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Text Mining with MATLAB®
Text Mining with MATLAB®
Text Mining with MATLAB®
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Text Mining with MATLAB®

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Text Mining with MATLAB provides a comprehensive introduction to text mining using MATLAB. It’s designed to help text mining practitioners, as well as those with little-to-no experience with text mining in general, familiarize themselves with MATLAB and its complex applications.

The first part provides an introduction to basic procedures for handling and operating with text strings. Then, it reviews major mathematical modeling approaches. Statistical and geometrical models are also described along with main dimensionality reduction methods. Finally, it presents some specific applications such as document clustering, classification, search and terminology extraction.

All descriptions presented are supported with practical examples that are fully reproducible. Further reading, as well as additional exercises and projects, are proposed at the end of each chapter for those readers interested in conducting further experimentation.

Release dateAug 14, 2012
Text Mining with MATLAB®

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    Text Mining with MATLAB® - Rafael E. Banchs

    Rafael E. BanchsText Mining with MATLAB®201310.1007/978-1-4614-4151-9_1© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

    1. Introduction

    Rafael E. Banchs¹  


    , , Barcelona

    Rafael E. Banchs



    The universality and ubiquity of the Internet in the current information society has changed human life in many different ways. One important element of this change is the possibility of accessing a virtually infinite amount of information in digital text format. Consequently, the text-oriented derivation of data mining, text mining, has been gaining attention as the available volume of textual information grows at a rate that is by far higher than our human capacity to handle and process such a huge volume of information.

    The universality and ubiquity of the Internet in the current information society has changed human life in many different ways. One important element of this change is the possibility of accessing a virtually infinite amount of information in digital text format. Consequently, the text-oriented derivation of data mining, text mining, has been gaining attention as the available volume of textual information grows at a rate that is by far higher than our human capacity to handle and process such a huge volume of information.

    This book introduces some of the fundamental concepts of text mining from an experimental perspective. It presents and illustrates all practical issues and implementations by using MATLAB® technical computing software,¹ a highly specialized programming language for numerical computing. The main contents of the book are presented at an introductory level, which should be useful for those audiences without any previous experience on using the MATLAB® programming environment or without any previous knowledge about text mining applications and techniques.

    This introductory chapter is organized as follows. First, in Sect. 2.1, a brief discussion on text mining and the suitability of the MATLAB® product for text mining applications is presented. Next, in Sect. 2.2, more detailed information is provided about what to expect from this book and how to use it. Then, in Sect. 2.3, a very quick introduction to the MATLAB® programming environment is given.

    1.1 About Text Mining and MATLAB®

    Data mining, also referred to as knowledge discovery in data, can be defined as the science of extracting useful knowledge from […] huge data repositories.² In accordance to this, text mining refers to such a knowledge discovery process when the source data under consideration is text.

    Strictly speaking, rather than specific areas of knowledge by themselves, data mining and text mining in general should be regarded as application-oriented interdisciplinary fields. In the particular case of text mining, it can be found to be closely related to disciplines such as natural language processing, computational linguistics and information retrieval, as well as to rely on important contributions from statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, in general. Because of its close relationship with and dependence on these related disciplines, precise definitions of the scope of text mining and its frontiers with these other disciplines cannot be easily depicted. In this sense, the notion of text mining only becomes clear for a given technique or application under the endeavor of discovering knowledge from a large collection of textual data.

    Nowadays, with the increase of computational power and the access to a virtually unlimited amount of information in digital text format, text mining is becoming a very important tool for both providing competitive services to users and extracting valuable knowledge for business intelligence and marketing research applications.

    As there are currently several text-oriented computational tools for text mining and data mining in general, you might be wondering why using a highly specialized numerical computing language such as the MATLAB® technical computing software for developing and implementing text mining applications. There are actually lots of reasons for recommending its use for text mining purposes such as, for instance:

    it is a high level application-oriented language which is also relatively easy to learn and use,

    it provides large number of algorithms and methods which are already programmed in the form of functions and toolboxes,

    it allows for interfacing with other programming languages such as Fortran, C++ and Java,

    it facilitates the creation of user interfaces and the generation of very high quality graphics and plots, and

    it allows for debugging and deploying stand alone applications.

    Nevertheless, apart from all these reasons, there is a conceptual and fundamental reason that makes the MATLAB® technical computing software an ideal tool for text mining purposes. Its name derives from MATrix LABoratory, as it was originally conceived as a programming language for manipulating and operating with matrices. On the other hand, as you will see in Chap. 8, one of the most popular ways of modeling and operating with textual data collections is by means of the vector space model, in which a complete collection of documents can be represented by means of a matrix, and most of the basic language processing operations can be conducted by means of matrix and vector operations. In this way, we can actually think about the MATLAB® software as the perfect programming environment for developing, implementing and deploying text mining applications and services.

