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With Love from Eternity-Lana
With Love from Eternity-Lana
With Love from Eternity-Lana
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With Love from Eternity-Lana

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International TV and social media host, Natasha Geminski, follows Lieutenant Colonel Jon Taylor back into Northern Africa where he has returned to be with his wild animals that he loves so much, despite the dangers that lurk there.
But Jon is still in love with and married to the beautiful and brilliant Lana.
In a world filled with international terrorism and the threat of a terrifying natural disaster, this romantic saga unfolds in a poignant climax.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJul 22, 2016
With Love from Eternity-Lana

Darryl Terry

Darryl Terry started writing short stories in his part time, from a relatively young age of eighteen years when he was conscripted into the South African Army under the “National Service” system, compulsory for all white males, under the “Apartheid” government of the time. He served extensively in the operational areas of Namibia and Angola and later on as a Logistics Officer he assisted the United Nations in Africa and wrote many military doctrines and handbooks. He has left active service after 36 years and currently lives in Gauteng, South Africa.

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    With Love from Eternity-Lana - Darryl Terry


    Natasha Geminski, international TV journalist and media correspondent had covered the story of Lieutenant Colonel Jon Taylor, officer involved with peace keeping operations in central and Northern Africa, when she had first met him seven years ago as a part of the international TV team that had covered the peacekeeping forces handling of the horrific political and cultural African dramas in Central and North Africa.

    She couldn’t help her allure to him despite the fact that she knew he was involved with the young, highly intelligent and beautiful Lana, when they had initially got together after that terrible incident when he had saved a poor young African woman condemned to die because her body was ruined as a result of giving birth to a baby long before she was ready for it.

    Natasha would never forget that day in her life. In her mind Jon towered over everything and she could only remember the vivid images in her mind as he had saved that poor girl and herself also from almost certainly being shot, and the vodka that they had shared together after the action.

    She remembered the haunted faces of him and his soldiers that day, after they had miraculously overcome the rebel forces that had attacked them.

    When he opened his hipflask his hand had shook slightly.

    Was that as a result of the action or not?

    His left shoulder was wet with blood that was still oozing out of a bullet wound, but his eyes were still on her exposed cleavage, her blouse ruined from all that she had been through. Her cameraman lay dead, his body pierced with bullets and she realised that could very well have been her. But then she remembered the warm feel of him as he had grabbed her and pulled her to safety, the blond Non-Government Organisation girl in his left arm, bullets whining and cracking around them.

    That night, after publishing the events of the day she had gone to see him at the base and it was there at the old officer’s mess that she realised that he would remain in her psyche forever. They had drunk vodka together, served by the faithful elderly waiter, Shadrack, and then they’d gone to his large tent where they had drunk some more vodka and afterwards made love for a lot of that warm African night under the glowing green carousel of his tent.

    But when she had seen the picture of Lana with her violet eyes she had known that Jon, for herself was a lost cause, even if Jon didn’t know it at the time.

    After those events the years had passed by but she had never found anyone else in her life. As she had expected, Jon had eventually married Lana and they were now expecting a son. She could see that he was happy and of course Lana was now a worldwide celebrity having made her name in science particularly with her perfecting the design of the fusion pulse rocket that had allowed Jon’s daughter, Xanne and the crew, to journey to Mars in such a relatively short time compared to previous missions of two years or more. That was when she had met Lana for the first time and experienced the full force of her personality. She felt so helpless with these towering giants around her, when all she longed for was a short time with Jon. Meeting Lana and seeing him again she had realised that she desperately wanted to see him again no matter what it took her.

    Then through her journalistic channels she had learned that he was heading back to North Africa as a civilian.

    Why? He had a great career now teaching chess to aspiring grandmasters. Thank god he had left the military but what was he doing going back there?

    She had struggled for hours thinking about it. A couple of packets of cigarettes and even more vodkas later she was certain that she had the answer.

    Still glowing in her memory were the images of him and the wild animals that he had befriended. She smiled inwardly as she remembered the names he had given them. Karel the lion and Kran the female hyena.

    That had to be the reason! He loved his animals and she would never forget the first time that he had introduced them to her. That was it. He’s going back to see them. Maybe I can get some footage again of him with them!

    Hoping that two and two would still make four in this crazy world, she had used her considerable influence to arrange a trip back to the military base in North Africa and as she expected Jon was there as a civilian. Of course as an active Reserve Force member he enjoyed all the privileges of a Lieutenant Colonel and he was free to do as he pleased.

