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Emerald Assault
Emerald Assault
Emerald Assault
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Emerald Assault

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About this ebook

A simple traffic stop sets into motion an electrifying chain of events — beginning with the discovery of a planned terrorist attack threatening the U.S. with a radiation release deadlier than Chernobyl.
Mimi Chandra, FBI Special Agent in the terrorist unit, takes a personal interest when her partners meet with deadly consequence. The mastermind behind the attack would prefer to keep it a surprise, and Mimi faces advanced methods of destruction.
Mimi incorporates a rescue mission into the investigation when her sister Nimisha is kidnapped. But the terrorists learn neither of the Chandra Girls is to be trifled with ...

Release dateSep 7, 2022
Emerald Assault

Charles Burgess

Charles Burgess earned a BS in Workforce Education and an MBA. In a career as a Global Training Lead, he received awards from Dell Computer, Intel Microprocessor Engineering and Exelon Nuclear. His novel Superheated draws upon his career field and incorporates treasured Midwest locations.

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    Book preview

    Emerald Assault - Charles Burgess

    Emerald Assault

    By Charles Burgess

    Copyright © 2022 Charles Burgess. All rights reserved.

    Cover by © 2022 Rich Harvey. All rights reserved.

    Editor: Audrey Parente

    Bold Venture Press,

    Available in paperback and electronic edition


    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior express written consent of the publisher and the copyright holder. Thanks for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the authors’ imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    About the author

    About the publisher

    Emerald Assault

    Part 1


    Texas Sheriff Travis Burns had set about his normal Friday morning in Deaf Smith County. A thermos cup of coffee in hand, and watching a sagebrush roll across the open field. As Travis shifted into third gear, the blue sky with puffy clouds became obscured by a layer of dust kicked up from Deaf Smith County Road.

    Holiday celebrations were over. Festivities hadn’t changed the dusty fields in the county. Early January temperatures had brought some relief from the summer’s oppressive heat, but the scruffy woodlands all seemed the same.

    What had been a totally open road stretching to the horizon was blotted by a large object in the distance. As the object came into clearer view, Sheriff Burns kept his pick-up truck at a constant 75 miles per hour. Finally, he could see a large metal object blocking the county road and his Texas morning serenity.

    Travis slowed as he approached the sizable metallic object. A machine of some sort stood about 10 feet tall and four feet wide directly in the middle of the road. A shining green light glowed from a circular opening near the top of what appeared to be a robot.

    Travis muttered, What the hell is this?

    His coffee cup didn’t have an answer for him. He set the drink into a cupholder and stepped out to see exactly what was blocking the road. In his black trim uniform, Sherriff Burns was tall and broad-shouldered. His bushy tan eyebrows and matching full mustache gave a country appearance to the big Texas lawman.

    As he got out of his truck, he noticed a backhoe moving into the field.

    Hey, he yelled out and got no response. He could not see a person in the slow-moving vehicle heading into the middle of the pasture.

    Directly on the road, the Sheriff was looking at the 10-foot-tall robot-like structure. The shape reminded him of the almost humorous Lost in Space robot from the timeworn television show. The seeming head of the robot was a globular top with a green light streaming from a glass forehead. Extensions from the metal arms each had sparkling blue lights shining from hand-like attachments. As the form moved closer, the Sheriff could see what first had appeared as humorous quickly turned into the threat of a menacing metal machine with power and precision. The Sheriff drew his gun. Before he could fire a shot, the emerald green light turned red and a laser stream surged from the emerald light on the robot’s forehead. The laser engulfed Sheriff Burns and did not cease until the man buckled to the ground and was completely reduced to cinders.

    The bot moved forward as if on rollers and focused the laser on the pick-up truck. When the gas tank exploded as a part of the truck’s destruction, the steel robot did not seem to be affected. The truck was obliterated by the laser blast. The sinister machine rolled back to the spot where the confrontation had begun.


