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The Promise of Christmas: The Sleighmaker
The Promise of Christmas: The Sleighmaker
The Promise of Christmas: The Sleighmaker
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The Promise of Christmas: The Sleighmaker

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Was it just the calm before the storm, like a thief lurking in the dark...or the ebbing tide just before the crash of a tidal wave? Was Prince Ezra drawn into la-la-land when he returned to the comforts of his kingdom with his beautiful Siberian princes? so it seemed, until his son met a twelve-year-old boy named Jesus in a temple, and was

Release dateDec 23, 2021
The Promise of Christmas: The Sleighmaker

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    The Promise of Christmas - Dana A Lagmay


    The Promise of Christmas

    The Sleighmaker

    Dana A. Lagmay

    Copyright © 2021 Dana A. Lagmay.

    Library of Congress control number 2011963195

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without a prior written permission from the publisher, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review, and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by the copyright law.

    This is a work of known and accepted biblical references and fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book is printed in the United States of America

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Dana A Lagmay, The Promise of Christmas publishing

    1 808 431-4118 or 1 808 639-1263




    Chapter 1: The Apprentice Blacksmith

    Chapter 2: Tools of the Sleigh Maker

    Chapter 3: The Journey North

    Chapter 4: Ivan the Brave

    Chapter 5: Building the Sleigh

    Chapter 6: A Storm Front Builds

    Chapter 7: The Magical Sleigh Unveiled

    Chapter 8: Hostages Taken

    Chapter 9: Rescued by Sleigh


    This story is dedicated to all of god’s children young and old. I invite you to read and wonder if this tale from the heart can be true. So if you believe that angels are real, and fly from the heavens to live among us, then is it so far fetched to believe there truly is a St. Nicholas with a sleigh and reindeer flying though the heavens during Chris tmas?

    To my children who have always been my inspiration; Joshua, Heather, Isaac, Dasha, and my grand children Brittany, Cherie, Jayben, Joshua Jr., Christian, Mateo, Apollo, Tatam, and Gabby, and all my grand children that may come after. I ask them to continue celebrating and believing in Christmas as I did, and as God intended, to give and forgive, to love unconditionally, to be a beacon of hope to those who are lost, and give shelter to the homeless, and to nourish their bodies and soul.

    For God said, what you do onto them, you do onto me. And so it is intended that the proceeds of this book will start and help fund The Promise of Christmas Children Foundation, dedicated to help children of the world to know and enjoy The Promise of Christmas. I would like to thank my parents, Catalino and Ignacia, who raised me with a Christian foundation that inspired me to write this book.

    I would like to acknowledge and thank Natalia, and her mother Vera, for their unselfish support in helping arrange research in Siberia, and for encouraging me to finally publish this book and all of the sequels to follow. And lastly, I give thanks to my dear wife Sharon, and my heavenly Father for his words and guidance while writing that will remind all of us, that the true The Promise of Christmas, is Easter. For God so loved the world, that He gave us the gift of His son Jesus, to forgive all of our sins of the past, present, and future, to give us hope, happiness, lasting peace, and eternal life.

    I would like to acknowledge and offer the staff at Universal Breakthrough a heartfelt thank you, and may god bless you for your efforts.


    The Sleighmaker

    After delivering the cave dwellers’ gift to Bethlehem with the three Magi, and returning north to Tobolsk to marry the cave dweller princess Hannah, Prince Ezra and Hannah return home to start raising their family in the comfort of King Caspar’s kingdom of Arabia. King Caspar’s family is admired for expanding their kingdom’s influence by delivering gifts to Bethlehem, accompanied by the kings of Seba and Tarshis, to welcome the infant child Jesus, proclaimed to be the king of the Jews. Their kingdom is also known for importing the highest quality fur, precious metals, and gems by establishing a lucrative trade route north to Tobolsk. But at the forefront of the kingdom’s activities, is the heightened anticipation of having another generation of princesses, and princes, in the palace, with the marriage of Prince Ezra and Ha nnah.

