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What if you could reconnect to the power you hold inside by taking six simple steps? Dr. Fred Didomenico leads you through those steps in this guide to fulfillment that reveals the self-imposed illusions and limitations that thwart success. The steps will awaken your energy, inner enlightenment, and self-awareness in a progressive manner. As you

Release dateFeb 28, 2023


Biography & Memoir For You

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    Copyright ©2017 by Dr. Fred DiDomenico

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief critical reviews or articles.

    Although the author has made every effort to ensure that the information used in this book is correct and accurate at the time of writing, the author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption resulting from the use of the information contained in this book. This advice is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of licensed physicians. The reader is advised to attempt the health-related advice outlined in this book only in close collaboration and consultation with their physician.

    Cover Design and Book Formatting by Vinnel Virgines

    Edited by TMorgan Editing Services

    You Are More Powerful Than You Think / Fred DiDomenico

    p. cm.

    ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-637920-99-2

    ISBN Paperback: 978-1-63792-098-5

    Published by Beyond Publishing


    Title Page


    Step 1 - Honor God Within Yourself

    Chapter 1 - Becoming Aware Of Your True Self

    Step 2 - Exercise Loving Yourself And Others

    Chapter 2 - Changing Your Perceptions Of Love

    Chapter 3 - Separation Vs. Unity

    Chapter 4 - Exercising Love: Core Values

    Chapter 5 - Establishing Your Core Values

    Chapter 6 - Healing Our Damaging Emotional Perceptions

    Chapter 7 - Exercises In Love

    Chapter 8 - Exercising And Manifesting The Energy Of Love Through Daily Habits

    Step 3 - Accept And Forgive Yourself And Others

    Chapter 9 - Words Of Love

    Chapter 10 - Journey Of A Soul

    Chapter 11 - Beyond Suffering And Out Of Darkness

    Chapter 12 - Interpreting Your Own Pain

    Chapter 13 - The Concept Of Sin

    Chapter 14 - Mindfulness

    Chapter 15 - Clearing Past Energy

    Chapter 16 - A Story Of Change And Empowerment

    Chapter 17 - Affirmations

    Step 4 - Live In The Now

    Chapter 18 - I Have A Purpose

    Chapter 19 - Feeling Your Life Force

    Chapter 20 - You Become What You Do

    Chapter 21 - The Door Into Presence

    Chapter 22 - Acceptance

    Chapter 23 - Surrender And Release

    Chapter 24 - Gratitude As A Primary Tool Into Presence

    Chapter 25 - Putting Presence Into Action

    Chapter 26 - Brainwave Activity

    Chapter 27 - Affirmations And Incantations

    Step 5 - Establish Your Purpose And Mission

    Chapter 28 - Establish Your Purpose And Mission

    Chapter 29 - Passion Vs. Purpose

    Chapter 30 - Connect With Your Why

    Chapter 31 - Demand Discipline Of Yourself

    Chapter 32 - Affirmations And Incantations

    Step 6 - Deliver It To The World

    Chapter 33 - Deliver It To The World

    Chapter 34 - Have A Compelling Reason

    Chapter 35 - Control And Flexibility

    Chapter 36 - The Person Makes The Title

    Chapter 37 - Culture And Relationships

    Chapter 38 - Peace And Faith

    Chapter 39 - Affirmations And Incantations

    About the Author



    It was a typical early weekday morning. And, like every other day, I was performing my morning rituals. Except on this occasion I had a deep, heartfelt desire to move past my worries and feel my spirit. I wanted to know my spirit within my body beyond everything in my life. I’ve always believed in my spiritual being, but at this particular moment, I had an urgent desire to feel it.

    I walked around my house on this morning, contemplating, and found myself sitting, leaning forward, resting my face and head in my open hands. With passion and intent, I began repeating to myself, I now vibrate to the energy of love, illumination, bliss, and infinite peace. I wanted to feel the love, peace, and infinite being of my spirit. I repeated this statement with deeper and deeper conviction. As I began to feel this statement in my body, the energy of my higher consciousness began to rise within me like mercury in a thermometer. The more the energy rose, the more power and intent I poured into my words.

