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A Twisted Shade of Green: Betrayal
A Twisted Shade of Green: Betrayal
A Twisted Shade of Green: Betrayal
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A Twisted Shade of Green: Betrayal

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Love Is The Heart’s Gift From God!

The author of the trilogy: A Twisted Shade of Green returns with an attention-grabbing, soul-questing finale, Betrayal. Glen Monroe’s world once was filled with ecstasy as he ensnared a woman’s entire being with just one look. Glen’s eyes dazzle with a hint of lust and revenge doused with lies and secrets that intrigue all women. That was before Glen met true love, Kali Mathias! And now, that essence of being kissed by Judas outpour from the pores of the very ones Glen least expected to do him wrong. His sister, ex-lover, and best friend! Could it possibly be the end of Glen’s true love? How would such love survive within Glen’s turned upside-down trial of trickery and backstabbing? The existence where he no longer knows if he belongs nor who that person glaring him back in the face really was anymore as Glen quietly sighs, whispering. “Who am I to be anyone’s father? I’m a man undressed of honor and pride by his own flesh and blood!”

Glen wonders. Where does Kali Mathias fit in? Because a life facing one scheming thing after another is all Glen could promise Kali. Particularly now that his life has become a three-ring circus with Iona Monroe’s lies and Baby Mama Drama. It’s no longer Kali and him, but an ex-lover and a child, Glenalina Monroe. Glen smiles, asking himself. “Is this the cost for being a man which every woman desires to be hers?” And when his life is the most vulnerable, God finally answered Glen’s prayers for true love. But this revelation of Kali being Mrs. Glen Monroe was no longer his. Like Moses in the Bible, God permitted him to see the altar of love with Kali Mathias as a potential wife. The only woman Glen knows was ordained by God to be his now has doubts planted by his ex-lover. Can Kali’s heart overcome the suspicion of Iona’s unjust claim of him being the father of her baby, Glenalina Monroe? Leaving everyone wanting to know. “Who is the father of Glenalina Monroe? Or perhaps wondering is the child even Iona’s baby?”
Release dateFeb 23, 2022
A Twisted Shade of Green: Betrayal

Eloise Epps MacKinnon

Eloise Epps MacKinnon, Christian Romance Author, Motivational Speaker, and a Servant of God. In all of these roles, she advocates for the empowerment of our women and children. She’s an active part of the Children’s Ministry at church because it’s never too early for someone to learn their god-given purpose in society. A life brand in which God gave his only Son for us to achieve without a cost; the choice and power to be true to ourselves, unmask our inner beauty, and let Him shine through us. Eloise’s novels: Escaping Rapture Of Devotion, A Twisted Shade Of Green - Portrayal Of Lust And Revenge, and A Twisted Shade Of Green - Lies and Secrets. Her books were written with a message for everyone who thinks they’re too broken for God to fix. As well as everyone who society has taught; they are less desirable because of race, the shade of their skin, weight, texture/length of hair, level of education, living environment, job status, etc. Well, that list can go on and on. But, through Eloise’s writings and speaking engagements, she prays to empower everybody not to accept the labels which society has branded us with; instead, the one that God gave His only Son for us to achieve. Eloise’s cause is to empower readers through trust and faith in God to know He equipped us with “Choice”! So, readers through her novels, she prays to furnish you with the words on all pages to elect your rights to stand-up and be proud of who we are, regardless of what others think! And, even though our lives may or may not parallel the characters in the books, the fairy tale happy ever after. It can be represented by all the struggles endured and the trust and faith the characters possessed to achieve the faithful ending. And, just like God, answered their prayers, He can and will do the same for each of us as promised in His words; the Holy Bible. Contact information: Website: blog: email:

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    A Twisted Shade of Green - Eloise Epps MacKinnon



    T   he jubilant wedding day bliss at Seashore Steak and Seafood is vastly becoming a two-ring circus. Jameson’s reservation staff, the Iona haters, edge closer and closer to the dining room. They were crowding around like an ant colony surrounding a piece of candy to devour. Not a soul wanted to miss that latest Glen and Iona Monroe début of Who’s The Baby’s Daddy as Glen adjusts himself, on one knee, before Kali Mathias.

