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The Sugar Run
The Sugar Run
The Sugar Run
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The Sugar Run

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Drew is a sailor and part-time smuggler who grew up on the water, quietly moving items around the world. One night on a beach in Thailand, he finds a woman coming out of the surf with a shotgun in her hand. She has just escaped an attempt on her life. Drew, rescuing the damsel in distress, offers her a ride on his boat and a new lease on life. Who she is and what she is running from is about to change Drew's life forever. Just by association, her problems become his and there is no escape. Will they find out the truth about who is trying to kill her or will they be forever on the run from an unknown killer?

Release dateApr 9, 2023
The Sugar Run

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    The Sugar Run - Alyssa Callahan

    The Sugar Run

    Alyssa Callahan

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2023 Alyssa Callahan

    All rights reserved.

    Cover image: © Enjoylife25 |

    For my two angels.


    Mermaid and the Ruby

    GASPING FOR AIR and getting pushed by the surf, Amy crawled up onto the sand. On all fours, retching up salt water and almost wishing she hadn't made the beach. What the hell? How did that happen? One minute, we were going to make it out of the harbor, and the next minute we're being shot at by lunatics in a speed boat. I know I got off some good shots, why the hell did he push me off the boat?

    I'm not sure that's a good look for you. I like the shotgun, but the kelp in your hair might be a bit much. Unless you're a mermaid, holy shit, are you a mermaid? My name is Andrew by the way; friends call me Drew. How about you, shotgun mermaid? You got a name?

    Amy still coughing up salt water, looked up at the stranger who had suddenly appeared on the beach. What the fuck do you want?

    No offense but that's not much of a name. I've heard worse, well I guess Eats-horse-shit-with-bare-hands might be worse. Look, just a guess, but you washed up on shore off that boat out there. The one that is now being boarded by the Thailand Government. You still got people on the boat?

    One more time, Amy sneered, What do you want?

    They'll be covering the beach soon; we should get you out of here. I've got a place not too far. We'll get you cleaned up and wait it out.

    Why should I trust you? Amy asked still struggling to breathe.

    You're the one with the shotgun, mermaid. You can hide with me or with the Thailand Feds, you choose.

    Amy saw flashlights off in the distance; she was running out of time and options. Alright, but if you try anything or if this is some setup…

    Yeah, yeah, you're still the mermaid with a shotgun remember. Drew was almost laughing at her. She shrugged and followed him up the beach. She could see the gun tucked into his shorts by the way his tee shirt moved. He led her to a small hut just off the beach and a few steps into the trees. They stepped inside, and he lit the lantern. It was rustic, to say the least.

    First, things first, he said calmly, you'll need to get out of those clothes and fix your hair. I'll make us dinner when they come we'll need to look like we've been here for a while. There's a dry shirt and a sarong behind the screen over there. I'll set the table.

    She looked at him with a mix of disbelief and mistrust. Not a lot of time, Mermaid, he said with a smile.

    She went behind the screen to change. She could hear him rummaging abound in the kitchen. Some hooks already had damp clothes, so she hung her drenched clothes there. The shotgun, she was less inclined to let go off. She combed the kelp from her hair, nice look she thought, and tied it into a tight bun at the back of her head. When she stepped out from behind the screen, the kitchen had been transformed, sort of, the table at least. There was half a plate of sushi, a half a bowl of rice and six empty bottles of beer. Two plates, half full of food, and two cold, full beers. Impressive, it looked like they had been eating and boozing for a while now.

    Hang the shotgun up there, with the other one. She shot him a look, to which he just shrugged and pointed at the open door. No point in protesting now, this was the best cover story she had, and he was just handing it to her. Drew sat at the table and pointed to the empty chair. I'm not sure what your tolerance is, but you might be a little drunk by now.

    Grateful for the dry clothes, rice, and cold beer, the only thing she could think to do was gulp down half her beer. Thank you, she said. Don't suppose you would tell me why you're going through all this trouble for a stranger in a strange country.

    Maybe we could start with your name, I'm not sure they'll believe Mermaid, Drew said laughing.

    Amy, my name is Amy, but you shouldn't tell them that either.

    The Thailand officials were getting closer. Well Amy, do you speak the language, or any language other than English?

