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Goliath Loves to Learn: Sizes, Shapes and Colors
Goliath Loves to Learn: Sizes, Shapes and Colors
Goliath Loves to Learn: Sizes, Shapes and Colors
Ebook25 pages6 minutes

Goliath Loves to Learn: Sizes, Shapes and Colors

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About this ebook

Goliath Loves to Learn: Sizes, Shapes and Colors is the first in a series of children's books that will help them learn along with Goliath, a friendly and amazingly smart Rottweiler. Goliath has learned to fetch several hundred objects on command, and can identify like items by size, shape, and color. They say dogs can't see color, but Goliath has proven that to be a myth! For example, he can identify and fetch something in a group of items he's never seen before just by asking him to get the "red" one. This book shows how Bill, Goliath's master and trainer, encourages, challenges, and empowers him to try new things. There is a huge bond of trust between the two, and the intuitive way in which Bill works with Goliath is an example of how we can motivate young children to embrace new learning and reap the rewards of hard work and diligence, and have fun while doing it! The same holds true for anyone who is embarking on new learning through discovery and practice. If Goliath can learn in a fun and interactive way, so can anyone who sets their mind to it. All it takes is working with someone who believes in you, as Bill demonstrates through his journey with Goliath in learning practical things in a very fun and rewarding way!
Release dateAug 18, 2021
Goliath Loves to Learn: Sizes, Shapes and Colors

Bill & Carolyn Troiano

Bill Troiano is a dog trainer who has worked with Goliath since he was a puppy. Bill has a unique ability to relate to Goliath and other dogs on a level that is truly amazing. Bill's approach is to love his dogs fully and unconditionally, and to challenge them to elicit their best qualities. In essence, Bill has made Goliath the best he can be. Both Goliath and Bill are truly special!

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    Goliath Loves to Learn - Bill & Carolyn Troiano

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