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The Database
The Database
The Database
Ebook55 pages

The Database

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About this ebook

Is there no longer a man out there who takes pride in his performance between the sheets?

One day at lunch, her friend Sabrina handed her a business card with nothing but a website address on it. Emily believed her friend expected her to pay rendered which isn’t the case. Emily tosses it back, but once Sabrina explained the concept behind the Internal Salvation site, Emily took it back.

She embarks upon a journey that awakens her inner Mistress but what she doesn’t expect to find is love. Hunter, one of the so called ‘losers’ she’s sent to evaluate is on to them. Unbeknownst to her, this particular loser is aware of their elusive club and their ways as well as his rating and is seeking redemption.

This novelette is catered to readers over 18 as it does contain a consensual BDSM F/F (1 scene) and M/F Femdom sex.

PublisherTL Travis
Release dateJul 26, 2022
The Database

Raven Kitts

Raven Kitts is the author of contemporary romance, erotica, erotic romance, and paranormal romance.Raven lives in the desert southwest with a plethora of furry four-legged friends, her bearded dragon, Demona, and a sulcata tortoise name Tortie.

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    Book preview

    The Database - Raven Kitts

    Table of Contents

    The Database

    Copyright Acknowledgement

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Reven Kitts Other Titles

    Raven Kitts

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright 2022 by Raven Kitts

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

    Published by Sapphire Publishing

    Cover Art by Kris Jacen

    Editing and Formatting by Kris Jacen

    Second Edition Issued 2022

    This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.

    Emily Morgan took a sip of her wine, swirling the crimson liquid around. She sighed. I’m so sick of dating guys who have nothing to offer me. She shared with a group of friends over lunch.

    Nothing to offer, in what aspect Em? Sabrina questioned.

    Between the sheets, Emily replied.

    Hmm… Sabrina purred, emptying her glass.

    What was that ‘hmm’ for? Emily asked her.

    Well, the real question is — are you looking for love or just in need of a quick fix? Sabrina asked Emily, but the question was meant for the entire entourage.

    The girls looked at one another encouraging Sabrina to continue. I have a friend, well a friend of a friend of a friend, who has a business, so to speak. Sabrina smirked.

    What kind of business exactly? I don’t want to get involved in anything illegal, Charlotte said. Sabrina knew Charlotte would take the bait, having listened to her bitch incessantly for years on end about the lame fuck she married. Dumb ass, she should have divorced his worthless ass long ago. But after ten years of marriage, Charlotte wasn’t looking for a change. Just an affair, or two, or three…

    Maira’s face reddened as the conversation deepened. Emily was fairly certain Maira was still a virgin, but she was intrigued by Sabrina’s comment.

    I’m listening, Emily responded.

    Sabrina reached into her purse, retrieving a stack of cards, handing one to Emily. What’s this all about? I’m not in the mood to hear about some deemed savior, Emily spouted off.

    "If you’re interested in ‘as needed one and done’s,’ go to this website and click on the ‘request more information’ link," Sabrina told her.

    Is this some sort of male prostitute or escort service website? Emily was disgusted that Sabrina would even think she’d be interested in paying for sex. Hell, men were always willing to fuck for free, so that wasn’t the issue. She was just tired of them being lame fucks.

    No, it’s nothing like that, Sabrina said.

    Okay, I’m gonna need more information than this to go off of. Emily tossed the card back at Sabrina.

    Don’t be so quick to judge Em, or you’ll miss out on an orgasmic opportunity. Sabrina winked.

    Okay, you now have my undivided attention, Emily said, taking the card back, waiting for Sabrina to elaborate.

    "This website is purposely vague. It’s meant to be a word of mouth enterprise. Once you request more information via the

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