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“1” Is Not Above the Law
“1” Is Not Above the Law
“1” Is Not Above the Law
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“1” Is Not Above the Law

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The point of the book is the standard of Law, Esq., where the conjecture is the most repeated standard throughout the book.
Release dateSep 9, 2021
“1” Is Not Above the Law

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    “1” Is Not Above the Law - Florentina

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    (Standards of the Civil Law)


    (The Twist, Clinical Spirit)


    (Tort Of Forensics)


    The Pandemic COVID-19 Began


    Fear nothing more than the Free Mason (Dean, God, Civil Law) version King James. The Preamble.- Standard

    Angel de La Guardia

    Dulce Concebida

    No me abandones

    Ni (if) de noche

    Ni (then) de dia

                                                Free Mason

    Jesus, the Great Teacher, who has the authority to teach the Law of God (civil law, the Preamble of the Constitution) teaches in the Kingdom of God (Breogan).

    Jesus criticized the Judaism of his day and specially its emphasis on the observance of ritual, he embraced the Spirit Humanities


    Santiago De Compostela, the North West of Spain, city of the Anglo-Saxons, Capital of the Roman Empire is the place of birth of the Mayor, Apostol, God, Santiago, version King James, Saint George, author of the Bible and the Civil Law.

    Ordenes is a city located in between La Coruna and Santiago De Compostela (Law and Order).

    Galicia, Spain is the origen of the civilization.



    I, the sovereign Lord (virtual) am the living God. I do not enjoy seeing a sinner die. I would rather see him stop sinning (to kill the brother not the boy) and live. Israel, stop the evil you are doing. Why do you want to die? Ezequiel 33:11

    Now mortal man, I am making you a watchman for the nation of Israel, you must pass on to them the warnings I give you.

    If….. I announce than an evil man is going to die, but you do not warn him to change his ways so that he can save his life, Then…..he will die, still a sinner, and I will hold you responsible for his death.

    If… do warn an evil man and he doesn’t stop sinning, Then…..he will die, still a sinner, but your life will be spared Ezequiel 33:7-9

    June 28th; 2010

    …..I wasn’t nervous at all. I could communicate and write at the same time a formal complaint about the crimes of several colleagues of the Newark Public Schools, office of Home Instruction, Albert Owens supervisor ordering me to commit the same crime to violate Title VII of the Law of the Constitution or the Fit for employment. Since I refused to have recreational sex with them, several teachers retaliated against me. This is illegal and treason to the State. Each time I was attacked and defended myself from the attacks, it was used against me to defamate my name, they were telling even to my students, I was doing it, when I made it instead.

    Title VII, Act of Law of 1964 (PL 88-352) states "each department and agency which is empowered to extend federal financial assistance to any program or activity prohibits discrimination based on gender and defines sexual harassment as unwelcomed sexual advances, request for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

    There is a merger with a separate and secret office, Homere Breton and et. al,. conducting illegal activities, organized crime is its main business in connection with the teachers union, president Abeigon, director of the secret organization inside the public schools, in connection with hospitals, doctors and the police they conduct laboratory tests without the permission of the origen, owners of the law for upheavals to the left behind or the nevertheless.

    No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and codified at 20 USC 7801(23) in connection with teaching standards imposed by the NCLB on SEAs and LEAs. The NCLB requires teachers hired to teach core academic subjects beginning with the first day of the 2002-03 school year to be highly qualified.

    Some of my colleagues and administrators violate Title VII and Act 20 even though I warned them of the dangers of incurring in misconduct during working hours in the public building. They didn’t change their behavior, they continued doing it for favors because they are dysfunctional to teach the core curriculum subjects. They don’t meet the standards for the position incurring in liability charges of the Constitution and instead of practicing political science they practice political of upheavals through the Experience or Coroner fate.

    They are so dysfunctional that can’t connect the Language Arts with the science for evidence. They never heard of the rule of 3 that calculates almost everything or the square root division. Some are saying they are mathematics PhDs when they are hackers and upheavals instead, totally disconnected from even common sense and saying they never heard of such thing that there is a law when they fight for its rights.

    Even the president worries about getting the jitters, George H. W. Bush, President, writing letters from Camp David.