    According to this, the present book is an attempt to simultaneously introducing the unfamiliar reader to the basic concepts of text mining, as well as demonstrating the main advantages of using the MATLAB® technical computing software for implementing text mining applications.

    1.2 About this Book

    Before getting into technical matters, let us present in more detail what is and what is not this book about, as well as provide some basic but useful tips on how to use this book.

    The book is structured in three main parts: Fundamentals, Mathematical Models and Techniques and Applications. The first part, Fundamentals, is devoted to introducing basic procedures and methods for manipulating and operating with text within the MATLAB® programming environment. It comprises Chaps. 2–5, in which text variables, regular expressions, basic string operations and file read/write operations and formats are introduced. More specifically:

    Chapter 2 focuses on the different types of variables that can be used for manipulating text, as well as it introduces some basic MATLAB® built in functions for operating with strings and other functions of more general use.

    Chapter 3 is completely devoted to the specificities and use of regular expressions in the MATLAB® programming environment.

    Chapter 4 focuses on basic operations with strings, such as search, replacement, segmentation, concatenation and some basic sets operations that can be applied to string and character sets.

    Chapter 5 deals with reading and writing text files and describes some commonly used file formats. Also, in Chap. 5, some basic functions for operating with directories and files are presented and described.

    The second part of the book, Mathematical Models, is devoted to motivate, introduce and explain the two most commonly used paradigms of mathematical models for representing textual data: the statistical approach and the geometric approach. It comprises Chaps. 6–9. More specifically:

    Chapter 6 introduces the main concepts related to corpus statistics. First, it presents and discusses some fundamental properties of language such as the Zipf’s law of frequencies and the phenomenon of burstsiness. Then, it introduces the notion of word co-occurrences and the incidence of word order information.

    Chapter 7 is devoted to the statistical modeling approach. It introduces the basic n-gram model, and the fundamental concepts of discounting and model interpolation. Additionally, a brief introduction to statistical bag-of-words models is also presented.

    Chapter 8 focuses on the geometrical modeling approach. It starts by presenting the concept of the term-document matrix and then extends it to the vector space model representation. The notions of distance and similarity are also presented and the most commonly used association scores are introduced.

    Chapter 9 is devoted to the specific problem of dimensionality reduction. It introduces the ideas of vocabulary pruning and merging, as well as some fundamental linear and non-linear projection methods.

    The third part of the book, Techniques and Applications, is devoted to some general problems in text mining and natural language processing applications. More specifically, the problems of document categorization, document search and content analysis are addressed in Chaps. 10, 11 and 12, respectively.

    Chapter 10 focuses on the problem of document categorization. It presents and illustrates basic techniques for unsupervised clustering and supervised classification. The case of supervised classification is addressed from both, vector space and statistical modeling approaches. Also, in this chapter, basic methods for extracting terminology that is relevant to a given document category are illustrated.

    Chapter 11 focuses on the problem of document search. More specifically, the binary search and the vector-based search approaches are described and illustrated. This chapter also introduces the basic metrics of precision and recall, as well as some other fundamental concepts of Information Retrieval, such as query expansion and relevance ranking. Finally, the problem of cross-language search is introduced.

    Chapter 12 deals with the problem of content analysis. Although this is indeed a very broad concept, this chapter focuses on two specific types of content analysis: polarity estimation and property extraction. In the first case, the problems of detecting polarity and estimating its intensity within the context of opinionated texts is presented and discussed. In the second case, the problem of extracting properties and other specific informational elements by means of text-pattern matching is introduced and illustrated.

    The main audience this book was conceived for are those persons with very little or none previous knowledge about text mining techniques and applications that are also not familiar with the MATLAB® programming environment. If you belong to this group you should be able to benefit from, as well as enjoy, all the chapters in this book.

    However, this book should be also useful for experienced text mining practitioners who are not familiar with the MATLAB® technical computing software. In this case, you should focus your attention into the chapters contained in the first and second parts of the book: Fundamentals and Mathematical Models.

    Similarly, this book should be also useful for experienced MATLAB® users without any previous experience in text mining applications. In this case, you should focus your attention into the chapters contained in the second and third parts of the book: Mathematical Models and Techniques and Applications. You might also need to review Chap. 3, which introduces regular expressions.

