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Let's Make World War II the Last World War
Let's Make World War II the Last World War
Let's Make World War II the Last World War
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Let's Make World War II the Last World War

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The purpose of this book is to let the people--mostly the young people of today, who think they're living in hard times and that everything around them is so brutal and savage and of so much despair, though many think that way because of to the constant negative ambush they receive today from the media, schools, newspapers, and through many elites in our society who are taught that everything around them is going to hell in a handbasket--know that this is the best time in the world to be alive.

Most people are safer, better educated, and living around modern high-tech advances that make their lives easier. People have more wealth and leisure time than ever before. They are healthier and tend to live longer than ever before. The world is also more acceptable among the races and religions of the world, and this generation has the chance to live in everlasting peace without no World Wars, though there will always be conflicts among people and nations, and it will never be perfect.

This generation today must know that the world was a pretty savage doggy world throughout history, climaxed by World War II though savage wars did continue after World War II. They must also be taught that the perpetrators of the savagery were all people, races, and religions, not just some. For today's media want to use that narrative, and the victims of the savagery were also from all people, races, and religions.

We all know that slavery is wrong in America, but it ended over 160 years ago. Why not also talk about slavery before American slavery, like the slavery in Africa? And why not talk right now about slavery that's been going on right now in China, in North Africa by Isis, and in Libya? Because it doesn't get the media's narrative on who is good and who is bad. And one more thing about the media, how about talking about some of the good things that America has done throughout its history instead of bashing America all the time? For example, if America were to be wiped out by a tidal wave, the rest of the world would be in warfare because there will be no America to secure peace.

Release dateApr 7, 2023
Let's Make World War II the Last World War

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    Let's Make World War II the Last World War - Donald Johnson

    To family and friends who have stuck with me through thick and thin the good times and the bad and also to the author and father, late Donald F. Johnson, who made visits to Fatima, Portugal, and Medjugorje, Croatia, because of his strong faith and his teachings to me to go by the right ways though I was stubborn at times and didn’t listen. He is in now heaven at the right side of God!


    A good reader can read this book in two days.

    One must have at least an above-average IQ or just average for reading-comprehension purposes. One must also have a basic knowledge of world history, and one must enjoy the topic of history for its good or bad, for history is what it is—history. Those who have average reading-comprehension skills and enjoy the topic of history will enjoy the book. This book is written in layman’s terms, no big words. Who needs them? This book is long, must explain many things, but I have an excellent storyline, so the book must be read from beginning to end! No skipping.

    Let’s make World War II the last world war. In laymen’s terms, it could have been stopped, but it wasn’t, so we have the darkness of World War II. You can’t throw it under the rug and pretend it didn’t happen, and we must talk about it. But out of the darkness of World War II came the light of the post-World War II era!

    And because of the savagery of World War II, most of the world now lives in a much safer, tolerant, and more productive world! Though there are still major conflicts that the world has to deal with, the world must confront them and solve them in a more peaceful way because out of the darkness came the light. You hear many people say there is going to be one more final battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil in the Middle East in which millions will die! Your author says no to that, and the world says no to that. Let the people of the world live on. The forces of good should always confront the forces of evil and snuff them out all the time, and also the world will never be perfect or will never be a utopia either! There will always be problems. We must settle those problems in a more peaceful way. We all believe the world must always strive to be better and safer, though we also know the world will never be perfect or a utopia either, so world conflicts must be dealt with more diplomacy and not by all-out war again. World war—never again.

    Let’s begin.

    The Gathering Storm

    The year was 1922. Europe was recovering from the Great War, the War to End All Wars, which is known as World War I today. This war left twenty million people dead, most of the landscape in Europe in utter devastation, and most of Europe in economic poverty and despair. Also—the Italian scene in 1922—the Fascists and their leader Benito Mussolini took control of Italy, and once again there were signs that the world was going down the wrong path. Time and time again, I will stress in this book that if the world would have stepped up to the plate and did something—as event after event was showing that an even bigger war than World War I was building and building, which would lead to the worst war in human history that started in 1939—World War II could have been stopped in its tracks.

    How did the Fascists take over Italy? World War I was a power struggle among nations. On one side, you had the Central Powers: Germany, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman-Turkish Empire against the Allies: Russia, Romania, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Arabia, Japan, Albania, France, Belgium, Great Britain, the British Commonwealth of Nations, which were South Africa, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and their colonies like India, along with the USA. World War I was a power struggle among nations. You could say that no side held the moral high ground over the other side, though your author believes like most people that the right side won the war. The Allies the point! Because in the war to come, World War II, there was a definite distinction between the Allies and the Axis Powers in who held the moral high ground between the forces of good and the forces of evil, and that was the victorious Allies. The forces of good defeated the forces of evil, the Axis Powers.

    After the Great War was over, the winning side, the Allies, had a peace conference. Its goal was to make the Great War, World War I, the last war to end all wars. At this point in time, the Great War was the worst war in world history with twenty million dead. So this peace conference aimed to bring everlasting peace to the world. This peace conference was held in Paris, France, where the League of Nations was set up to help secure this everlasting peace to come to the world. In this peace conference, the map of Europe was rearranged: old nations and empires disappeared, and new nations were born.

    In this peace conference to end all wars, US President Woodrow Wilson went to the peace conference with his Fourteen Points for Peace. Many nations on the losing side felt like they got cheated and didn’t get a fair deal out of this peace conference with Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points for everlasting peace. Even the USA felt like they got played even though the USA came out on top. And fresh American troops on the Western front was the difference in defeating Germany and ending the war. America came out of this war victorious and, you could say in many respects, as the most powerful nation in the world at this time economic- and military-wise! But many Americans thought America got nothing back for America’s efforts. None of the European nations paid America back their war debts! America gave their blood with over 100,000 dead American soldiers and got nothing back in return. That’s how many Americans thought at the time; plus there were many other nations on the losing side and even on the winning side thinking they also got rawl deals out of the Paris Peace Conference.

