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A Hero for Dragons: The Cavernis Series, #3
A Hero for Dragons: The Cavernis Series, #3
A Hero for Dragons: The Cavernis Series, #3
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A Hero for Dragons: The Cavernis Series, #3

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About this ebook

Mattie Sharpe is back--along with her dragon pals!


But what's a girl to do when her best friend Artorius falls for a Japanese dragon, her hearttrob Eli is off fighting for his crown, and gold goes missing from school for dragons ASH?


Filled with all the humor, adventure, and romance you've come to expect from the series, A Hero for Dragons brings everything to a close--not with a whimper, but a BANG!

Release dateMay 15, 2022
A Hero for Dragons: The Cavernis Series, #3


Amy Wolf has just released the first book of in her Greek fantasy MYTHOS world. She is an Amazon Kindle Scout winner for her novel THE MISSES BRONTES' ESTABLISHMENT. Her fantasy series, THE CAVERNIS TRILOGY, is out from Red Empress Press. Amy has published 38 short stories in the SF/Fantasy press, including REALMS OF FANTASY (2) and INTERZONE (U.K.). She is a graduate of the Clarion West Writer's program and has an honors English degree from The University of London. She started her career working for the major Hollywood studios, including 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros., and was a Script Reader for MGM & Joe Roth. One of three natives out of 10 million, Amy was forced from L.A. and now lives in Honolulu. She has one adult daughter currently terrorizing L.A., and a small, barky dog.

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    A Hero for Dragons - AMY WOLF

    A Crowning, But No Glory

    Mattie stood before the curved white altar, so shocked that she repeated herself.

    "Who’s getting married?"

    We are, of course, said Eli.

    They were at Georgia’s main square, inside a billowing tent that could have held two hundred people.

    Uh...come again?

    In her fantasies of this moment, Mattie had expected magic like fireworks and parades. Now she looked down, scuffing her thigh-high boots against the hard dirt floor.

    Well, how ‘bout it? Eli flashed a confident grin.

    "So, this...this is your proposal?" Mattie’s voice had gone flat.

    What I mean is... Eli stared at the altar, frowning. Mattie knew this wasn’t easy for him. He was after all a knight, not a poesy-spouting courtier. I thought, after what you heard me tell Artorius, that we’d be getting married. That’s usually how it works.

    I see. Mattie blushed. Thoughts ran through her head like a quick-cut movie trailer. I’m only eighteen and a half, and I want a real proposal. Maybe then I’ll consider it.

    To the ground, she said, pointing.


    Get down on one knee. Pretend that I’m Artorius and do your Cyrano thing.

    Eli sighed and sunk to the floor. He brushed back his long blond hair and took her hand in both of his.

    Mattie, he said, you’ve had my heart since I first set eyes on you, though mine were the eyes of a dragon. I didn’t know it then, but I love you more each day. You are my Lumen, my own personal star.

    Tears began to form at the corners of Mattie’s eyes. From his kneeling position, Eli stared straight into them.

    Shall I recite your qualities? You’re beautiful, sweet—when you choose to be—and nearly as smart as Praeses. You’re loyal to your friends, and remorseless to enemies. Plus, I love your—what do you call them?—crackswise.

    Really? she asked shyly.

    Yes. Even when I’m the object. You see...I wish to grow old together, in our Georgian castle. And when our children are of age—

    Whoa boy, steady! Keep it at a walk.

    Eli blushed.

    "What I mean to ask is this. Will you marry me? I’ll try to be a good husband, even with all my faults. I know that I have many—but you bring out my best."

    The pressure on her hand mounted as he smiled up at her weakly. Mattie thought for a moment, weighing each of his words as if they were part of a dragon’s hoard.

    Yes, she said at last, helping him to his feet. I never thought I’d get married so young, but that’s okay. As far as being a queen, believe me, that scares me. Thank Q.there are no tabloids in Cavernis!

    Eli grinned, then drew her to him, teasing her lips with soft kisses. There was nothing stopping them now. She put her arms around her now-fiancé, caressing the back of his head. It would be fine with her if they stayed like this forever, but there were so many plans to make, she broke away and stepped back. parents, she finally got out. It took her a couple of minutes to breathe like a normal person.

    What of them? Eli asked shakily, straightening his tunic.

