatter and dribbling)." 

    Sounds good, Jessie, so when are you coming down for our next soccer lessons? The kids have been missing your Rabona and bicycle kicks with defensive net saves.

    Send me a fixed-fee proposal tonight and keep that Pistol Pete two-step in tight! We’ll need security and electronic sweeps on both sides this time, then some Mexican football lessons. 

    Thomas takes a defensive point as the game changes. Sounds like a plan. If we win this game ... I’ll let you know! 

    The opposing team’s inbound pass is knocked loose as Lyan starts a fast break with Thomas offset on pace for a layup. But instead of a sure basket, Lyan jacks it up from the three-point line, above the circle as the ball bounces back high toward the foul line. 

    That was a low-percentage shot if I ever saw one. I’m down range ... this is my rebound, Thomas says as he deftly leaps up with a quarter twist to time a high replacement shot without an off-balance tip-in. If you are a ball-busting, shooting guard, don’t miss! 

    Though long-time friends, Lyan shrugs and turns to leave as they win as usual, this time, 77 to 69. Like you’re Pistol Pete Maravich flying solo! he murmurs. 

    Perturbed, Thomas snaps back, Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, your hands can’t steal what your eyes can’t see. This is a team sport, ya know, been playing it our entire lives.

    He turns to Fred. Fred, whose side is Lyan on in this game? Seems he is the only one playing and by his own rules. Am I missing something? 

    Even an intense game is rewarding until it’s not. Hunched over exhausted, Fred exclaims confidently, You got the call. Let’s take a road trip and earn some coin. You may be at home here, but don’t give Lyan the power to distract us from our more important goals. We need the work too! 

    Thomas pulls up a folding chair and his phone, flipping the basketball to Derek. It dawns on him while he drafts up the fixed-fee proposal that no matter how good the game feels, someone always reminds him he isn’t flying solo or delivering anything like the skilled maestro Maravich.

    I’m not that bad though, he reassures himself. He’d keep at it, no matter what Lyan and Jessie jaw about. Next game.

    A few more minutes pass, and Thomas saves the contract for the evening, looking up at the empty warehouse. Clients need to appreciate the time and logistics it takes to respond quickly to their problems. Thinking further, Thomas remembers, Fred and I built our industrial security business on providing clients with well-planned solutions while anticipating the potential problems early before they cost more money, time, disruptions or lives.

    You going to add the stats to the chart? Fred asks. Fred wavers over the look that crosses Thomas’ face, one of having to deal with another group of short-sighted people instead of right here, right now where they are all whole. You know the kids will be getting better at soccer too. And when we get back—

    Of course, I am, and yes, they’ll be fine players, Thomas says and nods. He gives Fred a knowing grin.

    He drifts over to the wall chart to record their stats. As he does, he grins at the early photo of Fred and the many others added over the years, all close friends and supportive familys. Wishing he could recede back into his earlier past isn’t always a bad thing. It’s a constant reminder of things his father did and said helping build this place with ten familys twenty years ago. He looks over at the plaque. He’s made a tradition of reading it after every game to set him straight since his father died a few years ago. He mumbles as he reads:

    Family, self-reliance, inter-dependence!

    Our community’s pride in preparation always resides.

    In the worst case, we’ll be prepared for the future we’ll have planned,

    With God’s good graces and love,

    Together: no circumstance or crisis we can’t rise above.

    The warehouse is quiet. Fred gathers all the equipment. Thomas often uses these moments to reflect on God’s plans for their growing community. Our entire lives are built from choices and experiences, good and bad; the sum of the parts equals the whole, and spiritually a lot more. Each step can be reinforced, sidetracked, balanced, or negated by universal, natural laws of attraction under God’s grace, with his promise of free will for all. This is where the rubber meets the road.

    As free agents with free will, we choose how to live our lives, and CenTex is no exception, he thinks.

    The first way is to live it as though nothing is a miracle, having no purpose except self-gratification. The second is as though EVERYTHING is a miracle with a thankful state of mind and unlimited purpose. God’s universe speaks to us directly if we listen quietly, carefully, and are open to new perspectives about our lives and opportunities for positive change. This is God’s plan, not ours.

    Everyone’s choices are made from and for good or evile intent; action is what makes it part of our reality. The key to life is God’s expectation of our taking personal responsibility for all outcomes from his gift of free will. If we aren’t concerned with the sum of the parts, our history, it’s like a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a beautiful, living tree. Life or basketball exists on the same court of potential outcomes consciously or not, so our choices reverberate throughout our lives even though the Tree of Life loses its leaves too.