    September 17th; 2012

    …..I wasn’t nervous at all. I could communicate and write at the same time. Discrimination/Harassment complaint Form, last time revised in October 14; 2011, I reported to the Office of Affirmative Action, 2 Cedar St. Newark N.J: conflict of interest, intimidation, bullying and witchcraft looking for a resolution that didn’t happen in June 28; 2010, I wrote; "To Put an end to this conflict of interest, they or my aggressors will have to mind their lives and let me live my life. Stop the harassment that afflicted me for over two years now. This was my second warning to them.

    March 13; 2013

    Re: Disposition of Harassment complaint (No. 09181201H) from the district affirmative action officer Keith Barton sent me a whistleblower statute to prepare myself for retaliation for reporting their crimes.

    June 11; 2019

    After placing another complaint for the same and being Keith Barton the district affirmative action officer opened another file (File No. 30614519H) stating "The information obtained and provided from the investigation does not support a claim of sexual harassment as defined by district policy and state law. The case is closed.

    I called Senator Menendez and senator Booker, also the office of the Governor, also from the court house and the mayor office and nobody knew of such state law and district policy, isn’t codified, therefore the personal opinion of Keith Barton, Bernard Mercado, Legal Department isn’t valid, they are upheavals, Bernard Mercado came to the teachers room during prep time and interrupted me with you are a mad man, ma’am, mad’am and God knows how many combinations and permutations he uttered coupling with different emphasis when soaked in semen from the next secret room, Do no trespass" the room of the crimes, style President Clinton and Monica Lewinski, young woman, probably she is an upheaval now and her status changed. Is she operating legally with my licenses? Am I young Monica L. Yo Hoo style and Schenck v. U.S. (1919) Flu pandemic and a flood. Upheavals?

    First, the office of affirmative action must be hibernating due to NO FEAR ACT" for the federal employees the anti-discrimination and retaliation act of 2002, President George W. Bush signed the notification Act of 2002 into law.

    Second, I am not a young woman, to be mistaken with Young Monica, violating Title VII, I have a license of Fit, registered in the official office of the Law which the NW does not have the authority to the Fit without

    The permission from the origen.

    Crime in law is defined as an act or omission in violation of public law, felony, any grave offense against morality or social order, injustice, shame.

    Clinton Impeached! Hillary Clinton said during a graduation class speech My husband never was impeached.

    Federal Question;

    Is he an upheaval, instead of a lobbyist after the end of his administration?

    President Clinton: was accused of improperly using money from a land deal with the Whitewater Development Company to fund his 1998 gubernatorial reelection campaign.

    Lied under oath about having an improper relationship with a young White House intern, first he said no and in the next court section yes.

    In 1998, Clinton admitted that he had an improper relationship with the young woman after the DNA semen test all over a blue dress that Monica wore on such occasion scared him when the DNA for court never passed into law in U.S. He didn’t denied the Violation of Title VII passed into law in 1964 but he denied lying about the incident under oath or attempting to obstruct the investigation. The violation of Title VII made him unfit for federal employment.


    A New democrat.- Bill Clinton won the presidency in part by promising to move away from traditional democratic polices. He also emphasized the need to move people off welfare, he didn’t mention through change meaning upheavals, it is the secret part of the mergers into the public offices pretending being officials by controlling the legal when they instead are the Algonquin, comfortable with nature just as it was, fishing and hunting and living on what the women planted when farming. Very different from the Puritans, the Free Masons, the builders.

    The Algonquin moved around the land with seasons, in the Summer they lived near the fields that the women planted. Come the winter, they set up temporary shelters in a protected location. When Spring arrived, they camped near a river, so they could fish. After 10 years in one place, the Algoquins would move on to more fertile land where wood was again plentiful. They didn’t own horses or wagons, only bows, spears, planting sticks and animal skin. No sense of strong personal property or ownership of the land. These were lazy in contrast with the Puritans or the Free Masons, the North Westerns of Spain, the Gallegos. Both groups didn’t get along very well. The Algonquins didn’t believe in fencing, the Puritans would let the pigs and cattle roam freely to find food. They didn’t worry about their animals ruin the crops because they fenced in their crop land. The Federal.