    That was why now, when he had left the base on foot she had known this was the time to follow him outside, despite all the dangers that could lurk there…

    Chapter 1

    Sitting beneath a bush far outside the military base Natasha had used her camera’s to gain some more footage of Jon with the animals. She had followed him stealthily so that he wouldn’t be aware that she was there. What had worried her most was not that he would sense her but the animals certainly would and so she used all the tricks that she could remember to try and avoid detection, such as keeping the wind blowing in a direction from him to her.

    With a lot of patience, some extra sunburn and careful exertion she had managed to film some stunning scenes with Jon and the lion.

    Much later on she had done the same with him the grizzled female hyena he called Kran.

    Where had he found that name, she wondered idly to herself. Thinking now of the strange and heart breaking scenes she realised that like the troops in the base she would never have believed it if she hadn’t witnessed it herself.

    A lion she could understand, but a fucking hyena?

    Now as she observed him through the telescopic lens of her camera she could see that he was strolling casually back, the red sunlight glinting in the tears that streamed down his strong face. A moment ago he had shouted something and waved his goodbyes to the animals. But he was too far away for her to hear anything clearly.

    The bush veld was quiet now except for the cries of a bird or two and the sun was a sinking ball of softly glowing fire. Shadows were lengthening around her and in the distance the sound of muffled growls and the occasional mewing startled her. The cool air seemed to flow around her, together with the nagging feeling of exposure. She was, after all, completely alone.

    Uneasily Natasha pulled her bottle out and took another slug of vodka. She couldn’t help it but tears also rolled down her cheeks. It was heart breaking for her to see Jon like this, and yet the way he strolled through this wild bush so confidently, his shoulders squared and pulled back, he was every inch a creature of the bush himself, the bush that was now beginning to feel mildly hostile to her all on her own.

    Despite her gnawing trepidation of her current situation alone in the bush, the love that she felt for him was something that she couldn’t ignore and she felt the realisation that she had known from the beginning that he belonged to Lana, hurt like a cruel knife in her heart.

    She took another gulp of her vodka then screwed the cap on and put the bottle back in her pocket.

    The silver hip flask had been a present to her from him. He had kept his word and maintained regular contact with her after they had returned to South Africa and gone their separate paths, even sending her presents like this same flask, from time to time. She had never drunk anything but vodka from it. Come to think of it, she reminded herself, she had never drunk anything since except for vodka.

    Now the darkness was creeping across the land and she realised that she had better start back on her way to the base. Reluctantly she stood up and brushed herself off – ants and grass and dirt. The gathering dusk was enveloping her and with the coolness of the soft wind she also had the chilling sensation of dangerous isolation flow up her spine. Up until now she had never considered that it might be unsafe for her to be out here on her own and she was still determined that Jon mustn’t see her, but now she was feeling distinctly vulnerable.

    The eerie sensation of being watched grew in her mind and she didn’t want to turn her back on the lengthening shadows to walk back to the base.

    The darkness grew as she slowly retreated and so did the nagging feeling that something was lurking out there. She could feel it as she struggled to hold down the panic that was threatening to engulf her. With trembling hands she took her flask out again and gulped down some more vodka and then with a slowly growing fear now she screwed the lid back on and replaced the flask in her pocket.

    The shadows had lengthened to a semi twilight and the cool breeze blew dust around her.

    Somewhere out there something moved and then she heard the sound of scuffling. She wanted to run but she knew from what Jon had told her, in most cases in the bush this is a fatal mistake. Turn and run and whatever is there will chase you and catch you, but if you face it, it will be cautious and the smell of your perfume or whatever may put it off altogether.

    That all had sounded so comfortable when Jon had explained it to her in the safety of the base back then, but now there was something out there and it was definitely watching her and with that creeping sensation of a lurking and menacing presence she couldn’t feel calm at all. The dusk darkened rapidly around her and her heart hammered like a concrete pounder that you see workers using on the streets when they need to break the pavements up for whatever purpose, as she started to pace slowly backwards.

    Suddenly a piercing barking laugh burst through the nights silence and she froze. Then in the gathering near darkness she was horrified to see pairs of gleaming red eyes that all seemed to be looking in her direction. Shadowy shapes were moving towards her and they were getting closer all the time! In the distance she could barely make the figure of Jon out.

