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Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide To Train Your Puppy Fast
Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide To Train Your Puppy Fast
Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide To Train Your Puppy Fast
Ebook66 pages

Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide To Train Your Puppy Fast

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Do you have a new puppy but don't know where to start training him? Do you wish you could get him to go potty or do tricks? Do you wonder if you could housebreak him? Would you like to do it fast and get obedience while using only Positive Reinforcement? 

Can you afford to have your puppy having accidents on the floor?&nbs

PublisherUrgesta AS
Release dateSep 5, 2022
Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide To Train Your Puppy Fast

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    Book preview

    Puppy Training - Jesse Shepherd

    Puppy Training

    The Ultimate Guide To Train Your Puppy Fast (Positive Reinforcement, Retrieving, Biting, Training Manual, Obedience, Potty Training, Housebreaking, Dog Tricks)

    Jesse Shepherd

    Puppy Training: The Ultimate Guide To Train Your Puppy Fast (Positive Reinforcement, Retrieving, Biting, Training Manual, Obedience, Potty Training, Housebreaking, Dog Tricks)

    Copyright © 2021 - All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, JS Publishing. Please read the full disclaimer at the end of this book.

    This book was self-published with the amazing help of Self-Publishing Made Easy Now! ¹. You can grab a free copy of the checklist that started my journey here: FREE Self-Publishing Checklist ².



    Table of Contents

    1 - Introduction

    2 - Preparing for Your Puppy

    Puppy Supplies

    Leash and Collar


    Dog Bed

    Dog Bowls

    Food and Treats

    Grooming Supplies

    Dog Tag



    Choosing a Vet

    Delegating Responsibility

    3 - Your Puppy’s First Week

    Get Your Puppy Acquainted with Surroundings

    Establish Daily Routines

    4 - Your Puppy’s First Vet Visit

    5 - Potty-Training Your Puppy

    Crate Train

    A Positive Crate Life

    Potty Pads

    6 - Positive Reinforcement




    7 - Retrieving

    Added Tips to Help Train Your Puppy to Retrieve

    8 - Biting


    Redirect Your Puppy’s Attention

    Distract Your Puppy’s Curiosity

    Tastes and Smells

    Biting Your Ankles

    9 - Obedience Training



    Lie Down



    Drop It

    10 - Conclusion

    Thank You


    1 - Introduction

    So you’ve decided to make a new puppy an addition to your family and household, or maybe you just decided it was time for a new companion for yourself or a loved one. No matter how you have ended up with this cute ball of fur in your home, this is a time of unlimited cuteness and adoration.

    Although this is a precious time, it is also a time for unlimited accidents and mishaps. Great training and positive reinforcement are essential in raising a well-behaved dog. The puppy years are the best years but also the most crucial years as well. You will need to have a clear idea of what you are jumping into.

    In this book, you will learn how to:

    Use positive reinforcement to train your puppy.

    How to potty-train your puppy.

    How to get your puppy on a schedule from the get-go.

    Puppy commands that your puppy can start learning from the get-go.

    Training tips for the highest level of success for you and your puppy.

    Although, training your puppy is essential to raising a great furry member of the family, it is just as important to make sure that you get your puppy started off right. This book will also cover topics to help correctly prepare for your puppy and the necessary supplies that are necessary for creating a routine and a healthy puppy life.

    Once you and your puppy get started on the basics, it will be that much easier to train them to be a fun, well-behaved dog capable of basic training and advanced tricks.

    This book will cover everything that you and your puppy will need to have a happy life for both of you. Getting started off on the right foot and the right paw is the most important factor. This book will contain a guide at the beginning to help you and your puppy get settled in.

    Training your puppy is key to helping him develop into a great dog. You want to be able to take pride in your dog and his ability to obey and accurately understand commands. Taking the time and energy to invest into your

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