    Otherwise, if you are both familiar with the MATLAB® programming environment and have experience in text mining: this book is not for you! You should be already acquainted with most of the materials presented along the book.

    In addition to the main technical sections, each chapter in the book contains also three additional sections: further reading, proposed exercises and references. All these sections provide complementary materials aimed at reinforcing the main concepts covered by the technical sections, and further exploring some related concepts. The chapters in the second and third parts of the book also include an additional section entitled short projects, which proposes more broad and challenging exercises related to the problems described within the chapter.

    All the examples illustrated in this book are fully reproducible from the MATLAB® command window. In this sense, you should be able to follow the explanations in each section of the book and reproduce the very same results presented therein in your own computer. Most of the required data files and functions you will need to reproduce the examples along the book are available from the companion website For some specific examples, in which you will need to get the data by yourself, the pointers to the corresponding sources are provided in the companion website.

    The specific MATLAB® version that was used in the preparation of all examples in this book is (R2011a). So, you might expect small differences or inconsistencies in some examples if you are using a different version, especially if you are using an older one. For more information about possible clashes among different MATLAB® versions you must consult the corresponding updates in the companion website of the book.

    All the code presented in this book has been created with two specific objectives in mind: intelligibility and demonstrativeness. In this way, example codes are meant to be understandable, as well as to be able to demonstrate the different potentialities offered by the MATLAB® product, but they are not meant to be efficient! Efficiency has been not considered as a major criterion for code development in this book. However, some efficiency issues are actually noted and left to you as exercises in the proposed exercises sections of the corresponding chapters.

    The examples in any chapter are totally independent from the examples in the others, so you must be able to reproduce the examples in a given chapter without the need for executing any code from previous chapters. However, this is not the case for the examples within the same chapter, as in most of the cases the results of a given example are used as inputs for the subsequent ones. In this sense, you must be acquainted with the use of MATLAB® functions save and load , which will allow you to save your work session and restore it later on. A brief presentation of these functions is given in the following section, while a more detailed description is provided in Sect. 5.1.

    A final word on how to use this book must be given regarding the companion website, which, more than a simple repository for data files, code files and update notices, intends to be a space for interacting and sharing your text mining knowledge and experiences. In this way, you are strongly encouraged to contribute to this initiative by submitting and posting in the website your answers to the different exercises and short projects in this book. Similarly, you are encouraged also to submit and post new exercises, projects, comments, questions and recommendations. This will provide future generations of text mining with MATLAB® enthusiasts with useful knowledge and valuable resources from which to leverage on.

    1.3 A (Very) Brief Introduction to MATLAB®

    MATLAB® stands for MATrix LABoratory. It is a highly specialized programming language for numerical computing, which has been specially designed for efficiently operating with matrices. It is an interpreted language, which means that you need the MATLAB® interpreter to execute MATLAB® code. However, it also provides specific tools for creating stand alone applications. Here, we will restrict our use of the MATLAB® software as an interpreter.

    The first thing you need to do is to launch the MATLAB® environment. It will open a window including different elements on it. The most important ones are the command window and the workspace. The command window allows you to execute MATLAB® commands one at a time. The workspace contains and displays all the variables that are currently accessible from the command window.

    Once you have launched the MATLAB® environment, you can try reproducing the following examples from the command window. First, let us create a matrix:



    From this example you can see that creating a matrix by assigning its entry values is indeed very simple. The list of values must be given within brackets. The semicolon is used for vertical concatenation and the comma, or alternatively the white space, is used for horizontal concatenation.

    Indexing operations for accessing specific elements within the matrix are also very simple and intuitive:









    Notice from the examples in (1.2) how parentheses have been used for retrieving the matrix contents. Notice also that if the output of an operation is not explicitly assigned to a variable, it is assigned to a default variable called ans .

    The content of the workspace can be listed at any moment by using the function whos :



    You can save all the variables in the workspace by means of the function save . This will create a binary file called matlab.mat . You can restore your work session by using the function load to read the file matlab.mat and upload your saved variables back into the workspace. Let us illustrate this in the following example:











    The MATLAB® programming environment also supports most of the commonly used statements in other programming languages, such as for , while , if , then , etc. For displaying a description on how to use them, you can use the help function. For instance, you can execute: help for , help while , help if , and so on.

    Regarding the use of for , it is worth mentioning that in a wide variety of cases, and due to MATALB® matrix-oriented design, it can be avoided. Suppose, for instance, that you need to create a vector containing odd integers between 0 and 10. While, conventionally, you would need to do something like this:



    within the MATLAB® environment the same can be done as follows:



    Two important observations must be made with respect to the example in (1.5). First, notice that the use of a semicolon at the end of a command line prevents from displaying the output of the operation in the command window. This is especially useful when dealing with large matrices and vectors. In general, unless you are really interested in looking at the result of a given operation, the common practice will be to end each command with a semicolon.

