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Summer Close Up
Summer Close Up
Summer Close Up
Ebook302 pages5 hours

Summer Close Up

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About this ebook

A passionate love on the North Sea and a romantic island getaway? To scorching meetings on a fantasy ship? On a fanciful love trip to Mallorca?
Summer is so diverse! Enjoy intense passion and tingling er experiences in the most romantic locations on earth.

Opinions of readers and reviewers:

"Ideal for unwinding with a cocktail and reading on balmy summer nights on the terrace or the beach."

"Pure summertime enjoyment!"

"Everything is in place: there is plenty of passion and excitement."

"A nice tale with sexy scenes and hot chapters. I will unquestionably suggest the novel to my girlfriend."

"Such a spirit. That was really cool."

Release dateMay 9, 2023
Summer Close Up

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    Summer Close Up - Justine Soria

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    Table of Contents

    Spring time lover

    Love fever under the stars

    Summer close up

    Summer Close Up

    Author: Justine Soria

    Spring time lover

    His gaze was piercing, his eyes a piercing blue. Unfortunately, she couldn't see much more of his face because the man was wearing a balaclava. What he wanted from her was not yet clear to Nora.

    She surprised herself that she felt practically no fear, even though she had been held for three hours by two men who had attacked the main office of the Kirda bank in the middle of Hamburg.

    The guy moved even closer to her, sliding his knee between her legs. Her nylons rustled against his black jeans. Nora cursed herself for choosing the light gray pencil skirt and violet silk blouse that day. She would have felt more comfortable in pants and a shirt blouse in this situation. Even if it hadn't been so sparkling.

    The man's knee slid up, pushing up her skirt. If he found out she wasn't wearing stockings and was wearing stockings and a girdle, that would be her, thought Nora. Her heartbeat pounded against her chest, but oddly enough it was more excitement than fear. Why wasn't she afraid of this criminal? There was something animal about him that almost took Nora's breath away.

    You must be the hottest lady in this place, aren't you? His voice was low and throaty as his hand now slid forward. With skillful fingers, he undid a button on her blouse to reveal her lace-trimmed bra.

    Nora lifted her chin. She was torn. If she resisted, this guy might use violence. To her own astonishment, she wasn't really uncomfortable with his treatment. She had never thought of herself as a woman who found fulfillment in submissiveness. She kept her feet on the ground far too much for that and didn't let anyone stop her on the career ladder. Feeling faint in an arousing way in the face of this criminal surprised herself.

    But her mind worked against it. It was not only about her life, but also about that of her colleagues.

    Francine, who was celebrating her final years before retirement at this bank, lay face down on the floor, hands clasped behind her head. Now and then there was a wail. She wasn't pretty to look at, with her big buttocks in a pleated skirt and torn pantyhose, but Francine probably didn't care more about anything in those minutes. She feared for her life, as did Payman, the dark-haired, charcoal-eyed colleague who reached up with his hands so high he could almost touch the neon lights. Nora wondered when his arms went numb. His eyes were wide open, and he repeatedly ran his tongue over his full lips, as if they had become brittle with fear.

    Trainee Leon was squatting on the floor over by the visitors’ chairs. His teeth chattered together. The boy kept his arms wrapped around his knees, but everyone could still see how much they were shaking.

    None of them had ever experienced such a situation. Of course, they had all been prepared for a robbery as part of their training, had learned the importance of staying calm as a hostage and following the robbers' instructions. At the same time, you should check out a way to press the red alarm button under the cash register. But theoretically dealing with a bank robbery was a different league than actually being involved in it.

    The two men had watched the last minutes before closing time. There were no more customers in the ticket hall, most of the employees had already gone home. Nora was sure that the bank robbers wanted to avoid any risk and therefore took as few hostages as possible.

    Perhaps they had also hoped to be able to disappear before the police arrived. But trainee Leon thwarted their plans. They asked him to open the safe and put all the cash in the plastic bags they had brought with them. Leon had barely been able to turn the lock because his hands were shaking like a junkie in rehab.

