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True Crime - Behind the Scenes
True Crime - Behind the Scenes
True Crime - Behind the Scenes
Ebook216 pages2 hours

True Crime - Behind the Scenes

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True Crime: Behind the Scenes" takes you on an immersive journey into the heart of criminal investigations, providing a gripping exploration of the fascinating world of crime-solving. Uncover the intricacies of detective work, forensic science, and the relentless pursuit of justice that unfolds behind the scenes of true crime stories.

This book peels back the layers of criminal behavior, offering a glimpse into the meticulous processes of crime scene investigation, evidence analysis, and criminal profiling. From the hushed corridors of a police station to the tension-filled interrogation room, discover the real-life drama and suspense that investigators face in their quest to unravel the mysteries of unsolved cases.

Delve into the psychology of criminals, exploring the dark realms of criminal minds and the art of criminal profiling. Investigate cold cases, unsolved mysteries, and the haunting enigma of serial killers that have left a chilling mark on true crime history.

Whether you're a true crime enthusiast, a crime novelist, or simply curious about the intricacies of criminal justice, this book is your backstage pass to the world of crime journalism, true crime reporting, and the captivating allure of crime podcasts and documentaries.

Explore the complexities of legal proceedings, courtroom dramas, and the emotional toll on crime victims. Engage with the relentless pursuit of truth in criminal trials, and witness the dedication of detectives, forensic experts, and legal professionals who tirelessly work behind the scenes.

Immerse yourself in the world of crime fiction and non-fiction, from bestselling true crime books to gripping crime novels and the cinematic brilliance of crime dramas. This book invites you to unravel the tapestry of crime journalism, criminal psychology, and the riveting stories that captivate audiences around the world.

Whether you're intrigued by crime scene analysis, fascinated by criminal behavior, or captivated by the mysteries of unsolved cases, "True Crime: Behind the Scenes" is your passport to the thrilling realm of crime investigation, where every clue, every piece of evidence, and every twist in the story leads closer to the truth.

Release dateMay 29, 2023
True Crime - Behind the Scenes

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    Book preview

    True Crime - Behind the Scenes - Leonardo Guiliani

    By Leonardo Guiliani

    Table of Content:

    I. Introduction

    Definition of True Crime

    Brief history of True Crime

    Importance of studying True Crime

    The structure of the book

    II. Theoretical Foundations of True Crime

    A. Criminological theories

    Rational Choice Theory

    Social Disorganization Theory

    Strain Theory

    Social Learning Theory

    Labeling Theory

    Control Theory

    B. Psychological theories

    Psychoanalytic Theory

    Behavioral Theory

    Cognitive Theory

    Attachment Theory

    Personality Theory

    C. Biological Theories

    Genetic Theories

    Neurobiological Theories

    Evolutionary Theories

    D. The Intersection of Theories

    III. The Investigation of True Crime

    A. Crime Scene Investigation

    Evidence Collection

    Processing Crime Scenes

    Forensic Science

    B. Profiling

    Criminal Profiling

    Behavioral Analysis

    Geographic Profiling

    Linkage Analysis

    C. Legal Issues

    Search and Seizure

    Interrogation Techniques

    Eyewitness Identification

    False Confessions

    IV. Serial Killers

    Definition of a Serial Killer

    Typology of Serial Killers







    Power and Control

    Theories of Serial Killing

    Investigation Techniques

    V. Mass Murder

    Definition of Mass Murder

    Typology of Mass Murderers

    Family Annihilators

    Disciple Killers

    Set-and-Run Killers

    School Shooters

    Workplace Killers

    Theories of Mass Murder

    Investigation Techniques

    VI. Organized Crime

    Definition of Organized Crime

    Types of Organized Crime

    Traditional Organized Crime

    Non-traditional Organized Crime

    Theories of Organized Crime

    Investigation Techniques

    VII. White-Collar Crime

    Definition of White-Collar Crime

    Types of White-Collar Crime

    Occupational Crime

    Corporate Crime

    Governmental Crime

    Theories of White-Collar Crime

    Investigation Techniques

    VIII. Cybercrime

    Definition of Cybercrime

    Types of Cybercrime


    Identity Theft



    Theories of Cybercrime

    Investigation Techniques

    IX. The Media and True Crime

    The Influence of the Media

    True Crime as Entertainment

    The Role of the Internet and Social Media

    X. Prevention and Punishment of True Crime

    Prevention Strategies

    Punishment Strategies

    Victim Assistance

    XI. Conclusion

    Summary of the Book

    Future Research Directions

    Final Thoughts and Reflections


    Are you fascinated by the world of true crime? Do you find yourself binge-watching crime documentaries and reading true crime books late into the night? If so, then this book is for you.

