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Mindbogler lives in a world of fiction and made such an exhibit into making horror and music videos scenes. with live excitement which made him become an entertainer. An entrepreneur by selling his videos of talented raw footage. He started from scratch with very amusing personality and capabilities borned from New York City and loves jump inside flat screen televisions performing for Apollo Theatre where he became a contestant winner in such events of his roots. Mindbogler is not just a rapper, but he loves touching his hands through the flat plasma screen. He began to discover himself into a bizarre comfort into becoming a peculiar conductor
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 17, 2014

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    Mindbogler - Xlibris US

    Copyright © 2014 by AL R. H

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2014917182

    ISBN:      Hardcover            978-1-4990-7578-6

                    Softcover            978-1-4990-7577-9

                    eBook                  978-1-4990-7579-3

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    Young Jive Owens borned and partly raised from Manhattan New York City and now lives in the suburbs of Northwestern region of Seattle, WA. He is eighteen years of age five foot nine tall and a very intellectual afro-american guy. He lives in a two story house raised by one single mother without a brother and or a sister. His mother’s name is Cynthia who was a native New Yorker and wanted her son to be raised in the diverse community. She wanted her son to live a better life to get away from the ghetto parts of Manhattan in New York City. They both lived in the territory for four years.

    They both get along pretty well and they talk about New York City a lot to reminense. Cynthia work very hard as a bank teller and she makes pretty fair money on the side living in the suburbs.

    When Jive was real young he always grow up as a television critic. He always enjoys watching classic shows like Lassie, Andy Griffin Show, Donna Reed Show, and other comedy episodes on Nickelodeon which is a station that broadcast for any age that young kids and grown ups to watch. He also like watching classic western shows like Bonanza, Riffleman, The Lone Ranger, Big Ben and other excitement stuff. As he got older, he grown up watching mystery shows, for example, Cold Case, Unsolved Mysteries, Criminal Minds, Law and Order Criminal Intent, and also Special Victims Unit on CBS and NBC. He also is inspired to watched science fiction episodes on television like Star Trek, Eureka, Warehouse 13 and other weird space junk.

    He has a bedroom where has a fourty two inch flatscreen hang on the wall with a DVD player and a bunch of DVDS’ next to the corner. In his room he also got a PC with a built DVD burner with a mouse and a flatscreen monitor with a camera built in. He also has his own recliner he sits on with his headphones and his ipod that Cynthia gave to him. He appreciate the stuff that his mother offer to him that he use for his room with great comfort. In his room he listens to hip-hop music and watch the videos that goes behind it. He grown up listening to Naughty by Nature, LL Cool J, NAS, JAY-Z, Neptunes, Method Man, Rick Ross, and other current artists that he is also inspired. Jive also is passionate to write his lyrics and loves to dance in the motion to the groove. He get’s very motivated when he get to the point in his rapping skills. He talks about subjects of less gun killing, smoking weed, and drinking, but like to remain conscious hip-hop artist.

    Downstairs, in the living room, he got another fourty inch flatscreen hang on the wall with a large DVD player and a DVD dresser with a whole bunch of DVDS’ on the bottom. Across he got a couch with a glass table with a remote laying on there, two lamps on each side and also a PC desk way at the corner of it. His mother did the decorating interior of the living room and he help as he was told that she gives him money.

    Jive and Cynthia got nice personalities and nobody around the suburbs are making no enemies toward them in the community. They usually have a neighborhood watch at times, but there’s hardly no crime around the premises. Jive actually doesn’t have too many friends around the area, but he has some that he knew some around the area of Seattle, WA. What Jives likes to relate to is friends that are into hip-hop music and like to represent their territories of their subjects. Sometimes he would like friends that are kind of corrupt and ask for trouble who are into the kind of music he is actually into. Jive usually is hyperactive toward the social crowd and has a random behavior that he’s connected. He has no girlfriends because most of them doesn’t know what he does for a living. Owen’s doesn’t even have a car, but have a driver’s liscense at the age of sixteen. He likes going out to dine and take home Chinese food a lot and smoke weed for munchies and drink a bottle of Gatorade that Cynthia gives him everyday. He usually like eating alone without too many friends because his behavior is sometimes selfish.

    Jive goes to high school called Lincoln, which is 12 miles south east of where he lives where he had a take a bus or get a ride from Cynthia’s luxury minivan. It’s a hundered year old castle built with bricks, but managed to hold. The school has alot glass windows surrounding the structure of the building and has a grass and sidewalks is around the area. The school grade limit is up to ninth to twelve grade level. There’s a total of three hundred students who go to this school and it’s somewhat ghetto like. This school has a few crime problems than most high schools. For him liking violence, a little, Owens likes to be popular tlhere and it’s his last year as a senior. One time, Owens had an talent audition last year at Lincoln and wanted a music break, so he called his uncle on the phone, Greg from Manhattan for a few instrumentals to recite his lyrics. Greg is a underground producer and is keyboard inclined in his style of hip-hop music. Greg has a good taste and jive’s favorite nephew that he knows in the game. Greg also find Jive to be dependable because his nephew send him CDS’ of local rap artists from Seattle and all over. Greg thought that his nephew should be in a group, but no one is not serious with him to collaborate with Jive because of the complications of certain content of his lyrics. Sadly enough for his uncle he know that his nephew like to visit New York to visit him but the place is known to have humongous crime rate and no better of opportunities compared to the suburbs. As Owen’s received the instrumentals from Greg, Jive practice for the audition and he got better at it. He got a better attention of crowd reaction of associate friends introducing to him. He started to make some friends and some girls approach to him. He became friends with pretty boy Kareem who always give rides with his corvette to girls more than boys. He’s not a sport’s jock, but likes to to listen to a lot of hip-hop music in the local areas of Seattle. Kareem has a girl who get’s along with Brandy, Lea, and a few other females. He has a guy friend Malcom who he’s partners on the side with. Malcom is a high school hookey who does not focus with his academics in high school, but like to get high and do nothing but sometimes whine. They both smoke marijuana and they get to high and act stupid sometimes with it. Jive sometimes get some marijuana with Malcom and he doesn’t really buy none much from him. Jive doesn’t associate with Malcom because they have nothing in common so he just wave and say goodbye.

    At Lincoln High School, Jive makes pretty descent grades in certain classes. He makes B’s and C’s in World History, english, and spanish class, but in math and science, he makes A’s and B’s in Math and science is the most favorite subjects he likes to take in class at Lincoln High. The first math class, calculus with Mrs. Jones, a major from M.I.T. graduated with honors with a master degree in math and computer science. At times she noticed that Jive raises his hands alot at times she knows that

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