    When Payman offered his help, the smaller of the two robbers had his pistol pulled across his head. A red rivulet has since run from a laceration on his forehead, staining Payman's face. And since then he hadn't dared to put his hands down either.

    Those idiots really thought they were safe when they instructed the nerve wreck Leon to comply with their demands. The boy almost fell out of his shoes with excitement. Like Payman, Nora would have liked to do the job for him, but she didn't dare argue and let him fiddle with the safe with his unsteady fingers until after countless minutes he had opened it.

    This time was enough to draw the attention of a passing police patrol to the precarious situation in the bank branch.

    The bank robbers had not hesitated for long, bolted and barricaded everything and took the five employees hostage.

    Out of the corner of her eye, Nora saw Payman looking over at her. He was frowning, and there was a steep crease between his brows. He obviously didn't like the man in the balaclava standing so close to Nora.

    Perhaps he also believed he had prior rights to her.

    What a horrible horst, Nora thought, and moved closer to the hooded man, just to get at Payman.

    She shared a short, unspectacular sex story with her colleague more than a year ago. Sitting with his legs apart in his office chair, he let Nora serve him before she sat down on him. He had hosed down before Nora knew what was happening to her, and of course nothing had happened after that. Even though Payman had later made several attempts to consolidate their office affair, Nora had only given him the cold shoulder. She didn't value men who couldn't control themselves, especially if her interest in them was of a purely sexual nature. Payman was the typical Latin lover, at least at first glance, but his stamina was sub-par. Nora hadn't felt like finding out if things would get better over the course of a relationship.

    Payman took her rejection extremely personally, showing his hurt vanity often enough even though it had been more than a year.

    Just to annoy him, she allowed herself to be accepted by the hooded man's muffled advances. He towered over her by at least half a head. Beneath his black turtleneck sweater appeared to be a toned body. Nora's fingers itched to slip her hands under his sweater and caress his skin. If only he would stop searing her with his eyes.

    He came close to her face, she smelled the sweat under his balaclava and felt his hot breath on her cheek through the thin material. It almost felt like a sexy role-playing game, but it was reality. Nora resolved to play robber and hostage with a future lover at the earliest opportunity. This should be a hot number. She would be thinking of this guy here, letting his mate take control of the situation while he now stroked up her thigh until he felt the suspenders.

    You want me to fuck you here, right? he whispered in her ear. It makes you horny when everyone is watching, doesn't it?

    Nora's breathing quickened. Part of her mind recognized the chance to bring the bank robbery to a conclusion. If she just played this game and distracted the man from everything else, maybe Payman could get the better of the mate. No help could be expected from Leon, who nibbled his fingertips until they bled. Branch manager Heinen was tied up and gagged behind the counter. But Payman was fit and strong. If Nora remembered correctly, he was also trained in some Asian martial art. Then he should now show what he's got!

    As the bank robber looked out the window for a moment to see what was happening on the street outside, Nora shot a glance at Payman and tried to signal him to try his luck. She didn't know if he understood, but when the man turned to her again, she put her arms around his neck and stretched out her bosom. He gripped her left breast in the bra so tightly that Nora suppressed a cry of pain. Then he lifted her breasts out of the basket and began tugging at her nipples. A sweet pain ran through Nora, she felt the moisture seeping into her thong and clamped her legs together for a moment to savor the excitement. But there he was with his fingers under her skirt, rubbing her clit wildly. Nora tilted her head back, opened her mouth and groaned. He rubbed his body against hers and she felt his hard cock in her jeans. Oh, how she would like to free him now, to take him deep inside her.

    A small part of her was aware that it would take a fair bit of convincing to explain to her co-workers later, if all went well, that her dalliance with the gangster was nothing more than a diversion. She knew her moans and movements were damn real.

    With a jerk he grabbed her bottom and lifted her onto the counter. Her skirt slid up to her waist, her feet in high-heeled pumps hung in the air. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Leon had stopped biting his fingernails. Instead, he now stared at her with his mouth open, and she thought she saw a small trickle of saliva in the corner of his mouth.