    Deputy Sheriff Julie Dayton came into the office at 2:00 p.m. and changed in the locker room. She tied her chestnut brown hair into a pony-tail that she pushed out the back of her police cap. Deputy Dayton had a medium and solid build. Her five-foot eight height made her neither petite nor domineering. Hazel eyes adorned her attractive appearance.

    As the deputy sheriff emerged in uniform, she queried the desk assistant: Jack, where is Sheriff Burns?

    Not back from his day patrol yet, the desk assistant answered.

    Why don’t we call him and let the sheriff know I am here so he can start his weekend?

    The desk assistant called but got no reply.

    I’m going to go check his patrol area, he should be here or at least checking in. Call me if we hear from him.

    Deputy Dayton went to her patrol car and tried to get the Sheriff on the car radio. Again, no response.

    She drove for more than an hour to check afternoon patrol areas and still no response from the Sheriff. Deputy Dayton stopped at the local diner.

    She motioned to a waitress behind the breakfast bar.

    Excuse me, have you seen Sheriff Burns?

    The waitress put down her coffee pot and came to the front.

    Sherriff Burns was here for his normal coffee stop at about ten in the morning. I filled his thermos myself and I have not seen him since.

    Thank you, Dayton replied and went back to her pickup.

    She decided to trace the Sheriff’s morning patrol area and took the long haul down Deaf Smith County Road. The road was empty, but she continued to drive along the open fields. Peering ahead, she saw a blackened area on the county road.

    She drove up to the blackened section of pavement. Julie got out of the patrol vehicle and was shocked to see destruction of such thermal intensity. A pile of ashes on the street and only strips of metal car parts remained. She explored the area thoroughly and finally located a belt buckle and the metal badge belonging to Sheriff Burns.

    What happened here, some kind of deception, or was this the scene of a horrendous murder?

    Julie always showed concern for solo weekend patrols. She had been convinced of the validity of rural areas needing to be patrolled despite manpower limitations.

    She pulled her long blond hair away from her face and wiped her forehead. She was sweating profusely, struggling to comprehend how the event had occurred. The Deputy Sheriff had to turn away. She leaned over to the curb with a feeling of nausea.

    Gathering herself, Julie knew she must call in the incident.

    Jack, call in Officers Gaylord and Purcell and tell them to come out to 1400 North on Deaf Smith County Road. Sherriff Burns appears to have been killed in a fire or explosion. His truck has been destroyed. I will be investigating the nearby area. An explosion of some type has occurred, and I have not located Sheriff Burns. I do not know the cause yet, please get the boys out here.

    The desk assistant was shocked but held back his follow-up questions. I will make the calls, he answered.

    Julie gazed out from where she was standing on the blackened earth. She saw nothing but bare fields. A closer look revealed some scrub bushes, tumbleweeds, and trees in the far distance. She decided to hike about 100 yards in each direction to see if there were any signs of foul play. Julie’s stone-grey eyes scanned the fields and tree lines in all directions to no avail.

    Seeing nothing of importance in the immediate area, she walked to the west of the burned section, into the field. Her venture brought her to some patches of disturbed dirt. She bent down to see if there was anything significant about the turned soil. She noticed some areas were colder to the touch. The patches were darker than other solid dirt and scrub grass areas. She penciled a note regarding her discovery.

    A single unmarked car pulled up near her patrol vehicle. Julie could see Officers Tim Gaylord and Mark Purcell exiting the car. She saw the astonished glare on their faces. She opened a bag and showed them the Sheriff’s badge and belt buckle. With an incredulous look, she nodded toward the scorched scar on the ground.

    In a low voice, she said, I found these in the pile of ashes. I’m afraid the hardened metal items may be the only remains of Sherriff Travis’ vehicle.

    Gaylord, looked on is disbelief. His hair had been whitening to betray his youthful thirty-two years. Holy Christ, what happened? he asked.

    Officer’s Gaylord and Purcell stood bewildered and waited for more details from the Deputy Sheriff.