    Thomas recognizes they will have to face many difficult choices that will change their lives as always. And with Jessie’s new Maqui opportunity, he won’t take any chances.

    The CenTex community depends on it. Forty-four adults in the CenTex subdivision, including the ten founding familys that the Sozos were one of, describe themselves as the VOLs. This small group of Texas familys, patriots, artists, sports enthusiasts, and occasional security & military-industrial volunteers realize they are surrounded by an unpredictable future that impacts them all. Thomas considers all of them close friends, so he won’t sit back and allow any to flounder or lose their shared convictions.

    Fred, do you remember when we started our land group and searched for property together on weekends?

    Yeah, drove a lot of back roads and used the Ian McHarg principles of overlay mapping to locate affordable, productive land. We only dreamed of locating land along a large creek with good soil. God’s love and good graces and our determination brought us here.

    Searching for the right words, Thomas nods at the plaque. Fred has become used to these grounding moments. Thomas adds, We’re ready for anything. I’m concerned we will be tested some more.

    Thomas currently leads the VOLs, and being in his late forties, his reserved yet outspoken, old spiritual soul, and commitment to their community and a loving, creative God help him make new friends with everyone he meets. Thomas and Fred have spent months and years toiling on ways to handle the current national uni-party politics and corruption, health pandemics, economic disruptions, fuel rationing, social disruption, and escalating inflation.

    Fred nods. But it could devastate our familys’ prospects and local economies. We’ve adjusted before, and we can get through this, Thomas. We sure better be ready.

    Episode 2 The Security Gig

    The VOLs group splits up as their eight-man ‘Jo Mamas’ security team drives to El Paso for their gig at the Maquiladoras plants. The remaining twenty-six+ VOLs provide their own security while tending gardens, hunting/fishing, keeping their day jobs, providing maintenance, and educating/teaching the kids and teens in home schooling.

    The ‘Jo Mamas’ team drives West to El Paso on IH10 in their nondescript, high-security SUVs (2) with alternating Texas and Mexico license plates, an F-350 dually truck and a contractor panel truck with various (English & Spanish) fake magnetic business signage for construction, electronics, gear, and floral arrangements.

    Thomas is uncomfortable leaving CenTex with so few men. Since 2015, and the DOD’s Jade Helm military exercise in Central Texas, local militias and gang lords have sprung up, anticipating anarchy and lawlessness between the Globalists, U.S. nationalist patriots, and local residents. So the VOLs have developed SOP (standard operating procedures) and logistical strategies that seem to help them dodge bullets and give them plenty of options to defend against enemies on well-travelled roads or off-beaten paths—whatever the case may be—that could force them into short skirmishes or worse, getting permanently involved.

    Reflecting on the implications reminds Thomas getting to the El Paso Maqui plants 600 miles away is going to be arduous.

    He punches up his Sat-phone to the other vehicles. Follow a set contact schedule to stay in touch and avoid any surprises along the way. Only use secure comms until we arrive at the rally point.

    The VOLs created their own hack, a proprietary satellite-phone-radio comms system, to provide the advantages of low-powered ham radio and a military standard transmission protocol extremely secure in the field. The hardware and paired software system works off cell towers, several high-orbit satellites, or the international ham radio repeating system installed and managed by worldwide radio enthusiasts.

    They expect the cell tower system to be attacked, so Thomas, Fred, and a few other technical guys designed an exclusive secure system. Their creation relies on existing satellite phones with new software integrating ham radio, cell phone, and satellite protocols with Time Domain software based on pico-second, random interval lengths between data. The RF transmission/receiver can be low-power and multi-user but has to use the same distribution of intervals (self-referential code), or the message is undecipherable. Any of the units can upload new interval code at any time for all confirmed units in the network.

    People rarely question the way Thomas leads. The difficulty isn’t making new friends with everyone he meets. It’s meeting friendly people in these times. Everyone shies away from the prevaricating MSM news, medical pandemics, and incessant rumors of war hysteria, succumbing to the fear porn by closing off, communicating only when necessary, and losing any feeling toward celebrating the life they live. Many leave their homes and familys to crumble, as neglect and despair have taken root where flowers, gardens, and laughing children once grew. CenTex is an oasis, he’s reminded. He realizes they are fighting a perfect storm of global proportions focused on destroying the U.S. Republic and its 1787 Constitution including the Bill of Rights, but the battlegrounds vary, and not a soul in America isn’t caught up in it in one way or another.