    Iona’s words become tongueless as her essence sinks to see the man she loves avidly kneeling before another woman. And, what’s worse, he held an engagement ring that once belonged to her. Flabbergasted, Iona’s tongue plasters to the roof of her mouth, speechless as she sees Glen avidly reach out for Kali’s left hand. But suddenly, he freezes up in motion, looking like a statue. Did Glen confront an instant of weakness about whom he should marry? Iona sighs in wonder, thinking. Is my Baby Mama Drama causing Glen to have second thoughts? Cause Iona sees a fiery passion within Glen’s heart for the mother of his child. Regardless of Glen’s reason, it offers Iona’s spirit hope. Her soul leaps with joy seeing him having second thoughts about marrying Kali. In Iona’s head, she knew it was a sign from Glen. Yet, she wishes her heart could interpret the language of his love to understand it is her and Glenalina that Glen desires. Because that hesitation tells Iona that Glen wants to be a family as she yells out an earsplitting shout across the room. Oh Glen, stop it now! Stop with these charades before my heart shatters, thinking it is not Glenalina and me who you choose.

    Wordlessly Glen gently turns and apologetically leers in Iona’s hopeful face. Glen feels a twinge of guilt, then turns a blind eye to Iona’s unfaithful plea as he shifts to look at Kali. Glen affectionately smiles upward in Kali’s patiently waiting face as water streams down Iona’s jaw. She couldn’t bear to observe Glen make such a reckless choice of marrying Kali Mathias when she’s the mother of his child. Iona’s tearful eyes drift off as Glen fervidly glides her engagement ring on Kali’s finger.

    Then hearing sighs of elation, Iona’s gaze shifts back in time to seize Glen’s minute of true bliss. She looks as Glen heatedly stands, eagerly drawing Kali into his arms while their lips lock in a fiery kiss. As their lips separate, Iona’s spirit crushes to hear Glen’s blissful vow to Kali, as if she wasn’t in the same room. She leisurely breathes as Glen pulls Kali closer, then zealously speaks. Thank you, Kali! Today you have made all of my dreams come true by saying yes to spending a lifetime with me!

    However, not everyone in the room shares Glen and Kali’s engagement enthusiasm. Because prowling inside the quaint dining hall walls, every eyeball bug out with a fiery wrath. As inquiring minds search Iona’s devastated face. Is this Iona’s quiet side before the raging storm!

    Glen wonders while anticipating Iona’s retaliation to Kali and his engagement, mostly when Iona believes he is the father of Glenalina Monroe. But, neither Kali nor Glen expects his tactless character to result in a domino effect among the Iona Monroe haters. Not one of them could understand how such an upright man would deny a mother and his child. And for selfish desires, as gawks of daggers pours in Glen and Kali’s path. Kali’s eyeballs widen while the offended group encircles Glen and Kali like an army ready to attack. Kali’s in shock as she grabs onto Glen’s arm, afraid of that dreadful notion taunting her mind. She searches their faces, wondering. If this was one of the benefits of becoming Mrs. Glen Monroe and not Iona?

    Suddenly, Kali recognizes to see her Promised Land; it comes with Glen burdened with handcuffs. Iona plus baby Glenalina Monroe in tow; it’s not quite the Jordan crossing that Kali has awaited. Especially after watching Glen and her joyous engagement party bliss at Seashore Steak and Seafood turn into a mockery. At that second, Kali knows there is a time to talk and a time for silence. And her eyes reveal it all as Kali gazes at Jameson Milo, begging for help. His irate employees outnumber them, and Kali desires Jameson to control his defiant workers. And stop their madness before it is too late to save her or Glen from the mob’s lynching.