    Julie replied, I have no idea, guys. The destructive force had the appearance of a land mine or explosion of a missile from an airplane. The only thing I have found is dirt that has been recently dug up in the field about 80 yards west of here. Let’s go over there.

    The officers walked out to the area with Officer Dayton. Bending down, each of the fellow officers felt the displaced dirt. Officer Gaylord put some of the soil into a sample bag.

    Julie told her reporting officers to take samples from each of the areas showing recent tracks of soil displacement. She took samples of the ashes in the roadway herself.

    Officer Purcell rummaged in the car for his camera and took pictures of the scorched road site and the suspicious soil tracks in the field. Purcell was a thin man who had often proven himself in earlier barroom scrapes. He was stronger than he looked. His thin black hair stuck out from under the patrol cap. He was sporting a stubby beard seeming to come up quickly on his day off.

    Purcell glanced at Julie and held up the camera to indicate he had captured pics of the scene.

    Be sure to take shots of the entire area, Julie said, even open field pics.

    The officers expected a long night. After viewing the photos and samples, they returned to the station to discuss their next move.

    The men pulled up to the office which also was used as the County Courthouse. The officers always felt very official working from the true county seat of law. The white stone building had four stories and a total of thirty medium size windows. If anybody ever came to this building for a shoot-out there would surely be a huge clutter of broken glass.

    The two officers sat in the ground-level office, peering keenly at Deputy Sheriff Julie Dayton.

    The three law officials sat in total silence and dismay.

    For analysis of the soil and ashes, Julie went to her desk and called the county A and G Analysis Lab. The lab would check out the samples in a half hour. Julie withheld any information at the office about the suspected death of Sheriff Burns until she discussed her plan with the other officers.

    She sat with Tim and Mark and considered the next actions.

    I want an analysis of the materials we have, before making an announcement to the local news. I have no idea what we are dealing with. I want a quick check on what we found before we cause a county panic.

    She got out a legal pad to capture information acquired at this point.

    Ideas guys? What the hell could have happened?

    The only answer she got was a blank stare from each of them.

    Finally, Office Purcell spoke up. Maybe we should go back and travel all the way to the tree line about three miles from there. I’m not sure what we would find. If some type of explosive was used, maybe there could be some clues or additional materials.

    Julie summarized the first actions to be taken.

    Officers Gaylord and Purcell, take a drive back out near the location of the loosened soil. Take a plaster kit in case there are any tracks. Then, as Mark said, drive out to the tree line, and see if anything else looks suspicious. I am going into the A and G lab so I can get some quick analysis done on the ashes and the soil. Call my line with any information and we will meet back here at six.

    Yes, Deputy Dayton, the group replied in unison.

    Deputy Sheriff Dayton got to the lab quickly to press the issue with the analysis department. Within 20 minutes, one of the technicians came out to Julie in the waiting room. He had a portion of the materials in a small white tray. In his white lab coat, the tall and slender man with thin wisps of black hair completed the look of a scientist. His footsteps seemed measured as he approached Julie. His eyes wandered as if a scientific formula captivated his thoughts.

    Officer, I will place a high priority on the DNA testing of the ashes. It will still take at least three to four days.

    The lab tech asked, Where was this soil found?

    Julie answered, From a field near where a crime appears to have been committed. Part of a legal investigation, why?

    The technician arched his brow as he peered down at the tray. The soil is radioactive. The level is medium, here is a document stating the reading. The figure does not show a dangerous level, but greater than any naturally occurring radiation levels even with our beaming Texas sun.

    Julie asked, All the samples show medium levels of radiation?

    Correct, the technician answered.

    Julie was confused by this finding, but she was glad she had the soil analyzed. The scientist kept a small sample of the ashes for DNA testing. The deputy sheriff took the rest of the samples and signed documents. She went back to the station thinking about what her next actions would be. She considered the next upward chain of command, the State Troopers. Then her thoughts turned to the serious nature of the findings. She realized the actions may border on terrorism or a national threat.

    The FBI? She thought about the possibility as she pulled back into the parking lot at the station courthouse.