    I felt an urge to raise my head up out of my hands and look forward.

    Suddenly, I saw my spirit step out of my body, turn around, and face me. I was looking at me, my translucent body, my spirit staring back at me directly into my eyes. My spirit communicated to me, asking me to look closely and understand that this is who I am—not my physical body, but the spirit within my body. I acknowledged with humble silence to my Self that I understood. I witnessed my spirit confirm this back to me. There was a mutual knowing and acknowledgment. Then I watched my spirit return back into me. I sat there for a minute almost in disbelief. Did I just see my spirit? Was this who I really was? I knew it was true. I knew what I saw and just experienced.

    And I want you to know that too, whether by experience or by acceptance. This book is written because we are all the same. We are spirit first.

    You Are More Powerful Than You Think is a six-step guide to reconnecting with the power inside you.

    In going through these steps, you will find the clarity to release the self-imposed illusions and limitations that may have kept you from living your best life. Although you may see the life you desire in your mind’s eye and feel it in your heart, you may have continued to collide with barriers. You may have felt the struggle of continued frustration, repetitive challenge, dissatisfaction, or unfulfillment, regardless of your success. In the journey of life, we always innately desire to reach higher and to experience another, greater level of consciousness.

    In facing your pain and fears, you can break through into peace, love, fulfillment, and greater meaning.

    The steps in this book will guide you in transcending from where you are now to reach a higher consciousness and spiritual awareness that will transform your perspective of yourself and everyone around you.

    These steps were given to me through my persistent pursuit to seek a higher awareness. They revealed themselves to me in the writings and teachings of many significant authors, spiritual leaders, and coaches, as well as through inspiration, principles, and visions divinely revealed when I prayed intently for answers.

    This program has been designed to awaken your energy, inner enlightenment, and Self-awareness in a progressive manner. Our ultimate calling and responsibility lie in transforming our humanity into a higher purpose and in helping others do the same. In healing ourselves, we can also begin to empower and enlighten others.

    I’ve used the acronym H.E.A.L.E.D. to describe the different milestones of the methods you’ll discover here. Each letter represents a milestone in energetic clearing and spiritual awakening:

    H-onor God within yourself

    E-xercise loving yourself and others

    A-ccept and forgive yourself and others

    L-ive in the now

    E-stablish your purpose and mission D-eliver it to the world

    So: Honor, Exercise, Accept, Live, Establish, Deliver = H.E.A.L.E.D. These H.E.A.L.E.D. steps will bring you closer to discovering the innate universal intelligence that lies within everyone.

    Each step will elevate your awareness. Each step represents spiritual attunement. You will learn to see the conditions and people in your life as choices, not obligations or forced circumstances. You will gain the wisdom to understand how each experience in your life is a significant step that contributes to your evolution, toward fulfilling your life purpose. It will feel as though a veil of understanding has been lifted for you, and you will see how the perfection of the universe has been guiding your life. With this new perception, you can release your pain and realize how blessed you are and always have been. You will have a cognizance of how your patterns of decision-making are and have been established and of how to transform them into creating a more loving, abundant life.

    The H.E.A.L.E.D. steps will also teach you to hear and decipher your inner voice. You will unite spirit, mind, and body, which will allow you to see the powerful choices and possibilities in your life. You will be able to transform your life by discovering and releasing all that you don’t want or need, and replacing it with all that you were divinely and powerfully created to be. You will become clear about who you are and who you are not, and you will learn to establish distinct boundaries with consistency, happiness, and peace.

    In this book, you’ll find exercises and tasks to help you progress from one step to the next. This book is meant to be a continuing resource that you can refer to at every level of your increasing awareness. Read it, highlight it. Write your personal epiphanies in its margins. Meditate on its concepts. This is not a book you read once and file in your bookshelf.

