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Hygge: A Beginner's Guide To Celebrate Life The Danish Way (Denmark, Simple Things, Mindfulness, Connection, Introduction)
Hygge: A Beginner's Guide To Celebrate Life The Danish Way (Denmark, Simple Things, Mindfulness, Connection, Introduction)
Hygge: A Beginner's Guide To Celebrate Life The Danish Way (Denmark, Simple Things, Mindfulness, Connection, Introduction)
Ebook70 pages

Hygge: A Beginner's Guide To Celebrate Life The Danish Way (Denmark, Simple Things, Mindfulness, Connection, Introduction)

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Do you feel life has lost all its joy and fun for you... or are your thoughts holding you back from success? Do you feel stagnant, stressed, and ready for a change? 

Hygge: A Beginner's Guide To Celebrate Life The Danish Way teaches you every step, including a detailed Danish action plan you've been too scared to try until

PublisherUrgesta AS
Release dateOct 10, 2022
Hygge: A Beginner's Guide To Celebrate Life The Danish Way (Denmark, Simple Things, Mindfulness, Connection, Introduction)

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    Hygge - Astrid S Nielsen


    A Beginner’s Guide To Celebrate Life The Danish Way (Denmark, Simple Things, Mindfulness, Connection, Introduction)

    Astrid S. Nielsen

    Hygge: A Beginner’s Guide To Celebrate Life The Danish Way (Denmark, Simple Things, Mindfulness, Connection, Introduction)

    Copyright © 2021 - All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, ASN Publishing. Please read the full disclaimer at the end of this book.

    This book was self-published with the amazing help of Self-Publishing Made Easy Now! ¹. You can grab a free copy of the checklist that started my journey here: FREE Self-Publishing Checklist ²



    Table of Contents

    1 - Introduction

    2 - Denmark



    Geography and Climate

    Culture and Hygge

    3 - Work-Life Balance

    4 - Happiest People In The World

    5 - Simple Things

    An Overview

    Hygge and Simplicity

    6 - The Role of Media

    7 - How To Embrace The Simple Things

    8 - Practices and Activities


    Listen to music

    Enjoy a meal

    Grab a drink


    Watch a movie

    Watch the sun set

    Play with pets

    Read a book

    9 - Mindfulness

    Importance and Benefits

    Hygge and Mindfulness

    Mindfulness Meditation

    10 - Connection

    Understanding Connections

    Benefits of Building Connections

    How to Connect with Oneself

    How to Connect With Others

    Connection Practice

    11 - Conclusion

    Thank You


    1 - Introduction

    Everyone dreams of living the perfect life. Of course, there are varying definitions of what this perfect life is. For most, it means having a successful job, owning a big home in a fancy neighborhood, and driving the latest luxury automobile.

    Others, on the other hand, agree that the perfect life simply means spending quality time with the special people in their lives. Regardless of how one imagines his perfect life to be, it is undeniable that much of it is attributable to the positive feeling it gives – happiness.

    Happiness, however, is another intriguing concept. Although not entirely foreign, not a lot of people know what it actually means, or how it feels. Because of this mystery, people are willing to exhaust all efforts to find it. Most of the time, they rely on the definition portrayed by the media.

    However, too much reliance on these media messages results in the encouragement of materialism and perfectionism. And when that happens, a person ends up working tirelessly just to make sure he is able to afford life’s many luxuries – whether it genuinely makes him happy or not.

    In reality, happiness doesn’t work that way. True happiness cannot be measured by its manifestations in the physical world. It is an internal occurrence; something which can only be felt. It makes a person loved, content, and accepted.

    But, if there are people who have unlocked the secret to happiness, these are the Danes. Consistently recognized as the happiest people on earth, the descendants of the once-feared Vikings live life differently than the rest of the world. The secret lies in their love for food, music, and dance. It’s in the way they deal with people. It lies in hygge.

    Hygge doesn’t have an exact English translation, but the word is often described as the state of coziness or intimacy. Properly pronounced as hoo-gah, people’s fascination towards this Danish concept has rapidly grown in the past years. And it greatly deserves the recognition.

    After all, it has beneficial effects, including lowered levels of stress, increased feelings of support, and an improved overall well-being. When all these positive effects are put together, a person develops a greater appreciation towards life.

    Thus, one of the key components to the envied Danish happiness is hygge. But how does hygge work,

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