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The Wizard's Estate Let the Games Begin
The Wizard's Estate Let the Games Begin
The Wizard's Estate Let the Games Begin
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The Wizard's Estate Let the Games Begin

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A group of college friends will soon discover, that getting everything they've ever wanted means losing everything they've ever loved. Join them, as they battle in a war for their identities, where they soon discover, it's not a game, it's their life.

Release dateMar 25, 2021
The Wizard's Estate Let the Games Begin

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    The Wizard's Estate Let the Games Begin - F.D. Stewart




    Let the Games Begin

    F. D. Stewart

    Copyright © 2015 F.D. Stewart

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2015

    ISBN 978-1-68213-914-1 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-68213-915-8 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 1

    Peter Irving, Lisa Covington, Elijah Chromes, and Hannah Brown were all friends since their junior year of college at Livingston University.

    Peter’s parents finally decided to move into one of the estates in Columbia, South Carolina, where Peter would be able to go to college. Peter was a Caucasian dude with short dirty blond hair, who was a wide receiver for the Livingston University football team. He was also tall and slender built, with other athletic abilities, and a scientist who loved to stay in a lab. Peter came from a foreign country near Norway where his family was known as the Shaman family. Peter’s purpose was to go to college, find an ordinary girl, and fall in love with her to get married. Peter had his eyes set on Hannah’s cousin named Lisa.

    Lisa Covington was a normal girl with a golden tan that had a healthy glow about her. She was prettier than the cheerleading squad put together—wearing a pair of dark Levi’s jeans, her very own slim black-and-white chiffon sleeveless blouse and black-and-white -platform pumps. Her hairstyle was always on the edge yet throwing off that sexy dark blond look that seemed edgy yet sophisticated. Lisa always knew what it took to look like a model and keep up with the fashion trends. She was the first girl to ever sign up with a major company in the fashion industry before graduating out of college. Lisa drew attention to what she loved to do, which was to become a fashion designer.

    Hannah, on the other hand, was more into being a scientist, working in the science field; and this was how she met Peter. Hannah was a girl with auburn red long hair and dark brown eyes, unlike her cousin, Lisa. She was also a beautiful girl, nicely shaped—wearing a tight, short, black shirt and red Chinese silk top with red platform shoes.

    These girls could share a thing or two about fashion, appearance, and style.

    Elijah Chromes, known as EC, was more than a friend to Hannah since their junior year of college. EC was a skillful architect, with a twist of a blacksmith, who was very creative in making anything. With his natural build, fair-toned skin, and serious tattoos, EC was a very smart and observant individual, who loved Hannah and was willing to do anything for her. But EC was only in Hannah’s life for a short period, and he disappeared without a trace. Hannah was hurt, but Peter was happy that EC left, yet he pretended to be sympathetic and tried catering to her needs. For Peter knew that this would be the only opportunity to take advantage of Hannah’s vulnerability to get closer to Lisa.

    Peter was more into becoming friends with Hannah to get closer to Lisa, knowing that Lisa was not going to date anyone until she graduated from college—at least that was what she thought.

    Lisa was in the front office, delivering some papers for the secretary, when she saw Shemar, the new foreign exchange student that came out of the guidance office. The guidance counselor needed someone to show Shemar around to his classes, and she asked Lisa.

    Ms. Covington.

    Yes, Mrs. Smith.

    Could you show Mr. Hathaway around and to his class?

    Mr. Hathaway was looking at whom Mrs. Smith was talking to, and he was admiring the way she dressed, down to her appearance. Lisa looked up and was mesmerized by a well-built guy with serious tattoos on his golden-tanned arm as he reached out to get a handshake of being properly introduced.

    Hello, my name is Shemar.

    Hello, Shemar, my name is Lisa.

    Nice to meet you.

    Lisa was admiring his accent, physique, and the fact that he had no problem making a fashion statement with his short, spiky dirty blond hair seeking attention from every female on the campus that saw him walk in. The guidance counselor recommended showing him around the facility and to his classes.

    Being that you two have similar classes together, I recommend Lisa to take you to where you need to go and, later, if she has time, to show you our sports activities that you might enjoy doing.

    Ah, thank you, Mrs. Smith.

    You are welcome, Mr. Hathaway.

    Lisa and Shemar left to go to their second class before she was able to show him around the facility. This class was on his schedule, and she thought he should get a feel about what fashion is.

    Do you mind if we take this class for a minute?