    One of those nations was Italy. Even though Italy was also on the winning side, the Allies side in Great War, Italy suffered heavy losses with 400,000 dead fighting the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and Germany in the Alps. Italy thought they didn’t get sweet deals like some of the other victorious Allied nations like Great Britain and France. They thought they got swindled; plus, you have the fact that Italy, like many other European nations at this time, was an economic basket case. After the war, Italy was broke, compounded by the fact that Italy was in political turmoil with different groups, battling it out on the streets for power: the Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, and the Monarchs. The Monarchs were loyal to the king of Italy, who was in power at this time, which made Italy a monarchy. Further, Italy, like Germany, were pretty new nations. They both united as one nation back in the late 1800s. Before the 1870s, Italy and Germany were many different provinces that competed against one another for power until both nations, Italy and Germany, united all their provinces into the new nations of Germany and Italy.

    The Italian scene the people of Italy in 1922 was 98 percent Italian with a small German population along the Swiss and Austrian borders. Italy also had a small Jewish population at the time, along with a tiny French population near the French border, with a tiny gypsy population as well.

    The Italians are of the Latin race with a mixture of Germanic, Celtic, Norman, and Arab traits, along with ancient Greek roots as well.

    So with all these groups competing for power in Italy in 1922—the Monarchs, Fascists, Democrats, Socialists, and Communists—plus all of Italy’s economic hardships at this time led to political turmoil in the nation, and Italy was broke in 1922, which led to these competing groups to try to gain power. As the struggle went on in the streets of Italy, one group finally gained control. First of all, they had the most numbers. More Italians followed this group than any of the other groups. Second, they were the most brutal out of all the other groups. They would use tactics like beatings, threats, and even murder. They had the most numbers, and they spread the most fear. And they also had a very strong, charismatic leader, and his name was Benito Mussolini. This group was called the Blackshirts. The Fascists, with their new leader, were saying things like this: I will restore Italy to greatness like in the days of the once glorious Roman Empire. And with all the poverty and political turmoil going on in Italy at the time, what Mussolini was saying was sweet music to many of the Italian people’s ears, so many Italians joined the Fascist Party.

    Who Was Benito Mussolini?

    He grew up in a middle-class Italian Catholic family in the Italian city of Milan. Mussolini also fought in the Great War, and rumors were, he was a very good soldier. He was a sharp shooter, and he shot and killed many of the enemies, the Austrian-Hungarians and the Germans. The Fascists finally had power over all the other groups, but they still do not run Italy. The nation is still being run by the king. Italy is still a monarchy, but that’s all about to change as the Fascist Party got stronger and stronger. Then the Fascists decided it was time to go to Rome and overthrow the king of Italy by whatever means—peacefully or by force, whatever it took. So the word got out to the king for him to step down or else the Fascists had the power and the backing of most of the Italian people to overthrow him, so he stepped down from power and then hid in the shadows, and that was the end of the monarchy in the fairly new nation of Italy. The Fascists now had control, then Mussolini went to his new balcony in Rome and made his first speech. His first words were words he used before. He said, I promise you I will restore Italy to greatness again. I will restore Italy to the days of the once glorious Roman Empire. The Italian people loved it and cheered him on, shouting, Il Duce, Il Duce! Italy, with all its hardships at this time, was ready for political change! Even though many Italians knew that the Fascists took control in a nonmoral, nondemocratic way with threats, beatings, unjust imprisonments, cheating, lying, bribery, and even murder for those who disagreed with their tenets, they were willing to do it. They wanted change.

    Italy Under the Fascists in the 1920s

    It was looking like Italy made the right choice. The Italian economy got better, Italians, went back to work with many new giant infrastructure programs. There was a famous saying in Italy in the 1920s that the trains ran on time. Mussolini restored law and order and reduced crime. Mussolini was also the only person to put a huge clamp on the Italian Mafia, reducing them to almost being powerless in Italian affairs. He also built the Italian military up into one of the biggest in Europe at that time. He also built the Italian Navy up to the point that Italy now has the second biggest naval fleet in Europe, only behind Great Britain. He also built a huge Italian submarine fleet when the world’s markets collapsed in 1929, which sent the world into the Great Depression.

    With Italy’s strong economy, Italy weathered the storm, better than most other nations, including America. It looked like that the Italian people made the right choice by putting Mussolini in power, plus the fact Mussolini that did not start any kind of war. He was at this time a peaceful dictator in the late 1920s. Benito Mussolini came out on his balcony in Rome and said these words: The nation of Italy must never go down the road of the weak despent Western democracies, like Great Britain and France. Then said like he said before, I, Il Duce, will make Italy great again! I, Il Duce, will restore Italy to greatness again like in the days of the once glorious Roman Empire. The Italian crowd below cheered. They loved it as they shouted out, Il Duce! Il Duce! Things were going good in Italy at this time. Many politicians of the elite British political class admired Benito Mussolini, the way he improved the standard of living in Italy, the way he brought law and order back to Italy, and how Mussolini created many new jobs. In their eyes, he was the good dictator. At the same time that the British political class admired Mussolini, there was one person at this time in 1920s Germany that also admired Mussolini, and his name was Adolf Hitler.


    The year was 1923. The setting was Munich, Germany. Just like in Italy after the Great War, Germany was in economic shambles. Though Italy was on the winning side of the Allies, Germany was on the losing side of the Central Powers. The same results happened in both nations of Germany and Italy. Different groups started battling in the streets for power: Communists, Democrats, Socialists, and other groups, though when these squabbles were going on in Germany, Germany had a Democratic president who was in the bloodline of a long list of Prussian military elite. You could say he was a king. Germany was a monarchy; despite this political reality different groups got into street fights all over Germany. The nation was broke; they were in debt. They were defeated in World War I; they had to pay the victorious Allied nations in reparations. Many German citizens were poor and hungry.