    Spanish, she lied reaching for the beer. Whatever was going to happen, she was going to follow his lead. No other way out now, either it was a trap, or she just got handed the easiest mark ever. He swallowed half his beer in one gulp and started shoving rice and raw fish in his mouth. She sighed and did the same. A well-armed Thai official stepped through the open doorway. He started yelling at Drew in a language Amy didn't understand, and with a mouth full of rice, she wasn't sure what to do. She wished her shotgun wasn't so far way. Drew finished his beer, slowly reached into the cooler and pulled out two. He offered one to the guard. ไม่ (no) the guard was yelling as he took it anyway. Drew stood with the opener and kindly opened it for him. The guard threw it back like it was water from a canteen. Once he finished the beer, he began yelling again at Amy. Drew was answering in Thai, making gestures that seemed to imply that whatever the guard was looking for wasn't here. Finally, the guard shrugged and turned to leave. He stopped in the middle of the open door and said something else Amy couldn't understand. This time Drew answered in English.

    Yes, it's all set, I leave in the morning. The guard grunted his approval and left.

    Amy had finished her beer. Do you mind if I have another?

    Help yourself, mermaid, Drew answered. Do you have a way out of the country?

    She hadn't thought about that yet. Her way out of the country pushed her out of the boat when the situation got dicey. She still hadn't had time to process what that was all about anyway. Amy just shook her head. She looked up at Drew, What happened, just now with the guard?

    Oh right, he's a friend of course. As you might have guessed, I'm moving some material for him in the morning. He didn't believe that you weren't the woman they were looking for, but he doesn't want to draw attention to me either. Your friend, I guess, has been arrested, boat seized, and he is most likely going to the embassy. U.S., right?

    Amy nodded yes, taking another drink of beer.

    The boat and your cargo are gone.

    Amy shrugged, taking another long drink. I'm not sure why you're doing this, but thank you. She mumbled looking at the floor.

    Your friend on the boat, is he really your friend?

    I'm not sure right now. So, the US embassy will pick him up and do you know what happens to him next?

    Press charges, send him back to the U.S. Hard to know for sure. He likely won't end up in a Thai prison, unless you want me to get word to my friend, a little payback? How about you, you got a passport on you?

    Amy finally smiled. Several, all on the boat, and I don't really care what happens to him. She got up to get another beer.

    Look, you're probably not ready to talk about this, but how did you end up in the water?

    He pushed me, the boat chasing us started to fire, so I drew my shotgun, got off a couple of shots. He never said a word. I saw him lunge at me, and he just threw me over. We were going fast, hitting the water felt like concrete. I'm surprised it didn't knock me out. I'm sure I'll feel that in the morning.

    This guy have a name? Drew asked.

    Let's just call him Chicago.

    What's he to you then, lover, husband, business partner?

    Amy sighed, How about we hope for bad memory sprinkled with some nightmares.

    Drew wasn't thrilled. This guy either meant to kill her, drown her, use her as a diversion, clearly get her out of the way for something. It didn't stop him from getting caught or maybe like Drew he had friends. Maybe she was the problem. His head was full of questions, but his gut was begging to bring her along. Oh shit, what was he doing? He couldn't help himself and just went in deeper.

    Look, I'm leaving this shack tonight and heading to my boat. The cargo will arrive just before sun up. The way I see it you have the following choices. Get on the boat with me or stay in the shack and find your way out. There are some islands along the way where we can get you another passport. You can get off the boat at any one of those or stay to the final destination.

    Where is that? Amy asked.

    Sorry, to much at stake to tell you that right now. I'll when it's your last chance to get off the boat.

    "Why are you doing this, and why should I trust you? Amy looked shocked.

    I've my reasons, and if I were you right now, I wouldn't trust anybody. You just got thrown from a boat remember?

    Drew started packing up things, mostly clothes and throwing them in a duffel. He filled a trash bag with empties and dinner. He cleaned up the kitchen, neither of them spoke. The stack by the door consisted of the cooler, the duffel and Drew's shotgun. She noticed he hadn't touched hers or grabbed her clothes. The choice was hers to make.

    Amy sat in silence, considering her options. They were all bad. She couldn't stay in Thailand, couldn't trust that Chicago would get her out of the country. She couldn't help him. Chicago throwing her out of the boat was never part of any plan, him crossing her was unexpected? Did he have a friend in this country she didn't know? Was her family trying to kill her? A ride to another country and some help getting new papers was more than she could beg for and she knew it. If he turned out to be a dirty double crosser, at least it wouldn't be the first one she had ever met.