    The second observation is that, different from C++ and other languages in which array indexes start with zero, MATLAB® array indexes must start with 1.

    Matrix operations are also very simple and intuitive. In the following example we create a 2 × 3 matrix by multiplying a column vector created from the first two elements of newvector times a row vector containing the three last elements of newvector :



    Notice from (1.7) how the apostrophe has been used for transposing the 1 × 2 row vector newvector (1:2) into a 2 × 1 column vector. Notice also how the end keyword has been used to make reference to the last index of the vector.

    Two types of mathematical operations are to be distinguished within the MATLAB® programming environment, namely matrix operations and array operations. In the case of addition and subtraction, they are totally equivalent, but in the cases of multiplication, division and exponentiation they produce completely different results. While matrix operations refer to the conventional mathematical definition of matrix operations, array operations refer to operations that are carried out on an element-by-element basis. The following example illustrates such a difference for the specific case of multiplication:





    As seen from (1.8a), the matrix multiplication implements the mathematical definition of such kind of operation, where the element ij in the resulting matrix is computed by adding up all the products between the elements in row i of the first matrix and the elements in column j of the second matrix. For instance, the 46 in (1.8a) results from the following operation 1 * 5 + 2 * 7 + 3 * 9. Notice how the multiplication of a 2 × 3 matrix ( matrix ) times a 3 × 2 matrix ( newmatrix' ) has resulted in a 2 × 2 matrix.

    On the other hand, as seen from (1.8b), the array multiplication implements an element-by-element multiplication, in which the element ij in the resulting matrix corresponds to the product of the element ij of the first matrix times the element ij of the second matrix. In this case, the dimensions of the resulting matrix are the same to those of the matrices being multiplied. Notice that the operator for array multiplication is given by ‘.*’. In general, pre-appending a dot to an arithmetic operator invokes the corresponding array operation.

    Recall that implementing any of the two operations in (1.8a) and (1.8b) in a conventional programming language requires two nested for–end loops, one for moving along the rows of the resulting matrix and the other for moving along the columns!

    Although we will not be using it in this book, another very useful feature of the MATLAB® programming environment is that it allows for handling complex numbers in a very natural way too. For instance, let us create a complex-valued matrix with the real parts derived from matrix and the imaginary parts derived from newmatrix :



    Operations with complex-valued matrices and vectors can be carried out in exactly the same ways operations with real-valued matrices and vectors are conducted.

    Finally, before concluding this (very) brief introduction to MATLAB®, let us discuss in more detail about the issue of writing and executing programs. In addition to the option of executing commands one-by-one in the command window, it is also possible to write and save code in specific files denominated m-files.

    An m-file is actually a text file containing MATLAB® code. The two main types of m-files are scripts and functions. Both types of m-files can be created in the MATLAB® text editor or, alternative, in any other text editor able to generate plain text files. Additionally, both types of m-files can be executed directly from the command window, and invoked from other m-files (either a script or a function).

    They main difference between scripts and functions is that scripts are executed over the main workspace, the same you use when executing commands directly from the command window. This means that all variables created and used in the script are loaded into the workspace, as well as all previously existing variables in the workspace are accessible and can be used from the script. You can think of a script as a segment of code that you better write down into a text file and execute it all as single command (the script file name), rather than having to input and execute the same code, but one command at a time.

    On the other hand, a function is executed in a dedicated workspace that is created when the function is called and discarded when the function execution ends. According to this, functions do not have access to the variables in the main workspace. So, they need to receive, as input variables during the function call, those workspace variables they must use. Equivalently, internal variables created during the function execution are not visible from the main workspace. So, variables of interest must be returned by the functions as output variables.

    For declaring an m-file to be a function, the first line of the file must obey the following syntax:



    where out_n refers to the output variables returned by the function, and in_m refers to the input variables received by the function. Both, the total number of output and input variables, N and M , can be any integer or zero. The m-file containing a given function function_name must be named as function_name.m .

    Although you can create your own functions, one of the main advantages of the MATLAB® technical computing software is that it has already available hundreds of functions for you to use. A simple example, for illustrating the use of a function here, can be the one for computing the inverse of a matrix:



    We will be using both scripts and functions along this book depending on what happens to be the most convenient thing to do in each specific situation.