    In the 1920s, Germany had triple inflation. Many Germans were thinking to themselves, How are we even going to get out of this mess? Plus, Germany lost much of its landmass, and people many Germans now lived in other nations like France, Denmark, the new nations of Poland, Lithuania, and Czechoslovakia. As these political riots were going on in Germany in the early 1920s, in one paticular riot in Munich, Germany, there were fights among Democrats, Socialists, Communists, and several other groups. One of those groups was a small band of German nationalists who called themselves the Nazi Party. Several months before these riots started, a man named Adolf Hitler wandered into one of these Nazi Party meetings. Hitler was an outsider. He was a failed painter from Austria. Hitler went to the meeting by advice from a friend of his. Though Hitler was a rewarded soldier who fought for Germany on the Western front, he was a messenger who ran from post to post with vital orders to give to German commanders on the battlefield in the trenches of France.

    Hitler was rewarded several times for Acts of Bravery by the German military for several injuries he suffered on the battlefield. He suffered a serious injury from an Allied gas attack. His nickname in the German Army was the Austrian corporal. Hitler said that his war years up to this point of his life were the best days of his life. He was very bitter about Germany’s defeat on the battlefield and about the reparations that were placed on Germany by the Allies after the war was over, so the Austrian corporal Hitler went to one of those Nazi meetings from the advice of his friend and started to listen to what they were saying. He liked it, though in his mind he thought the group lacked energy and devotion to what they were trying to say. Hitler asked the group if he could say a few words at this meeting. The group said, Yes, you may speak, so Hitler gave his speech. It was vibrant and had a lot of energy to it. When Hitler finally finished his speech, he was surprised at the standing ovation that he just received from the group. They liked the speech so much they asked Hitler if he could be the leader of this group, the Nazi Party, and Hitler said yes.

    Now Hitler had to act like he’s a leader. A couple of months down the road from this meeting, there were going to be protests in the streets of Munich, Germany. Then the group asked Hitler if he could try to stir things up a bit, and Hitler then said, Of course, I will. Before you knew it, all the competing groups—the Democrats, Communists, Nazis, Socialists, and others as well—all went to the center of town in Munich, Germany, and stirred up trouble. Hitler was one of the speakers who got the crowd riled up. Before you knew it, there were fights and beatings going on in the streets of Munich among the quarreling groups. The violence got so bad that the German police came to the scene. They shouted out, Stop the mayhem! but the protesters did not stop. So the German police open-fired with guns on the protesters. Some of the protesters who were armed fired back at the German police. After the dust settled, several protesters were shot dead. Several German police officers were also shot dead. Many of the protesters were sent to jail for disrupting the peace, along with many other criminal charges. One of those people who were arrested, whom the police said was one of the main instigators of these riots, was the leader of the Nazi Party, the Austrian corporal Adolf Hitler. Hitler went to court, and he was found guilty of the charges of trying to help start a riot and treason to the German nation. Hitler was sentenced to prison for two to five years.

    Hitler’s Time in Prison

    As Hitler sat in prison after the Munich riots went down, it was printed in the German newspapers about who started it and when and why! The paper also had a picture of Adolf Hitler, who was a head of the Nazi Party, one of the groups that were behind the Munich riots. The Nazi Party that Hitler was in charge of was a pro-German Nationalist Party that believed in a strong Germany, so when the newspaper got out about the Munich riots, it had a picture of Adolf Hitler on it! The paper talked about Hitler and his Nazi Party and what they were about. As many German citizens read about it, it appealed to them to be a strong nation again. As Hitler sat in jail, the story about what Hitler did gave many Germans their first glimpse of who Hitler was and what the Nazi Party was. As Hitler sat in prison, he became like a hero to many Germans. They said Hitler had kind of an easy, soft time in prison. Then Hitler wrote his new book in prison with the title Mein Kampf (My Struggle). In this book, Hitler talked about how unfair Germany was treated after the war. Hitler stressed that Germany lost all of its African colonies to Britain after the war and that Germany lost many of its own territories to its own neighboring nations that bordered Germany and that Germany also lost many of their own people who lived in those territories to the neighboring nations on Germany’s borders.

    Hitler also complained of the unfair reparations that Germany had to pay to the victorious Allies that caused Germany to go broke after the war due to the Versailles Treaty signed in France by Germany. Hitler also blamed US President Woodrow Wilson and his Fourteen Points for Peace. Hitler also blamed the Internationalists, the Communists, the German Jews for being traitors to the German war effort in World War I, which helped saw the defeat of Germany in the Great War. By the way, those allegations were false. Many German Jews fought bravely on both fronts in the Great War, the Western front in France and the Eastern front in Russia, so this is now the first time that the German people found out that Hitler was a anti-Semite. His anti-Semitic views played well to many Germans because there had always been underneath the surface a lot of anti-Semitism in Germany and in the rest of Europe as well.

    Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, which he wrote in prison, was sold all over Europe, and it did very well, so Hitler’s jail time made him more popular than he was before. Hitler was finally released from prison; he got out a little early for good behavior. Hitler got right to work after his release from jail. Hitler and his small Nazi Party went all over Germany making speeches in the streets, handing out papers that stressed the Nazi philosophy, which stressed that Germany must be strong again and that the German Nordic race was superior to all other races and that the Jews were behind all of Germany’s problems. Hitler was a charismatic speaker. When he spoke, people listened, so he and his Nazi Party pressed on with rallies and speeches and propaganda. The Nazi Party continued to grow and grow in numbers, and they also scared people because of their brutal tactics by beating up many Germans who did not agree with them. There is an old saying that goes, If you can’t beat them, join them, so as the early 1920s Germany turned into late 1920s Germany, Hitler and his Nazi Party became stronger and stronger—and remember, at this time, Germany was still suffering from many economic issues. Then the Great Depression hit Germany and the rest of the world in 1929, when the world’s economic system completely collapsed. All this bad economic news helped the Nazis’ way of thinking in many ways. I will talk more about the early 1930s Germany when the Nazi Party finally takes complete control over Germany later on in this book.