    Then everything happened at the same time.

    First Nora heard a deafening battle roar and the smaller gangster went down. A kick from Payman knocked him off his feet. Before he could get to his feet, Payman hacked at him with the edges of his hands as if to rip him to pieces.

    His buddy immediately let go of Nora, whirled around, aimed his pistol at Payman - the windows of the branch broke. In a fraction of a second, foggy smoke spread throughout the switch room. Nora saw a scattering of faces, also masked, torsos in bulletproof vests, all shouting orders and someone was pushing her back and pushing her out the door. Run! yelled one of the men, who were apparently from the SEK.

    Nora, like her peers, fell out the door, stumbling and coughing as she staggered free. A paramedic caught her and led her to one of the waiting ambulances.

    Are you hurt?

    Nora shook her head. No, they didn't do anything to us. Nobody is injured. All is well.

    Everything is never good, the paramedic replied coolly. She led Nora to the back door of the ambulance, sat her on the edge, and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. Someone brought tea from a thermos.

    Nora took a careful sip with pursed lips and savored the hot, sweet taste on her tongue. What was the big deal? Two men had tried to rob the bank and failed after a short interlude. Nothing to think about for long. it was over You could move on to the agenda.

    Nora felt nothing inside, it seemed like all her nerves were numb. She took it for serenity, but now, when she lifted her head, she met the gaze of the man who had been fondling her a few minutes ago. Presumably in order not to give the journalists who had traveled there a motive, he was still wearing his balaclava. Two officers held him, his hands were in shackles, but his eyes never left her.

    She didn't lower her lids, resisting the internal struggle as her heart now began to pound at double speed, as if her blood flow needed to be thawed.

    The two men were put in police cars, which drove away seconds later with flashing lights and sirens.

    Nora got up, stripped off the covers and straightened her clothes. Everything is fine with me. I'm going home, she told the paramedic.

    You certainly won't do that, replied the resolute young woman, who with her broad shoulders and her muscles would also have cut a fine figure in a wrestling match.

    Sorry, but... Nora began before a storm blew up behind her forehead that paralyzed her thinking in the blink of an eye. She saw nothing but a black dance of dancing dots. Then her knees buckled. Nora no longer felt the impact on the asphalt.


    What you went through is a serious psychological burden. I fully understand if you first need to be away from your workplace to process what happened. Regional director Tom Lawson gave in his boss suit, with his angular face , the well-groomed three-day beard and the black hair cuts an impressive figure. The employees at the Kirda branch hung on his every word as he delivered his speech in the main hall. The windows had now been put back in place, and customer operations had been running smoothly again for three days. The bank worked internationally, the board was based in London.

    Everything went well, Nora said. I think it's no problem to continue the work.

    They had other concerns than we did. For example, whether that one criminal can open his pants fast enough, interjected Francine and shot Nora a bitter look. From her lying position on the floor, she actually seemed to have heard everything.

    Nora gasped. What impertinence! But before she could even begin to reply, Payman broke in: It was extremely clever and prescient of Nora to distract the gangster. That's the only reason I was able to overpower the second and the SEC showed good timing. I don't know if the taking of hostages would have gone so smoothly otherwise.

    Nora gave him a grateful look.

    Well, whatever. Whether you created a cunning way to subdue the perpetrators or suffered from Stockholm Syndrome, the result is the same. The money stayed in the branch, the perpetrators were caught, none of them were injured, at least no outsiders, Lawson said.

    Stockholm Syndrome! Was the man still ticking clean? Nora had heard of this phenomenon before: The hostages sympathized with their kidnappers, the reasons for this were unclear. There had once been a bank robbery in Stockholm, after which the hostages themselves later asked for lenient sentences to be passed on the perpetrators because they had been so nice.

