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Yesterday Is Tomorrow
Yesterday Is Tomorrow
Yesterday Is Tomorrow
Ebook64 pages46 minutes

Yesterday Is Tomorrow

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Dr. Anthony Jim Jacobs (Doc) is one of the nation’s leading ophthalmologists, who was suddenly transported back in time by a freak accident after his wife’s death. With his trusty companion Ben, the family Dog, will he merely be an observer or will he intercede and possibly change history as we know it? Doc was welcomed as an honorary member to the Kiwanee Tribe where he became a confidant and friend to the Chief of Kiwanee Tribe. There was an opposing force to the Kiwanee’s though, who were a race of blonde haired, light skinned warriors. The light skins are lazy and dependent on frequent raids and their slave trade. Traders have told them about a strange, light skinned healer called “Doc” and they intend to have him for their own, but first the light skins must kidnap the Chief of the Kiwanee Tribe’s wife to get to Doc.
Noma: Daughter of Kara and her light skinned captor. Strikingly beautiful but different and shunned by all except her parents. Can her mother’s spirit dream come true? Will Noma lead her people or merely become a slave to others if Thack can no longer protect her?
Release dateFeb 14, 2023
Yesterday Is Tomorrow

Carl F. Pirkle

After a successful military career, Carl went into civil service supporting military bases across the US, Europe, and Hawaii. The only thing he hated were the long flights, so he decided to write a book to pass time. No laptops back then, so it was just pen and paper. Flights were not crowded, so Carl always sat in the three seats on the last row across from where the stewardess prepared meals for the long flights. If he got tired of writing, he would take a break and listen to the gossip. You could also see one of the restrooms from his seat. Once, he noticed a gentleman come out with a big smile on his face. Then an attractive young lady came out of the same restroom. Guess that is what is called joining the mile high club. After Carl retired, he found an interest in classic cars and spent the next 10 years restoring them and going to car shows. One day recently, his oldest grandson Vic, that he considers a son, visited, and noticed a pile of handwritten papers in his office and asked what they were. Carl told him and Vic asked if he could go through them to put them in order. Then a couple of weeks later, Vic brought them back and encouraged Carl to finish it, but with a computer instead of pen and paper. Had it not been for Vic and his support and encouragement, he would never have finished it.

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    Yesterday Is Tomorrow - Carl F. Pirkle





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    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 02/03/2023


    Dr. Anthony Jim Jacobs (Doc). One of the nation’s leading ophthalmologists, who was suddenly transported back in time by a freak accident. Will he merely be an observer or will he intercede and possibly change history as we know it?

    Karen: Dr. Jacob’s wife.

    April: Dr. Jacob’s office manager and assistant.

    Sgt Turner: Prison Guard.

    Ben: A gentle giant of a German Shepard.

    Distant Past Characters.

    Thack: Chief of Kiwanee Tribe

    Kalin: Temporary Chief in Thack’s absence.

    Dora: Older woman, mid-wife, and medicine woman.

    Kara: Noma’s mother.

    Noma: Daughter of Kara and her light skinned captor. Strikingly beautiful but different and shunned by all except her parents. Can her mother’s spirit dream come true? Will Noma lead her people or merely become a slave to others if Thack can no longer protect her?

    Light Skins: A race of blonde haired, light skinned warriors. The light skins are lazy and dependent on frequent raids and their slave trade. Traders have told them about a strange, light skinned healer called Doc and they intend to have him for their own.

    Emee and Leah: Both kidnapped by the Light Skins, will they survive?


    Chapter 1     Stillwater

    Chapter 2     The Courthouse

    Chapter 3     Ben

    Chapter 4     Stillwater State Prison

    Chapter 5     Stillwater Humane Society And Adoption Center

    Chapter 6     Stilwater Humane Society And Adoption Center

    Chapter 7     Stillwater State Prison The Warden’s Office

    Chapter 8     Yesterday

    Chapter 9     Home Again

    Chapter 10   Research

    Chapter 11   A Plan




    D r. Jacobs finished the day at his clinic by removing cataracts from an elderly lady and was looking forward to getting home to be with his wife Karen. As he pulled into their driveway, he was met by Karen in her jogging pants. Honey, don’t you think it is getting late to go for a jog.

    I won’t be long she said. Supper is ready so wait for me. I was busy today with shopping. When he went in, he saw the note she had left so he washed up and caught the news. When she was late returning, he started to worry and drove the route they always use for running and she was nowhere to be seen. After an hour he called the police and they started looking as well, but she didn’t show up. By morning, he knew something terrible had happened. Two days later her body was found at the

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