    But for now, the German scene and people of the late 1920s Germany: the people of Germany at this time was about 97 percent German with a small Jewish population, a very tiny gypsy population, plus tiny French, Polish, Dane, and Wend populations. Who are the Wends? The Wends are a Slavic people who are related to the Poles and Czechs and a Silesian population who are Slavs tied to the Poles, plus a Moravian population who are Slavs connected to the Poles and Czechs and a small Danish population in the north as well. For now we are leaving late 1920s Germany, and we are now going to the other side of the world to talk about an Asian nation—Japan—because something is about to happen.

    The year was now 1931, and what was about to happen is that Japan was getting ready to attack the Northern Province of China, which was called Manchuria. Before you knew it, Japan attacked Manchuria. This attack is, in some ways, the real starting point of World War II. Despite tough resistance from the Manchurian people, Japan swiftly conquered Manchuria, and the League of Nations, for which Japan was a member, protested this attack. Japan just simply walked out of the League of Nations and is no longer a member.

    What led to the Japanese attack on Manchuria? What led the nation of Japan to go on to a war footing?

    To get that answer, we first have to go back in time for a moment.>>

    In the 1850s, Japan was a backward medieval society, but Japan did have a strong, disciplined army that went way back in time to the Middle Ages, and even way back to BC years, and that was the Japanese samurai code of complete discipline and to never surrender in battle. They also believed in a strict religious order and that their emperor was god and that the nation of Japan was also protected by God. This system that they believed in was called divine wind. This mindset of divine wind goes all the way back to the two Mongol invasions of the twelfth century by Genghis Khan and the Mongols. The first invasion the Mongol fleet landed on Japanese soil, and they were fierce warriors, but the Japanese foot soldiers, the samurai, were up to the task, and they defeated the Mongols, who fled the island of Japan in defeat. They got aboard their ships and sailed back to their mainland in Asia.

    Then there was a second attempt by the Mongols to invade Japan again, and this time the Mongol fleet and the Mongol army was twice as big than the Mongol army that invaded Japan the first time. This time, it looked like the Mongols were going to win, but they never got there; they never had a chance to do it. Why! Because a large typhoon completely wiped out the entire fleet of Mongol ships. The entire Mongol fleet went down to the bottom of the ocean in the Sea of Japan in the Pacific Ocean. This was a act of God to defend Japan to its people.

    Way back to BC years, Japan was an ancient society. Since the beginning of Japan’s society in ancient times pre-BC years to the two failed Mongol invasion attempts in the twelfth century AD to the 1850s (the period we are talking about now), all the way up to World War II, Japan has never been conquered by an invading army. When Japan set back the Mongol army twice in the twelfth century AD, it reinforced to the Japanese people that their land, the Land of the Rising Sun, was protected by God, which in Japan is called Divine Wind.

    Special note: Japanese patrol boats knew the Mongols were coming before the typhoon wiped them out; plus modern-day scientists found sunken ships in the Sea of Japan that are from the exact time period of the Mongol attempt to conquer Japan in the twelfth century. Those ships were built by Chinesee slaves; those ships verified those events.

    Special note: a typhoon is what we call in the West a hurricane. What is known in the Atlantic Ocean as hurricane, in the Pacific Ocean, it is known as a typhoon. In the Indian Ocean, they are called cyclones. They are all the same thing; they just have different names to them, so in a sarcastic way—I’m about to take a shot at the climate-change nuts of the world—the Al Gores of the world, you can say that global warming and climate change defeated the Mongols in the twelfth century AD when a typhoon wiped them out in their second attempt to conquer Japan. Hurricanes and typhoons have always been with us; there’s nothing new. I just felt like I just got in a cheap shot, and it felt pretty good, on the issue of global warming.

    Back to 1850s Japan

    Japan had one issue in the 1850s, and that was that Japan was still a medieval society. Though the Japanese Army had fierce discipline in their army, the samurai, who would fight to the death, they only had primitive weapons at this time, like a few guns, bow and arrow, spears, swords, and knives. Don’t get me wrong, the Japanese samurai sword was the best sword that was ever made, and that holds true to this very day, but a good sword is still a primitive weapon compared to a cannon, rifle, or pistol. But something happened to Japan in the year 1853 that woke them up.

    As some Japanese citizens were looking out at the Pacific Ocean, they noticed a group of ships. They were white ships, and all those ships had flags on them that had stars and stripes on them. They knew they were American ships. The Japanese now knew these ships belonged to America, the USA. As the Japanese citizens were still gazing out at sea at the sight of those ships, they noticed that a bunch of sailors got off the big ship by way of a small ship that was on the big ship. Then they noticed that this small ship with the American flag and a handful of sailors started to head right toward them, right toward the Japanese coastline. They finally hit the beach and landed on Japanese soil. Then they said to the Japanese people, Don’t worry, we come in peace, as the Japanese citizens stared at them. Then the two groups, the Japanese citizens and the handful of Americans sailors, started to talk to one another and gave one another handshakes. The Japanese citizens now knew that these Americans came in peace, but one of the things the Japanese citizens did not know was that one of the sailors was the leader of the American Pacific Fleet by the name of Admiral Commander Perry.