    "Well, they need to be at our wedding! So, we either have it on Mundanis, or we bring them here." Mattie held her breath, waiting for his answer.

    Of course I understand, though my parents died long ago. Eli looked at her, brightening. I have an idea. Why don’t we consult Praeses and see what he thinks best?

    That’s a good idea. Mattie exhaled now that that was settled. She threw a glance at the wedding altar. "I guess we should tell all our friends. And decide on a date."

    Oh, that will be this Saturnday—after my crowning.

    Mattie felt adrenaline kick off like a sprinter. "But that’s only three days away! My cousin Nancy planned just her reception for a whole two and a half years!"

    Then for us, each day must equal... he thought hard ...a full eight months.

    Mattie felt weak. She turned to survey the pavilion. Well, at least we have the hall.

    A to-do list the size of Praeses began to form in her mind. Flowers, cake, food. Oh, where was that tablet ASH had given her?! And what about invitations? Would they have to be engraved on slates? How she wished her mom were there with her!

    Let’s go, she told Eli, grabbing his hand and running past St. George’s Cathedral. For the first time on the path back to Cavernis, he struggled to keep up with her!

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    You have taken on quite a task. Praeses, whom she’d last seen at a party dancing with a troll, smiled down at the two of them in his scroll-filled office. The black cape of a scholar was draped over his gold scales. Usually, I’d say it could be done. Especially knowing our countess here. He craned his long neck down toward Mattie. However—

    Yes? She had never liked that word.

    The old magick tells me both your parents are terribly busy. Your father must stay at his job for his contracted six months while your mother is QA testing.

    Mattie clenched her jaw. She tried to suppress a mix of rage and self-pity, standing up from her person-sized chair. Naturally! With those two, it’s always about work. I don’t even exist for them. She lowered her head and blinked rapidly.

    Countess, I must advise you that if either of them takes off, they will lose their jobs. And in the Mundanis economy, that is most inadvisable.

    I hate money! Mattie spat.

    Really? Praeses’ pupils, already large, grew to twice their size. "I must say, we dragons love it! Especially when it’s gold."

    She nodded.

    It’s all right, Matts, Eli said, rising to put an arm around her. "This way, we’ll have two big celebrations—my coronation, and, when your parents are ready, our wedding. Think on it. You’ll have planning time for days!"

    True, said Mattie, thinking of all the flowers she could order. Not to mention cools gifts for the wedding party! (What did you get a dragon exactly?)

    That works, she told Praeses as Eli led her out. Now she would have to exercise her weakest trait of all. Patience.

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    In two shakes of a dragon’s tail, Saturnday arrived, the weather hot and dry. Since Mattie was from L.A., the desert didn’t bother her—in any case, her native town would soon be reclaimed by sand.

    She walked with Artorius down the short path to Georgia and waved hello to some horses who grazed in a wide pasture.

    It’s a gran’ day, ter be sure! said an Irish Gypsy Vanner.

    All hail King Eliwlod! chirped a colt who could barely stand.

    "He’s not king yet," Mattie said, causing Artorius to chuckle.

    She turned to look at her friend, the one blue constant in an ever-changing world. Standing at least three feet above her, he loped easily on his new back legs, now taken for granted after so many months. Artorius’s face, with his wide smile and blinking eyes, exuded friendship and—more importantly—love. He was her Best Friend Forever, and those weren’t just words. Then why, she asked herself, hadn’t she told him her new news? Did she have doubts about the marriage? She tried to shake off her unease.

    "Can you believe that our Eli is going to be king? Seems like only yesterday he was an ugly brown dragon!" said Mattie.

    I know, Artorius said, as they approached the cathedral’s spire. That little pipsqueak. He can hardly hold his Dragonsmede!

    Despite his digs, Mattie saw that his yellow eyes were moist. Oh Artorius! You’re not gonna cry through the whole ceremony?

    Cry? Me? I don’t know what you mean. He brought a handkerchief the size of a beach towel up to his tear-stained face.

    Allergies, that’s all. It’s the dust.

    Mattie stifled a laugh as they walked toward the pavilion, its white canvas blinding under Lumen. The flag of St. George, a red cross on a white background, fluttered from the top. Eli should get his own, Mattie thought. She nodded as a cordon of Georgian knights granted her and Artorius entrance through an enormous tent flap.

    So, this is really happening, she half-whispered.

