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Views From the Porch: Contemplations and reflections of today's busy world
Views From the Porch: Contemplations and reflections of today's busy world
Views From the Porch: Contemplations and reflections of today's busy world
Ebook750 pages4 hours

Views From the Porch: Contemplations and reflections of today's busy world

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Views from the Porch is designed to be just a bit of an escape from the maddening world around us. Much the same as Jesus did when He would rise well before the dawn and go out to a solitary place to pray, we need to do the same. Maybe it's your front porch, your chair in your bedroom, or your den. Maybe it's your kitchen table after the kids have gone to bed. Maybe it's in your car or on the bus on the way to work. Wherever your "alone" place is, it's important to take some time each day to spend alone with God. It is the author's hope that you will be inspired to go deeper and be drawn closer as you reflect on your spiritual walk with the Lord.

Release dateSep 4, 2020
Views From the Porch: Contemplations and reflections of today's busy world

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    Views From the Porch - James M.


    Into each life comes moments of pause, reflection, and contemplation. Why am I here? What is my purpose for being here? And for a person of faith, what does God want me to do with my life and how can I hear Him?

    These are the times one needs to draw back from the madness of the world around us, turn off electronic devices, and take time to sit completely still and just watch, listen, smell, and observe the beauty of the creation God gave us; and beneath all that, hear the voice of God speak to you through His Word.

    Jesus suggests to go to your inner room to be alone with God away from the distractions of screens, thumping bass, or even another person’s voice. It is our belief that one must truly take time each day to be alone with God—if not in a place filled with majestic scenery like we hope to convey through the pictures in this book, then at least in a designated space such as a special chair in your bedroom, living room, cubicle, office, or even the kitchen table.

    Our family has been blessed by God with a beautiful location in southeast Minnesota right across the street from the Mississippi River. For many years, we have watched glorious sunrises, been witness to the breathtaking air dance of the bald eagle mating ritual, and seen massive flocks of geese, ducks, red-winged blackbirds, and other assorted types of winged fowl chattering, honking, and seemingly waving goodbye for the winter or greeting us cheerfully again each spring.

    Sometimes during a summer night when the windows are open, we can hear the great horned owls calling to one another on the other side of the main channel over on the Wisconsin side over a half mile away! And although as much as we would love for you to experience all the things we have seen, heard, touched, and smelled from our front porch looking over the mighty Mississippi, we cannot. So we hope this book of prayer, meditation, and the glorious gift of God’s beautiful creation shown through our views from the porch will somehow bring you closer to Him in your faith journey.

    May the peace of God through His Son Jesus fill you with His Holy Spirit as you seek your own quiet place each day as you receive His abundant grace and mercy.

    In the name of Christ Jesus.

    January 1st


    (Suggested reading: James 1:2–4)

    We all have them. Those things in our life that are ugly reminders that life is not always perfect, but a series of impediments and obstacles that must be worked around. In this picture, our view from the front porch of our home, you can see it’s an ugly gray overcast morning. You can see the power lines, the flock of pigeons, the light pole, and the street and railroad tracks. Some have suggested we Photoshop these obstructions out of the picture, but that’s not reality, is it? That would be living a lie.

    Our goal in this book is to show how to look past such obstructions and find the joy and the beauty around you in whatever situation God puts you in. Reality is taking the pieces of the puzzle you’ve been given and somehow making it work. Life is not a perfect portrait to be hung over the mantle; life is a series of sometimes ugly obstacles to test your faith and endurance through many crises and then following God’s promptings in order to become more Christlike.

    Life is not perfect, but we reach toward perfection by living for Christ and not a picture-perfect life on our own.

    January 2nd

    All Things New

    (Suggested reading: Revelation 21:1–7)

    After the New Year’s Eve celebrations and then football, football, football on New Year’s Day, today is usually the day that people really start the new year. The lists have been made, the diets are started, and our focus is on giving our all to become better people than we were last year.

    The awesome thing about believing in our great God is that every day we can be filled with new focus and purpose! No matter what happened yesterday, if we repent and turn away from our hindrances between us and God, we can start afresh and He will indeed make all things new in our lives. He is the God of second, third, and umpteenth chances! Don’t stay locked on things you may have done previously; start your new beginning with Him today!

