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Super Manifestor
Super Manifestor
Super Manifestor
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Super Manifestor

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Super Manifestor is for anyone who feels stuck in repetitive emotional cycles, and struggles to make impactful changes. 

Are you always placing b

LanguageMiddle english
Release dateJan 6, 2022
Super Manifestor

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    Super Manifestor - Marianne Vicelich

    cover.jpgSuper Manifestor by Marianne Vicelich

    Super Manifestor

    Copyright © 2021 by Marianne Vicelich

    This hardback edition published in 2021.

    All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to the publisher.

    British Library

    Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

    Author: Vicelich, Marianne

    Title: Super Manifestor/Vicelich, Marianne

    ISBN: 978-0-6486591-0-5 (hbk)

    Design and layout—Alt 19 Creative

    Printing—Haha Printing

    First edition published in London, United Kingdom 2021

    Orca Press

    Orca Book Services Lt160 Milton Park

    Abingdon Oxon

    OX14 4SD



    Your Shadow

    Healing Your Inner Child

    Manifest Your Desires

    Manifesting Doing the Inner Work

    Manifestor Masters





    Vision Board

    Clearing Resistance


    Not Working?

    Manifestation Meditation

    About Marianne

    Chapter 1

    Your Shadow

    Are limiting beliefs holding you back?

    Before we launch into the notion of manifesting, let us embark on the vital task of clearing up ‘your side of the street’—meaning, all that is adversely holding you back from manifesting your ultimate dreams. Acquiring crystal clear clarity is imperative so that we are ready and attune to manifesting our true desires.

    So, let’s dive in.

    Do you feel stuck in repetitive emotional cycles, and struggle to make changes? Do you always place blame on other people, situations and are easily triggered by emotionally challenging comments? Do you feel capable of calm and productive conflict resolution?

    This chapter examines your shadow side—those sides of ourselves that we do not show to the world, yet we expose when least apparent. Everyone carries a dark side, even if we do not necessarily like to admit it. Shadow work can sound scary, and some parts of it may be rather uncomfortable, but it is necessary work to uncover true happiness and ultimately to manifest your desires. So let’s go.

    If we let our ‘dark side’ run rampant and uncontrolled, our lives will feel chaotic. This can manifest as issues with our wellbeing, our health, feelings of low self-worth, addictions, and a scarcity mindset that can affect how we view our life. Our shadow self often harms our life, in ways that are unconscious to us at the time, as a habitual reaction to particular places, people or things. Our shadow self-blocks us from acting for our own greatest good, and can prevent us from reaching our true potential in life.

    The idea of the shadow self was first conceived by Carl Jung, a 20th-century psychologist. The word ‘shadow’ refers to hidden parts of our being, those aspects of our personality that we choose to reject and repress. For one reason or another, we all have parts of ourselves that we do not like—or that we think society won’t like—so we push those parts down into our unconscious psyches.

    We often go through life attempting to hide our shadows. At some point in our lives, we discovered what pain was and started to repress that feeling. Childhood trauma, parental issues, and childhood struggles. In hindsight, we essentially will see those internal battles as what helped us further our lives and our vision of success. The truth is that we would not know our greatest success or potential if we had not fought our greatest battles.

    Classic shadow signs are anger, blame, lack of motivation, fear-based thoughts, insecurity, co-dependency, or depression. If you continue to bury your shadows, you may feel fractured and compartmentalised. The shadow needs to be healed to manifest.

    The pain and suffering we see in the world around us are often mirrored by our internal pain and suffering. If our internal dialogue, is cluttered, overwhelmed, our emotions may lead us astray and cause us to act out unknowingly. It is only in facing our difficulties that true change can be made.

    Have you ever done anything hurtful to another person, and then after the damage was done and the other person involved was hurt, you could not bury your shame fast enough? ‘Why did I say that?’ you might have asked yourself in frustration. It is that ‘Why?’ question that indicates the presence of a blind spot. And although the reason for your reaction may have been obvious, the lack of control you had over yourself betrays the existence of a different person lurking beneath your carefully constructed idea of who you are. If this person is coming into focus for you then you have just met your shadow self.

    Shadow work allows yourself to feel and understand the painful aspects of yourself, so they become fully integrated. It takes courage as you are facing your fears head on.

    Once you begin to recognise these patterns, you can increase your internal dialogue with yourself. These types of shadow work may include using archetypes to define shadow parts of yourself so that you can better understand them.

    Through this work, you can decipher and decide which patterns and behaviours no longer serve you so that you can move forward with enhanced awareness, instead of reacting to life all the time. You do not have to suppress hurt feelings or run away from painful experiences. Shadow work helps us to accept that which we have found unacceptable so that real change, healing, and transformation can occur.

    Seeing the shadow within ourselves is extremely difficult, so it is rarely done—but we are really good at seeing undesirable shadow

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