    Mattie saw Praeses and the Elder dragons at the back—the only place they could fit—but most of her classmates were MIA. Mattie guessed that only notables had been invited, but she smiled as she spotted Unicum, his violet form a few seats down from hers in the front row.

    I hope I can make it through this, Artorius confided, biting his black talons.

    Just keep that towel handy.

    Mattie tugged at her long gold dress to iron out any wrinkles. She’d been sure to appear as a future—yet medieval—queen. Weird.

    She settled in as a flourish of trumpets sounded. A man in long robes, whom Mattie took to be the Archbishop, shuffled out from behind a curtain. She noted that the altar was now covered with purple crepe.

    Honored congregants...and...and dragons, the man began, we are gathered on this glorious day—

    Okay, Mattie thought, get on with it. Of course she was happy for Eli, but all this pomp and circumstance tended to bore her stiff. As queen, she hoped to emulate Diana and not the purse-and-hat model.

    —our sacred Lord Jesu, who doth appoint his representative on earth, Sir Eliwlod...

    Wow, Mattie thought.

    —decreed by the most wise President Praeses, who hath wrested this Land from an agent of Satan...

    Oh man. That would be Sarug.

    —following the fall of our own St. George, revealed by said Praeses as a grievous Fraud...

    For Quetzalcoatl’s sake, get to the point!

    —and after all this, crown the man who would be our king.

    At her side, Artorius was sobbing. Unicum, who couldn't see, sniffed the air to detect his friend.

    And there he was! Splendid in ermine robes, a wreath of gold falling onto his chest, with his hair pulled back regally. The Archbishop bowed stiffly, directing the future monarch toward a throne with red velvet cushions. Two wooden knobs rose from its back in the shape of snarling dragons.

    He placed a small silver crown upon Eli’s head.

    I now proclaim you King Eliwlod of Georgia. May your reign be long and happy—may it be peaceful and just.

    Eli looked genuinely moved as he sat for a moment in silence.

    "Long live the king!" called Praeses. Everyone else—man and beast—joined the chant.

    Go Eli! Mattie yelled.

    It probably wasn’t queenly, but she couldn't help it. He looked over at her and winked.

    God save the new king, my lord and master!

    Mattie heard a woman’s voice at her elbow. She turned to see Rebecca, Eli’s ex-fiancée, done up to the nines and waving a scarf in rapture.

    Such happiness! Rebecca cried, blowing kisses to Mattie’s fiancé.

    Mattie shot her a look. If she’d bothered to give it words, it would have gone something like, Back off, bitc—.

    Eli, who stood and waved, didn’t notice the storm that passed over Mattie’s face. But Artorius, who missed nothing, gave her a moist side eye.

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    After the ordered ceremony, there was a bit of chaos inside that tent.

    So many well-wishers pressed Eli that Mattie could barely slip in. Finally, he pulled himself away and stepped down from his new throne.

    Eli. Wow. Mattie knew it wasn’t too eloquent, but that was all she could muster.

    Right. He gave a wry smile. I assume you’ll be addressing me as Your Majesty now.

    You wish. Mattie wanted to punch his shoulder, then remembered the new protocol.

    So... she said awkwardly, I’ll see you on Mōnanday at ASH?

    He shook his head gravely. I’m afraid not. My place is now here.’s our last year. Mattie was so set on graduating that she ignored the crown on his head. Don’t you want to finish?

    Of course, but I have so much to do. It’s up to me to settle disputes, give alms to the poor, and most of all placate the nobles.

    How ‘bout your fiancée?

    Eli opened his mouth to respond but Rebecca barged her way in.

    Many pardons! she smiled. I hear tell that that a certain event is on permanent hold.

    Mattie rolled her eyes. Where’d you pick that up—under the dryer?

    Oh, she is so terrifically droll! Rebecca addressed her new sovereign, as she turned to flatter her not unflattering figure. I can’t wait until she is queen!

    Her entire body seemed to form the silent phrase God forbid!

    Mattie was about to blow and Artorius knew it.

    Congratulations, Eli!  He slapped his old friend on the back, leading to a king’s fit of coughing. Sorry, forgot my own claws. Cheers, buddy! What’s your first command?

    Eli looked to his right at Mattie, then to his left at Rebecca.

    Peace in our time?

    Works for me! Artorius looked toward the bar. Got any Dragonsmede?