    As the Japanese people continued to talk to the American sailors, they finally found out that one of them was the admiral of the American Pacific Fleet, Commander Perry. Then the Japanese citizens must have said to themselves, This is very impressive, with the US Pacific Fleet parked right off their coastline and with the commander of that fleet standing right next to them. Commander Admiral Perry, known as Admiral Perry to his Japanese hosts, then said to his Japanese hosts, I’m going to show you a little display on how powerful those ships are. Don’t worry, the shots are going to go out to sea. They’re not coming in this direction. So then Perry ordered his ships to let their big guns go off, and that display of firepower impressed the Japanese people. The next day, the powerful American Naval Fleet led by Admiral Perry left the coast of Japan, never to be seen again for a while. Perry came in peace, and Perry left in peace.

    As Admiral Perry was sailing away from Japan, what was the real reason Admiral Perry made a pit stop off the coast of Japan? One reason was, yes, Perry did want the Japanese people to know that the American Naval Fleet was just stopping by for a peaceful visit and meant no harm to Japan, and guess what? It was true and sincere, though there was another reason why Perry did it: to say to Japan, Yes, we are your friend. Yes, we came in peace, but if there is ever any kind of friction between the USA and Japan—we are bigger than you, we are stronger than you, we are more modern than you. We can defeat you in battle. So Admiral Perry killed two birds with one stone Yes, we are at peace with you and have no quarrels with you, but on the other hand, this was a visit of intimidation. At the same time, we can defeat you. As Admiral Perry sailed away from Japan with those two thoughts in mind, at this moment in time, what were the Japanese people thinking? They were thinking the same two thoughts that US Admiral Perry was thinking. Yes, their visit was peaceful and that they meant us no harm, but they also realized if there ever was any friction between the USA and Japan, even though the Japanese believed in Divine Wind, that Japan was protected by God, and that no foreign power could ever defeat Japan in battle. Though this might be a warning from the gods that if Japan didn’t get their act together, Divine Wind or not, they could be defeated and conquered by a foreign power. In a strange way, Admiral Perry’s visit to Japan in the year 1853 was the best thing to happen to Japan. In ways, it woke them up.

    Japan Makes Steps to Modernize

    Many elites of the political class of Japan were eyewitnesses to this naval visit to their country by the US fleet led by Admiral Perry, and it scared them, so a meeting was called in Japan for the Japanese elite political class to get together and talk about some future problems facing Japan. As they got to talking at this meeting, one thing they all agreed on is that Japan has to modernize into an industrial nation. They knew they were behind many other nations. Japan, in the year 1853, was still a medieval society, and warning signs were now telling them to modernize, or they could be conquered one day. The elite class of Japan all agreed that Japan had no navy at all, and it is not good for a nation’s defense. They also agreed that Japan had to make its army stronger and more modern—so after the meeting was over, the Japanese political class got right to work to make Japan a modern nation. The first thing that was done was to completely redo their educational system, which would stress advanced math, science, engineering, chemistry, and many other advanced courses. Then they stressed that Japan had to redo the Japanese military. To make it modern, they also stressed that Japan had to build a strong navy that could compete with other nations.

    From the 1850s to 1900, the Japanese people got right to work, and for fifty years, they never stopped to make Japan a modern nation. The year became 1900. The results were remarkable; it was a miracle. In just fifty years, the Japanese people turned a medieval society into a modern nation for its time with a great school system, a modern nation that now manufactures many products and goods, and they also built their military into a strong and modern army. Japan also built their navy into a modern navy that was now on the same level as many European powers and America’s navy. Also this was a miracle what the Japanese people did in fifty years to turn that nation from a primitive, medieval society into a modern nation in that short amount of time. We have to believe the samurai code and discipline helped Japan do this. Not only was the Japanese military very disciplined because of the samurai code, the Japanese civilian population was also very disciplined for the same reasons, which helped Japan turn the nation around in such a short period of time.

    The year is now 1895. Japan is now a modern nation. Just because you’re a modern nation doesn’t mean you are not dealing with issues, and one issue Japan had was that it was an island nation that lacked many natural resources like oil, iron-ore, zinc, copper, etc. Japan said to themselves, "If we don’t have them to help feed our new growing modern economy, we might have to go out to other nations and get them. We are a modern nation. Let’s go get some colonies of our own. That’s what the European powers have done, having colonies in the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia, and all the European powers, along with America, are all in China fighting for economic power in that nation. The USA also got themselves some colonies of their own after defeating Spain in the Spanish-American War. America liberated Cuba from Spanish rule and turned Puerto Rico into a US territory, and the Philippines was also turned into a US territory. These nations were ruled by Spain; now they belonged to the USA.

    That comes from the spoils of war when you win.

    So for those two factors, lack of natural resources and everybody else doing it, Japan decided to go out and get some colonies of their own.

    Japan Makes Their First Military Move

    The year was 1895. There was a small island nation that lay to the south of Japan called Formosa, which today is the nation of Taiwan. At this time, Formosa was a backward nation just like Japan was fifty years before Japan decided to modernize. Formosa had a weak military, a tempting target for conquest. We all know in the game of life and among nations, the strong always preys on the weak, so the Japanese Fleet sailed southward to the island of Formosa for their first conquest. The Japanese soldiers hit the beaches of Formosa. The Formosan people who were resistant were shot and killed or beaten or put in prison. It was over in a very short period of time. It was now official—Imperial Japan had its first conquest. The island-nation of Formosa was a small prize, but it was still a prize. From the year 1895 until 1945, for fifty years, until Japan was defeated in 1945, the Formosan people had to endure the brutal occupation of their nation by Imperial Japan. They became an enslaved people. Many Formosans had to forcibly fight and die for the Japanese Empire in World War II, though there were a few Formosans who did fight willingly for Japan in the Second World War; it was a two-edge sword. This all happened because Formosa was part of the Japanese Empire.

    This was not the end of Japan’s conquests. This was just the beginning. Japan was now spoiled and they wanted more—in Asia and in the Pacific.