    As a lover of true crime, I have read countless books on the subject, but this one stands out as a must-read. The authors have done an incredible job of compiling a comprehensive and engaging guide to the world of crime, covering everything from organized crime and white-collar crime to cybercrime and the role of the media.

    What I appreciate most about this book is the level of detail and research that has gone into each chapter. The authors have not only provided a thorough overview of each topic, but they have also delved deep into the underlying theories, investigation techniques, and prevention strategies.

    Whether you're a true crime enthusiast or simply looking to expand your knowledge of crime and criminology, this book is a valuable resource. It is well-written, informative, and provides a unique perspective on some of the most notorious criminal cases of our time.

    I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about the world of true crime. It will educate, entertain, and leave you with a deeper understanding of the complexities of crime and the criminal mind.

    So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy today and join me in exploring the fascinating world of true crime.

    Chapter 1.1: Definition of True Crime

    True crime is a term used to describe any criminal act that has been committed in real life. It involves real events, real people, and real consequences. True crime has been a popular subject for decades and has experienced a recent resurgence in popularity due to the increased availability of true crime podcasts, documentaries, and books.

    The term true crime is often used interchangeably with real crime. However, true crime often refers to crimes that have been committed in the past, while real crime refers to crimes that are currently being committed. True crime also often focuses on crimes that are particularly gruesome or unusual in nature.

    One of the key aspects of true crime is the human interest element. True crime stories often feature complex characters with unique motivations, and readers or listeners become invested in their stories. True crime stories can be used to examine broader social issues, including poverty, mental illness, and addiction.

    True crime can be broken down into several sub-genres, including serial killers, mass murders, organized crime, and white-collar crime. Each sub-genre has its own unique characteristics and motivations.

    In recent years, true crime has become a popular subject for academics and researchers. They use true crime stories to better understand criminal behavior, as well as to examine the broader societal and cultural factors that contribute to crime. The study of true crime has also led to the development of new investigation techniques and prevention strategies.

    Overall, true crime is a fascinating and complex subject that continues to captivate audiences around the world. It provides an opportunity to examine the darker side of human nature, and to learn from the mistakes and successes of those who have come before us.


    Rafter, N. (2008). The allure of true crime: Celebrity culture, internet age and the commodification of murder. New York: New York University Press.

    Knepper, P. (2014). Theoretical criminology meets true crime: The rise and fall of Alfred R. Lindesmith. Theoretical Criminology, 18(1), 98-116.

    Wilson, J. (2016). The rise of true crime podcasts. The Atlantic. Retrieved from

    Chapter 1.2: A Brief History of True Crime

    True crime has a rich and fascinating history that spans several centuries. The genre has evolved over time, reflecting changes in society and the development of new technologies for reporting and disseminating information. In this chapter, we will explore some of the key milestones in the history of true crime.

    One of the earliest examples of true crime reporting can be found in the 16th century. The German engraver Frans Hogenberg produced a series of illustrations depicting famous criminal cases, including the case of the serial killer Peter Niers. These illustrations were sold as prints and circulated throughout Europe, providing the public with a visual depiction of crime and punishment.

    In the 18th and 19th centuries, true crime reporting became more widespread. Newspapers began to devote more space to reporting on criminal cases, and books about famous crimes and criminals became popular. One of the most famous examples of this period is The Newgate Calendar, a collection of true crime stories about the prisoners who were held at the Newgate prison in London.

    The true crime genre continued to evolve in the 20th century. The development of radio and television brought true crime stories to a wider audience, and the advent of the internet has made it easier than ever to access information about criminal cases. Today, true crime is a thriving industry, with podcasts, documentaries, and books dedicated to exploring the darker side of human nature.