    Jameson immediately breaks up this crowd, ordering his staff back to work. Then getting the others in check, Jameson checks his watch. Scowling at Glen, he advises him to wrap up his engagement party. Because Jameson knew the fireworks were just about to start as he senses the hellish wrath of Martha Hayward like a raging ocean on the prowl. Then, rummaging over the room, his eyes spot Martha, looking as beautiful as ever, standing there searching for Iona. His heart leaps at the sight of her!

    Jameson waves to her, and Martha soars toward him in wonder. But reaching Jameson, Martha’s effervescent demeanor turns sour in a hurry after spotting Jameson’s arm draped about Jennifer Monroe. Martha jeers at him with a venom corrupting each inch of her being, briskly insisting. Jameson, why was I summoned to this witch hunt with these hypocrites?

    Jameson’s already antsy just seeing Martha. And, her tongue of dagger tone doesn’t help. Then Jameson leers into a look of betrayal in Martha’s heated eyes. Jameson recognizes, right then, his and Martha’s solemn promise of silence until the grave is over! He couldn’t let Martha destroy his friendship with Glen and Jennifer by spilling their hidden secrets about Glenalina Monroe. He insists on Martha’s silence at once, barking. Get Iona and her child out of here! Soon as Jameson’s ghastly tone ends ringing in Martha’s earlobe, her heart hardens. Martha’s beside herself. Why is Jameson talking about Iona and a daughter in the same air space for all to hear. Becoming a bit deranged, Martha spitefully gawks into Iona’s face, asking. Iona, where is Glenalina now?

    Iona sneers at her sister, expressing. Ask your lover since Jameson took Glenalina somewhere out of harm’s way of Glen’s wayward lips.

    Martha nervously roars. He did what! Then seeing all eyes revert to her, Martha heatedly turns to Jameson. She strives hard to maintain her composure. Even so, it is useless as Martha’s licentious desires and her tongues of fury were no more than scorned lyrics to rumba with the devil again. Martha’s stumbling backward. Back into that infernal place, Martha felt she had once conquered. Was her faith like the Parable of The Sower in Matthew 13:5-6? Is Martha’s faith in God starting to wane seeing the hatred pouring from Glen’s eyes? Her soul has been uprooted and turned to evil. Her faith tainted as Martha barks, demanding. Where is my child? Bring Glenalina to me now, Jameson Milo!

    Chapter One

    T he ambiance inside darkens at the words of Martha Hayward. Where is my child, Jameson Milo? Inhaling intensely, Martha clinches her throat, thinking. What did I just say! Her shifty eyeballs drift back and forth around the table into probing faces replete with the curiosity of Who is the mother? Nobody dares to ask the thought roving inside their mind. Instead, Martha’s hearing such snide comments and icy stares infused with everybody’s skepticism of her and Iona. There was no way to dodge these baffling glares as Glen Monroe and Jameson Milo both clamor. Tell us it isn’t so, Martha. You can’t be!

    Was Martha’s tongue moving swifter than her brain? She ponders. How could I maneuver my way out of this pickle? That instant, Martha wishes she could hide her head far beneath the sand like an ostrich. Away from Glen’s face inflicted with disdain concealing a guilty complex. Kali’s serene eyes appear doubtful of her disquieting choice of friendship. Lynette’s brash glare is of sheer disapproval. Jameson’s mug reeks with concerns and animosity. And Jennifer’s broached brows were of utter disbelief, at the same time as Martha ungallantly conveys. Who do you people think you are to cast an eye of stones upon Iona or me with ablaze sneers and remarks, you hypocrites?

    Jameson speedily acts. Martha! Now is not the time to unleash your newfound virtue, not after spewing that eye-opening confession.

    As his lips seals, Martha imagines her way out was to wreak havoc on Glen and Jameson’s slyness as opposed to hers. Martha insists. Jameson, what better time than now? Particularly when Iona and I are glared at by all of you as an outcast, the devil’s spawn. Martha somewhat scoffs, requesting to know. Now, why are we outsiders and not you, Jameson Milo and Glen Monroe?