    The other officers had returned. Julie Dayton could tell by the exchange of excitement, there were additional discoveries to be reported.

    Officer Purcell had a plaster cast of the grid track from a large tractor or excavation implement. He laid aside the print and told Julie, I found these tracks in a small lot almost at the tree line. About three miles from where the ashes were.

    Julie reacted, Nice work, Mark!

    She examined the plaster track wrapped up in a thick plastic bag on a side table.

    "Leave the track sample wrapped and mark the bag Do not disturb."

    Both officers stared with curiosity when Sherriff Dayton put the soil samples on the table next to the plaster cast. She sat at the table with a document from the lab.

    They are radioactive. All the soil samples from the collection sites read medium level radiation.

    All three officers sat at the table looked at the deputy sheriff with quizzical impressions.

    Julie explained to them, The samples show an intermediate level of radiation present in the soil and ashes. I was told that the level of radiation was higher than any naturally occurring in this area. The analysis lab kept a portion of the ashes for DNA testing. The lab will get back to me in a couple days.

    She continued on a more personal matter. I will go in person to talk to the Travis family regarding the strong suspicion of the Sheriff being killed. I will try to explain this terrible event to them in a delicate way.

    Julie realized she should limit her message to the media based on the family’s wishes. I will not call the newspapers with any announcement of the death of Sheriff Travis Burns until the DNA results are returned.

    She raised her voice for her next comments, Until we have positive proof, I do not want this to be spread around the town. As far as we know, only the people who are present in the room are privy to this incident. I want it to stay that way for now, so keep it to yourselves.

    Coffee relaxed her and she was sipping a cup of today’s overcooked brew as she sat to explain the rest of her decisions to the officers.

    "We have a finding of radioactive material in the soil and unexplained incineration of our leader and his vehicle. I feel the incident falls into an area of possible terrorism and a national threat. So rather than bringing in the state troopers for further investigation, I intend to step over the chain of command and make a call to the FBI.

    Thoughts, guys?

    Officers Gaylord and Purcell were impressed by the quick judgment to notify the government. Their facial expressions showed confidence.

    Tim Gaylord spoke up. "It seems to be the right thing to do. We were very thorough out there, and everything we’ve found still leaves some serious questions.


    Officer Purcell agreed. He had a fleeting thought about the state troopers, so he commented, I suppose we should also notify the troopers. Or have we decided to report directly to the FBI exclusively?

    The deputy sheriff acknowledged, Good point, I will leave the trooper decision to the FBI. They may want exclusive coverage on this. This is going to be a busy area in the upcoming days. Ok, officers I am going to notify the FBI.

    She stepped into the inner office, closed the door, and made the call. She was back out in about ten minutes.

    We will be joined by a Special Agent on Monday. I will double-check the area tomorrow morning and again in the afternoon. Our initial investigation is over at this point. We do not want state troopers notified until coverage is complete. It will be an FBI call if troopers are brought in.

    I’ll take some time to write the article for a report of the incident to the papers. I have no time or patience for a reporter. I can modify the report based on the Burns family preference and, of course, the DNA results.

    Julie made another announcement before the officers left.

    I am calling for full attendance at the station on Monday. I know this will affect our schedule. I will be in touch with all officers soon about hours. Try to clear calendars so we can assist.

    After the two patrolmen left, Julie sat and wrote out her report.

    She kept things simple, sticking to the explosion on a rural area of Deaf Smith County Road leading to the suspected death of Sheriff Travis Burns. She signed the document, ‘Julie Dayton, acting Sheriff, Deaf Smith County.’

    Three days later, DNA analysis confirmed the death of Sheriff Burns.


    Nimisha’s Wedding

    When Nimisha Chandra was a teenager back in India, she always imagined being married in an exotic palace in New Delhi. As Nimisha glanced around the room at the delicate Asian adornments imported to the United States from her once homeland of India, she felt satisfied. The items decorated tables crowded with the people she loved. She was overwhelmed with happiness on this, her wedding day. The day would provide her with one of life’s great fulfillments. Marriage to Kevin Shawn in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

    The dancing area did not replicate exotic, warm New Delhi. Instead, there were ice-coated windows with January’s Wisconsin frosted snowflakes. The scene created a resemblance of a being inside a snow globe. The dancing would shake the floor and outdoors the white specks would continue to fly.