    The Algoquins did not believe in fencing their land and small annoyances or irrelevances like this soon became big problems, it is a tactic to start conflict only for upheavals. Eventually war broke out between the two groups, America will Be, chapter 8, The N.E.C, N.W.

    Presently these are the welfare recipients and the democratic party wants to move them to private business as a means to economic progress In office, Clinton worked to move the Democratic Party toward the political center by embracing both liberal (the points) and the conservatives (the born equal under the law), according to an ally (unknown), Clinton hoped By doing so, he sought to create a new and more inclusive Democratic party, mainly to get votes because the recipient population don’t have legal families, therefore they can’t vote, they are of the above the law" young men and women. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a child welfare advocate created a plan, the Affordable Health Care, this would reduce the crime of the Americans. Presently the Obama Health Care or young man president Obama, a point and the points don’t procreate.

    President Clinton presented the health care reform bill to Congress in September or 1993.

    Congress debated the plan for a year. Intense lobbying and Republican attacks on the plan for promoting big government meaning in U.S. all only 1 point when the Preamble or the Law of the Constitution is illuminated with We the People are Born Equal. The plan of Clinton sounds political of upheavals instead of political science, the evidence of science to prove the Language. In the end, Congress never ever voted on the bill meaning it never passed into Law, as well as the DNA for court, it never passed into law to prove his semen on the blue dress of young woman Monica Lewinsky. Americans, chapter 34, United States in Today’s World.

    President Clinton impeachment became only the second president and the first in 130 years to face trial in the Senate. At the trial a month later, the Senate fell short of the 67 votes, a two thirds majority required to convict him. The DNA test wasn’t valid for court but he violated Title VII making him unfit for Federal employment, he admitted the sexual relationship in the Oval Office while at work. Clinton remained in office and apologized for his actions.

    This action is a political of upheaval because to be political science, the Mr. President of …….If…… does not have a conjecture to prove these actions as apologetic………

    Chapter X of Don Quixote is the interpretation of the laws of the Bible into Law with science or conjectures. One side Tell me your company, and I will tell your manners:….. and the other I ask not where you hatched, but where you was watched (It’s not with whom you’re born that matters but rather, with whom you graze, or dine)…..Now he being, as he certainly is, a madman, ay, and so mad, as for the most part to mistake one thing for another, Clinton thought that young Monica was the First Lady Hillary, affirming white to be black, and black to be white; as plainly appeared………I shall meet with, to be his mistress Dulcinea: and if he balks at swallowing the cheat, I will swear lustily to the truth of what I affirm; and if he swears also, I will swear again; and if he is positive, I will be more positive; so, that come what will, my obstinacy should shall always exceed his. So far, there isn’t conjecture or the science to prove President Clinton’s behavior, only positive and supersede. Don Quixote continues…..Perhaps, by his stubborn behavior, I shall get rid of all such troublesome messages for the

    Future; when he finds what disagreeable answers I bring:….or, perhaps which I rather believe, he will think that one of those enchanters, who, he says, bear him a grudge, hath transmogrified her shape, in order to vex and disquiet him. No conjecture possible, only witchcraft and positive inequalities, which Al Gore added a second way of saying it as algorithms for political upheavals.

    Don Quixote de La Mancha, gives an account of the stratagem which Sancho practiced, in order to enchant the Lady Dulcinea: With other circumstances equally ludicrous (unreasonable) and true (fact) . To make it true with personal secret opinions by numbers instead of evidence. The author of this stupendous history, when he comes to relate says, he would have willingly passed it over in silence, because he was afraid that it would not be believe, reversing the opinion into Don Quixote, here, the madness of Don Quixote soars to the highest pitch of extravagance that can be imagined, and even, by two bow-shots, at least, exceeds all credit and conception, there is a conjecture to prove it, two statements of the conception (Law)….. He might expect the most happy issue to all his attempts and enterprises. Esq. Go, my son": Observe if …. she changes colour, if…. she is discomposed and under confusion at the mention of my name, if…. she repeats her answer more than once, from kind to harsh, from sour to amorous, mark all her gestures and emotions and if thou bringest me an exact detail of them …..then I should be able to divine her most abstruse sentiments touching the concerns of my passion…..

