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The Saxophonist: A Gay Man’s Experiences
The Saxophonist: A Gay Man’s Experiences
The Saxophonist: A Gay Man’s Experiences
Ebook126 pages1 hour

The Saxophonist: A Gay Man’s Experiences

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"The director gave a little cry as he climaxed, lowered his chest onto Trent's chest, and took Trent's lips in his for a brief kiss. "Oh, god, how I've missed you. You're the best." Trent marveled that the man hadn't even noticed that Trent had just laid there, docilely, in the same old, same old missionary position while the director had spiked him."

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Release dateJan 19, 2022
The Saxophonist: A Gay Man’s Experiences

Jasinda Geller

I am a middle aged woman who loves reading and writing erotica. Erotica just gives me a sense of liberation like nothing else. I hope you enjoy my writing. Do leave reviews after reading my writings. Thank you in advance

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    Book preview

    The Saxophonist - Jasinda Geller

    The Saxophonist: A Gay Man’s Experiences

    By Jasinda Geller

    Published by

    Euphoria Publications

    Copyright 2022 Euphoria Publications

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to any actual person, living or dead, events or locales is entire coincidental

    Authors Note:

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old or above. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


    Chapter 1: Mr. Saxophone Man

    Chapter 2: Hunky Mature Brazilian

    Chapter 3: Tattooed Barman

    Chapter 4: Sax Man at last

    Chapter 5: New Life

    Chapter 6: Re-centering his life

    Chapter 1: Mr. Saxophone Man

    The shipboard casino had opened an hour earlier, the sun was at its full height above the ninth-deck swimming pool complex, the lunch-service lines had opened at the Windjammer Café, and bingo was in full cry in the Spotlight Lounge. The Glory of the Seas cruise liner was in full entertainment mode, and those who had gathered in the Schooner Bar for their prelunch alcoholic fix while listening to the combo of Dean on the piano and Buzz on the saxophone had mostly drifted away to other pursuits.

    A few diehards held on, though. A few were jazz aficionados, hanging onto every sweet note Dean and Buzz were playing. A few others, however, were more attracted to the sensually attractive Buzz Abrams, who seemed almost to be making love to his saxophone and who was coaxing the most sensual of sounds out of the instruments. Dean played well, too, but he was pushing the upper limits of middle age. Buzz might have been in his early forties, but he was a solidly built handsome brute—with an emphasis on brute, which gave him an aura of mystery and danger.

    Two who were hanging on and listening to the music—and closely following every move Buzz made--were holding up either end of the bar facing the baby grand nestled up against the picture windows at the side of the bar overlooking the passing waves. The Glory of the Seas, cutting through these waves on the two-day run from Baltimore down to the Bahamas, might as well have been the only ship on the wide seas in the middle of the brooding Bermuda Triangle.

    The two diehards couldn't be any more different, linked only by their obvious interest in Buzz Abrams—and quite evidently for more reasons than the smooth jazz he was blowing out of his saxophone. At one end of the bar perched Glenda, a chiffon-scarf swathed, twice-divorced, and once widowed bottle-blonde, a pencil-thin, martini chain-drinking international model several decades removed. Glenda was eating Buzz up with her eyes. She was on the cruise alone, mourning the death of her Harold, who had thoughtfully left her a string of manufacturing plants and the ability to cruise wherever she wanted for as long as she wanted. But what she really wanted was not to be unattached for very long, and now, for the first time in her life, she was in a position to shop for a younger man with a little bit of danger in him, a nice cock, and a strong stroke rather than an older man who would take care of her financially. Indeed, she was reaching a stage where there weren't many older men who weren't limited by pacemakers or oxygen tanks.

    She had spotted Buzz early in the cruise and had followed him from performance venue to performance venue.

    At the other end of the bar, not as oblivious to Glenda and her intentions as the self-absorbed and perpetually pickled Glenda was to him, sat Trent. Trent was a ship performer just as Buzz was. He was a dancer in one of a few Gems of the Sea fourteen-member song and dance troupes that floated around the cruise line's fleet, performing an average of two Broadway routines each week for a schedule light enough and with good enough pay and shipboard accommodations to offset the danger of making leaps across a stage that could be tossing and turning in turbulent waters.

    Trent wasn't a headliner, but he was good enough to be a lead dancer. He also was young, handsome, and lithe enough and enjoying the best mix of the genes from a Jamaican father and French mother to give him a standout sensual aspect in the set of three male dancers that typically backed up the lead singers. Trent had been cruising—in more ways than one—with the ship line troupe for more than a year. And he made more money on the side from lonely and aggressive male passengers than he did from the dancing.

    Classically trained as a dancer, Trent had found that opportunities in ballet were extremely limited beyond the glowing promises stage, which was before some ballet company producer had managed to pin him to his office couch with his dick and fucked all of his hopes out of him and then told him how tough it was to fill the rare opening in a dance line without better credits than he had. He had made the adjustment to jazz and modern dance, with better prospects on Broadway. He had loved the music but became weary of the preparation demands, the continual auditioning process, the low pay, and the monotonous repetition of the same performance night after night if he did land a long-running gig. In the three years he spent on Broadway, he learned two important lessons. He was easily bored and more than a bit lazy, and he could make more money as a male prostitute, attracting men with his dancing, than he could from actually doing the dancing.

    Prostitution came easily and guiltlessly to Trent, not to mention that his natural beauty and sensuality easily attracted men who were interested in men to him. Trent had always been amoral in his attitude toward sex. He had learned early in life that the height of pleasure for him was to have a handsome, well-built, preferably older man holding him in a controlling embrace and possessing him fully with his cock. And this could be a perpetual state as far as Trent was concerned. He had no reservations at having his body used in sex or in exhibiting his almost-perfect body, the latter attitude melding perfectly well with his dancing. No costume, or lack of costume, that he was asked to wear on stage made him blush. In his younger years he gave himself freely, naturally, and guiltlessly. As he grew older he felt no shame in being paid for it, or in going with more than one man—or two or three—in the same day.

    People interpreted the concept of their bodies being temples in different ways. To Trent it was a gift to be celebrated, worshipped, and constantly given—and used for his own pleasure.

    He had been working a pole in a men's club between Broadway gigs and opening his legs for men in one of the club's back rooms when one of the other dancers suggested that he try for the cruise line performer's gig.

    "It's only two performances for a seven-day cruise. The acts change frequently, but the dance routines stay more or less the same. And you get to eat for free, visit exotic destinations, and lay out at the pool. The

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