    One final advice regarding the issue of writing and using scripts and functions, which also applies to the creation and use of variables in general, is that you must be careful about not using existing script, function or variable names for your newly created scripts, functions or variables. This kind of omissions can result in mysterious bugs that are difficult to track and solve. For avoiding name collisions in the specific case of variables, the function genvarname can be used to generate valid variable names that are different from other existent variables.

    1.4 Further Reading

    There are several introductory and advanced books related to text mining theory and applications. Some good examples include (Feldman and Sanger 2006; Srivastava and Sahami 2009; Berry and Kogan 2010). Other good reference books in the related field of natural language processing include (Manning and Schütze 1999; Jurafsky and Martin 2000).

    There are also several introductory books to MATLAB®. Some good references include (Palm III 2007; Gilat 2008; Pratap 2009; Etter 2010). However, the most comprehensive and updated guide to MATLAB® can be found in the corresponding online Product Documentation (The MathWorks 2011).


    Berry MW, Kogan J (2010) Text mining: applications and theory. John Wiley & Sons, Padstow

    Etter DM (2010) Introduction to MATLAB, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, New Jersey

    Feldman R, Sanger J (2006) The text mining handbook: advanced approaches in analyzing unstructured data. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

    Gilat A (2008) MATLAB: an introduction with applications, 3rd edn. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey

    Jurafsky D, Martin JH (2000) Speech and language processing: an introduction to natural language processing computational linguistics and speech recognition. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey

    Manning CD, Schütze H (1999) Foundations of statistical natural language processing. The MIT Press, Cambridge

    The MathWorks (2011) MATLAB product documentation. Accessed 6 Nov 2011

    Palm III WJ (2007) A concise introduction to MATLAB. McGraw Hill Higher Education, New York

    Pratap R (2009) Getting started with MATLAB: a quick introduction for scientists and engineers. Oxford University Press, New York

    Srivastava A, Sahami M (2009) Text mining: classification, clustering, and applications. Data mining and knowledge discovery series. Chapman and Hall/CRC, London



    MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.


    This definition is taken from the Curriculum Proposal of the ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Accessed 19 November 2011.

    Part 1


    Rafael E. BanchsText Mining with MATLAB®201310.1007/978-1-4614-4151-9© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

    Rafael E. Banchs

    Text Mining with MATLAB®


    Rafael E. Banchs

    A*Star, Institute for Infocomm Research, Queenstown, Singapore

    ISBN 978-1-4614-4150-2e-ISBN 978-1-4614-4151-9

    © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

    Fundamental brainwork, is what makes the difference in all art.

    Dante Gabriel Rossetti

    Rafael E. BanchsText Mining with MATLAB®201310.1007/978-1-4614-4151-9_2© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

    2. Handling Textual Data

    Rafael E. Banchs¹  


    , , Barcelona

    Rafael E. Banchs



    This chapter introduces the main variable classes that are used in the MATLAB® programming environment for representing and handling text. First, in Sect. 2.1, the basic variable type for representing text, which is the character array, is described. Then, in Sects. 2.2 and 2.3, cell arrays and structures, which are the most commonly used variable classes for handling and operating with text, are described, respectively. Finally, in Sect. 2.4, a brief overview is provided on the specific MATLAB® built-in functions for operating with text, as well as other useful functions worth to be known.

    This chapter introduces the main variable classes that are used in the MATLAB® programming environment for representing and handling text. First, in Sect. 2.1, the basic variable type for representing text, which is the character array, is described. Then, in Sects. 2.2 and 2.3, cell arrays and structures, which are the most commonly used variable classes for handling and operating with text, are described, respectively. Finally, in Sect. 2.4, a brief overview is provided on the specific MATLAB® built-in functions for operating with text, as well as other useful functions worth to be known.

    2.1 Characters and Character Arrays

    The basic variable type for representing text in the MATLAB® programming environment is the character. A character is a variable used to represent symbols in some predefined encoding system. Depending on the encoding scheme being used, a character can be represented with one, two or more bytes. By default, when writing and reading text files from your system, the MATLAB® environment uses the default encoding of the operating system. However, in the case of MATLAB® data files, the unicode encoding system is used. This guarantees the portability of data files across systems. The specific encoding of a given text can be changed at any moment by using MATLAB® functions native2unicode and unicode2native . More details on the encoding scheme issue will be given in Chap. 5, where we will focus our attention in the problem of writing and reading text files.

    A text string is represented as an array (or matrix) of characters. For defining a variable as a character array, it is required that its value is provided within apostrophes. Try the following example in the command line:



    Such a command defines and initializes the variable string as a

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