    This isn’t a possible conjecture, only a change (upheaval) or how to Confuse the pure into mad and the mad into pure, the changes of colors and the unreasonable to make it true which young woman Kamala Harris, Algonquin Indian and V.P. elect, cannot be possible a democrat, she practices the politics of upheavals. She repeats all the time make it true, she does not know the law of the Constitution of the U.S. not even what applies to her status, her children or either are adopted or are schizophrenic, she suffers of the same, sick of lack of law.

    Don Quixote continues The Parliament of the Death…..which we are going to act over again, this very evening, in that other village now in sight; we therefore travel in our costumes, to save ourselves the trouble of undressing and dressing anew; this young woman, who is the author’s wife, acts the Queen; he with the plume of feathers is the Soldier, the hero, the Emperor you may distinguish by his guilded crown, and I am the Devil, which is one of the best characters in the performance; for, I myself am the chief actor of this company, by being a devil, I understand everything, from my childhood I have been a great lover of masques and theatrical representations. While this conversation passed between them, they chanced to be overtaken by one of the company, dressed in Motley (Free Mason), hung round with a number of jesters’ bells, with a pole in his hand, to the end of which were tied three blown ox-bladders, fencing his pole, beating the ground with his bladders and skipping about, so that his bells rung continually, the Ingles, No one is above the law.

    A shocking crime occurred April 1999 when two students at Columbine High School, in Colorado, killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 23 others, and then shot themselves. Americans were

    Appalled at copycat crimes that began to occur after the Violation of Title VII by President Bill Clinton. Violence had pervaded television news throughout the decade.

    In 1993, terrorists had exploded bombs in the World Trade Center in New York City. This was closely followed by a 1995 blast that destroyed a nine-story federal office building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 children, women, and men. Timothy McVeigh, an American veteran of the Gulf War, was found guilty in the Oklahoma bombing. He was executed in 2001, the first use of the federal death penalty in 38 years. Although American embassies and military targets abroad were subject to sporadic and deadly terrorist attacks during the decade, the U.S. was in no way prepared for a devastating attack that took place on its soil on the morning of September 11, 2001. The historian explains….. In a coordinated effort, two hijacked commercial jets struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, about one hour later, a third plane tore into the Pentagon building and the one into the White House exploded before reaching its destination, it crashed in Pennsylvania.

    On an early March day in 2001, Zimmer, a student at Santana High School outside San Diego found herself in the middle of a shooting in the hallways. A 15 years old boy had brought a gun to school and had begun firing at his fellow students. The student recalls….."I was probably about 10 feet away from some of the victims, a boy laying on the floor with his face down, and a girl with blood all over her arm. There is just one reason why, the historian explains…….Americans continue to express concerns over public safety.

    The health care reform designed by Hillary Clinton, as a favor, was regalated to young man President from the behind and President Trump purchased it from the President from the Behind.

    This health care is in the State of Minnesota Supreme Court, case number C3-98-318 pays witchcraft ceremonies protocols. The Hu Plig ceremony involves the sacrifice of animals where a cow, a pig and two chickens are used. These provides free food for family and friends, the points are friends and all the expenses are covered under Obama care. They also buy garments, free automobiles and repairs, entertainment is also included. The teacher’s union of Newark N.J. included a sacrifice holiday where the public schools are closed called Eid-AL-FitR, a Muslim ceremony when the Public System is Masonic-Judeo from the Christian Era. We celebrate Federal Holidays and we the people have rights of the Preamble (Law), our fit is Title VII to be entitled for employment, the right of the Pan (bread).

    The Republican Party, One of the two major political parties of the United States, founded in 1854 in opposition to the extension of slavery, therefore is for the republican party to deal with the points of the law or the slaves.

    The Democratic Party, one of the major political parties in the United States, dating from 1828 is the party of the slaves.

    Young man Obama is a President above the law, democrat; President Clinton, democrat violated the Fit for Federal employment. Title VII.

    President Kennedy, the Camelot, democrat, got assassinated.