    January 3rd

    The Promise of a New Day

    (Suggested reading: John 8:12)

    The predawn morning has always been my favorite time of day, the anticipation of sunrise and the promise of a new beginning. In Lamentations, Jeremiah tells us that God’s mercies are new every day and that if we come before Him with a broken heart, He will forgive us of our sins. We get to reboot, a start over, a blank sheet of paper, and a clean mind, heart, and soul.

    No matter how badly you have messed up, no matter what your sin is, recognize it, take responsibility for it, and then give it to God through repentance.

    I like to think that the new day begins at dawn, but your new day can be any time you get alone with God and confess your sins to Him. That’s your start over. That’s the gift we have through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus each and every day. Praise Him indeed!

    January 4th

    Moonlight Serenade

    (Suggested reading: Psalm 148)

    There’s something really special about watching the moonrise come up away from the noise and strife of ordinary life. It’s so quiet you can almost hear the moon scrape the horizon as it ascends to its place of prominence in the sky.

    It’s one of those moments that make you feel as if God has created this moment specifically for you. Truly, He has, because God treats each one of us as if we were His only child. He surrounds us with His grace even before we know it’s there and is constantly reaching out to us in His love and mercy if we would only turn to Him and recognize Him in the things He does for us.

    Taking a few moments to be still before Him and with Him during such moments like a beautiful moonrise is one way to draw closer to Him in your personal relationship. Take time each day to watch for and listen for God’s serenade to you.

    January 5th

    Cold and Lonely

    (Suggested reading: Luke 18:9–14)

    It’s true that sunrise offers a new hope and the promise of starting afresh. But as humans, there are those places in our hearts that have become frozen over. They are off-limits to everyone else, protected cold, dark places that we let no one enter. Perhaps we could best call them the Antarctica of our soul.

    Like the Pharisee in Jesus’s parable, we are frozen in our judgment of others whose paths differ from our own, and so we surround ourselves in our own icy palace of self-righteousness and contempt.

    But when we come before God in true worship, we remember our sins and like the tax collector, we must ask God to melt our cold heart and free us from the loneliness and self-serving attitude we have allowed into our hearts. Then, as we bask in the glowing warmth of God’s love, we can share with others the promise of new life in Christ with those who are cold and lonely too.

    January 6th

    Fire and Ice

    (Suggested reading: Revelation 3)

    Nearly a full week into the New Year, so let me ask you, how are those resolutions coming along? Have you exercised every day as you promised yourself? Still dieting? Miss any of your daily reading yet?

    The problem for a lot of humans is we start off a new endeavor on fire. We have every intention of finishing it as passionately as we began it. But then we start to become comfortable in our routine, we settle in and just plain endure it rather than meet the project head on each new day, or we just freeze it out of our thoughts, set it aside, and ignore it, hoping it will just go away.

    We can become much the same in our Christian walk; we start off on fire for the Lord!—excitedly doing everything we like at first. But then along comes a church project or a small task we don’t like, and we lose our ambition, and soon we grow lukewarm or cold.

    There is the area we need to be careful in—whatever the task is, no matter how mundane, we must do it as if we are doing it for Christ Himself. Our Lord doesn’t want just a portion of our lives; He wants us completely, entirely, hot, and on fire. He wants us to finish that which He has given us with exuberance, faithfulness, and a cheery attitude.

    January 7th

    Be Grateful for Your Own Backyard

    (Suggested reading: James 1)

    Dorothy reminds us in the Wizard of Oz that we should be appreciative of the things we have. And when we share those blessings with others is where the blessing truly takes root. For the Stroms, our blessing is this great panoramic view of God’s Country and the Mississippi River. It is our privilege and honor to share it with you in these pages.

    We’re not wealthy by the world’s standards; we don’t have all the latest apps or gadgetry nor drive sleek fancy cars or wear name brand clothes. Like many of you, we too have struggled with sickness and diseases, financial difficulties, and broken relationships. But we give thanks to God for all that we do have, each and every day.

    When we look out at the world from our backyard on the river, despite our current circumstances, we see opportunities to share the joy of knowing Christ Jesus. James reminds us to count it all as joy no matter what life throws at you, even the bad stuff. Because by envying what someone else has in their backyard, you might be missing out on God trying to use you as an example of joy to someone else.

