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Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes: Multi-cluster kubernetes deployment and scaling with FluxCD, Virtual Kubelet, Submariner and KubeFed
Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes: Multi-cluster kubernetes deployment and scaling with FluxCD, Virtual Kubelet, Submariner and KubeFed
Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes: Multi-cluster kubernetes deployment and scaling with FluxCD, Virtual Kubelet, Submariner and KubeFed
Ebook231 pages3 hours

Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes: Multi-cluster kubernetes deployment and scaling with FluxCD, Virtual Kubelet, Submariner and KubeFed

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"Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes" is an essential guide for anyone looking to understand Kubernetes and how it can be used to manage multi-cloud infrastructure. With eight comprehensive chapters, this book provides hands-on experience in setting up Kubernetes clusters, administering deployments and updates, and working with AWS and GCP tools.

Release dateApr 10, 2023
Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes: Multi-cluster kubernetes deployment and scaling with FluxCD, Virtual Kubelet, Submariner and KubeFed

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    Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes - Joe Brian

    Hands-on Multi-Cloud Kubernetes

    Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes

    Learn to administer multi-clusters kubernetes deployment and scaling with FluxCD, Virtual Kubelet, Submariner and KubeFed

    Joe Brian

    Copyright © 2023 GitforGits

    All rights reserved.



    Chapter 1: Introduction to Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Evolution of Multi-cloud

    Early Days of Cloud Computing

    Emergence of Multi-cloud

    Kubernetes and Containerization

    The Rise of Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Challenges for Cloud Professionals

    Overcoming Challenges

    Future of Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Benefits and Challenges of Multi-cloud Deployments

    Benefits of Multi-cloud Deployments

    Challenges of Multi-cloud Deployments

    Key Concepts: Clusters, Nodes, and Namespaces







    ConfigMaps and Secrets


    Persistent Storage

    Resource Quotas

    Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

    Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

    Understanding Multi-cloud and Multi-cluster Architectures

    Hub and Spoke Architecture

    Mesh Architecture

    Hybrid Cloud Architecture

    Multi-cloud Federation

    Prerequisites and Tools

    Kubernetes Basics


    Cloud Providers


    DevOps Practices

    Monitoring and Logging

    Cloud Native Tools

    Multi-cloud Concepts

    Setting Stage for Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Define Requirements

