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Bilingual Polish Short Stories Book 1
Bilingual Polish Short Stories Book 1
Bilingual Polish Short Stories Book 1
Ebook61 pages31 minutes

Bilingual Polish Short Stories Book 1

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About this ebook

Explore Poland with Hanna and her boyfriend Adam! Join them as they take you on an exciting journey of discovery to the Royal Castle, Wianki Midsummer festival, eat dumplings and take a bus tour around Warsaw. While you're at it, pick up some Polish along the way - our 13 short stories will provide a fun and efficient way to gain invaluable language skills.


Learning a new language can be difficult and frustrating. Most people give up before they really start learning a new language. They never reach their potential because the process is just too hard. Our Polish short stories book makes learning Polish easy and fun. You'll learn grammar and vocabulary in a natural way that won't feel like work.


By using this method, you can advance faster and more naturally. You start by reading the vocabulary words and becoming familiar with them. Then you read the passage in Polish and try to understand the meaning of each word as it is used in context.  After that, you can answer a few questions about the story in English or Polish. This allows you to practice translating from Polish to English and vice versa. Lastly, you read the passage again in English to check your understanding of the material. This will help to reinforce what you have learned from the Polish text and give you confidence in speaking or writing about it.  With repetition of this learning process, you'll be able to improve your language proficiency quickly and effectively.  


Our stories include beginner and intermediate words ranging from CEFR levels: CEF Levels A2-C2.   Our collection of stories feature a range of language levels, from basic words to intermediate vocabulary, with a glossary, questions and then the translations. Whether you are just starting out or looking for some more challenging words at the C2 proficiency level, we've got something that can help your linguistic journey!


Buy our book and experience a unique way to learn Polish - by reading our 13 captivating tales. Challenge yourself, gain insight into cultures far away, and strengthen your language abilities in an enjoyable way. 

LanguageJęzyk polski
Release dateDec 31, 2022
Bilingual Polish Short Stories Book 1

Language Story

Language Story is revolutionizing the way we learn languages through short stories. With their creative and engaging techniques, they are providing a truly enjoyable experience that makes mastering different tongues almost effortless and fun!

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    Book preview

    Bilingual Polish Short Stories Book 1 - Language Story


    Learning languages with short stories is a fun and effective way to increase your language skills. By using this method, you can advance faster and more naturally.

    First you start by reading the vocabulary words and become familiar with them. Then you read the passage in Polish and try to understand the meaning of each word as it is used in context. After that, you can answer a few questions about the story in English or Polish. This allows you to practice translating from Polish to English and vice versa. Lastly, you read the passage again in English to check your understanding of the material. This will help to reinforce what you have learned from the short text and give you confidence in speaking or writing about it.

    With repetition of this learning process, you’ll be able to improve your language proficiency quickly and effectively.

    Jedząc pierogi w Warszawie


    - Amerykanin - American

    - Polecił - Recommended

    - Tajniki - Secrets

    - Ruskich - Russian

    - Zachwycony - Delighted

    - Cukierni - Bakery

    - Budyniem - Custard

    - Horyzonty – Horizons

    - Przygotowane – Prepared

    - Receptury – Recipes

    - Uwiodła – Bewitched

    - Klasyczne – Classic

    - Gryczaną – Buckwheat

    - Farszem – Stuffing

    - Sera - Cheese

    - Szpinakiem – Spinach

    - Uczta – Feast

    - Wspomnienia – Memories

    Adam, młody Amerykanin, postanowił odwiedzić Polskę. Jego przyjaciel polecił mu skosztować typowej polskiej potrawy - pierogów. Więc Adam zaczął swoje podróże do stolicy i postanowił odkryć tajniki jedzenia pysznych pierogów w Warszawie.

    Pierwsze co zrobił to poszedł do restauracji, by spróbować tradycyjnych pierogów ruskich. Był zachwycony smakiem ziemniaków i mięsa w pierogach. Po tym jedzeniu miał ochotę na coś słodszego więc odwiedził cukierni, gdzie spróbował pierogów z truskawkami i budyniem. Uważał je za prawdziwy deser!

    Następnie Adam postanowił poszerzyć swoje horyzonty i odwiedzić jedną z głównych wsi wokół Warszawy. Tam spróbował prawdziwie tradycyjnych pierogów, które były przygotowane według starych receptur. Smak tego jedzenia po prostu go uwiodła!

    Na koniec Adam skusił się na lokalne knajpki z pierogami. Urzekło go to, że wszystkie są tak różnorodne i mają swój własny, unikalny smak. Wybierał zarówno klasyczne pierogi ruskie jak i te z gryczaną farszem, serem czy nawet szpinakiem.

    Podróż do Warszawy była dla Adama prawdziwa uczta. Zasmakował polskich potraw i przekonał się, że są one po prostu wyjątkowe! Adam wraca teraz do domu, ale jego wspomnienia o jedzeniu pierogów w Warszawie pozostają na zawsze.


    1. What inspired Adam to visit Poland?

    2. Where did he go to try traditional Polish dumplings?

    3. What did he

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