    January 8th

    The Roaring Silence

    (Suggested reading: Psalm 46:10–11)

    I remember a girl from one of the first places I worked who was teased and called Brook because she just babbled on and on about any given topic. But while people at least found her funny, I tend to want to show everyone how correct I am by dominating the conversation and pushing my agenda without giving any thought or credence to someone else’s feelings on the subject, when perhaps it would be wiser to say nothing at all.

    Our babbling egos are not unlike the bass thumping, strobe-light-flashing loud energy of the world around us. As the club mix gets louder, we each just babble on and on. Pretty soon, no one hears the truth, only loud belligerent viewpoints as we seek to push past each other in our talking points. This is not how God speaks nor how He would have us speak to each other. When God speaks at least to me, it isn’t through angry shouts; it’s through the roaring silence of His still small voice found in solitude and through His Word. Open your Bible and let Him speak to you today.

    January 9th

    It’s So Cold that…

    (Suggested reading: Romans 12:1–2)

    One of the hardest things about living in Minnesota is the brutal winter temperatures. The day this picture was taken, the windchill was minus thirty-five! Without proper layered clothing, a person would die from exposure in a very, very short time.

    So that’s the question then, how insulated are you from the world? Paul reminds us in Romans 12:2 that we should not be conformed to the world around us. Yes, we must live in it, but if we remain exposed to its coldness, we become numb to the will of God and seek to adapt to the culture rather than remain protected from it. That then causes us to freeze out what God is trying to teach us through His Word and we become so cold that we cannot discern the good from the evil anymore.

    We must be in this cold cruel world to be an influence to others, but be sure to bundle up! It’s cold out there!

    January 10th

    What Is Success?

    (Suggested reading: Matthew 25:14–30)

    The accomplishment of an aim or purpose is the definition of success according to the dictionary. Some thoughts given to me by others would include the following: Setting a goal, then going past it, Always giving more than 110%, and The very best is the least I can do. Some envision success as beating cancer, getting that degree, or even finishing that book.

    Whatever your version of success may be, it has to start somewhere. You must decide in your heart and in your soul to move forward from where you are right now and carpe diem!—seize the day. Oftentimes for Christians, that motivation comes after a defeat of some sort. So, to be a successful Christian means to get back up, dust yourself off, repent of your sin, and keep following Jesus.

    What is success? Staying focused on Christ through all circumstances so that at the end of the day, you may hear Him say to you, Well done good and faithful servant.

    January 11th

    Is Your Sky on Fire?

    (Suggested reading: Mark 1:4–11)

    As I was studying the text from Mark, the thought of Jesus seeing the heavens ripped open made me think, How can I apply that to my own life? The analogy is right here in this picture; each morning as the sun comes up, it rips open the night and brings light to a cold dark world.

    This is how I should apply it to my life as well. Each day, I should look to have my sky set on fire and see the Heavens ripped open so that I may do the will of God in my life and allow the Holy Spirit to descend unto me that I may do the will of the Father and not my own. By submitting to Him in my thoughts, words, and deeds, I allow God to do great things in my life for His glory, not my own.

    As each of us submits to His will in our lives, the true light of God slashes open the darkness around us and the world can see the true light of Christ in us. Make today the day that God sets your sky on fire.

    January 12th

    A Path to the Sun or a Path to the Son?

    (Suggested reading: Psalm 113 and John 14:6)

    There are plenty of ancient myths and legends about kings being a sun god or of monarchs and rulers receiving power from the sun and even those who worshipped the sun for the warmth and light it brings. There have even been jokes about people traveling to the sun at night so it won’t be so hot.

    All these things point to egocentric humans long dead and gone and a created ball of gas that will have at some point an expiration date. But our Creator, El-Shaddai, provides for us eternal light and warmth in the form of the joy we get when we come to Him through His Son Jesus.

    While there is no path to the sun, the Son is our path to everlasting life and His words remain truer than any ancient myth. Later today, the sun will set, but the Son of God will never leave you if you just follow in His path.

    January 13th

    Vapor Trails

    (Suggested reading: James 4:13–17)

    This morning while waiting for the sunrise, I noticed this vapor trail from a passenger jet. Where are they going? What plans do they have when they get there? Will those plans matter long after this generation has passed on?

    Our life is but a wisp of exhaust fumes viewed for a short time across the sky and then gone and forgotten. How important would our decisions for dinner tonight, the big game this weekend, or even our summer vacation really be if we knew today was our last day?