    She stood up grabbed her wet clothes and shotgun. She got to the door and picked up the duffel. Amy looked at him unsure what to say; she felt like if she said anything, there would be tears too. What good would that do? Drew stood there for a moment and then nodded, picking up the cooler and his gun.

    Oh yeah, he said with a smile, do you sail?

    Amy closed her eyes and smiled. A little. To say that she sailed a little was a bit understated, but now didn't seem like to the time to gloat. It was a long walk to the marina on the dark beach, but the tide was out, so that made it easier. Amy was starting to feel the aches and pains of hitting the water.

    When they finally got to the marina, Amy followed Drew down the dimly lit dock. Good smugglers dock, she thought, quiet and dark. Drew stopped at a nearby boat, and Amy nearly stopped breathing. It was hard to make out in the dark, but the shape of it, fast and sleek. If he tried to cross her, she would take the boat. A fair deal, she was instantly in love with the boat.

    Drew looked at her and smiled. He could tell by the look on her face, she could sail, and she knew boats.

    Shotgun Mermaid, may I introduce to you, Ruby.

    She's lovely, Amy said with a smile. Permission to come aboard?

    So granted. Drew led the way below deck. Look, mostly everything is ready to go, but I have a couple of the things to do. You should stay out of sight until we leave. I suggest the rear cabin. Get some sleep if you need it. Just stay out of sight. Ok?

    Amy barely looked around at the cabin, in truth she was exhausted. The run from the marina, the unexpected swim, the beer, the long walk on the beach, it was all starting to make her head swim. She nodded in agreement and closed the cabin door behind her. She unwrapped her wet clothes from the shotgun and hung them in the wet locker. The berth looked plenty comfortable, she crawled under the covers, cuddled up to her shotgun, and passed out. Occasionally, she would hear shuffling on the deck or muffled voices, but nothing that woke her up. Chicago, the dirtbag, drifted through her dreams.

    When she finally did wake up, she had no idea how long she had been asleep. She could tell by the sunlight that it was mid-day, and they were underway. She laid there for a little bit, trying to get her head to clear. When she finally decided to move, the pain was excruciating. Everything hurt and not just hurt, bone numbing-head crushing hurt. How she didn't break any bones in that fall-push was a mystery. Thirsty. She had to find a way up, a way to get a drink. She looked around and saw a water bottle, next to the bed. He must have come in and left without waking her. She emptied the bottle, but it didn't wet her thirst.

    Slowly she sat up. One small step at a time. She looked around the cabin; it was very nice. Ruby was a jewel. Now, to figure out who Drew was and how to know who gave Chicago an order. She opened the cabin door. Everything was neat and tidy, wood polished. This boat was loved. Drew was not down here. She slowly, shotgun in hand climbed the companionway stairs.

    Well, look it here, the shotgun mermaid lives. I was starting to wonder how you were doing. Thanks for staying out of sight, but I didn't mean for a day and a half. Drew was sitting at the helm.

    How long? Amy's throat was so dry, she could barely speak.

    Let me get you a drink. There is potable water in the cockpit, by the way. Drew reached into a storage box under the seat and pulled out a cup, and filled it from a tap just inside the cockpit.

    Amy drained the glass. Thank you, she said, curling up on the cockpit seat, every move made her flinch.

    How are you feeling? Do you think you broke anything?

    Only my pride and every muscle hurts. How long did I sleep?

    About 30 hours, you should have another glass of water. Do want some pain killers?

    Amy got up to refill the glass, but Drew took the glass before she even made it up to the seat. He handed her back a full glass, Painkillers?

    Oh god, yes, just not morphine, please. Drew raised an eyebrow. Allergic, Amy answered.

    When Drew was below deck, Amy glanced around nothing but open water, empty horizon, and blue sky.


    Sail to somewhere

    AMY TOOK THE pain killers that Drew handed her and swallowed them, without asking what they were. She didn't care if the pain went away. She hoped, secretly, that he didn't have too many and that he wouldn't tell her to help herself. She had a long history with pills. She had a long history with a lot of things, but thank God; pills didn't make her chatty. The last thing she wanted to do now, was start spilling her life story all over the deck like a gutted fish. Instead, she let herself drift with the boat and stare at the water.