    From her, the two men could be behind bars for the rest of their lives. Not a trace of sympathy! And that for a few minutes she'd felt sexual arousal near the hooded man... Well, that would remain her secret and certainly had nothing to do with any syndrome, but perhaps because she hadn't had sex for almost a year now had had more. So it was understandable that her feelings eventually broke ground. Albeit in an unusual situation.

    After collapsing behind the ambulance, she learned later that she was taken to the hospital. There she spent the rest of the day and night. She was then released after repeatedly affirming that she really no longer needed medical attention.

    It was already clear that the experience had affected her more than she wanted to admit, but it led in the wrong direction if one now artificially clung to the processing of the drama. Loan officer Nora wanted to get back to dealing with numbers and bank statements, with customers and colleagues, and she felt safe in this area.

    I can assure you, Nora said smugly to Lawson, that I felt no sympathy for the hostage-takers, nor did I feel like making love in front of the assembled colleagues. She shot a look at Francine, who promptly pulled his head between his rounded shoulders. Francine had a cheeky mouth, but as soon as she was contradicted, she gave in.

    Well, if my information is correct, you were in the infirmary longer than the other colleagues, Miss Allister. As already mentioned - if you would like a cure or an extended holiday, please contact me. I will do everything possible to contribute to your recovery.

    Nora looked at the man and pursed her lips. So that's how he imagined his debut at Kirda Bank. Lawson had fallen up the corporate ladder three weeks ago. He had previously managed a bank branch in Saarland, now he was regional director in the Hamburg area. So far he hadn't bothered to introduce himself to the staff. And now he thought he could pose as the great benefactor? But then he cut himself. Nora didn't buy his good nature.

    Probably everyone who was actually enticed by his offer ended up on an internal red list of lazybones, which had to be terminated as soon as possible. He was just too good looking to be a nice guy at the same time.

    Thanks for your offer, Payman spoke up. That's really very generous of you. I think Leon here, he pointed to the trainee who was standing next to him with a hunched back and kneading his hands, could use a break. He probably doesn't dare to demand his rights. He has only been with the company for three months and is still in his probationary period. You could see how much what was happening in the bank had thrown him off track.

    Lawson nodded to the young man. Come to my office later and make an appointment with my receptionist. We'll discuss it.

    Leon nodded several times. Very well, Mister Lawson.

    A smile spread across the man's harsh features. Don't be shy. I really appreciate your commitment, he said, and Leon visibly relaxed.

    Lawson was clearly looking to score points with his employees. Well, he wouldn't be able to do that with Nora. She wasn't fooled by his benefactor attitude and admittedly adorable smile.

    She caught herself wondering if he was married. What was it to her? She hadn't gotten as far as getting lost in sexual fantasies of wannabe alpha males.

    Although it really was time to live out your own sensuality again. Yes, she wanted to have a bed affair, but she couldn't imagine this Lawson, or a sequel with Payman, or even a fatal affair with a criminal.

    No, she needed a whole guy who didn't ask long but did what she pleased and drove her to climax.

    For Nora there was an enormous difference between love and sex. She could have given an hour-long lecture about sex, which positions were particularly pleasurable, how dirty talk increased one's own arousal, how a woman managed to reach orgasm even when the man was already weak - after numerous affairs she thought she was one expert in this field. What love was... At 26, Nora couldn't remember a single relationship where she'd opened her heart. As a teenager, she once thought she was in love, but that feeling turned out to be deceptive. All the guy had wanted from her was sex, and once she realized that, she'd gone along with it, making sure she didn't miss out on herself. She just turned the tables, not allowing herself to be used as some women might feel, but using the men in turn. A win-win situation.

    For a while, Nora had been hanging around on a single date platform, looking for partners who didn't want to hook up. There had been a few exciting encounters, but there were also too many zero numbers to be worth it. So at some point she had let it go and trusted her instincts. She could see it in the men who, like her, had no longing for closeness, but who wanted a brief, secret affair.