    But what could he do? He was only a man and too far away although he was getting closer to her all the time!

    As she stood paralysed with fear an idea triggered in her mind and shaking so much that she could barely control her hands she took her camera out with the flash on it and set it. Gingerly aiming it in the direction of the eyes she depressed the button and instantly the whole area was lit with blinding light.

    The light showed several hyena advancing towards her, their ugly snouts close to the ground and sharp teeth revealed from black lips curled back in a snarl.

    But the light had worked and she could see that she had startled them and probably blinded them for an instant as they swung their heads around. Jon must have seen the flash and he shouted out as he started to run towards her.

    Without thinking she called out, Jon help me! There are hyena out here.

    Running, he shouted, Shit Natasha it’s you! What the fuck are you doing out here? Use that fucking flash of yours again, it will help.

    She triggered the camera again and she could see that they didn’t like the flash and most of them had turned around but their faces were turned towards her direction revealing hideous grins and long exposed fangs.

    He was running and she could sense that he was nearby now. As he ran he shouted, Kran! Kran! Come to me!

    Suddenly one of the hyenas in front of her got up and bounded towards him. Instantly she saw him kneel down and the pistol he had drawn cracked. There was a hideous screech and the creature was thrown into the air from the shot and then it fell to the ground after a whimper or two as the air hissed out of its lungs and its head flopped to one side as it lay still in the soft sand.

    Towards her right she saw a whir of motion and she realised that it could only be Kran heading at top speed towards her. For a moment she feared that she was going to attack her but then the hyena stopped and whirled around in a cloud of dust to stand between her and the other hyenas, snarling and growling.

    Petrified, she unconsciously turned her video camera on to record whatever happened now even although the darkness meant that the image quality would be poor, but it could be edited later she thought.

    As she stood there Jon finally bounded up to her and shouted to the hyena, his breath rasping.

    Good Kran, I owe you one. The creature turned its head and whined.

    Thank you Kran, I owe you one he said again, and then continued to her, Come, we must get the fuck out of here as soon as possible. Every second that we remain here becomes more dangerous. This activity will have attracted the curiosity of all sorts of creatures that I would rather not meet tonight. Keep that flash of yours ready. His voice was urgent and harsh and she could feel his fear.

    Then he grabbed her arm and propelled her forward. Half running, half walking they stumbled through the bush.

    Behind them, too close for comfort she heard the sounds of the hyena which sent thrills of raw fear through her entire being.

    He guided them quickly to the sand track which lead to the base, and then in a harsh voice he rasped that they would walk next to it because on it they would be exposed too much to whatever could be out there.

    Together, they hurried on into the night. She was terrified but his solid presence as he grasped her and propelled her along helped her stay calm enough not to give way to a terrifying panic. Then, shining through the darkness she could see a light and she felt a reassuring relief surge through her when she saw that it was the lights of the base not too far away. Still she was alarmed by sounds around them and she could swear that there were things or something following them close by.

    Glancing at Jon she could see by his face that he was also worried as he pushed her forward trying to speed their pace up. He was panting as much as she and she grimly thought, So the old soldier is feeling the strain!

    Sensing the shadows getting closer she turned to see the red and yellow eyes in the dark drawing closer to them. She was numb with fear when suddenly he stooped down and swung her up over his shoulder and then amazingly enough he started running faster.

    Use your flash! he grunted to her as the creatures drew closer. Quickly, she triggered her camera and the flash illuminated the ghastly shapes as they cringed in the light. That gave him time to reach the sharp lights of the security lamps, bright circles in the dark, and for the guards to see them.

    Realising the situation the guards fired some shots and opened the gates for them. Jon heaved her around, his breath coming in short gasps as he raced through the light. In what seemed to be an eternity suspended in time with the crack of rifle fire around them and the cackling growl of the creatures behind them she felt helplessly suspended.

    Then they reached the gate and none too soon they were safe. Jon stood still for a moment and then he gently lowered her to the ground. For a second he caught his breath, his arm outstretched and resting on her shoulder. Sweat ran down his forehead and there was a damp patch of moisture over his shoulder where he had carried her.

    Out of the corner of her eyes she could see the hyena sitting at the periphery of the bases lights, silently regarding them. Then they gave a hideous and blood curdling laugh that hyena’s do and loped away into the darkness of the bush.

