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The Kid From Kansas in the Marine Corps: Life and Times of Robert F Paden, #2
The Kid From Kansas in the Marine Corps: Life and Times of Robert F Paden, #2
The Kid From Kansas in the Marine Corps: Life and Times of Robert F Paden, #2
Ebook56 pages58 minutes

The Kid From Kansas in the Marine Corps: Life and Times of Robert F Paden, #2

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This is about the military. Some might read this to see what it's like to be in the military and some mays read it to reminisce. But it's not just a military story. It's about all the exciting things that I had the pleasure or living while serving in the USMC. Perhaps because of my natural curiosity and bent for adventure, I enjoyed my time in the Service more than many of my buddies. It is also a continuation of the formation of a young man, though I was not at all concerned about "formation" at the time. I just wanted to get the most out of life. Military service was obligatory, so my brothers and I and most of our friends volunteered so that we could choose the branch of service we liked. I chose the Marine Corps Air Wing  because Marines were supposed be "tough" and maybe the Air Wing would have more opportunity for travel and adventure! I loved my time in Service and I loved the Marine Corps. Most of us liked it and there was a lot of esprit de corps which means; "Together, we can do it, we are the best!".. After Boot Camp, I was assigned to the Headquarters Squadron in El Toro, California. At first it was on the job training (OJT). Not long after OJT, I was put in charge of the maintenance and in-flight care of a two engine propleller driven transport plane (R4D). My official title was "crew chief", which sounds bigger than it was, but I got to go everywhere with the plane. I made some real bloopers at first, but also learned a lot and had some victories.I loved it! In my position behind the pilots I could see and hear everything that was happening in flight and sometimes it was pretty exciting because we flew in all kinds of weather and never turned down a job, no matter how tough..Even in good weather, the flights were rough in those low flying, non-pressurized planes. This story will take you on our flights with us!


After a year in Headquarters Squadron, I was transfered to a fighter squadron and we were shipped overseas. (Crossing the "high seas" is an experience, especially in a storm!) We  arrived in Japan just after a truce was signed betweent North and South Korea, but the danger was not over for the pilots flying surveillance near the 38th parellel.  My duty in Japan was with the fighter squadron VMF 235 as a mechanic on an FJ2, Marine fighter jet. The FJ2 was a remodeled Saber Jet, built for carrier landings with fold up wings and beefed up landing gear. These planes were nothing  like that old R4D that I worked on before, a work-horse and dependable at all times. These were high speed, high precison and delicate. They needed much care and repair. When off duty, I wanted to get to know the Japanese culture, but also the beauty and wonder of that little nation, so different from our USA. Everything was clean and in miniature, the houses, their yards and the farms, all in miniature, and super clean, not a weed anywhere!


I think I enjoyed my time in the Marine Corps more than some of my buddies, because I expected more and I put more into it..As I write this story, I realize that it is more than a memory. Part of what I am was formed with my buddies and in those airplanes and on the mountains and lakes of Japan! I hope I can share with you some of the wonder and excitment that I felt during that time in my life and that you will enjoy the story and that it will also help you to learn to get the most out of life!

PublisherThe Plowman
Release dateNov 2, 2022
The Kid From Kansas in the Marine Corps: Life and Times of Robert F Paden, #2

Robert F Paden

About the auth ABOUT THE AUTHOR Robert F Paden (The Plowman) and his wife Bettye have been in missionary service for nearly half a century. First as Short-Term Assistants in Colombia, then in church planting in Argentina. They founded and ran a Children’s Home for fourteen years in which nearly 400 children were cared for and helped for long or short periods of time. Currently, Robert is working with the Wichi aborigenes in northern Argentina. The Paden´s celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this year! They have four natural children and four adopted children, fifteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren! Other books published by Robert are; THE KID FROM KANSAS and DECEPTION in Perilous Times.

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