    FDR; democrat violated Article II of the Constitution

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    We are the common good first and then we have the power by building three generations of Be born equal to apply for office in U.S. The points don’t procreate, they don’t upheaval and they don’t hack.

    Young man President from the BehindObama, uttered during his presidency I will continue the policies of FDR; Robert Ludlum writes "En el cuarenta y cinco El mundo creyo que Roosevelt murio a causa de un ataque cerebral. Kupskaya movio la cabeza lentamente, con saliva en la comisure de los labios -. Habia intereses financieros que creian que su politica con los sovieticos era economicamente desatrosa

    No podian permitir mas decisions de su parte. Pagaron y se le administro una injeccion. Atonito! ……..para los gobiernos en todos los lados"…..

    Y eliminaba de la escena al cliente (upheavals), El Circulo Matarese.



    Do not mistreat any widow or orphan. If you do, then I the Lord will answer them when they cry to me for help, and I will become angry and kill you in war. Your wives will become widows and your children will be fatherless. EXODUS 22

    Asking Don Quixote, why he travelled thus in armour, in a peaceable country?

    "The exercise of my profession will not permit or allow me to go in any other manner. Revels, feasting, and repose were invented by affeminate courtiers; but, toil, anxiety, and arms are peculiar to those whom the world calls knights-errant, of which order I, though

    Unworthy, and the least, am one. He had no sooner pronounced these words, than all present took him for a madman: but in order to confirm their opinion, and discover what species of madness it was, Vivaldo desired to know what he meant by knights-errant. "What! Said Don Quixote, have you never read the annals and history of England (Galicia), which treat of the famous exploits of Arthur, who, at present, in our Castilian language, is called King Arturo, and of whom, there is an ancient tradition, generally believed all over Great Britain (The British of the English, servants), that he not die, but was the art of enchantment, metamorphosed into a RAVEN……… there is a general in the Pentagon named General Raven, the one that assaulted Osama Bin Laden with conventional weapons when at the same time assaulting the citizen with of the same as described by Don Quixote, a combination of enchantment and chemical weapons during the administration of young man President from the behind Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton secretary of the State…….. and that, proceeds Don Quixote the time will come, when he shall return, and recover his scepter and throne. For which reason, it cannot be proved, that from that period to this, any Englishman (Gallegos) has killed a raven: In the reign of that excellent king was instituted that famous order of chivalry, called the Knights of the Round Table……………. Don Quixote, Chapter XIII, Part I

    Part I, Chapter XV explains…… and Rocinante (White Horse) at pleasure to regulate themselves with the rich pasture, emptied their knapsack, and without any ceremony, attacked the contents, which they ate together like god friends laying aside all vain DISTINCTION of master and servant……. The master is the Free Mason, the Englishman, Anglo-Saxon, known as the Gallegos, the Northern Westerns of Spain.

    The servants are the British indenture servants, protestants of the discipline of the Law of the Englishman, In New York State, people go to death for lack of English skills……….. Don Quixote continues Chance, however, or the devil, who is not often found napping, ordered it as that a drove of Galician fillies belonging to certain Yanguesan (Soria) livestock herders, happened at that very instant, to be feeding in the same valley (Cordova), for it being the custom of these people to halt and refresh themselves and their beasts in places where there is plenty of water and grass, they could not have lighted on more convenient spot than that where Don Quixote chanced to be………. with some of those skittish females, no sooner had them in the wind, than deviating from his natural disposition and accustomed deliberation, without asking leave of his lord and master………….. If it was put to the TEST, no better than one and a half. Then I myself am worth a hundred of such vagabonds cried Don Quixote, and without uttering another syllable, he unsheath’d his sword, and assaulted the Yanguesans, being seconded by Sancho, who suffered himself to be roused and encouraged by the example of his master…… and indeed the knight lent the first he met with such a hearty stroke……..

    How to Pray, The Lord’s Prayer, The Humanistic Tradition

    Our Father in heaven

    May your name be held holy,

    Your kingdom come,

    Your will be done,

    On earth as in heaven.

    Give us today our daily bread.

    And forgive us our debts,

    As we have forgiven those

    Who are In debt with us.


    But save us from the EVIL ONE.