    She switched her video camera off and pressed the download button while he turned to the sentries.

    What happened Colonel? One of them asked. This lady should never have gone out on her own. They, the hyenas, wanted to eat her.

    But the Colonel should never have been out as well. The other guard interrupted.

    No, no, a third and older guard insisted, "you haven’t been here when the Colonel worked here. The wild animals, they won’t touch him. I’ve seen it and I even have the photograph of him, the Colonel, with a lion and also one with a terrible hyena.

    It was this lady that they were after, and the Colonel saved her. Madame why did you go out to follow the Colonel with his animal friends?"

    She lifted her video camera up to show him. The guards regarded her impassively and then the older one muttered, "It is very dangerous out there, especially when the darkness comes. How! How! How!" (An African way of expressing shock or anything else that has a profound effect on them!)

    Natasha was still numb with delayed shock and the sound of the guard’s rifles as they removed the magazines from their rifles and clicked the safety catches on, jarred and grated her nerves. She toppled forward and Jon put a hand out to steady her. Gently he guided her to the small guard house where there were some chairs. He plonked her down in one and then turned towards the guards.

    Thank you soldiers, he said. I will see that you get rewarded. Let me make an entry into the duty occurrence book.

    "Yegs Colonel we understand."

    Natasha laughed at the way so many of his black troops gave that grating "Yegs," for Yes. But she was exhausted and she slumped forward in the chair to hold her face in her hands. She was amazed how confidently and calmly he wrote quickly and efficiently in the occurrence register. The guards would have to account for the firing and for the ammunition that had been expended.

    Finished writing, he turned around and said, Goodnight you people, let me get this lady to her bed. Then he turned to look at her.

    Chapter 2

    She looked back at him a bit sheepishly but he could see that she was shaken.

    Let’s go, he said. Still shaken she stood up, grateful for his helping hand.

    Was he cross with her? Why had she been so stupid?

    Then a thought occurred to her and looking at him with a smile she asked, Jon, the officers bar should still be open, it’s not too late.

    As they walked away the two guards snapped to attention and saluted him across their rifles. A courtesy reserved only for Field Officers. He casually returned the salute.

    Goodnight and thank you! he said sharply.

    Can’t we go for a drink? she continued timidly.

    Of course, he replied, the old place should still be open, but I’ll have to go and get my wallet. I never carry it with me when I go outside.

    Oh, don’t worry I’ve got enough cash, I’ll pay, she answered. Taking his hand she strolled with him in the direction of the officer’s mess. She didn’t say anything and she hoped deep down that he wasn’t too upset with her. It would be such a relief to sit with him over a vodka or two again.

    As they drew closer to the old building with the veranda and the tables with hurricane lamps already lit and the faint smell of citronella, her face seemed to light up and she smiled at him.

    They climbed the wooden stairs which had become a bit rickety and went to sit down. As usual he held the chair out for her and she gracefully sat down pulling her chair a little forward. Reaching for the other chair he pulled it closer and sat down as their old waiter materialised out of the gloom.

    He still wore the maroon jacket and the pillbox cap and he still had the white gloves with a brilliant white serviette neatly folded over his left arm.

    "Welcome back Colonel, Madala, and madam." (Madala, an African term of respect for an elderly man.) He looked almost the same as she remembered him all those years ago except that his neatly cut hair had some white in it along the sides and there were faint lines in his cheeks alongside his mouth.

    Thank you Shadrack, Jon said. How are you?

    The elderly waiter bowed silently indicating that he was fine and then he asked. Will that be two double vodkas and soda?

    You have a good memory, Jon said and then continued. Thank you that will be perfect.

    Shadrack nodded and disappeared into the bar.

    Natasha was smiling at the exchange and when the waiter had left with their order she exclaimed, I can’t believe that he is still here. It’s almost like we have stepped into the past!

    Jon regarded her for a moment. Her blue eyes and dark hair now done in a bob. The swell of firm breasts and rounded hips with a tight arse.

    No, time had been good to her!

    She was about to say something when the waiter arrived with their drinks which he put down on the table. He had also brought a plate of snacks which he laid in the centre of the table.

    I kept these for you and your lady Colonel. He said as he poured the soda into the vodkas and then disappeared again.

    How did he know that we are here before we came now? Natasha asked feeling slightly confused.