    Martha couldn’t fathom it! Admittedly, Iona and her actions were not condemnable of such public hatred, as they were showing. In Martha’s oddest imagination, her psyche couldn’t grasp why among them all did Jameson or Glen somehow believed they were better than her or Iona. Not when Glen and Jameson have been waddling and reveling in these same sensual treats right alongside Iona and her. Even so, the eyes of humiliation befall on Iona and her. Martha acknowledges for both their sake, she must defend her sister’s dignity against such hatred. Like how a panicked mother hen takes her brood under her wings of protection. And now, Iona needs her arms of shelter as Martha’s eyes plunge into Iona’s crestfallen face, asking. Iona, I came as quick as possible. Are you okay? Martha suppresses her fakeness for the moment to follow Iona’s intense eyes dwelling on Kevin Beatty’s desponded and scared mug. Iona’s eyes were fixated on Kevin like he was about to trade her deepest secret with an enemy spy. Martha stops to consider. Were Iona’s jaws winded about Kevin, or perhaps it’s seeing me that’s set her off?

    Concerned, Martha gingerly entreaties. Sister, might I have a moment of your time in private, please? She is somewhat terrified even to think that Iona would reveal their twisted obscurities behind the child’s paternity.

    Iona disengages her heated glower away from Kevin, strongly querying. Martha, haven’t your darken tongue shed enough light in the room for one day? She scoffs, spitefully going on. And, now you swoop in here like a savior of some sort. Well, put away your holy headdress and oils as there’s no need for it for me since I have my tongue under control. Although it is a pity, I cannot say the same for your wayward one, Martha.

    Sheepishly, Martha begins to answer Iona’s craziness when her gaze interlocks with Jameson’s unsettled look. She playfully asks. Jameson, what’s got your panties so clustered; I’m here as you asked! She devilishly giggles. So, where’s the raging fire you needed me to put out? She chuckles! Because this is definitely not the sizzling inferno that I was thinking of dousing. Martha fervidly winks into Jameson’s path while noting his googly gawk trailing her about the room. Beaming, Martha struts like a peacock over in the back of where he and Jennifer are seated. She tries to seize Glen’s eye, yet only Jameson’s.

    Martha can’t decipher which one of them she’s most disheartened with Jameson’s stares or Glen not noticing her. Why not make them both regret it! She breathes within.

    Martha heatedly rakes her fingers through Jameson’s head of curly locks, drawing Glen and Jennifer inside of her web of curiosity. Martha’s ardent touch grows more intense, rousing Jameson up as he stutters, Mar .. tha! Jameson is at a loss of speech, a goner as she fancies he would be. Martha avidly slips her fingers out of his hair, obsessively grinning. Yet, his reaction isn’t what Martha thought at all as Jameson heartlessly leers into her shiny face, bellowing. Martha, please show some respect!

    Had Martha misconstrued Jameson’s fiery gaze for a look of desire? Martha grins from ear to ear as her heart aches within to see Jameson with Jennifer since she had hoped his call was an invite for some mid-day romance. She considers. Why’s Jameson transmitting mixed emotions by being so playful? When his deer-eyed lost gaze into Jennifer’s face, tell me otherwise. Then, a roar in Jameson’s next mouthful streamlines it for Martha and everyone else in the room as he squeals. I want you out of my sight! So take your twisted sister and go because neither of you is welcome, not in my restaurant. If Martha has any misgivings, his brash tone clears them up. That beckon Martha races to envelop is not one of Jameson’s desires. It was an invite of desperation. He wanted Iona out of SeaShore’s Steak and Seafood, far away from Glen. And he knew no one other than Martha could tame the shrew, Iona.

    Nonetheless, his belligerent tongue awakens this war inside Martha. She will never give up this confrontation before stripping Jameson’s life of everyone he loves.

    Martha quietly breathes within, thinking. It’s showtime! She grins to disguise her bruised ego, reaching her hand out to Jennifer, rudely saying. Hello, I don’t believe we were properly introduced. I am Martha Hayward, Iona’s sister. And Jameson’s ex-fiance, who needs his ear for a few seconds, so I do hope you don’t mind sharing.