    This is a book that reads at the level of your consciousness at different points in your life. There is always a deeper meaning every time you re-read it. You can also refer back to this book when challenges and experiences in life remind you to return to your truth: you are more powerful than you think.


    This book and system were inspired by my own healing experiences, as well as my innate desire to know and be conscious of my spirit. I subsequently discovered how to connect with God within myself.

    My lifelong desire has always been to make a difference in people, inspiring them to live a fulfilled life according to their individual spiritual calling. I believe a person’s physical existence affects generations far beyond one person’s lifetime, like the concentric circles of waves that disperse from a rock dropped into a pond. The world will be enlightened because you lived your life with intention, and you were an example for others to do the same.

    This system is not religious. Nor is it religion-specific. Here and there you will find that I’ve included quotations from different spiritual sources and faiths. Choose the vocabulary that resonates with you. There are a multitude of terms that all serve to define the same thing: the universal spirit within us.

    I have learned in my life that effort does not equal success or happiness. This is the inspiration for this book, and its main message: Being before doing.


    First of all, it is important to recognize that your life conditions and past events don’t define you. Events in your life that may now be rooted within your subconscious have possibly shaped your beliefs about yourself and the world. But they are not truth, only perceptions. And perceptions can be changed.

    In life, experiences and conditions leave emotional impressions, casting memories and feelings within us. You adapt to these conditions according to your will to survive and to mitigate pain. The decisions that you live by are often made without conscious realization. You create your life around these decisions because you’ve adapted to a subconscious interpretation of an emotionally or physically traumatic event from the past that may continue to live within you.

    Let me give an example from my own life. One summer, after returning home from my freshman year of college, I was sleeping in my old room when suddenly I was awakened to the sound of my mother crying in the adjacent bedroom. I knew my parents’ marriage, after years of difficulty, was at a crossroads. As a child, their marital situation was so stressful to me that I’d been anxious to grow up and move out of the house.

    Although we all loved each other, I had felt the frustration of family challenges, such as arguments over money, that made me anxious about waiting for years until I could support myself and live in a peaceful environment. Feeling the frustration of family tension, such as fights over money, caused deep anxiety, as I waited to be able to support myself and to choose to live in a more peaceful environment.

    I went to my mother, who was kneeling on the floor of her darkened bedroom crying over the hardships in her marriage. I felt the pain of her sorrow and I made an emotional decision at that moment never to return home again. From that point onward, I supported myself financially and never lived at home, only visiting for major holidays. Later, I became aware of my subconscious, emotionally driven behavior. I then had the opportunity to make new choices from a place of awareness and benefit-driven decisions, rather than from subconscious pain and buried emotions. I know and feel now that I can be around my family any time, and be at peace within myself, no matter the circumstances.

    We have all made emotionally based decisions, often unaware of how they rule our lives. They are judgments, illusions that are typically not the words or principles of a divinely inspired, powerful life lived with intention. They are not our true Selves. These feelings are recorded in the part of our brain that neurologically wires emotional pain as a trigger and creates an associated reactive behavior. This is the perception and ignorance of our humanity that loses awareness of our divinity.


    Second, understand that in order to heal, you must want to progress. You are created as a being who seeks to grow and to reach a higher consciousness, to become more aware of your innate, God-like spirit. Growth in awareness is part of who you are as a spiritual being. It is your innate desire to remember your origin and move into synchronicity with God and the universe. You seek center and balance with the universe and its laws. As you move from your humanity into your divinity, you attain a higher evolution of knowledge and being.

    The universe is not static. It is in constant motion. Things, people, and conditions move in and out of life as you expand or contract consciousness. You create your reality with your beliefs and emotional energy. As you grow and evolve spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, new things come into your life, and old things pass away.

    Your resistance to change and universal flow will create stress, anxiety, and pain. What you resist most will be drawn to you like a magnet. The more you believe your life is intended to be a certain way, the more pain you will experience when it changes. Resistance to universal flow will lead to a life full of challenges, stress, negative conditions, and even the physical manifestation of disease in your body.