    These people have their own means of communication, sometimes very effective, he said. To give you an example, from the old colonial times before radio was invented, he continued, the English in the south of Africa could never understand how the black tribes knew of events that had occurred in Europe or England within days when it took them weeks or more to receive the same news from their ships.

    Now Natasha was really interested. How on earth! she exclaimed. It almost sounds supernatural.

    But he was having none of that. Picking his glass up, he said, Cheers!

    She lifted her glass and replied, "Cheers! Here’s to old times and now pleese tell me how they did it."

    Sipping his drink he smiled faintly.

    Oh God he could be so infuriating at times but hell she loved him!

    It’s amazing, how what we call primitive cultures, can sometimes produce impressive results with their so called primitive technology. We might one day need to do the same if a superior alien race ever invaded the earth.

    Stop cheap philosophising and tell me how on earth they did it. Some sort of telepathy?

    Now you’re cheap philosophising, but yes if you apply Occam’s razor to this case and you look for the simplest answer or solution you will find it without resorting to trashy science.

    So how do they do it Jon? She was now becoming exasperated.

    He replied gently. It’s quite simple really. The great South African writer Lawrence Green, well one of the great Afrikaans writers, describes it in one of his books. The African way of communicating was primarily with the drum. They even had drummers who were trained from youth in the art of drums and drum communication and also the manufacture of these drums which was apparently quite a process. Anyway according to Lawrence Green they could drum messages from the North of Africa all the way to the South from village to village in a matter of days.

    Wow! she exclaimed, Where can I get his books?

    You probably won’t, he replied. Today and even yesterday they are fucking rare and those that exist like mine, are in the hands of collectors. And no, I haven’t Googled to see if someone has created digital copies that you can download. I wish they would because I don’t have all of them.

    Shit! I might have known that you would have them. I would like to borrow some from you some time.

    He laughed, I’m afraid, not even you can do that, but you can come and read them in my library.

    You can be a real pain at times Jon, but I love you anyway.

    Taking a last gulp of his vodka he gestured to the waiter to bring them some more and then passed the plate of snacks over to her. Actually they were more like a meal consisting of slices of steak, chicken drumsticks with silver foil at the end so that you didn’t dirty your fingers holding them, sausage rolls and so on.

    She eagerly took a slice of steak on a toothpick and then he put the plate between them and he took a slither of steak for himself.

    Eating silently and sipping their drinks she was glad that they both seemed to studiously avoid the events that had just transpired.

    Jon, in his preoccupation almost wanted to tell her that this reminded him of himself and Lana and how they still eat from the same plate even today, but then on second thoughts he didn’t want to upset her right now, or anytime.

    Changing the direction of his thoughts, he asked her, What on earth persuaded you to go out alone to photograph me? I don’t think you realise how close to death we both came!

    Now she realised that the subject had come up.

    Tentatively she ventured, I was just scared that you would tell me no and then no would be no. She shivered a bit and then the tears started to flow. Angrily she brushed them aside but more came.

    "Oh Jon, I’ve missed you, I must admit it and the contact that you have kept has meant a lot to me, and the presents. Then she took the silver hip flask out and flourished it for him. He laughed and took it from her.

    It’s almost empty! We must make a plan.

    Yes that’s thanks to those hyenas, she answered.

    He could see that she was upset despite her joking about what had happened to her, and he could see that her eyes were wet.

    His heart softened and he knew that he would always have feelings for her. That was why he had kept up contact with her and whenever he saw something that he knew she would appreciate he would buy it and send it to her. He put his arm around her and gave her a hug and a long kiss.

    You can stay with me tonight, he said, But remember my loyalty is with Lana, he added firmly.

    She was about to reply but the waiter arrived and served their drinks. While he was busy they both helped themselves again to the snacks.

    Finishing pouring their drinks he gave a half bow. They thanked him and he left, melting away into the gloom that he did so well.

    A cool wind blew up and the hurricane lamps flickered. For a change the night sky was very clear without the dust in the air and thousands of twinkling stars lit the sky. The bright moon must have been up somewhere because the bush outside was glowing faintly, but from where they were sitting they couldn’t see it.

    They sipped their vodkas but as they leaned back in their chairs a shrill and piercing cackling laugh sounded out of the night. Natasha shivered and then grinned sheepishly. I’m glad I’m not their supper tonight, she said in a high pitched voice, and he knew that she was still uneasy.

    Then before he could say anything she asked, Jon, why when that awful creature attacked you did you first kneel down before you shot it. I would have fired immediately.