    The trading post in Tobolsk prospers as expected under the guidance of Prince Ezra’s royal servant, Nicholas. Trips are scheduled several times a year to exchange supplies for fur. With a popular trade route established, what started as small rest stops along the way, grew into hamlets and villages supported by travelers and traders. Homing pigeons are commonly used to send messages all along the route from Tobolsk to the kingdom of Prince Ezra. At the trading post, for Igor, Ira, and Nicholas, letters from Prince Ezra keep their spirits linked. More often than not, it is good news, but today, it is especially good news.

    Chapter I

    The Apprentice Blacksmith

    Tobolsk, Siberia December, AD

    I gor, Igor, Nicholas! Ira calls out to the stable where both men are discussing business with trap pers.

    What is it, Ira? answers Igor, and excuses himself from the discussion.

    A message has just arrived from Hannah and Ezra. We are grandparents again. We have a granddaughter named Dasha! Ira announces, bubbling with joy.

    Igor stops walking and looks up to the heavens to give thanks. Dear Father in heaven, I thank you for my granddaughter, Dasha, and I thank you again for my grandson, Nikko, says Igor, remembering that it was over seven years ago when Nikko was born, and how happy they were, and now, a granddaughter. If only we could see them he says sighing.

    There is more, Igor. Ira continues to read the letter as she walks toward him, her hands nervous and shaking with excitement, her hands barely able to hold the letter steady to read. They are planning a trip here when Dasha is old enough to travel, perhaps a year from now. Oh, Igor, we are going to see our grandchildren! Igor, I am so happy I could cry, says Ira, once again, unable to control her joy. She is overwhelmed by all the good news and begins to weep.

    Why are you crying, Ira? Igor asks, not understanding why women cry when they are so happy.

    We do not have any room in our home so our grandchildren can stay with us, Igor. What are we going to do? asks Ira.

    Is that why you are crying, Ira? We have lots of time to get ready. I will tell Nicholas of the good news, and I am sure we will find a way to add more rooms to our home, or even build a special home for them someplace nice, offers Igor, hoping Ira will stop worrying.

    While Igor and Ira tell Nicholas about Ezra’s return visit with their grandchildren, they are unaware that Adolf and Ivan are listening to their conversation. Both feel they have endured the shame and ridicule, for too long now, working as prisoners. They tried begging for mercy and asked for forgiveness, and to be released. The only response from Igor had been that they would be released when God told him. Not finding any hope in that answer, they tried escaping many times, but the heavy chains around their ankles prevented any attempt of a quick getaway. To make it more difficult, Nicholas hired young men from the town, to work as guards for the trading post, since the trade business often brought in gold and silver and other precious jewels.

    There were six well-armed guards and one captain of the guard who originally made the trip with Ezra. And Ezra returned a year later with a small group of young merchants from the kingdom looking to start businesses in Tobolsk. The guards kept constant watch every day and night over the entire kingdom’s property. The town of Tobolsk grew rapidly but lacked any official form of government. The absence of any official constabulary attracts thieves and robbers, who would rather profit from the demise of others.

    Although Nicholas is delighted to hear the good news, he is preoccupied and concerned over the fact that while business is thriving, he feels uneasy as more strangers make Tobolsk their home. Because of Igor’s and Nicholas’s willingness to help people in need, it places them in a position of trust and leadership for most people in the town. Often, they are called on to resolve conflicts between townspeople, or to have a thief banished from town. Surprisingly, to Nicholas, Igor assumes the role of the town’s mayor, while Nicholas takes care of business at the stable. Not having any skills of a blacksmith or a carpenter, Nicholas decides to ask Igor to hire an apprentice, especially since building more rooms or another house is being planned. Igor simply will not have the time. Nicholas approaches Igor at the stable. Igor, now that we are planning for the arrival of Ezra and his family, there is much we need to do. Perhaps you should consider hiring an apprentice to teach and help you with your work, suggests Nicholas, knowing Igor is sensitive about this subject. Being barren, Ira could not give him a son he wanted to teach his craft to.

    And who do you suggest, Nicholas? asks Igor, hanging on to his pride, implying there are no candidates qualified or interested.