    Resistance keeps us in a constant state of anxiety and spiritual, mental, physical, financial, and material impoverishment, quotes Joe Vitale in his book Zero Limits from Ho’oponopono master, Dr. Hew Len.

    I noticed this in my own life when I held on to relationships or conditions that had run their course. Ultimately, I knew I needed to move forward, but I often resisted change. The longer you stay in relationships or conditions—whether they’re personal or professional—that are meant to transition, the more frustration, unhappiness, and negative conditions you create around you. Your resistance keeps you stuck in your conditions. When something in your life appears problematic, you are given the opportunity to shift your perspective. If you change your judgments, emotions, and perspective, the condition will organically flow into something or someone new. With acceptance and a change in perspective leading to a shift in focus, resolution and joy flow more easily into a blessing.

    Through life coaching, I have helped people move beyond their resistance to change, their focus on possession, and letting their conditions define them. Resistance is always a barrier to growth.

    As you evolve spiritually, the conditions in your life will naturally shift. At first, it may seem as though you are losing things in your life, when in reality you are actually releasing the old and making room for new, more exciting and better circumstances. A higher awareness attracts more pleasurable conditions.

    Universal energy is powerful and life-giving. As you become more aware of your spirit, the universe provides you with a material form to match that awareness. You will attract according to the vibration of your thoughts, emotional energy, and spirit.

    When you understand this principle that things come and go as you grow in knowledge, experience, and spiritual wisdom, you can bless and release what moves out of your life and embrace what moves into it. Let go of what’s going out the back window, and focus on what’s coming in the front door.

    The question is: Are you willing?

    If your will is strong, you may cling harder. If you release your grip on the known, you will experience the miracles and unlimited abundance of the universe. Releasing your grip on the known is a willingness to provide an open place for God. Your life and everything in it is always up to you. You will change your life, as I and many others have through this H.E.A.L.E.D. process.



    A Spirit on a Human Journey

    Your awakening begins at this first step, the H—or Honor— in H.E.A.L.E.D., in honoring the innate universal intelligence within us.

    This foundational principle reminds us that we are not merely physical beings on a spiritual journey, but that we are spiritual beings on a physical journey. We have a spirit that occupies our physical body. The body allows us to experience physical conditions, emotions, and sensations, as well as to serve a specific purpose. In essence, we allow God to be experienced within us as we journey in this physical plane.

    Our soul, or spirit, is part of something bigger than ourselves. We are individuals, yet we are also essential and unique parts of a grand puzzle. We have a purpose that is much grander than how we may view ourselves.

    In The Story of Your Soul, Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote, Our soul is the living potential of God. Our spirit is the same spirit of God, living with the potential to express God while in our physical body. Knowing this, we can adopt the truth that we are perfect beings. Our spirit has no flaws or imperfections.

    Our desire to know our true Self becomes an inspiration to live through our heart, rather than merely living through the perception that we are second and subject to conditions in our world as we walk through this physical life. We may be examining our physical conditions and identifying with things outside of ourselves without delving deeper into our soul.

    Deepak Chopra writes about identifying with the conditions in your life in The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success. He calls this object referral. With object referral, we seek identification with things, such as a house, a job, money, sports, even our titles. We judge and evaluate every condition in our life according to a perceived value from this perspective. We set ourselves up for misery and disappointment, since conditions in our life always change. There is no stability in conditions. Therefore, your association with conditions leads to an unstable identity and feeling about yourself. Attempting to control all the conditions in life when you view yourself from this perspective will lead to stress, anxiety, misery, judgment, pain, and struggle. Your deepest desire can never be filled with objects or things.

    That is an illusion.

    The opposite of object referral is self-referral, or seeking identification with our internal spirit.

    Conditions, people, and things do not determine our happiness or our stress level. We live from this place and, as a result, we possess and feel an innate internal happiness, joy,

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