    The year was 1905. This time, Japan’s eyes were looking to the north. The Japanese were interested in a couple of islands that had some natural resources that they could use. There was only one problem: somebody already owned them, and this nation wasn’t a tiny weak, powerless island like Formosa. These islands were owned by a military power with a huge navy force in the Pacific. This power stretched from the border of Germany all the way to the Pacific Ocean: this power was Czarist Russia. So the good Japanese Navy sailed north to meet the good Russian Navy, which just happened to be waiting for them. The next thing you know, there was a giant naval battle called the Japanese-Russo War. This battle would determine who would control the northwest part of the Pacific Ocean. After the dust settled and the battle was over, the Japanese Navy won, and the Russian Fleet fled back to the Russian port city of Vladivostok in defeat. The Japanese Navy now controlled the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Japan also gained those islands off Russia that Japan wanted chalk up another victory. Both Russia and Japan suffered heavy losses in men in this conflict with many dead and injured.

    Five years down the road in the year 1910, Japan had their eyes on a nation right across the Sea of Japan to the west on the Asian mainland. This nation was Korea.

    The Japanese Fleet headed westward, their goal to invade and conquer Korea. Korea was not weak like Formosa, but it wasn’t the strong Russian Empire either. Military-wise, it was somewhere in the middle. Japanese troops hit the beaches of Korea. Japan quickly overran Korea despite tough resistance from the Korean people. Many Korean soldiers were killed, though the Japanese also had some of their soldiers killed. After Japan took control of Korea, Koreans who fought back and who resisted Japanese rule were enslaved, put in prison, beaten, and murdered. To establish law and order to Korea the Japanese way, not the Korean way, the Japanese conquerers told the Korean people that they were closely related. You could say that the Korean people and the Japanese people were Asian cousins in a sense, and that the Japanese and the Koreans were more superior to other Asian people like the Chinesee, Vietnamese, Malaysians, Filipinos, etc.

    Though Koreans were considered cousins to the Japanese, they were still inferior. Some Koreans despised all of this, and they hated their Japanese masters. They resisted the Japanese throughout the whole time of the occupation of their land until Korea was liberated from the Japanese by the Allies in 1945. Some Koreans, however, served in the Japanese Army willingly, and they were excellent soldiers. Other Koreans fought in the Japanese Army by force; it was a two-edge sword. On that issue, some Korean soldiers served as prison guards in the brutal Japanese prison camps in World War II, and some of the Korean guards were even meaner than the Japanese guards. Some Korean guards, along with some of their Japanese prison guard partners, were executed by the Allied Forces for war crimes after the war was over.

    During World War II, many beautiful Korean women were forced to go to the battlefields of Asia then forced to be sex slaves and comfort women for lonely Japanese soldiers. Many of them were killed because they were always close to the battlefields. To this day, many Korean women who are still alive have tried to get paid back from Japan for their sufferings by way of lawsuits, most of the time to no avail. So when Japan invaded Korea in 1910 till this very day, there are still unsolved issues due to that invasion years ago—plus other issues that still affect Korea today after Japan was defeated in World War II. Due to this vacuum, another war broke; but in 1950, which lasted until 1953, when Communist forces from North Korea invaded Democratic South Korea and due to the fact that nobody won the conflict because, if ended in a draw to this day due to unfinished business, the Korean Peninsula remains one of the most dangerous hotspots in the world. Where another war could break out at any time, not just a war but a nuclear war where millions could die—it would be horrible. The crazy, brutal dictator of North Korea, Kim, who has starved his own people to death and the fact that the people in North Korea have to live in a total police-state with no freedoms at all. Despite all that, Dictator Kim kept building nuclear weapons despite the sufferings of his people. As Kim had nuclear weapons, so do many of the nations who impose Kim have nuclear weapons like the USA. World, pray for peace on the Korean Peninsula and let’s not ever let it go nuclear. Let’s solve it peacefully. In America today, there is a political saying that elections have consequences, which is true.

    Though you could also say that historical events have longlasting consequences, so when Japan invaded Korea in 1910, 119 years ago today, still affect events going on in the world today. In the 1950–53 Korean conflict that started at the 38th parallel and finished in a stalemate, Communist North Korea was supported by Chinese communists forces, the Chie-Coms as Rush Dittohead Limbaugh calls them, who is a radio talk show host. Right on! Right on!

    Military-wise, that support came from China, and they were also supported by the Soviet Union on political terms. They were communist while South Korea was supported by UN Peace Keeping Forces. The USA led the charge with the most troops and the most deaths as 53,000 US troops lay dead on Korean soil. American troops, mostly US Marines, hit the beaches of Pusan, South Korea, to save South Korea at the last second, then driving the invading communist North Korean troops out of South Korea beyond the 38th parallel back into North Korea from which they came. With help from Chinese communist forces, the North Koreans drove American and South Korean Forces back to the 38th parallel—it ended were it started—saving South Korea from darkness.

    America did what it did in Korea because America is a noble nation; there will be no American bashing in this book as North Korea lives in total darkness with its despent dictator starving his own people who have no freedoms at all. South Korea today is a wealthy, prosperous democracy with a booming economy. South Korea today is an economic giant with the nickname Asian tiger. So South Korea’s prosperity today can go directly back to the sacrifice made by US troops in the 1950 to 1953. One day the world hopes and prays the two Koreas, North Korea and South Korea, will come together and unite into one united democratic nation of Korea. To be honest, for now we all see too many issues in the way to prevent that from happening. World, pray for peace in Korea. Sorry for the time lapse, had to explain them. What happened yesterday still affects what happens today in some cases—plus the fact that North Korean dictator Kim and the North Korean people, through brainwashing, still believe in the myth that the Japanese told them in 1910 that they are a superior race added with a little bit of Kim’s propaganda. Democratic South Korea no longer buys into those.


