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About this ebook

Alice has been kidnapped on her wedding day and sold to a man as a sex slave and breeder. David must find her before its too late and with the help of the people from Houndsford International Security he goes after her.

However, even though she may be rescued, will she really be safe from the man who bought her and

Release dateFeb 23, 2023

layla Audeamus

layla Audeamus is the pen name of the writer of this book and several other books as well. She and her Master/husband were living in a male Master/female slave relationship until his death from COVID in 2021. They lived for eight years in this 24/7 lifestyle and she was officially collared in 2013. They were active in the local BDSM community and respected the idea of other people's kink. Since her Master's death, she has returned to writing.

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    PEACE - layla Audeamus


    Copyright © 2023 by layla Audeamus

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Brilliant Books Literary

    137 Forest Park Lane Thomasville

    North Carolina 27360 USA

    Table of Contents



    David’s Agony

    Alice: for Sale



    David, Cecil, and …

    Where is Alice?


    Security Always

    Weddings and Such




    For a dear, sweet friend who helped to steer me in the right direction;

    The loves who are no longer here but the one who came and rescued me from a formless, Masterless existence, I’ve given you my body, behavior, and attitude and you accepted.


    Some things you will read about in this, the last book of the trilogy, will seem strange to you. When the idea of consensual slavery is mentioned, you need to get past the traditional ideas of coerced slavery in times past. It means exactly what it says, consensual slavery. The consensual part means the person giving themselves is doing it willingly without coercion from anyone. In a Master/slave relationship, the slave is there because they want to be and need to be.

    The M/s lifestyle as depicted in this book is much like the one, I lived in with my late Master/husband. For almost eight years I not only willingly but happily gave him total control over me in every facet of my life. I gave him my body, behavior, and attitude. He gave me love, cared for me, took care of me, and protected me. I trusted him to keep me safe both physically and emotionally. I gave him control over me because I did not want it.

    Now, do not think that slaves like myself are doormats for a Master to walk all over, use, abuse, and cast aside. Far from it. Under him I pursued not just one but two Master’s degrees and a PhD, plus wrote more than eight books. He was my primary supporter to study and write as much as I wanted. I could have done anything and he would have been cheering me onward. We both agreed, however, that our relationship was more important and it always came first. Having said that, he was the one backing me up on the nights and weekends when a paper was due, a book needed another chapter, or I needed to vent about a particularly difficult assignment.

    You may also notice some naming conventions which are different. As practiced by the people we were friends with in the lifestyle, a collared sub or slave’s first name is always in lower case letters. Alice is the main character and her name is capitalized until she is collared by David when her name is simply written as alice. The ceremony may also give you pause but don’t let it. What happens in a collaring ceremony is all consensual. Each group has their own protocol and each Master has his own wishes. Branding, both hot and cold, tattooing, affixing of labia rings or tags, and any of a myriad of things can be done. For some Master’s the collar is the only thing they want but for others they want more. It is all consensual and the slave wants it just as much if not more than her Master. She is proud of his ownership of her.

    Before the Peace

    The text message from Alice on David’s phone was simple

    I can’t do this because I don’t love you. Goodbye.

    David’s Agony

    Amara tried to calm his friend. Look, this may be, uhm, pre-wedding jitters. Let’s go to the hotel and I’ll see what Evie might know. She’s with Alice so maybe we can get some answers.

    They dressed and David let Amara drive. Look my friend you are in no shape to drive, Amara said as he slid behind the wheel. They passed the time in silence except when David had to give directions for Amara to get to the hotel where the girls were supposed to be staying.

    David was devastated. Alice was his, he had trained her, she had given him her virginity, and pledged to first, be his submissive and later, had asked to be his consensual slave. They had the new house and much of the furniture were things she had saved from her family home. They were making a life together. What had happened?!

    Amara didn’t know about David’s other, lifestyle life, he only knew him as a top cardiologist and good friend. David couldn’t tell him about his dark side, nobody, not even Alice had seen all of it but she loved him in spite of his dark desires. Now, where, how, what had made her call it all off? He’d been trying her phone. He needed, had, to talk to her. At first it went to voice mail and then, it said the box was full and hung-up. He threw his phone on the floor but then picked it up to call his father, David wanted him to contact his cousin George who was a detective in the police. He needed to find Alice.

    When the two arrived at the hotel, Evie was just waking up. She didn’t know anything about what was going on and the way David was behaving, he was close to deep despair. Amara sat him down while Evie had a chance to dress. By the time she came back into the room from her bedroom, David had become cold and steely. It was his doctor persona, the one that did what had to be done and either gave good or bad news to a waiting family.

    Evie had the extra key-card to Alice’s suite and she led the men there. The place was a mess. Her wedding dress was on the floor and she could see some dirty shoe prints on it. Her purse was still in the closet where she had put it the night before when they had come from the dinner. Her phone was not on the charger but another bag which had been on the table was missing too.

    David sniffed the air. It didn’t smell like Alice but a different but familiar smell was layered on top of hers’. Chloroform, sweet smelling but very distinctive. It had been used in years past by surgeons but medicine and anesthesiologists had moved on from it to better things. Now, only people who didn’t care what they did to someone used it. He looked around the room again, in the bedroom the dress was on the floor, and he was sure that Alice had not left this room of her own free will. Someone had taken his beloved and now they would pay!

    Don’t, uh don’t touch anything. I think someone has taken her or hurt her. Looking at Amara, do you smell it, the chloroform? Talking to no one in particular, whoever has her is dead, she didn’t leave me, she was stolen!

    A sharp rap on the door and Amara opened to find Mr. Khoury, David’s father, and another, younger man with him. David recognized his cousin George. I’m glad you came, we didn’t touch anything, but I think she’s not just missing, she didn’t run away, she’s been taken. Smell the chloroform? You have to find her!

    George pulled out his phone and punched in some numbers. Hello, this is George Khoury, I’m a detective with Green Valley PD. I need to talk to your chief of detectives. He listened then replied, I know it’s Saturday, but I’m standing in a hotel room and the girl who was supposed to be marrying my cousin this evening is missing and it looks and smells like she has been taken. He waited again, Yep, possibly kidnapped. And I need some forensic people over her right away to look at this room before it can be contaminated by a bunch of plods running in and out.

    David’s father had taken him aside and given his boy a hug. Alex Khoury had never been a demonstrative man, but the grief he knew his son was experiencing was enough to melt anyone’s heart. Look son, let the police take this. We need to let them do their work, okay? David nodded and Alex Khoury told George they would be down the hall in Evie’s suite. Amara took Evie and Alex took his son to a place where they could wait.

    Alex ordered coffee and breakfast from room service then went into the bedroom to call his wife. It didn’t look as if there would be a wedding that day and things needed to be done to stop the people from going into an empty museum expecting to attend David’s nuptials. The member of the family who kept the family database had only needed to be told about the situation when a mass email message was sent to the members of the Khoury family who’d been invited. David looked at his phone and did the same to his group of Doms and Masters who had been invited and especially for those who would be expecting to witness his collaring ceremony the next evening.

    Coffee and breakfast arrived when Evie’s laptop beeped. She hadn’t looked at her machine since this whole thing had happened and she was on edge. She opened her

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