    Nimisha’s agile and athletic sister, Mimi Chandra, raised her glass at the main wedding table.

    "My world and my success in life would not have been possible without my sister Nimisha. I will always remember how she led me down a road of achievement in the U.S. along our chosen career paths to enforce the law. We had a wonderful partnership to start, although our paths have veered off in different directions.

    I knew someday my sister would be Nimisha Shawn. My first clue was Kevin’s care and respect for Nimisha when we attended University of Michigan. I am so honored to be with the newlyweds, Kevin and Nimisha Shawn. I raise my glass in a toast to this wonderful event. May happiness always follow the bride and groom throughout their lives together."

    Mimi clinked her glass with Kevin’s best man Brandon. The glass clinking continued with her sister Nimisha and finally her new brother-in-law Kevin Shawn. Nimisha sat proudly with her gown glistening. Her enchanting golden complexion and mysterious dark brown eyes painted a picture Mimi would always remember.

    The Father of the bride, Rahul Chandra came up to the table. Nimisha and Mimi stood at the same time to move closer to the man who had supported and inspired them. Rahul’s encouragement took them to great achievements as a legal team, lawyer and investigator, in northern Wisconsin.

    Papa, they shouted, and Mimi hugged her father as he grasped his older daughter’s hand.

    Nimisha leaned over, a tear in her eye, and whispered, Papa, you are so handsome today. I am so glad my father can be with me for this wonderful moment.

    Rahul shook Kevin Shawn’s hand. I trust Kevin forever with my beautiful Nimisha. I know she will be kept warm in this land of the snow. Kevin, always remember Nimisha means, ‘the moment’. My beautiful girl will always bring life into focus with a concentration on the moment.

    Thanks, I am so pleased to have Rahul Chandra as my father-in-law.

    Bradley Grant, lead detective from the Kewanee police came to the table to wish them the best and complete the champagne toast.

    Ladies, I will never forget the cases we have worked on together and all the exciting times we have had. Kevin Shawn, forensic lab director and a true gentleman. Nimisha, newly appointed District Attorney. Of course, your sister Mimi, Special Agent with the FBI. As you achieve your greatest dreams, you have all been great friends and associates to me. I wish you the best as man and wife.

    As he clinked glasses with Nimisha and Kevin, Mimi noticed the confident smile of the 6-foot, 2-inch handsome black detective. He helped them out of a lot of tight scrapes.

    Nimisha beamed. Brad, I love seeing our great friend in a stunning suit.

    As Nimisha addressed Detective Grant, a man from the reception hall came up to Nimisha, I have an important call for the FBI Special Agent, Mimi Chandra. Is she the woman sitting toward the end of the table?

    Yes, she is right there, Nimisha pointed.

    She shouted out to her sister in a jovial tone, Special Agent Chandra, Saturday night work call.

    An attendant at the reception hall came to the bridal table, Mimi Chandra, urgent telephone call in the main office.

    Her sister Nimisha tipped her head and showed a furrowed brow, You better not leave my wedding.

    Kevin asked his new bride, The FBI calls her any time required, right?

    Any time of any day, Nimisha answered.

    Kevin had decided to remove the small beard he had since his college days. Nimisha had not asked him to shave but she agreed with the idea. With his attractive face and sandy blonde hair, he looked spectacular to Nimisha on this special night.

    Kevin asked his bride, Does your Special Agent sister ever talk about her training days for the FBI?

    Sometimes she does. She said the hardest part was the computer technology skills she had to master to qualify for the Terrorism Unit.

    Kevin reacted, Her skills are outstanding, the Chandra attorneys have come so far since the law office in Kewanee. A District Attorney and an FBI Special Agent. Two loving sisters who can never talk to each other about cases being worked on.

