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America, Misguided Pride
America, Misguided Pride
America, Misguided Pride
Ebook271 pages4 hours

America, Misguided Pride

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About this ebook

Much has been written about America and what it has meant, not only to the North American region but to the world as well. We tend to focus on the positives of who we are and our accomplishments. Not everyone feels the same as there are many descendants of those who were displaced by the European settlers who came and ravaged the land in order to take over from the Native Americans and one-third of what used to be Mexico to the north of that country. Those descendants are with us and still struggling to make a living in what used to be their land, their country. Their struggle has been mostly ignored by the White man who came and, by sheer deadly force, ripped this country from their hands, leaving them with few options as a means to continue living in this country. The opinions expressed by some of those people are documented in this book, and they wait for answers to their plea for acceptance and inclusion as members of American society, the land their fathers willed to them for centuries past. They are not asking for but demanding inclusion into what used to be their land and their right to make a living here.

Release dateDec 24, 2021
America, Misguided Pride

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