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Building Cross-Platform Apps with Flutter and Dart: Build scalable apps for Android, iOS, and web from a single codebase (English Edition)
Building Cross-Platform Apps with Flutter and Dart: Build scalable apps for Android, iOS, and web from a single codebase (English Edition)
Building Cross-Platform Apps with Flutter and Dart: Build scalable apps for Android, iOS, and web from a single codebase (English Edition)
Ebook221 pages4 hours

Building Cross-Platform Apps with Flutter and Dart: Build scalable apps for Android, iOS, and web from a single codebase (English Edition)

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About this ebook

Flutter and Dart have emerged as a powerful duo that empowers developers to create stunning and feature-rich apps for Android, iOS, and web platforms from a single codebase. By leveraging Flutter's rich set of customizable widgets and Dart's reactive programming model, you can create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces that feel native on both iOS and Android devices.

This book adopts a hands-on approach to help you progress from fundamental to advanced concepts in Flutter development, establishing a solid foundation along the way. It will teach you how to create elegant user interfaces, utilize Flutter's Widget library, and incorporate captivating animations for enhanced user experience. It will also guide you through building apps that work seamlessly on all supported Flutter platforms, saving you time and effort. Additionally, you'll explore state management techniques for efficient app state handling and scalable applications. Following that, the book explores the process of connecting REST APIs and seamlessly integrating Firebase into your Flutter applications. It also includes testing and debugging techniques to ensure code quality and reliability. Lastly, it will guide publishing and distributing your app, covering code signing, release management, and app distribution to app stores.

By the end of this book, you will have the confidence and expertise to develop cross-platform apps efficiently.
Release dateMay 31, 2023
Building Cross-Platform Apps with Flutter and Dart: Build scalable apps for Android, iOS, and web from a single codebase (English Edition)

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