    Nimisha commented, Not until the case is wrapped up and sometimes not even after the case is closed. Let’s not talk about work, Mr. Shawn

    Of course, I promise, no more talk about work, Mrs. Shawn.

    The glasses were being tinkled with the spoons, prompting another kiss.

    Perfect timing, Kevin said as he kissed his bride.

    Mimi returned to the table and her sister glanced back at her with an expression of question.

    What? Mimi asked.

    Just one question big sister, what is the deal? Nimisha answered.

    Although Mimi was three inches shorter than her sister Nimisha, she was 35 years old and Nimisha was 33. To Nimisha, the shorter Mimi would always be, big sister.

    I’m off to Dallas, Texas tomorrow night so I can be at a location in northern Texas first thing Monday morning.

    Kevin raised his glass and said, Here’s to Dallas, Texas

    Mimi’s date for the wedding was Brandon Wells. A tall and handsome gentleman who was Kevin’s best man. Brandon was also Mimi’s personal friend and occasional lover.

    Since she had been accepted by the FBI to become a Special Agent, her time to see Brandon had again become limited. She knew pursuing her true passion in life, the FBI would take her away from somebody she liked and enjoyed spending time with. Mimi told Brandon she needed to talk to him about something.

    They went to a quieter area of the reception hall for a chat.

    She began, Brandon since I work for the FBI and we haven’t gotten a lot of time to be together for quite a while. I just wanted to …

    Brandon stopped her by putting his finger on her lips.

    Please little doll, we have had some wonderful times together and I understand the new FBI position. New great challenges will be put at the doorstep. I have a new girlfriend and I am spending a lot of my time with her. She would be here tonight, but Donna’s mother is ill, and she had to help out in Chicago.

    He put both hands on Mimi’s shoulders and stared at her with his grey piercing eyes. I will always remember our times together and I wish Special Agent Chandra, the very best.

    He leaned forward with his 6-foot frame and kissed her cheek. I will always remember the wonderful times we enjoyed.

    Walking back into the main reception, Brandon asked her to dance. She agreed.

    Did I think a charming man would wait around while I went across the country playing detective? she thought during the dance. Mimi put her head on Brandon’s shoulder, feeling grateful for good times shared.

    After the wedding, she went back to her condo in Algoma. She felt relaxed sitting on the balcony with Papa. She sipped her Chai tea and tried to guess what new excitement awaited in Dallas. The view from her balcony was magnificent as always. The soft waves of Lake Michigan featured tiny whitecaps with a moonlight glisten. The best part of the evening was enjoying the contented expression on her father’s face. Not a word had been spoken for more than 20 minutes, yet there was communication. An exchange of feelings both distinctive and filled with powerful reflection.

    Mimi’s father took the time as another opportunity to congratulate his daughters. The accomplishments of my daughters have taken our family to an area of new legal triumph. Both appointments to top legal positions have been crowning achievements. I worry about the dangers a special agent will face. However, I trust my detective daughter’s abilities and good judgment.

    Thanks so much, Papa. I know Nimisha and I could never have gotten to where we are without the help of the most famous attorney India has ever known.

    Rahul changed the discussion. I will get to see Nimisha’s new house in Green Bay tomorrow; are my daughters going to keep this wonderful condo on the lake?

    Mimi spoke up, Papa, I have taken over ownership of the condo. I could never give up our little piece of paradise up here, even if I travel most of the year. My Papa is welcome here any time, no matter where I am.

    She moved closer to her father and pulled a small quilt over him. Papa. this way even at times when I am on the other side of the world. I can think of my father sitting right here on the balcony. For now, it’s time to put the lake to sleep for the night.


    Mimi went into the Dallas FBI office and was met by Jeanette Randell. She knew Jeanette from an interview for the Terrorist Division. She was the director of the division. Jeanette had been a special agent in the past.

    Mimi remembered the 12 meetings and all the interviews

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