    Drew could tell she was starting to feel the pills, and just kept filling her water glass. He wanted to know everything, but he didn't feel like sharing either. It wasn't smart to bring her. His cargo was sensitive, and now he was going to have to get her papers. He said he would, and he would, but that wasn't going to make it any easier. He had two weeks, weather permitting, to work out how he was going to do it. Maybe he would get lucky, and she would get off the boat and make her own way. He wasn't sure that's what he wanted either. What he really wanted to know was about Chicago, but she was going to have to tell that story on her own. He wasn't sure he could pry it out of her, with a crowbar or a shotgun.

    A fish grabbed a line off the boat and started to run. Drew smiled and whooped loudly. Maybe we'll have fresh fish for dinner. You like fish, right mermaid? Drew reeled in the fish, and it put up a good fight. It was a very nice dolphin fish. They would eat well for a couple of days. Drew got the fish on deck, gutted and cleaned it quick.

    You want me to take it below and do the rest? Amy asked. Sushi tonight and fillets for tomorrow?

    Drew looked at her. That was my plan too, but I think you're too high for a knife. How do you feel about taking watch? You won't have to do anything if the wind changes just holler.

    Watch it is, then when I feel up to it just randomly push this wheel around and monkey with the autopilot, right? She said with a big sarcastic draw and a mocking to-wasted-to stand slur. Drew paused and looked at her like she was crazy or he had given her too many pills. She smiled and in a surprisingly sober voice replied, Watch will be fine. She sat down at the helm and sipped her water.

    Drew realized, he was going to have to sober her up and figure out if she could sail. He was also going to have to see what she could do with that shotgun. Right now, there was a fish that needed his attention. He filleted the fish and put it in the fridge for the next day. Set some instant rice on the stove, cut avocado and got out all the fixings for a sushi roll, complete with wasabi that he mixed up from a powder. A couple of beers, sushi and he was counting on a spectacular sunset to top off the evening.

    It was quiet above, but it didn't matter if she fell asleep at the helm. The autopilot was on, and they were on a safe route. He grabbed some apples and headed back up to see how she was doing.

    Amy was sitting at the helm, awake and alert. She looked at him a little sheepishly and said, We were not trimmed as tight as we could be, and maybe the wind shifted a little. I hope you don't mind I adjusted for this course, and we picked up another half a knot. Drew handed her an apple, and looked at the sails.

    "Well, I guess you passed the first part of the sailing test, he said taking a bite of his apple.

    The first part? What is the second and how many parts are there?

    Tonight, if you're feeling up to it, I need you to take the first watch. I could use some sleep.

    Done, and then? She said without hesitation.

    "Tomorrow, I'm going to turn off the auto-pilot, and let you drive for about four hours. See how you can handle the boat.

    Ok, what's the weather going to be like tomorrow?

    Drew smiled, he couldn't help it. How long have you been sailing?

    Since I was a kid, I went to nationals a couple of time, sailed in college. I did pretty well. Bragging and taking about myself are not really my thing. Trust me. I've good friends that I've known for twenty years who don't really know that much about me. So now you know about sailing.

    So, you're at least twenty then, trying to joke. What I really want to know about is Chicago and how deep I'm in? I took a pretty big risk bringing you on this boat mermaid. I wouldn't mind a little more back story.

    She looked at him, stared at him. She argued with herself. She should tell him, come clean, and move on. It was going to be like pulling her own teeth out. Is this 'an I'll show you mine if you show me your's' game? I don't get the sense that you sing in the choir either.

    They sat in silence for a while, Ruby rolling gently in the waves, eating apples. Drew could wait. He could tell she was mustering up the courage. She finally took a deep breath and started.

    "Chicago and I met in college, over time he has proved to be an asshole, but great in bed. Our paths would cross on occasion; sometimes I wouldn't see him for years. At first, it wasn't anything serious, just sex. He's a bit of a blue blood, just a little bit. He had money to travel and always wanted to take me. I was grateful for the opportunity. I guess in truth; I introduced him to the smuggling part. I'm connected. I don't have money that would get me traveling around the world, but if I stayed home, maybe I would do okay. Women in that world don't really get a lot of respect; it's brutal really. My family has a summer house, a good place to sail and get away from the thugs and creeps in the city. My family was generous, good education, and good college. I was supposed to get married, work the family business, or make my own way. I did a little of the last two.

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