    After its 1910 conquest of Korea, Japan was looking for its next conquest. They had to wait a few years for this one; then World War I broke out in Europe, the Great War that went from 1914 to 1918. Japan decided to get involved in the war and join the Allies, who were fighting the Central Powers in Europe. This is a horrible conflict that in the end will cost the world some twenty million people dead. Even though Japan joined the Allies, Japan wasn’t really concerned about the war in Europe. After all, Japan is thousands of miles away. The outcome of the war will not affect Japan in any way.

    Though Japan did join the Allies for this reason, Japan saw opportunity, and that was Germany, one of the Central Powers fighting the Allies. Wouldn’t you know it? Japan joined the war as part of the Allies. And wouldn’t you know—Germany’s a member of the Central Powers who’s fighting the Allies, so this was now Allies versus Central Powers. This is now okay too because it’s an Allied against a Central Power. It was now legit that Germany, a Central Power, just happened to own some islands in the South Pacific: the Marshall Islands. They were a German colony, and they were loaded with some natural resources, Japan knowing that Germany was so busy fighting a two fronts right on Germany’s borders in Europe. Japan knew that Germany had only a small military force guarding the islands. Japan made their move. The Japanese Naval Fleet sailed southward in the South Pacific to the Marshall Islands. Japan quickly overan the islands; the Germans surrendered. The Marshall Islands were now part of the Japanese Empire.

    Japan was now four for four, their beating a thousand four military conflicts, four military wins: Formosa, Japanese-Russo War, Korea, and now the ex-German colonies, the Marshall Islands. Japan was doing great as the 1920s came.

    As Japan entered the 1920s, like the rest of the world, it made no further military moves. What Japan did do was they continued to stress education, math, sciences, engineering, chemistry, and other advanced subjects in school. Japan continued to improve their military and navy to make them bigger and stronger. In the 1920s, Japan was making sure it was ready for their next conflict. Further, in the 1920s and 1930s, the Japanese Secret Police started to commit many political assassinations to create law and order and instill fear to citizens. Japan, who imposed the police state, was becoming more like Socialists, not quite as harsh as the Red Communists; as we all know now, the Communist Reds defeated the Russian Whites. Many do not know the fact that fourteen nations fought in a coalition for the Russian Whites against the Russian Reds, which included America and Japan, to no avail.

    The Russian Whites lost. What made the communists of the Soviet Union so cruel? First of all, the communists did not believe in the rights of the individual; they believed people had to band together and throw away their personal rights and for the betterment of the state, do things collectively in a group kind of way, and that everyone was equal under the banner Workers of the World Unite. Everything was done for the betterment of the state, not the individual. The state became God, and God was the state; that’s why the communists banned any kind of organized religion in the Soviet Union. Even the cruel Romanov czars let the Russian people pratice their Orthodox Christian faith. They let Russian Jews practice their Judaism in the open! Even though organized religion was banned in the 1920s.

    1930s Soviet Union by the Communists

    Many Orthodox Christians, as well as Catholics in the Ukraine, Russian Jews, and those of the Muslim faith did practice their faiths, but not in the open, by way of the underground. With Russia now being a godless society under communism due to the Communist Revolution of 1917 in Russia, bad things happened as we will soon find. The communists who now ruled Russia trusted no one, and they believed there were millions of their own people trying to undermine the revolution that they had just started. So the leader and founder of the Communist Revolution in 1917, Lenin, to keep his revolution going, started the purges against those who supposedly were against the Communist Revolution under Lenin’s leadership. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens were arrested, imprisoned, and then many were sent to the work camps of Siberia, where many of them died of starvation or froze to death. Some were worked to death; others were beat or shot to death. Though with Vladimir Lenin, he only ruled the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1924; then suddenly the starter and hero of the Communist Revolution died a sudden death due to so-called natural causes. The Russian nation was devastated that their new great leader Lenin was dead. The Russian nation had a giant parade and a giant memorial service for their great leader. Then Lenin was laid to rest in a state tomb in the city of St. Petersburg, Russia, the birthplace of the 1917 Communist Revolution, which at that time was called Petrograd. When the Reds stormed the Winter Palace in 1917 after the Communist Revolution in 1917, the city’s name was changed to Leningrad after—you guessed it—the starter and hero of the revolution Lenin himself. After the Soviet Union in the early 1990s collapsed, the city’s name was changed from Leningrad to St. Petersburg, the orginial name of the city that was founded by the Russian czar Peter the Great back in the 1600s—for a window to the west, that’s why!

    The Communist in the Soviet Union

    With Lenin now dead, they looked for a new leader to lead the revolution, and they then easily found one by the name of Joseph Stalin.

    Who was Joseph Stalin? He was a strong and obedient member of the Communist Party who worked himself up the ranks due to this lockstep way. He followed party rules from the top. Joseph Stalin was from Georgia and came from a modest middle class family who were members of the Georgian Orthodox Christian Church. Young Joe Stalin was even an altar boy at his local Orthodox Church before he became a member of the Communist Party. Then Stalin, in lockstep with the Communist Party, became an atheist, a nonbeliever. The only god in Communism is the state. The Communist Party wanted their new leader, who was to take over from Lenin, to be very ruthless, to stop anyone that was against the new Communist Party’s agenda, and Stalin met those demands, though many say Stalin elected himself through brute force (you think!). Of course, it was a good change that Stalin elected himself when Lenin was on his deathbed. Stalin was by Lenin’s side, and Stalin kind of was looking out for him. He was babysitting Lenin. We have to wonder what Lenin and Stalin were talking about right before Lenin died.