    James reminds us that we should take into account that ultimately these precious few moments of time we have called a life is up to the Lord. He writes that our decision to make big plans is done in arrogance and is evil because we don’t acknowledge God in all that we do.

    Take time today and each day to acknowledge God in all that you do, and perhaps God willing, your life will be more than just a vapor trail.

    January 14th

    Not Every Day Will Be Sunshine

    (Suggested reading: Ecclesiastes 3)

    Not every day will be sunshine, were the words of advice Lori’s grandmother gave us on our wedding day. And that is so true. If we didn’t have bad days or difficulties or trying circumstances, how would we grow? How would we learn to better ourselves? Life would only be a boring straight line from point A to point B.

    God allows things into our lives to make us realize our dependence upon him and also that He may show us His grace. You may be going through some sort of personal storm right now, but if you’re not, then get ready, because there will be one coming. It may be sunny, but there’s a storm coming; it may be raining, but there’s a rainbow just ahead. And all the way through each storm, there is our El-Shaddai. Learn to trust in Him through the cloudy, cold, rainy, snowy days so that you can enjoy the sunny, warm days.

    January 15th

    Less Than Spectacular

    (Suggested reading: Genesis 1:2–4)

    It was looking to be a spectacular sunrise, so many beautiful colors beginning to blossom on God’s paint pallet in the predawn light. But suddenly, the clouds shifted, the colors drained from the sky, and although it was a pretty sunrise, it was not what I expected.

    What I expected…how selfish of me! I thought. I realized this is not about me; it’s about God wanting alone time and communing with me regardless of the weather or circumstances! I was assuming that unless I had a perfect sunrise for a picture, then this moment and this day would not be worthwhile.

    It’s a good thing God doesn’t require each of us to be as a perfect sunrise. How many of us would fall short? In this picture, it seems He is reminding us, Take what I have given you today and go make the most of it and give the glory to Me. Don’t be disappointed that every sunrise or moment isn’t spectacular; just be joyful you are able to be alone with the One who made it all!

    January 16th

    Singin’ the Blues on a Gray Day

    (Suggested reading: John 1:1–5)

    Before I met Christ, I truly disdained cloudy days; I allowed my mood to be affected by overcast conditions and my surrounding circumstances. I was enslaved by my feelings and thought I was powerless to do anything to change my view of my horizon.

    As one grows closer to Christ, you learn that with God through Christ, all things are possible. Sure, there’s going to be flat tires in the rain, there’s going to be financial pressures, and people and plans will let you down—but Jesus will be there with you because you are now a new creature in Christ! Don’t focus on singin’ the blues, because in Christ, you are more than a conqueror; you are now a child of the Almighty God!

    Don’t let your circumstances, your cloudy gray days, set your mood, but rather let your focus be Christ and through Him triumph over gloomy gray days.

    January 17th

    The Yoke’s on You

    (Suggested reading: Matthew 11:28–30)

    The burden of life can be unbearable. There is so much to think about. Worries about terrorism, the economy, children being bullied at school, pressures at work—the list is endless! Jesus reminds us to bring our burdens to Him and He will give us rest from them.

    When you release it all to Him, your burden becomes His, and your load becomes much lighter to bear. It is our pride that keeps us weighed down under our problems, and until we find a way to be free, we will just be stuck in this cold dark world under a burden of misery. That’s why we invite you in this book to just take a few moments today and every day to speak to Jesus and release your worries to Him. Why continue to carry that weight when you have the power to be free? Let this picture remind you that Christ makes all things new! All you have to do is let go of the burdens of yesterday. Give your heart and yoke full of overwhelming burdens to Him.

    January 18th

    Morning by Morning

    (Suggested reading: Lamentations 3:22–23)

    Oh, Lord Jesus, today I just want to offer you praise for a new day. Praise, that you died for me even though I could never possibly deserve it. Praise, that you offer peace beyond anything I could ever comprehend. Praise, for your guidance to my life, strength to see me through this day, and the hope that someday soon, you will return for us who believe in you.

    As the hymn sings, great indeed is your faithfulness to us. Every morning as the sun rises, I am reminded of everything you provide for me and of how great your love is for me and that nothing can ever come between us.

    Thank you, Jesus. I praise you for new mercies this day and every day!

    January 19th

    Be Still

    (Suggested reading: Psalm 46)

    It’s hard to get the perfect shot with the camera we use. It took nineteen tries to

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