    He’s struggled to remain himself as so many feel lost, angry, and confused about how they and their familys can live through it all. It’s always been important to him to continue to nurture all of their interests within their community since he’s been an avid sports/music fan himself. Otherwise, it would cheat his community and deprive them of the benefits of how their community functions and their Jo Mamas creed.

    ‘Jack,’ move over a bit, he says, patting his head as he drives. His current rescue dog, ‘Jack,’ is a pit bull and former bomb/XP (explosives) sniffing veteran who rides with him in the shotgun seat while traveling. He calls Fred on the Sat-phone, OK, I’ll start a Texas Two Step at the traffic ahead.

    The VOLs’ decision to employ their Texas Two Step strategy (6thGen warfare) while traveling may be their only tactical and operational response they can support and project on a small, self-reliant scale. On many levels, Fred agrees.

    Texas Two-Step: While driving Texas’ endless freeways with a line of cars in the adjacent lane driving slower and faster when you need to change lanes ... quickly jerk the wheel with exaggerated body language toward that lane but stay in yours. This panics most drivers, and as they hesitate, you find the room you need to safely move into that lane while accelerating. Also used in the Cotton Eyed Joe with a promenade partner while ‘chuggin.’ It’s all about anticipating and controlling your adversary’s moves and reactions from the shadows before they cause major disruptions.

    An apparent group of cartel gang members pass by Thomas’ SUV with guns exposed, so the VOLs’ convoy slows enough to let them pass. Be Friendly ... or Shoot Straight is a Texas highway motto for travelers and tourists. ‘Jack’ barks. Thomas grins. Even ‘Jack’ doesn’t have the wool pulled over his eyes and returns his nose to the window to sample the high plains desert smells of cactus, sage brush, creosote flats, yucca, and occasional flowering bush.

    War-mongering Globalists have made matters worse by turning (with $$ bribes) everything that was meaningful about the U.S. Republic into a U.S. Inc. Deep State. By mid-2015, they’d taken high-level control of the three branches of government, the media, academia, and the financial sectors. Despite all odds against it, the people of the U.S. Republic and fly-over deplorables sent them a loud, heartfelt f**k you! in 2018 and voted for and elected as president the one candidate, Donald J. Trump, who the Globalists absolutely demonized. Perceived as an unacceptable revolt of the serfs, the country’s uni-party has since taken over the country’s voting laws, judicial systems, and administrative processes to ensure their long-term national power and control. Subterfuge usually starts with top-level management.

    Thanks, ‘Jack,’ Thomas says and pats him on the head. You make a good traveling partner and even better listener. Did you know, ‘Jack,’ both houses of Congress, both political parties, and the Supreme Court obviously support the new political, legal, business, financial, social, teleological, and technological system of Globalist governance not found in our original Constitutional Republic? Our VOLs as well as many critical thinkers, Independents, Conservatives, and even Libertarians believe our U.S. Republic has been captured since 1791 through a series of national bankruptcy reinstatements hidden from the public ever since. A corporate entity called the United States Incorporated (U.S. Inc.) runs everything but not under our original Constitution."

    This imposed perpetual state of ‘national emergency’ exhausts Thomas. It explains all the wars and draconian laws created by executive order and the whim of government agencies under national security window dressing. Their new reality is based on the first declared bankruptcy of 1791 in order to pay off Revolutionary War expenses and each ‘negotiated’ reinstatement (in secret) ever since: 1861, 1931, and 2001. The main reason for this repeating time spread is that a bankruptcy can by law only last for seventy years without being settled as closed.

    Will we make it to the next blowup in 2071? ‘Jack,’ can you smell their well-planned pattern of perpetual states of emergency, recessions, and wars? Convenient if you are a global creditor to restructure the monetary system each time so they can buy real assets for pennies on the dollar and start all over. Too pungent for my nostrils, but this affects everyone, even dogs.

    He’s been tracking the bankruptcy pile up. The most recent bankruptcy reinstatement occurred on Sep 10, 2001, the day Donald Rumsfeld (the fox guarding the chicken coop) announced a Halliburton subsidiary conducted a Pentagon audit. They discovered that the Defense Department could no longer account for a minimum of $2.3 trillion in past transactions. Of course, the World Trade Center, with its twin towers and law offices investigating this fraud, was demolished the very next day,

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