    Choose Cloud Providers

    Choose Kubernetes Distribution

    Plan Infrastructure

    Install and Configure Kubernetes

    Set Up Multi-cloud Management Tools

    Deploy and Manage Applications


    Chapter 2: Kubernetes Cluster Management and Deployment

    Setting Up Kubernetes Cluster

    Install Prerequisites

    Configure AWS and GCP Credentials

    Create Kubernetes Cluster Specification

    Create the Kubernetes Cluster

    Validate the Cluster

    Configure kubectl to Use New Cluster

    Test the Cluster

    Access the Sample Application

    Clean Up Resources

    Deploying Applications on Kubernetes

    Clone the Sample Application

    Create Dockerfile

    Build the Docker Image

    Push Docker Image to Container Registry

    Create Deployment YAML File

    Deploy the Application

    Monitor the Deployment

    Access the Application

    Scale the Application

    Update the Application

    Clean up Resources

    Managing Deployments

    Get the List of Deployments

    Get Detailed Information of Deployment

    Update Number of Replicas

    Rolling Updates

    Rollback to Previous Version

    Pause and Resume Deployment

    Check the Rollout Status

    View Rollout History

    Rolling Updates

    Perform Rolling Update

    Monitor Rollout Status

    Pause and Resume Rollout

    Rollback to Previous Version

    View Rollout History

    Rollback to Specific Revision

    Scaling and Autoscaling

    Manual Scaling


    Explore Helm Package Manager

    Install and Configure Helm

    Install Helm CLI

    Set up Kubernetes Clusters

    Configure Context

    Install and Configure Cloud Provider-specific Components

    Create Helm Charts

    Set up Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

    Monitoring and Logging


    Ingress Controllers and Load Balancing

    Ingress Controllers

    Load Balancing

    Monitoring and Logging


    Chapter 3: Introduction to FluxCD

    Overview of FluxCD

    Importance of Continuous Delivery for Multicloud Kubernetes

    Evolution of FluxCD as Continuous Delivery Tool

    GitOps Principles and Workflow

    GitOps Principles

    GitOps Workflows

    Installing and Configuring FluxCD

    Install Flux CLI

    Set Up Git Repositories

    Authenticate with Kubernetes Clusters

    Install FluxCD on Multicloud Kubernetes Clusters

    Configure FluxCD for Multicloud Environments

    Monitor and Manage Multicloud Deployments

    Continuous Delivery with FluxCD

    Configure the Git Repository

    Connect FluxCD to Kubernetes Cluster

    Create FluxCD Configuration

    Define Application's Kubernetes Manifests

    Synchronize the Application's Manifests

    Add Application to FluxCD Configuration

    Commit and Push Changes

    Monitor Synchronization Status

    Managing Secrets and ConfigMaps

    Create New Folder for Application's Configuration

    Create ConfigMap YAML File

    Create Secret YAML File

    Create Kustomization File

    Update Main Kustomization File

    Commit and Push Changes

    Use ConfigMaps and Secrets in Application

    Monitoring and Alerting with FluxCD

    Install Prometheus and Alertmanager

    Configure Prometheus to Scrape FluxCD Metrics

    Apply ServiceMonitor Resource

    Set up Custom Alerts

    Apply the PrometheusRule Resource

    Configure Alertmanager to Send Notifications

    Verify Monitoring and Alerting

    Advanced FluxCD Features

    Image Automation

    Notifications and Event Forwarding


    Health Checks and Dependencies

    Garbage Collection

    Cluster API Support


    Chapter 4: Virtual Kubelet and Serverless Clusters

    Introduction to Virtual Kubelet

    Integrate Virtual Kubelet with Multi-cloud

    Install Virtual Kubelet on Kubernetes Clusters

    Configure Virtual Kubelet for AWS Fargate

    Configure Virtual Kubelet for Google Cloud Run

    Deploy Workloads on AWS Fargate and Google Cloud Run

    Apply Manifests using kubectl

    Deploying Serverless Clusters

    Set Up Kubernetes Cluster

    Install Virtual Kubelet on Kubernetes Cluster

    Configure Virtual Kubelet for Serverless Platform

    Deploy Workloads on Serverless Platform

    Apply Manifests using kubectl

    Deploy/Manage Clusters and Serverless Workloads

    Scaling and Autoscaling with Virtual Kubelet

    Manual Scaling

    Automatic Scaling

    Monitoring and Logging in Serverless Clusters

    Monitoring with Prometheus

    Visualize Metrics with Grafana

    Logging with EFK or Loki


    Chapter 5: Networking with Submariner

    Introduction to Submariner

    Key Features

    Why Submariner for Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Installing and Configuring Submariner

    Install Subctl

    Prepare AWS and GCP Clusters

    Export KUBECONFIG Files

    Deploy Submariner

    Verify Submariner Deployment

    Test Connectivity

    Cross-cluster Networking with Submariner

    Create a Headless Service

    Create SubmarinerExport Resource

    Access Service from Another Cluster

    Service Discovery

    Create Kubernetes Service

    Export the Service

    Discover Service from Another Cluster

    Load Balancing

    Deploy Application in Multiple Clusters

    Export the Services

    Access Service from Another Cluster

    Monitoring and Troubleshooting

    Monitor Submariner Components

    Check Submariner Status

    Use Submariner Metrics

    Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues


    Chapter 6: MultiCluster Management and Federation

    Overview of MultiCluster Kubernetes

    Advantages of Multi-Cluster, Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Challenges in Multi-Cluster, Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Solutions for Multi-Cluster, Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Setup and Configure MultiCluster Federation

    Set up Kubernetes Clusters

    Deploy the KubeFed Control Plane

    Join Clusters to the Federation

    Verify Clusters are Federated

    Deploy Federated Application

    Verify the Application Deployment

    Clean Up

    Deploying Applications Across Clusters

    Create the Federated Resources

    Apply the Federated Resources

    Verify the Application Deployment

    Access the Application

    Cluster-aware Service Routing

    MultiCluster Resource Management

    Deploy KubeFed

    Create Federated Resources

    Apply the Federated Resources

    Verify the Resource Synchronization

    Manage Resources Across Clusters

    Monitoring and Logging in MultiCluster Environments

    Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

    Logging with Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK stack)