    Igor, you know that I don’t have any idea for what it takes to be a fine blacksmith, as yourself. I hoped that you gave it some thought by now, since you are spending more time with the town’s business, suggests Nicholas, hoping to plant the seed to begin a serious discussion.

    Truthfully, Nicholas, I have given it some thought, but the young men here are more interested in the fur business, than being an apprentice blacksmith, Igor explains, feeling void of any easy solution to their problem.

    Nicholas offers him an idea. Sometimes answers come from the strange sources, Igor, and who is the strangest of all?

    Each nods their head saying, Herald. Then they both turn and start walking toward Star Lake and the cave.

    They find Herald near Star Lake talking to eight reindeer grazing on fresh grass and shrubs. Herald sees them approaching and signals with his index finger across his lips to be quiet and to wait for him. Herald joins them at the water’s edge.

    To what do I owe this visit? Since Hannah left, I have seen you only on the few occasions I go to Tobolsk. If not for that, I would never see you, complains Herald, feeling like he’s been forgotten, but still smiling as usual.

    Yes, Herald, you have every right to find fault in us for not visiting, but we have been very busy. We do, however, have very good news, offers Igor, trying to feel less guilty.

    If it is about your granddaughter, Dasha, and Ezra’s plan to visit in a year, I already know, says Herald, looking at their surprised expression. He continues, knowing they will need an explanation. The pigeon stopped by and told me he says grinning.

    You mean you read the letter tied to its leg? asks Nicholas, still not used to Herald’s peculiar ways.

    What letter tied to what leg? replies Herald, acting as though he is not aware of any letter.

    Knowing Herald, Igor places a hand on Nicholas’s shoulder to stop him from pursuing that line of questioning, and decides this is not the time to ask Herald for his recommendation of a blacksmith apprentice.

    Herald, there is no need to explain any further. It is good that you know. I know not how, but I have learned to accept many strange things you say as true. We shall go now and leave you to tend to the reindeer. I notice now you have many besides the two I knew about. What are their names? asks Igor, trying to remember their odd names and to show some personal interest in Herald’s hobby.

    They are Recnad and Recnarp. The others are Rennod, Neztilb, Dipuc, Temoc, Rehsad, and Nexiv, says Herald, while pointing at each reindeer, and saying their names.

    They all look to be in fine health, Herald. You have done a great job caring for them. Can you tell me why they are in need of your care? asks Nicholas, not understanding why, since he knows it is common knowledge that the reindeer around Star Lake are not to be taken for their skin or meat.

    Nicholas, I really do not know. I do know that each one comes here to Star Lake and has shown a keen interest for people, especially the children playing in the area. They are not afraid, and stay here. I do not choose them. They are free to come and go as they please, and each has chosen to stay of their own free will, explains Herald. But you did not come here to talk about the reindeer? he continues, knowing they are only making polite conversation.

    Herald, I am sorry to bother you, but since hearing the news of the arrival of Ezra and his children, we thought maybe you— Herald interrupts Igor.

    Know someone that could be trained as your apprentice and help you at the stable, since much of your time is spent with the affairs of the town? continues Herald, smiling and knowing once again he befuddles them with his answer.

    Igor and Nicholas are dumbfounded as they look at each other, hoping the other can explain how Herald knows, then each turn toward Herald. But before they can ask, with their mouths caught open, Herald answers the question.

    The person you seek has been with you all along. Free Ivan and treat him as you would have treated your own son, Igor. Ivan has never had the opportunity to follow the example of a good father. He is not too old to learn what is good. No one ever is. suggests Herald, knowing Igor will find this hard to do. He watches Igor wrestle with the suggestion in his mind, while staring at the ground. At the same time, Nicholas finds the idea intriguing and scratches his bearded chin.

    I will think about it, says Igor abruptly, then turns around and heads back to town. Nicholas shrugs his shoulders, looks at Herald, and then turns also to head back with Igor.

    Igor, wait for me. I think Herald’s suggestion has some merit. What do you think? asks Nicholas, stepping up quickly to keep pace with Igor. Igor stops abruptly and faces Nicholas.