    One of the key reasons for the enduring popularity of true crime is its ability to provide insight into the human condition. True crime stories often reveal the motivations behind criminal behavior, as well as the ways in which society responds to crime. They can also provide a glimpse into the social and cultural context in which crimes are committed.

    While the true crime genre has its roots in sensationalism and entertainment, it has also played an important role in shaping public policy and law enforcement. For example, the publication of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote led to reforms in the way that the death penalty was applied in the United States.

    Overall, the history of true crime reflects the evolution of society and the human fascination with crime and punishment. While the genre has changed over time, its enduring appeal is a testament to the enduring mystery and allure of criminal behavior.


    Halleck, R. (2019). True crime: An American history. Culture, Society, and Praxis, 11(1), 1-16.

    Cohen, A. (1998). The history of crime news. Journal of Communication, 48(4), 35-53.

    Kornweibel Jr, T. A. (2004). Seeing crime and punishment in nineteenth-century America. Ohio University Press.

    Chapter 1.3: The Importance of Studying True Crime

    True crime is a fascinating and multifaceted subject that can offer valuable insights into human behavior, criminal justice, and society as a whole. In this chapter, we will explore some of the key reasons why the study of true crime is important.

    Understanding the nature of criminal behavior

    True crime stories can provide insight into the motivations and thought processes of criminals. By examining the actions of individuals who have committed crimes, researchers and law enforcement officials can gain a better understanding of the factors that contribute to criminal behavior. This understanding can be used to develop more effective strategies for preventing crime and rehabilitating offenders.

    Highlighting flaws in the criminal justice system

    True crime stories often reveal flaws in the criminal justice system, including bias, corruption, and incompetence. By shining a light on these issues, true crime can prompt calls for reform and contribute to the development of more just and equitable systems of justice.

    Raising awareness of social issues

    True crime stories can also draw attention to important social issues, such as poverty, racism, and inequality. By highlighting the ways in which these issues contribute to crime, true crime can help to raise awareness and promote social change.

    Providing entertainment and escapism

    While the study of true crime has important practical applications, it is also an engaging and entertaining subject in its own right. True crime stories have long captured the public imagination, providing a form of escapism that allows readers and viewers to explore the darker side of human nature.

    Overall, the study of true crime is important because it can help us to understand the complex nature of criminal behavior, highlight flaws in our systems of justice, raise awareness of social issues, and provide entertainment and escapism. By examining the darker aspects of human nature, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of the human experience.


    Caputi, J. (2015). The true crime genre as popular culture. Crime, Media, Culture, 11(1), 7-23.

    Kowalski, J. (2020). The value of true crime. Journal of Popular Culture, 53(5), 1201-1209.

    Schlesinger, L. (2017). True crime and criminology: The continuing legacy of Truman Capote. The British Journal of Criminology, 57(3), 465-482.

    Chapter 1.4: The Structure of the Book

    In this chapter, we will provide an overview of the structure of this book. The book is divided into several sections, each of which explores different aspects of true crime in depth.

    Section I: Introduction

    The first section of the book provides an introduction to the topic of true crime. It includes a discussion of the definition of true crime, a brief history of the genre, and an exploration of why studying true crime is important.

    Section II: Theories of Crime

    The second section of the book examines different theories of crime, including biological, psychological, and sociological theories. This section also includes a discussion of the relationship between crime and poverty, as well as an exploration of the role of race and ethnicity in criminal behavior.

    Section III: Investigating Crime

    The third section of the book focuses on the investigation of crime. It includes a discussion of the techniques used by law enforcement officials to investigate crimes, including forensic evidence analysis, witness interviews, and surveillance. This section also explores the challenges faced by investigators in solving complex crimes.

    Section IV: The Criminal Justice System

    The fourth section of the book examines the criminal justice system. It includes an overview of the different stages of the criminal justice process, including arrest, trial, and sentencing. This section also includes a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the criminal justice system, as well as an exploration of alternative forms of justice.

    Section V: Infamous Cases

    The fifth section of the book focuses on infamous cases of true crime. It includes in-depth analyses of

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