    Chapter 7: Multi-cloud CI/CD Pipelines

    Understanding CI/CD in Multi-cloud Environments

    Multi-cloud vs. Conventional CI/CD

    Multi-cloud CI/CD in Kubernetes

    Multi-cloud CI/CD Tools and Strategies

    Best Practices for Multi-cloud CI/CD in Kubernetes

    Setting up Multi-cloud CI/CD Pipelines with Jenkins

    Set up Kubernetes Clusters

    Install Jenkins

    Configure Jenkins

    Create Jenkins Pipeline

    Building and Deploying Applications across Clusters

    Create Application Code

    Push Container Image to Container Registry

    Define Kubernetes Manifests

    Deploy the application using Jenkins

    Managing Configuration and Secrets

    Define ConfigMaps and Secrets

    Deploy your ConfigMaps and Secrets to Kubernetes Federation

    Deploy Application to Multiple Kubernetes Clusters

    Testing in Multi-cloud CI/CD

    Create Application Code

    Push Container Image to Container Registry

    Define Kubernetes Manifests

    Deploy Application using Jenkins

    Add Unit and Integration Tests to Pipeline

    Monitor the Pipeline

    Multi-cloud CI/CD Pipeline Monitoring

    Define Metrics to Monitor

    Configure Prometheus to Scrape Metrics

    Configure Grafana to Visualize the Metrics

    Monitor the Pipeline


    Chapter 8: Security in Multi-cloud Kubernetes

    Introduction to Kubernetes Security

    Need of Kubernetes Security

    Authentication and Authorization

    Network Security

    Data Security


    Using RBAC for Authentication and Authorization

    Define Roles and Role Bindings

    Apply Roles and Role Bindings

    Verify Access

    Using Kubernetes Network Policies

    Enable Network Policies

    Define Network Policies

    Apply Network Policies

    Verify Network Policies

    Manage Data Security with Kubernetes Secrets

    Define the Secret

    Apply the Secret

    Use the Secret

    Use Open Policy Agent for Compliance

    Install OPA

    Define Policies

    Deploy Policies

    Verify Policies



    Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes is an essential guide for anyone looking to gain a deep understanding of Kubernetes and how it can be used to manage multi-cloud infrastructure. With eight comprehensive chapters, this book provides hands-on experience in setting up Kubernetes clusters, administering deployments and updates, and working with AWS and GCP tools.

    Readers will learn to work with a range of powerful tools, including Helm, FluxCD, Virtual Kubelet, Submariner, and KubeFed. With GitOps principles and workflows, they will practice continuous delivery and learn to manage secrets and config maps. They will build and deploy serverless clusters using Virtual Kubelet, and learn to scale them across multiple cloud environments. They will even be introduced to the world of cross-cluster networking with Submariner, where they will learn to perform service discovery, load balancing, and monitor networking metrics. Managing multi-cluster Kubernetes can be a daunting task, but with KubeFed, readers will gain the skills necessary to set up and deploy multicluster federation, making it easier than ever to administer their own infrastructure. And with multi-cloud CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, they will perform end-to-end multi-cloud operations, ensuring their code is delivered quickly and efficiently.

    Finally, the book covers security in Kubernetes, giving readers the tools and knowledge to configure RBAC, Kubernetes network policies, and secure data over Kubernetes clusters. They will even learn to use Open Policy Agent for managing compliance, ensuring that their infrastructure is both powerful and secure.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Learn Multi-cloud Kubernetes from fundamentals to advanced concepts and tools

    Setting up and managing Kubernetes clusters on multi-cloud infrastructure

    Working with powerful tools like Helm, FluxCD, and Virtual Kubelet

    Utilize Submariner for cross-cluster networking, service discovery, and load balancing

    CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins for end-to-end multi-cloud operations

    Practice GitOps principles and workflows for continuous delivery

    Building and deploying serverless clusters using Virtual Kubelet

    Managing multiple Kubernetes clusters as a single entity with KubeFed

    Security in Kubernetes with RBAC, network policies, and Open Policy Agent

    Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes is an essential guide to understanding Kubernetes and managing multi-cloud infrastructure. With this book, readers will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to confidently take on any challenge that comes their way.



    This book is ideal for cloud professionals, devops team, kubernetes developer, networking professionals to explore multicloud networking, working with multi clusters, deployment of kubernetes and getting skilled with various innovative kubernetes tools. Knowing cloud networking or kubernetes is sufficient to begin with the book.

    Codes Usage

    Are you in need of some helpful code examples to assist you in your programming and documentation? Look no further! Our book offers a wealth of supplemental material, including code examples and exercises.

    Not only is this book here to aid you in getting your job done, but you have our permission to use the example code in your programs and documentation. However, please note that if you are reproducing a significant portion of the code, we do require you to contact us for permission.

    But don't worry, using several chunks of code from this book in your program or answering a question by citing our book and quoting example code does not require permission. But if you do choose to give credit, an attribution typically includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example, Hands-On Multi-Cloud Kubernetes by Joe Brian.

    If you are unsure whether your intended use of the code examples falls under fair use or the permissions outlined above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at:

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    I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Pravin Dhandre, my editor, for his unflagging enthusiasm and wise counsel throughout the entire process of writing this book. His knowledge and careful editing helped make sure the piece was useful for people of all reading levels and comprehension skills. In addition, I'd like to thank everyone involved in the publishing process for their efforts in making this book a reality. Their efforts, from copyediting to advertising, made

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