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The Beltway Affair
The Beltway Affair
The Beltway Affair
Ebook98 pages1 hour

The Beltway Affair

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About this ebook

Zac Brody, a private detective, gets called to Washington D.C. by Senator Johnson to investigate his wife, the beautiful Emily Fredrickson.  Before he's able to start the job, however, he is also hired by Emily to find out what's on a mysterious flash drive.  Zac struggles to avoid falling for her as he juggles both assignments in the corrupt and dangerous world of the D.C. swamp.  Before it's all over, he'll have to navigate through a minefield of seduction, kidnapping, lies, and murder.  His search for answers will take him across the country and change his life in ways he cannot imagine.

Release dateMay 23, 2023
The Beltway Affair

Wesley Provine

Wesley Provine is a writer who was born and raised in Oklahoma. His Christian faith is a vital element of his writings. He wrote for the Oklahoma Daily in college. His interests include spending time with his family, studying history, enjoying Star Trek, exploring the United States, and watching his kids play sports. 

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    Book preview

    The Beltway Affair - Wesley Provine

    Chapter 1

    On a bright, summer morning in Washington, D.C., Zac Brody exited Union Station and walked to the Hart Senate Office Building. He wore khaki pants, brown leather dress shoes, and a blue polo shirt. His cologne was evident, but not overpowering. He was tall and athletic with brown hair atop a masculine face.  He was intelligent and had a gift for reading people well.

    After going through security, which included taking off his belt, removing his keys and phone from his pockets, and walking through a metal detector, the thirty-four-year-old private investigator took an elevator to the fifth floor.  He found Senator Neil Johnson’s office, entered the glass doors, and checked in with a woman sitting at a desk.  The Senator is on his way back from a meeting, the secretary said. Please have a seat. Zac looked at the time on his blue, analog watch—9:31 a.m.  He was a little irritated that the Senator was making him wait, but he decided that government business was more important than whatever he had going on. On the wall were prints of French impressionist paintings like Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party.

    Zac lived in New York, but he had gotten a call from the Senator about a special assignment.  He’d been recommended to Senator Johnson by a mutual friend.  Zac had been to D.C. before, but not for business.  He had come in college to sightsee and take in all the history of the nation’s capital. 

    Zac had done some research on the Senator from Virginia. He was on the Foreign Relations Committee, and he was up for reelection in November of next year. He had been an outspoken critic of President Jack Shannon, and he was also at odds with some members of his own party over some controversial statements that he had made to the press about Senator Pennington from New York.  There were also rumors that he might be challenging President Shannon for the party’s nomination in the next primary.

    At 9:47 a.m., the Senator walked in the door and looked over at Zac.  Mr. Brody, I presume? 

    Zac stood up.  At 6’2, he stood taller than the Senator by a couple of inches.  Yes, Senator.  It’s an honor to meet you." Zac shook his hand.

    Likewise. Please come back to my office.

    The two walked through a hallway and into a large office with a tall ceiling. The Senator’s desk and some chairs were on one end of the long rectangular office, and a couch and more chairs occupied the other end, with an open space in the middle.  The Senator sat down behind his desk and invited Zac to sit down as well. I won’t waste your time, Mr. Brody. I have another meeting coming up in an hour, so I’ll get right down to business. Zac leaned forward and listened intently.

    I have a delicate matter to discuss with you. It is imperative that what I tell you is kept confidential. The reason I picked you to do this job is because Mr. Hobbs recommended you, and he assured me that you were trustworthy and would not leak anything to the press.

    Mr. Hobbs is a good man, and I appreciate his confidence in me. You can trust me, Senator. Everything will be off-the-record.

    Good, that’s reassuring. Senator Johnson shifted in his chair and pulled out a cigar. Would you like one?

    No, thank you, Senator. I don’t smoke.

    The Senator took a lighter from his desk and lit the cigar, and blew smoke upwards over their heads. Mr. Brody, this is rather embarrassing, but I need you to track my wife’s movements. Her name is Emily Fredrickson. You see, she kept her maiden name. I suspect that she is involved with another man. I don’t have proof, but I need you to find out who this person is. Whatever it takes, Mr. Brody. Just don’t let her know that I’ve hired you or that we’ve met. I would like evidence, say something like photographs of the two together or maybe an audio recording.

    Sure, that’s pretty standard in cases like this. And you are still willing to pay the amount that you told me on the phone, $10,000?

    Yes, plus your travelling expenses. Now, I’ve prepared a folder here that should help you get started. It contains a picture of my wife along with some basic information like her full name, the description of her car, and her place of employment. I’ve also included some details about her weekly schedule that you might find helpful. If you need to contact me, I’ve included my cell number in there as well.

    Zac took the folder and briefly looked it over. Okay, Senator, I’ll get started. Your case has my sole attention and my highest priority. Is there anything else that I need to know?

    Mr. Brody, I suspect that she may be involved with a government official or another politician. You should be discreet, and please be careful. This town can be dangerous.

    I’ll keep that in mind. What makes you think he works for the government?

    Well, she’s a lobbyist here in town, and she deals with politicians all the time. She spends long hours at work, sometimes late into the evening. I appreciate your professionalism in this matter.

    Sure, glad to help, sir. I’ll be in touch, Senator. Zac stood up and shook Senator Johnson’s hand again and made his way out of the office.

    Before he walked out the glass doors, he pointed at the painting on the wall and looked at the secretary. Did you know that Renoir’s wife is in the painting? She’s the one playing with the Affenpinscher.

    The secretary smiled, No, I did not know that. You learn something new every day.

    As Zac exited the glass doors of Senator Johnson’s office to go into the hallway, he accidently bumped into a gentleman walking hurriedly by and caused him to drop his papers that he was carrying under his arm. Oh, excuse me.  I guess I should look where I’m going.  Zac crouched down to pick up the man’s belongings and handed them to

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