    It was now official. Joseph Stalin was now the extreme leader of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party inside the Soviet Union. Joe Stalin, from the time he took control of the Communist Party in 1924 to the beginning of World War II for Russia in 1939 to after World War II and beyond into the 1950s, tripled down on what Lenin did. Though Lenin was a ruthless leader who imprisoned and even put to death tens of thousands of Russian citizens, he was nowhere near as cruel as Joe Stalin was. Stalin sent millions and millions and millions of Russian citizens to the Gulags of Siberia. Gulag is Russian for prison. Many of those prisoners who were sent to those Gulags in frozen Siberia eventually died from starvation, frostbites, overwork, beaten to death, hung, or shot. Many more died of infectious diseases. Stalin trusted no one many Russian intellectuals, Russian scientists, leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church, peasants, factory workers, engineers, doctors, nurses, etc. Stalin even put other members of the Communist Party that he thought might be plotting against him in prison. Stalin also purged the Russian military, putting many Russian generals and officers in prison and eventually to their deaths. What Stalin did to the Russian Army by purging many of its top leaders would come back to haunt the Soviet Union because of poor leadership in the Russian Army because their best leaders were purged, put in prison, and killed. This caused the Russian Army to lose many battles to the Germans when they attacked the Soviet Union in World War II. In 1941, it also caused the deaths of millions of Russian soldiers and Russian civilians unnecessarily due to Stalin’s foolishness by purging the Russian Army.

    Also Stalin was warned by many leaders in the Russian Army in 1941 that Germany was getting ready to attack the Soviet Union. Stalin brushed it off then said Germany would never attack the Soviet Union, but Germany did attack the Soviet Union. But due to Stalin taking it lightly, the Russian Army was not prepared to defend the nation in case of an attack. This foolishness also caused the deaths of millions of Russian soldiers and civilians unnecessarily. Stalin was a dictator who trusted no one and had millions of innocent Russian civilians killed because of his trust issues. But he trusted Hitler. Stalin, not only were you a murderer, you were also a fool. From 1924 until 1939 before World War II ever started, Stalin had already murdered an estimated 20 to 50 million people, all who happened to be citizens of the Soviet Union, his own people. Even though Stalin was not ethnic Russian, the majority of the people of the Soviet Union were ethnic Russians. Stalin was Georgian. Did that stop him from killing Georgians because he was ethnic Georgian? The answer to that is no. He killed Georgians as well if he thought they were plotting against him. Stalin murdered one of his own family members who he thought was plotting against him.

    Joseph Stalin was also responsible for the second Holocaust of the last century by purposely starving to death six million Ukrainian farmers for collective farm purposes because in Stalin’s mind, it was for the betterment of the state. The individual Ukrainian farmer’s life meant nothing to Stalin or the Communist Party in Russia. Stalin said the Ukrainian farmer and farmers throughout the Soviet Union were useless and unproductive and that they could be replaced by the modern tractor. And by the way, the first Holocaust of the last century was done by the Ottoman Muslim Turks who killed one million Christian Armenians in World War I.

    And it did not matter what ethnic group you belonged to in the Soviet Union; Stalin was an equal-opportunity killer of Soviet citizens. What did matter to Stalin was that if he thought you were plotting against him or the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, that could wind up to be your death sentence.

    The NKVD carried out most of the killings in the Soviet Union. The NKVD were the Soviet Secret Police that would later be known as the Russian KGB, with another Georgian as the leader of this outfit by the name of Beria Stalin, who was known as the Soviet Union’s Himmler.

    A list of the millions of Soviet citizens who were killed by Joseph Stalin:

    Also Utties who are related to the American Eskimos who lived in Northern Siberia

    Also the Karelians who are related to the Finns who live along the Russian-Finnish border

    Italy Invades Ethiopia

    What were the events that led Italy to attack Ethiopia in the year 1935? The whole continent of Africa was one big European colony except for Ethiopia and Liberia. Six European powers controlled the continent of Africa at this time, and those nations are France, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Italy.

    Four nations have control of Arab North Africa:

    Five European nations controlled Black Sub-Saharan Africa:








    South Africa

    Britain also gained these colonies from Germany after Germany’s defeat in World War I:




    Today in the year 2019, all of Africa is now free from European colonial rule.

    During this European colonial rule of all Africa, as we come to the year 1935, the Europeans were guilty of abusing, stealing, and plundering many of Africa’s natural resources like copper, zinc, gold, silver, etc.; and the European colonialists were also guilty of cruelty, mistreating many of the native peoples of Africa, the Arabs of North Africa, and the Blacks of Sub-Saharan Africa. Even the crime of mass murder, which is all true, and today many Europeans agree with that and feel very guilty about it. Though at that time, even at this time, many Europeans in strange ways also believed that they helped improve African civilization by bringing better farming methods, improving sanitation, building modern buildings, better roads, schools, libraries, and hospitals, also bringing written European languages for the nation to learn. At this time in Africa, many Africans spoke different languages, but they had no written language or books to express their different languages in. So many Europeans taught the Africans how to write down in books their own African languages. Instead of just speaking the language by word of mouth, they could now write it down in books to preserve their culture. That’s why ancient African history is very hard to teach even to this very day. Before the European slave trade started in AD 1600s, most of African culture, except through stories and myths and legends, was hard to track. Why! Because there was no written-down language to trace it. Some Europeans also take credit in their minds of bringing the teachings of Christianity to the people of Sub-Saharan Africa. Before the Europeans came, many Sub-Saharan Africans practiced many different primitive tribal religions like voodoo and other witchcraft-type religions, plus the fact in the year 1935, who in the world really had the moral goody card to tell the Europeans that it was wrong for them to colonize Africa? Damn right, it was wrong for the Europeans to colonize Africa and immoral as well. But at the same time, nobody else in the world at this time was in any moral shape to tell them that they cannot do what they were doing.

    After America Defeated Spain

    In the Spanish-American War in the early 1900s, America went out and got some colonies of their own; they were Puerto Rico and the Philippines. They were now American colonies instead of Spanish colonies; they were the spoils of war. If you win, that comes

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