    What is it?

    Subcultures/Styles and Fashion in the Mass Media.



    Lisa and Shemar walked in the classroom, and behold, the attention he was getting was amazing. Every female was admiring his physique in a pair of light blue Levi’s jeans, plain white fitted Levi’s T-shirt, and a pair of red Toms. Shemar was getting more attention from the females around him, but he was focused on what Professor Grain was explaining about subcultures that seemed to be his favorite topic. After the class session was over, Shemar went to have a little talk with Professor Grain while Lisa was standing at the door waiting for him.

    Hello, Professor Grain.


    Hi, my name is Shemar Hathaway.

    Immediately, Professor Grain knew who he was.

    Well, how is family?

    They are fine, and how are Aunty Grain and family?

    They are all fine. They are going to be astounded to see you here.

    Yes, they will.

    So did my brother come, or he stayed?

    They all stayed, and besides, I am on an assignment.

    Yes, I see.

    Well, I better go, don’t want to keep her waiting.

    No, not this one.

    Talk to you later?

    Yes, you will.

    Shemar left after he finished talking with his uncle. Lisa decided to take him on a tour of Livingston University. Shemar did not mind the tour of the college campus. This was his opportunity to take advantage of getting to know more about Lisa Covington.

    So, Lisa, what do you love to do?

    I love fashion. I like to create designs and bring them to reality.

    You have a passion to become a fashion designer.


    And what else do you do? Are you a cheerleader?

    No, I am not a cheerleader. I am a martial art student when I am not here at the college. I love fashion more than cheerleading, so that is something you do not have to worry about me joining.

    Wow, who would have guessed that you love martial art.

    Lisa smiled. So what brings you here besides football?

    My parents.

    Oh, so your parents do a lot of traveling?

    You can say that.

    Do they travel or not?

    Oh, they do travel.

    So where exactly are you from?

    I am from London, England.


    So are you always this direct with everyone you meet?

    Yes, especially to a foreign exchange student who transfers to this college and who is a popular football player that gets everyone’s attention.

    Well, this popular football player did not come over for sports.

    Then what was the reason you came over?

    He smiled at her. I came here to take care of what I need to do before I graduate. It is like, how you are to becoming a fashion designer is how I am in becoming a business advertiser in the marketing industry.

    I see, you are a person that is full of surprises.

    If you stick around me a lot longer, you will be amazed at what I can do.

    Lisa laughed for the first time in her life. She had never shown any type of interest to any man, but she realized that Shemar was different. There was something about him that she could not seem to put her hands on right now. She seemed to think Shemar was a nice person whom you can easily get along with as a friend.

    So according to your schedule, this is where weight lifting class and other activities are happening.


    And this is Coach Sparks.

    Coach Sparks was in the office and was introduced to someone whom he recognized from an athletic magazine.

    Nice to meet you.

    So now we are about to come to the end of your tour. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me anything.

    Thank you for everything, but I must be going.

    Where are you going?

    To work, I am only taking a few courses here and leave to go to work.

    Oh. She gave Shemar a handshake. Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the tour, and hopefully, we will see each other again.

    You can count on it. Shemar looked at her one more time as he continued, Thank you, and enjoy your day.

    You too.

    Shemar left the campus as Hannah arrived, seeing how Lisa was watching the person fade away from her presence.

    Lisa, who was that?

    A foreign exchange student.

    What is his name?


    Shemar who?

    Shemar Hathaway.

    Well, your man has gotten a lot of female’s attention around here, including you-know-who.

    Yeah, I noticed. She looked at Hannah. Well, it’s back to class.

    Are you kidding me right now?

    What, Hannah?

    Were there sparks flying everywhere when you were with him because you are looking like you are about to take a step toward relationship with this one.

    Look, I am going to class.

    Oh, he must be a sports dude because no one would want to go to class after being around someone that hot.

    Some people just love fashion more than what other people may see.

    Oh, here we go again, you are going to—

    Peter interrupted Lisa and Hannah’s conversation.

    Hello, ladies.

    Hannah replied, being flirtatious, Hello, Peter.

    Lisa was smiling at her cousin because Hannah liked Peter a lot, but Peter did not seem to return the favor by flirting back. Peter continued to direct his conversation with Lisa and not with Hannah, but Hannah kept filling in the blanks because Lisa was not into him.

    So what is going on?

    A new exchange student arrived, and Lisa had to show him around.