    This Tom Lawson didn't fit into their prey pattern. On the one hand, that was because, after Payman, Nora had vowed not to have sex in the office again. On the other hand, his look seemed to indicate that he did not compromise in a relationship. He would completely take over the woman he was having sex with. Nora believed that she could now rely on her psychological feeling and would not take any chances.

    After her blow job, Payman had used every opportunity to seduce her again. At some point he had become a nuisance to her with his constant pursuits, and it had taken a great deal of her strength to keep him at a distance. By the time he got it, his sympathy had turned to anger, which was no less tiring.

    Gradually, however, he seemed to have recovered himself. Maybe he had another lover now to distract him - Nora didn't care. The main thing was that he left her alone.

    Then I wish you happy work and I'd be happy if you contact me if you have any problems. I always have an open ear for you, promised Lawson and nodded to the group. His gaze lingered longer on Nora. She noticed that he looked her up and down unobtrusively. Today she was wearing a tight-fitting dark blue business dress with a small jacket over it. The dress went to a hand's breadth above her knees and revealed her slender legs, which were clad in skin-colored nylon stockings. Her pumps had an eight-centimeter heel, on which Nora could move perfectly. She was used to walking in heels - it was part of her business look. Nora pushed the glasses back on her hair and returned Lawson's scrutiny with a dismissive expression, although she noticed that beneath his businesslike facade he seemed to have a really great body. The slim fit shirt under his jacket left no doubt that there wasn't an ounce of fat on his body. The shoulder pads emphasized his broad lower back.

    Before Nora could continue her examination, she again felt the dizziness that had come over her several times after the hostage drama. She thought it was a circulatory system weakness, maybe she wasn't eating enough or wasn't taking in enough vitamins.

    Unobtrusively, she held on to the counter, closed her eyes for a moment and felt herself sway slightly. Then she was in control again. Lifting her lids, she saw Lawson watching her, frowning.

    She shook her head almost imperceptibly, managed a smile. Everything is fine, Mister Lawson. Thanks.

    Branch manager Heinen accompanied the regional manager to the glass door, in front of which stood the limousine that would take Lawson to other branches. He chose this day to introduce himself to his staff and to pledge his support to the head office after the robbery.

    Nora looked after him. He had casually put one hand in his pocket. She suspected he looked at least as good in jeans as in a suit.

    When Heinen said goodbye to him on the forecourt, the first customers were already crowding into the counter area and the employees took their places.

    Nora had a separate work station behind a folding screen and a wall of green plants. Her job was to review small loans to entrepreneurs and private individuals and to approve them up to a certain amount. She didn't have the constant public traffic like Francine, Payman and Leon at the counters, but she needed full concentration for each appointment.

    There were six meetings on her calendar that day. At least two of them were of the nasty variety. She would have to turn down a farmer's third loan because he couldn't even pay the interest on the first two, and she would have to turn down a home loan for a young couple. The two of them had neither equity nor guarantors – the internationally active bank didn’t get involved with something like that. It often hurt Nora's soul when the customers sat crouched in front of her desk and resorted to asking when the figures spoke against them. Had she had her way, she would have approved funds much more frequently, but she had firm guidelines. It was part of their job to comply and not damage the bank.

    Sometimes, after a day's work full of stressful discussions, she was at the end of her nerves. Then she wondered if it wouldn't do her good if someone was waiting for her at home after work. A man on whose shoulder she could lean, who would listen and comfort her, a man she could count on.

    But such a man, whom she always wanted to have around her, who also kindled her senses and who could hold a candle to her intellectually - so far Nora had not found him. Maybe her standards were too high, but maybe she was destined to live a life without a man.

    In Hamburg, Nora had half a dozen good friends with whom she sometimes went to the theatre, the cinema or to concerts at the weekend. She found this quite sufficient as a free time activity alongside her grueling job. Relatives who could annoy her - Are you still single? - did not exist in her immediate environment. Her mother had married to America and lived near Charleston with her husband and Nora's two younger half-siblings. She spoke to her on Skype from time to time, but her mother was too busy with her own family to think of pushing Nora into family life. And her father, who

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