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Texting: Learn How To Attract, Persuade & Seduce Anyone With Text Messages (Sexting Tips For Dating, Romance And Relationships For Men And Women)
Texting: Learn How To Attract, Persuade & Seduce Anyone With Text Messages (Sexting Tips For Dating, Romance And Relationships For Men And Women)
Texting: Learn How To Attract, Persuade & Seduce Anyone With Text Messages (Sexting Tips For Dating, Romance And Relationships For Men And Women)
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Texting: Learn How To Attract, Persuade & Seduce Anyone With Text Messages (Sexting Tips For Dating, Romance And Relationships For Men And Women)

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About this ebook

Text messaging has been here with us long enough for everyone to understand its benefits, but the problem is that most men do not take it very seriously when it comes to texting men or women when they want to court them.
This book is a great guide that men who do not have the guts to approach men or women face to face can use, and even perform better than it could have been to convince the women verbally.

The book starts by showing you the tricks of acquiring the main tool that will enable you to link with her, which is her phone number. Men get jitters when they set to ask for a lady’s number, but that will be a forgotten past when you get this eBook and follow the texting guidelines. Learn how to initialize a conversation, the timing of your texts and the things to avoid that may affect the process of your conversation.

In this book you will find practical advice like this:
  • How to communicate better in relationships and how texting can work for you
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of texting - what works and what should be avoided
  • What questions and words are sure to get a response — and which ones to avoid
  • As you search for true love, these texting tips and techniques will guide you.

Study this volume well, and use it to find the best kind of man — the one you can teach to communicate better — the one special person who appreciates you!

The book has tips you can follow when texting a man or woman and keep him/ her engaged throughout the session. The way you frame the text greatly influence how he/ she feels about you as well as how you think about him/ her. The book is recommended for women or men who want to cut time on building a deep bond with their counterpart in a drastic way. It reveals exactly how to text and make someone fall in love with your written message.
Texting is very powerful if done correctly at the appropriate time. It can fully reignite the desires and as well bring the playfulness you had in your relationship back. Being informed means, you are powerful. Through reading the book, you can attest that you have gotten useful information as well as new knowledge on the texting tips. Thank you for reading through the book.

Feel free to share with your friends or family and let them take a sip of these golden texting tips.
PublisherJudy Flannery
Release dateMay 7, 2022
Texting: Learn How To Attract, Persuade & Seduce Anyone With Text Messages (Sexting Tips For Dating, Romance And Relationships For Men And Women)

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    Book preview

    Texting - Judy Flannery


    Learn How To Attract, Persuade & Seduce Anyone With Text Messages

    (Sexting Tips For Dating, Romance And Relationships For Men And Women)

    Judy Flannery

    ©2022 All rights reserved.

    No part of this guidebook shall be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Legal & Disclaimer

    The information contained in this ebook is not designed to replace or take the place of any form of medicine or professional medical advice. The information in this ebook has been provided for educational & entertainment purposes only.

    The information contained in this book has been compiled from sources deemed reliable, and it is accurate to the best of the Author's knowledge; however, the Author cannot guarantee its accuracy and validity and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. Changes are periodically made to this book. You must consult your doctor or get professional medical advice before using any of the suggested remedies, techniques, or information in this book.

    Upon using the information contained in this book, you agree to hold harmless the Author from and against any damages, costs, and expenses, including any legal fees potentially resulting from the application of any of the information provided by this guide. This disclaimer applies to any damages or injury caused by the use and application, whether directly or indirectly, of any advice or information presented, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, personal injury, criminal intent, or under any other cause of action.

    You agree to accept all risks of using the information presented inside this book. You need to consult a professional medical practitioner in order to ensure you are both able and healthy enough to participate in this program.


    Chapter 1: The Basics

    Chapter 2: What To Do And Don'ts Of Sexting

    Chapter 3: Learn These Principles (Men Only)

    Chapter 4: Attractions For Buildings

    Chapter 5: What To Do Convert In The Man To Text (For Only Females)

    Chapter 6: The Things That Could Affect The Flow Of Your Discussion

    Chapter 7: Writing The Type Of Texts That Bring You To The Top Of Your Mind And In The Heart Of His

    Chapter 8: I Shouldn't Have Sent That!

    Chapter 9: What Does He Mean By That Text?

    Chapter 10: Tips To Flirt With Texts

    Chapter 11: 7 Things You Should Learn About Texting

    Chapter 12: Flirty And Sassy Texting Strategies

    Chapter 13: When Does Texting Become Too A Lot?

    Chapter 14: Our Final A Few Tips On How To Text A Girl

    Chapter 15: The Mistakes You Should Avoid When Texting A Man

    Chapter 16: First Message On Dating Apps

    Chapter 17: How Soon Do I Text Her

    Chapter 18: Sexting The Right Way


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    Chapter 1: The Basics

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    Let's get this party going:

    The first thing to do is make sure that you've got this girl's number, and you'll call her and send her your first message. Do not worry over trying to please her. The most important thing to remember is that you don't have anything to show anybody... you're fantastic. You're a snoot. Your life is wonderful. You're always engaged in something enjoyable and exciting , and lots of girls would like to be part of your life... This is the perspective you should consider to be successful. If you approach this seeking acceptance or approval you will see it from a distance and throw you away as a squatter, I guarantee it.

    What you should know about women right from the first text you send is that women always look for a man highly valued. It's a good thing you're looking for.

    Imagine going shopping with a man... it is normal to go through the door and pick up the things you require pretty quickly, don't you think? You then leave. It's simple and easy.

    Have you ever had a conversation with a woman who is shopping? She reviews all the items and is looking for the best price and considers the finer points and the best. This is the way women are. When you text messages to her, they should be in the context in which you are the boss and the one she's lucky to text with. It's not meant to be an arrogant prick. It is merely a sign that you're an alpha male...act as one when you write your text messages.

    The Correct Amount of Cocky

    Texting is the best spot to get flirty. But being cocky on your own isn't enough. Being all confident could cause her to believe that you're the most pompous and rude person she's ever met. This is why you should be a bit cocky and humorous. Combine it with humour. Do not take yourself too seriously However, you must make it clear that you are the king of your castle.

    You must be confident and amusing. Being cocky by yourself can help her to not respond to your messages however being funny and cocky is a winning combination. This kind of personality is what will make women smile and be amazed while at the same time.

    Humor and humor to charm her

    Important issues should be discussed in person, except if you are physically separated from one another. Make sure to keep your messages to her fun and pleasant. Being able to communicate with her with a ability to laugh is essential however, you must ensure that you're able to convey it in a way that's enjoyable.

    Always remember: A lady will not forget the man who made her laugh.


    It means that, despite the harsh world the man is able to make her feel happy.

    How Fast Should You Respond

    Ideally, you shouldn't respond too quickly, except the time it is needed or advantageous. Avoid the mistake of not allowing yourself to respond. Actually, you should not answer to any of her messages. This is a holy men's admonition: Don't make yourself available. Give her the time to forget youand then become more and more distant from you. If you're at hand every time she presses a button on her phone, there's no reason for not being there for her. It will appear as if you have no important things to accomplish. No work? No obligation? No life? This is not a positive image.

    How often should you text Her

    It's all about how well she responses in your text messages. If you believe that she is also interested in conversing with you, and responds to your messages so well that she asks questions and offers suggestions to keep the conversation and you are able to send her a text as often as you'd like. However, if she responds to your text messages by saying Yes. (or No. This is an indication that she's not interested in communicating with you. As a male it is your responsibility to

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