    Lisa excused herself from Peter and Hannah because she had to go to her Fashion Design/Designer class. I would love to chat with you two, but I do not want to be late for this next class.

    Oh, Lisa.

    Hannah, I will talk with you later.


    Peter stood beside Hannah, wondering what that was all about.

    What is with her?

    Hannah looked at Peter before she walked back toward the lab to finish her project.

    She met the new guy.

    Oh, that would explain a lot.

    I got to go, Peter.

    Well, let me walk you.

    Hannah did not mind. Since Elijah Chromes left her, all she wanted was to be with Peter and no one else. Peter knew this and decided to use this for his advantage of getting Lisa for himself. Hannah smiled as he asked to walk with her.


    To not make it obvious that Peter wanted to know who this new person was that had everyone smiling, he asked, So who is this new guy, is he someone we can recruit on the team?

    Peter, not every guy wants to be on a football team.

    I was just wondering.

    No, this guy is different. I don’t know what his abilities are, but I know my cousin, and she does not get this quiet about anyone.

    Well, whatever it is, I am pretty sure she will tell you later.

    Yes, she will.

    Peter walked Hannah all the way to the lab room.

    So I will see you later on?

    Probably not, Lisa wanted me to help her out with something important.

    I wonder what that could be.

    I don’t know, but it deals with fashion wear.

    Well, you have fun, and I will see you two later or perhaps call you.


    Okay then, I better be heading to practice.

    Peter left on his way, going to the locker room. He needed to find out who got Lisa’s attention.

    Hannah was smiling because Peter made her day by walking with her to the lab. Hannah went inside the lab room to finish her project that she needed to complete while Lisa was taking her last class for the day.

    Shemar was on his way to work, but he kept thinking about Lisa, who showed him around the campus. The purpose of Shemar being here was because of Lisa and finding his cousin’s whereabouts, but she did not know that yet.

    Chapter 2

    Lisa and Hannah left early for campus because Lisa had a deadline for her fashion design to be done today. Peter, not realizing that they had already left to go to the campus, decided to swing by their home to pick them up on his way going to campus, but he found out that they had already left. Lisa and Hannah arrived on-site, and they both went inside the building. Lisa went ahead of Hannah on her way going to her Fashion Design/Designer class to finish her project there. Hannah walked slowly behind Lisa for her cell went off. Seeing Peter’s pic fly up on her cell, she decided to answer it.



    Hey, Peter.

    Where are you guys?

    In the campus.

    Well, I thought that I was supposed to pick you two up for breakfast this morning.

    Well, something came up, and Lisa had to be here early to complete a project today. So I caught a ride with her.

    Peter was a bit upset for no one called him to let him know about this. Oh.

    I am sorry, Peter, that we did not call you. Everything happened within minutes of her getting that very important phone call from that company she designs for. Look, so much was going on, it did not cross my mind about you picking us up after what happened.

    Well, I am on my way to the campus, I will talk to you later.

    Okay, Peter.

    Hannah was on her way, heading toward the room where Lisa was, until her lab room door opened for her to do her very own project. Hannah walked inside the room where Lisa was, checking everything out as she walked toward Lisa.

    Hey, Hannah, where have you been?

    On the phone, talking to Peter.

    Why would he call you this early?

    Peter was supposed to pick us up today for breakfast, remember?

    No, I don’t.

    Well, he was by our house, and now he is coming here.


    Yeah, so I just apologized so that he would get over it.

    You know Peter, in order to get over something, dinner date is all he needs.


    No, that is something that you and he should discuss without me. I have a lot to do right now.

    Hannah was in the room with Lisa, watching her put this nice design together. Hannah was becoming bored standing and sitting down, watching Lisa.


    Yes, Hannah.

    I would love to stay and watch you finish your project, but I am going to go to the lab room and finish my project that I had started yesterday.

    Okay, Hannah, I will see you later.

    Yes, you will.

    Hannah left Lisa in the classroom to go finish her project in the lab.

    Shemar had arrived at the campus, rushing to go to his class; and on his way, he ran right up into Lisa’s cousin, Hannah, who was on her way going to the lab.

    Oh, excuse me.

    Oh, that is okay, she said as Hannah looked up at who ran into her. It is not that often I would run into someone looking like you.

    Why, thank you for saying that, looks like I have to be more careful and come earlier to get to my class on time.

    It seems to be that way on the first day, getting through traffic and then coming here and running into people. It is common among us.

    "I did

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