    To prove the madman, refer to Developmental Psychology, childhood and adolescence, a graduate course, Chapter 3, Hereditary contributions to behavior disorders and mental illness.

    A survey of several twin studies of schizophrenia suggests an average concordance rate of .46 for identical twins but only .14 for fraternal twins (Gottesman & Shields, 1982). This is a strong indication that schizophrenia is genetically influenced. I addition, studies of adults who grew up in adoptive homes reveal that the incidence of schizophrenia (and other disorders) among these adoptees is more closely related to the incidence of schizophrenia among their biological adoptive families (Plomin, 1990).

    In recent years, it has become quite clear that heredity also contributes to abnormal behaviors and conditions such as alcoholism, criminality, depression, hyperactivity, maniac-depressive psychosis, and a number of neurotic disorders (Baker, Mack, Moffitt, & Mednick, 1989; 1992; Rowe, Rodgers & Meseck – Bushey, 1992; Plomin, 1990). Now, it is possible that you have close relatives or ancestors, who were diagnosed as alcoholic, neurotic, manic-depressive, or schizophrenic. Rest assured that this does not mean that you or your children will develop these problems. Only 10% of the children who have one schizophrenic parent ever develop any symptoms that might be labeled schizophrenic (Kessler, 1975). Even if you are an identical twin whose co-twin has a serious psychiatric disorder, the odds are only between 1 in 2 (for schizophrenia) and 1 in 10 (for most disorders) that you would experience anything that even approaches the problem that AFFECTS your twin.

    The researchers continue……… Since identical twins are usually discordant (that is, not alike) with RESPECT to mental illnesses and Behavior disorders, it is obvious that environment must be a very important contributor to these conditions …… To prove the conditions, the conjectures do the work, two statements of the consequential behavior In between the years 13 to 21,. ……………. In other words, people do not inherit behavioral disorders, they inherit predispositions to develop certain ills or deviant patterns of behavior. And even when a child’s family history suggests that such a genetic predisposition may exist, it usually takes a number of very stressful experiences………

    For Example, an Up and Down is the first point, Esq.

    The points do not procreate or the children will be schizophrenic, of this, one point procreates another point, definitely this points number 2 and 3 display the characteristics of schizophrenia and can be proven with science. This type of Creation is dysfunctional.

    Eugene Delacroix should look more to the fantasy of the literary world for the sources of his pictorial visions rather than to the world of everyday appearances. Continues….. his choice of subjects as well as his treatment of them makes this immediately apparent. Titles as the Death of Sardanapalus, Mazeppa, Giaour and the Pasha, and the Shipwreck of Don Juan all point to the germ motifs of these paintings in the poetic writings of Lord Byron. Delacroix illustrations for Goethe’s Faust won the complete admiration of the author himself, who felt that for clarity and depth of insight they could not be surpassed. Eugene’s imagination had been haunted by Faust since he first saw it on the London stage, ……… in a letter to a friend in Paris, he had commented particularly on its diabolical aspect. The lithographs or prints that eventually resulted show his mastery in small works as well as large.

    Eugene despite his close kinship with Byron and Gothe, was not always in sympathy with the work of his romantic Parisian contemporaries, the so-called reformers. The noise he makes is distracting about some kind of music, It is a heroic mess. Of all musicians he admired Mozart the most, and among his contemporaries only Chopin measured up to his standards of craftsmanship.

    Eugene Delacroix’s color technique was a means of dramatizing his emotional and highly charged subject matter. For him, color was dominant over design. He expressed gray is the enemy of all painting…let us banish from our palette all earth colors….the greater the opposition > in color, the greater the brilliance. His models were: Rubens, Henry IV Receiving the Portrait of Maria de’ Medici. Maria’s career as Henry IV’s queen and as Louis XIII’s regent was as lacking in lustre as her own mediocre talents could possible have made it. ………… As the direct descendant of Lorenzo the Magnificent, she seemed to sense that the immortal reputations of princes often depended more on their choice of artists than on their skill in statecraft". Maria’s choice for the Festival Gallery murals was Peter Paul Rubens. This cycle of twenty-one large canvases gave the needed imaginary glorification to Maria’s unimaginative life.

    Rembrandt emphasizing the discovery of

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