    Jennifer looks at Jameson, snidely averring. Martha! Since when did Satan’s progeny ever need to be suitably introduced to anybody as I know your kind well.

    Martha, to some extent, chuckles. Well then, in that case, I’ll get right down to business, Jennifer. She grins at Jennifer, then fires her the stink eye, deposing. I will be quick about it, but I still must take Jameson aside for a bit of privacy. She coyly jokes. If you get my drift!

    Jameson leaps in, saying, Martha, whatever it is you wish to say or do, it can be said or done before Jennifer because there will be no back door deals with you.

    Martha rapidly snaps back, Are you sure about this? If you know what I’m about to say, you’d think again.

    Jameson regrettably responds. Martha, just do what you must as I’m a big boy and can handle you.

    Martha slowly licks her lips, saying. Oh yes, you are a big boy and have always held your own; I can attest to that! She giggles. Then, of course, that’s probably not what you were referring to either, my bad.

    Jennifer’s stare set in on Martha as she playfully tries to rouse Jameson’s manhood. Her sweaty skin crawls as Martha fervently smiles, eagerly laying both hands upon Jameson’s shoulders. Jennifer’s teeth grit together when Martha leans down, sandwiching herself in between her and Jameson. Her ears widen, Jennifer tries to snoop as Martha whispers. Babe, if I did not realize any better, I would think you’ve summoned me here to a witch-hunt and not a passionate bedding ceremony! Martha avidly kisses Jameson’s cheek while rising to an upright stance, finishing. In any case, I’m here to fulfill your desires.

    Jameson gets fidgety at the insinuation of her words. He smartly creeps his arm from draped about Jennifer’s shoulders. Jameson’s eyeballs spiral skyward in Martha’s devious stare, sexily smiling down at him. Embarrassed, Jameson’s face turns red as a beet. He nervously smiles, rolling his eyes downward at Jennifer Monroe. Jameson shamefully says, So, so you are! Now Martha, get ….

    Martha passionately places her finger over Jameson’s moving lips, silencing him. She smirks. Why didn’t you tell me Iona was amongst so many distinguished guests, nor a lush soiree? Indeed, I could have smartened up in my Sunday best. Then, glancing around their table into the sneers of intrusive gazes, Martha gets quiet. Has she said too much? Shockingly, every facial expression goes blank, just like the unwritten reflections on a plain sheet of paper. Was it the distilling singe of lust, revenge, lies, and secrets which have everyone scouring for more? Or is it the smeared leers of betrayal layering Glen Monroe, Jameson Milo, or Kevin Beatty’s roving thoughts? Could I be named the father in Martha’s outright claim of maternity?

    Glen, Kevin, and Jameson’s misconstrued senses are dying to know who! Even after Martha’s verses end, the men still heed to her tone, reciting over and over, You Are The Father, loudly singling them out. The phrases were more gnawing for Jameson, uprooting his bedding in Paris with Iona. The feeling sent chills over his body. He doesn’t know what to believe; Jameson leers up into Martha’s face, a bit mystified as to why she’s pretending to be the mother. Jameson grasps he must consider this possibility, too. Is it the result of his one-night stand in Paris?

    Jameson accepts his life is over! He could plainly see Jennifer’s love and Glen’s friendship going farther from his reach. This loss and Martha’s arrogating words were dashing through Jameson’s head like a bolt of lightning. Jameson feels the noose tighten more and more around his throat; he commences to imagine. How can Martha be so reckless with her assertion before all these deciphering ears?

    Suddenly all eyes were on Jameson, but non as fierce as Jennifer’s. Jameson wonders. Had someone turned up the restaurant’s thermostat? He feels like he’s frying in the sun. A fiery sweat drizzles his forehead from Jennifer’s pout. Martha’s all but admitting tongue is nothing contrary to Jennifer’s sneer of disdain searing a hole into the side of his face. Jameson’s core couldn’t stand it any longer. He voices wittily. "Jennifer, please, you must recognize that Martha is so full of herself, and her bark is always worst than her bite. Pay her no mind

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