    Then you would be dead now, he said.

    Why? she exclaimed.

    It’s simple, something like a lion is easy to shoot standing up because it’s big, but something like a dog or even a hyena is so fast that your shot will go over it if you are standing. Kneeling down, as it comes for you, you will hit it in the chest. Actually even for something like a lion, I would still kneel if I had to shoot it.

    I saw that, she said, But I couldn’t believe it when it flew up in the air like that!

    Chuckling he replied, That’s because I used a 357 Magnum revolver. If I had used my service 9 mil pistol it would have taken two or three shots to finish it off, and by then it would have been on me and I could have received a nasty bite.

    Christ Jon, the last time we were together I told you that I had learned more about violence in one day with you than I had during the rest of my life. I think I’ve learned enough today!

    It’s a good thing that criminals rarely know what I’ve just told you or police dogs wouldn’t last too long!

    She gulped her drink down. So we were actually really in a lot of danger to night!

    You have no idea, he said, Not even Karel could have helped us out there. They would have ripped him to pieces. Thank God we had Kran there and she could only provide a delaying action, as you saw.

    Natasha shivered and he downed his drink and was about to put his arm around her when the waiter materialised.

    Can I bring you some more drinks? he asked in a soft voice.

    Startled, both of them said Yes please!

    Did he see the ghost of a smile on the waiter’s dark impassive face?

    Natasha giggled as he put his arm around her and kissed her lightly on her lips.

    It’s almost eerie. I’m sure that guy stands watching us! she exclaimed.

    Africa! I don’t think it’s possible to explain how things are here to anyone who hasn’t actually been here she continued in a low voice, almost a sigh.

    He could feel that she was drained and he hoped that she was able to relax as he was beginning to. The recent episode was now at the back of his mind and he continued, I suppose that’s really true of any country.

    She leaned back in her chair and looked at him, looked at his face. He was still as muscular as she remembered him and his shoulders were just as square. Like his face, square with prominent cheekbones and bright green eyes. His mouth was sensual but she had seen him snarl like an animal and then you could see the change in him as he seemed almost cruel.

    But she knew differently and looking at his beard that was now quite prominent she couldn’t help reaching out to stroke his face. Looking at him now she remembered the last time when they last sat here and the big hairy spider that had dropped onto their table. She had jumped in fright and knocked her glass but in one swift movement he had brushed the spider away and caught her glass literally before the contents had spilt out.

    What are you thinking? he asked putting his hand over hers and drawing it to his face.

    You need a shave, she said.

    He grunted and pulled her hand towards his lips and then kissed it softly.

    She couldn’t help it and leaned forward to kiss him. His day old beard scratched her lips but she didn’t resist him when he put his arm around her to crush her body against his and she melted in his firm grasp. He kissed her on her lips again and she could feel her nipples hardening as she felt his strong chest against her yielding softness.

    Laughing he suddenly pushed her away, then he put his hand against her and rubbed her nipple with his thumb. For a moment she enjoyed the sensation and then her sense of propriety took over.

    Really, you are wicked just like I remember from before!

    He chuckled and was about to pull her to him again when the voice of the waiter sounded out.

    Your drinks Colonel. He turned around and calmly said, That’s fine Shadrack, we’ve been waiting for them. This time she could definitely see the slight grin on the waiters face.

    Shadrack poured their drinks again calmly and then retreated into the gloom.

    After he had left she punched him playfully and scolded him, You lie you sod!

    He passed her drink to her and took his, taking a long sip before he put it down. I was so thirsty I was just passing the time while I waited for it.

    She pouted. I’ll take that from whence it comes, she said sulkily.

    I will always remember our time together, last time, he said. Of course then I didn’t know that Lana and I were going to get together but I will always remember us.

    Oh you men are so blind! she said.

    What do mean? he asked.

    Any woman could/would have known that you two were going to be an item!

    Damn it! I’d known Lana so long since she was a little girl and maybe because she was like a daughter to me, like my daughter that I so missed so much, that I made it my job to be her friend. I taught her chess and science and some of the delightful things of mathematics. But yes, maybe you are right. Over the last period of a year or so since then I did notice a change in her towards me but I suppose I thought it was my imagination.

    He looked at her. "You know I really had no idea at the time that Lana and I would actually be romantically involved. It just happened out of the blue, so to

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