    Alas no, Eli said. "But there is some outstanding wine."

    Artorius smacked what passed for lips, but the king was not with them long. He waved his hasty goodbyes as he was dragged off by a minister, trailed as always by Rebecca. Mattie and Artorius watched them go.

    Why do I get the feeling I’ll never see him again?

    Don’t be silly! It would hardly do to have him be king of Georgia and spend all his time with us.

    Mattie sighed. Yeah. I guess you’re right.

    Yet despite her reluctant agreement—and solemn vow not to drink—she was sorely tempted to share a bottle or two with Artorius.

    Young Dragons in Love

    Mattie was glad to get home to Artorius’s cozy cave. Not that it was small—being a good quarter-mile, if you counted the twists and turns—but there was something so soothing about that big moss bed. And the tread of brownie feet.

    Sae hoo was it? Hob asked, the minute they got it. Did Master Eli swatch regal in his croon?

    Mattie turned to Artorius. Even after all this time, she could barely understand a word.

    It was grand, the dragon said, and Eli looked sharp on that throne!

    Hob stared at Mattie, putting his hands on slight brownie hips. An’ what's wrang wi’ ye? he asked.

    With his schoolboy breeches, pointed shoes, and drooping cap, he looked like something out of Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Something scary.

    She’s fine, Artorius said, just tired from all that celebrating.

    ‘Hmph, said Hob. He narrowed his eyes and tapped a dragon-scale shoe. For one terrifying moment, Mattie thought he was going to ground her.

    Yo Hobster, what’s up for sup-sup?

    A blur swept past Mattie’s ears, then resolved into Ripley. The dragonet leaned back, treading air with her thumb-sized wings.

    "That's up tae Maister Artorius. An' don’t caa me Hobster."

    Hmmm. Artorius stood in the middle of his cave, mounds of treasure glinting at his back.

    I think tonight— He glanced at Mattie, whose expression must have been sour. "Leg of lamb with mint jelly, lobster mashed potatoes with just a hint of horseradish, roasted Brussel sprouts, bread brought from Paris by Latro, and, for dessert, a coconut fudge sundae!"

    Bring it on, brownie boy! Ripley performed an aerial flip.

    Even Mattie cheered up, since these were all her favorites. Hob directed his troops to bring the feast in on gold platters. Though she was still a bit down, Mattie managed to clear her plate and have an extra serving of sprouts.

    Glad tae see ye huvnae tint yer appetite.

    Lost it? If she keeps this up, Latro’ll need a new guy!

    Thanks, Ripley.

    Anytime. Now, would you all be so good as to shut your traps? I’m going night-night. But first, I must make my toilette. She buzzed off to the back.

    Ah swear— Hob growled.

    As always Artorius played peacemaker. C’mon Hob, Ripley’s not that bad.

    Nae fur ye. Fur me, she's a royal pain in mah crease!

    Mattie had no trouble getting that one. She and Artorius laughed as they lay back on the moss bed. He put a wing around her, and she was back in her cool blue world, one she was happy to hide in.

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    To Hob’s hopping dismay, Mattie wasn’t hungry that Mōnanday morning. She poked listlessly at her pancakes, eggs Florentine, and apricot Danish.

    ‘Main 'en noo, jist puckle bites tae keep up yer loch.

    Mattie looked at him strangely. Wasn’t loch a lake? Before she could ask, Artorius bustled her out and they both headed to ASH. Classes had been called back to session after the last war, but Mattie felt like she was still fighting.

    No sign of Eli yesterday, and not a word from Georgia. Mattie sighed. She feared she was turning into Artorius’s mother (What, not even a slate? You can’t write—your arm’s broken?). She tried to tell herself that one day was no big deal. Still, she wouldn't see Eli at ASH, so where would she see him? Maybe back at the altar?

    Mattie was so absorbed she almost didn’t notice that she was inside the Q.

    Uh— Mattie turned to Miss Fang, who was filing slates. Before she could continue, her old tablet was back in her hands. Thanks. Mattie shook her head. Miss Fang seemed almost psychic.

    As Mattie looked around, she realized she was glad to be back. There was something about the Q’s gold floor, its priceless artifacts in their niches, even that pharaoh ship, with its sarcophagi, which gave her a sense of comfort. In some weird way, this was home.

    Hey Mattie! An

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