    I think it is a stupid idea. Has Herald forgotten who his father is? That swine almost caused my daughter’s death, and his sniveling brat of a son helped him. I have heard Herald say some crazy things in my life, but this surely is the craziest by far. Igor continues to rant on as he walks away in a hurried and deliberate manner to remove himself from his predicament.

    Igor! Wait! calls out Nicholas, while trying to keep up with him. Nicholas has put on some weight with his success and decides he cannot keep pace with Igor. Instead, he looks back at Herald who is still watching and decides to find out what Herald can do about Igor’s reaction.

    Herald, what, if I may ask, causes Igor’s reaction? I think your suggestion is a very good one. Though, Ivan is not working under pleasant conditions, I can see he finds working with his hands very satisfying, and takes pride in his work, unlike his father who grumbles every day. It is as though Ivan has found peace with his unfortunate circumstance of being Adolph’s son, but makes the best of it, explains Nicholas, hoping to find out from Herald why Igor does not think so. Herald looks at Nicholas with a bewildered expression and then looks around to see if anyone else is around.

    Are you speaking to me? Do I look like Igor? I think he left a few minutes ago. I believe the one you need to convince went that way, says Herald, pointing in the direction of Igor.

    Herald notices Nicholas is not listening to him and is watching something behind him. He turns around to see that all eight reindeer are directly behind him in two columns with Recnad and Recnarp leading each column.

    Why do they do that? asks Nicholas, walking around Herald to be closer to Recnad.

    Herald is also surprised, but offers a plausible explanation. It’s probably because I have trained them to do that whenever they want to have snacks. Watch and see what happens. explains Herald, as he pulls a handful of shelled nuts from his pocket, and offers it to Nicholas to feed them.

    Nicholas notices how calm the reindeer remain, as if they know him, while he is able to walk around and in between them. He finishes treating each reindeer to a snack while each holds their place in line.

    Well, that is all I have. I must go now, and tend to the business of Igor and Ivan he says, with his hands held open, to show them there are no snacks left.

    Yes, you do that, acknowledges Herald, also dismayed by what had just happened. He scratches his head under his hat and watches Nicholas walk back.

    Back at the stable, since Nicholas and Igor left, Adolph lays out yet another plan to Ivan for their escape and revenge on Igor.

    Listen to me, Ivan! What has gotten into you, boy? It will work, I tell you! says Adolph, in a forced whisper; upset that Ivan is not convinced to go along.

    Have you forgotten why we are in this pile of horse dung, Father? Was this a part of your plan too? asks Ivan, not taking him seriously, and shovels horse dung into the wagon held by his father.

    Look, boy, if you think I am going to spend the rest of my life in here, you have horse dung for brains. You may not care because you are like your mother. I was afraid you would turn out to be like her. I tried to make a man out of you, but you let Hannah get her way. What did you get in return? This! Let us see if you feel the same when they return, Ivan. How will you feel when the Prince and Princess arrive, with all their guards and servants? Will you welcome them dressed in rags, and wearing chain for jewelry, and a bit of horse dung for perfume? mocks Adolph, and continues with a loud, sinister laugh, that echoes throughout the stables and out into the valley. It is a warning that soon, evil will return to Tobolsk.

    Igor returns to the stable. Hearing Adolph laugh, he is concerned. He’s heard that laughter before, and is suspicious that Adolph is up to something evil. What are you two planning now, another escape perhaps? asks Igor, as he steps into the stall area. He does not notice Ivan inside of the first stall and walks by him toward Adolph. Ivan’s temper is at the breaking point from his father’s mockery, and he lunges at Igor, knocking him on the ground. Ivan grabs for the pitchfork, holding it just above the sharp tines. On his knees, he straddles over Igor’s back and raises the pitchfork. Igor turns in time and grabs hold of Ivan’s wrist, stopping its downward plunge into his chest.

    Kill him! Kill him, Ivan! shouts Adolph, as he rushes over to help. Then, a voice familiar to Adolph and Ivan causes them to

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