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Pogo Traditions
Pogo Traditions
Pogo Traditions
Ebook74 pages58 minutes

Pogo Traditions

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What if the Gacy family were involved in a long list of unspeakable murders of untold numbers of innocent victims? Pogo challenges the reader to reset the stage and follow the clues and make their own assessment. Could it be true that Susan Degnan was abducted from a two-story bedroom window? Is it possible that a family could do this and hide it for so long and possibly to their graves? Elizabeth Short was such a knockout; did her murder get oversighted by investigators and did they look into her travels back to Chicago? Can the story be retold and solved laying to rest the souls that suffered so? The strongest aspect of the multitude of horrific storylines in Pogo is to find a sense of forgiveness, not for the crimes committed but for a child who suffered an unspeakable, unimaginable childhood. In the end, we all have to suffer, but is our story complete? Be aware Pogo is extremely graphic with terrifying scenarios, strong sexual content and puts you into the mind of a killer and his sexual gratification. Follow the clues and discover for yourself that this is not just another book about killers, it's a challenge to the readers to find the truth and see where it takes you.

Release dateFeb 23, 2018
Pogo Traditions

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    Book preview

    Pogo Traditions - Coy Costa


    Thank you to KCAT country radio 103.3 station in my area. KCAT aired Page Publishing, Inc. add on the radio, hence how it came about that I acquired their services.

    Also, thank you Mike Sanguinetti for allowing me to photograph you as Stanly Gacy, wielding a bloody screwdriver.

    A warm thank you to Eddie, Victoria and the Hundsdorfer clan for opening their home to me and supporting me during this process.

    Repeatedly listing to Pink (13 year old self) took me back to a dark time and lifted me up during the writing of this book.

    Last but not least a big thank you to my mother Christina F. Rodriguez for working hard so she could provide for my needs and freedom to explore this world without boundaries and stepping in to rescue me every time I found trouble, I love you mom.

    A fictional theory of one family’s deadly tradition inspired by true events in the deaths of Suzanne Degnan, age six; Elizabeth Short (The Black Dahlia), thirty-three; young boys and men over a period of thirty-two years; some to the demise of a notorious psychopath killer known as Pogo The Killer Clown, also known as John Wayne Gacy Jr.

    Chapter 1

    Growing Pains of a Nation

    Dark sky’s shown light upon the new world rarely as turmoil and suffering seemed to be upon every year if not every day.

    The new era of the 1900s in America was one of Industrial Revolution, the mother of invention and warfare in a law barring land that was struggling to gain balance before starvation set in permanently and where little hope could be found.

    On a Thursday, October 10 in 1929, the historic stock market crash we all came to read about in our elementary school history books began with a devastating impact that drove some men off the newly built steel structures that they prided themselves as personal successes and standing testament for all the world to see to become nothing more than a gutter rinse down cold concrete into a storm drain forever lost.

    But hope was to emerge upon the promises and back of Franklin D. Roosevelt, soon after his election whom rolled up his sleeves and went right to work, and nearly overnight, a brighter future for our great country was established; and over the next ten years, a great depression, the dust bowl of the Midwest and war engulfed our weaknesses and helped us gain strengths to become the greatest nation on earth.

    The stock market crash was declared ended in 1939, and WWII had begun.

    On May 29 of 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt advised the National Defense Committee to include a price stabilization and consumer protection division which shortly after merged into what was known as the OPACS (Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply) within the OEM (Office of Emergency Management) and later signed as executive order 8734 on April 11, 1941 which became an independent agency under the Emergency Price Control Act on January 30, 1942, fifty-four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

    This cast a deeper shadow upon the already suffering people with skepticism, for now the OPA had the power to place ceilings on all prices except for agricultural commodities, to ration scarce supplies such as tires, autos, shoes, nylon, sugar, gas, fuel oil, coffee, meats, and processed foods. At the peak of the OPA effects, 90 percent of retail food prices were frozen, and a new kind of killer was emerging to shine light to his own cause making his own rules in spite of congresses progress striking fear into the hearts of executives and politicians alike.

    Jobs were few, and fear was mainstreamed by the war, and our young men engulfed in battle overseas. The domino effect trickled down through every factory, retail shop, and traveler and into every home. The blue-collar worker was first on the chopping block in every position, which left little room for error during a time when factory casualties due to mechanical injuries or disease was commonplace for lack of safety responsibilities by management when product distribution outweighed any man’s life.

    Just when he thought there was nothing he could do but watch his wife being victimized by the nation’s fat cats, his second child was about to be born, and the spawn of his hate was thrust into our world on March 17, 1942, and he was unable to help his hopelessness as it grew into disparity, and panic was choking him from the very thought of another mouth to feed.

    Bambino 2 004

    The slaughterhouse was dim with thirty-watt bulbs sparsely lit in the moist thick air glazed with cold humidity from livestock and manure. The smell of wet wooden beams, old blood, rubber slickers, and gear oil was all

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